
my crew in fairy tail

It is the story of a african american man in search of adventure who reincarnated in fairy tail with powers of one piece. the mc will be in search of unpredictable adventure so he will not enter a fairy tail but will create his own crew.#### Sorry guys who want mc op from the start The MC before will be in force little by little this is where the last chapter that sells a power comparable to acnologia

Jesse_Assoumou · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

meeting and start

~~~~sigh~~~ another story where the protagonist does nothing at all and relies on a system, where are the difficulties of the adventure trip, I can't understand them

it's good to leave to have the chance to go to this other world if you have to become a god without effort and rely on shitty systems like "trash system, stronger system, system 2.0"

my name is jesse malor, i am african american from the philippines i just turned 16 and my passion at the moment as you will have noticed is to watch novels, light novels,

From animated too, but be careful I'm not one of those otaku nerds who spend their whole day in front of the screen.

in a supermarket you could see a young black man buying food to cook.

as he looked down at his watch he saw that it was 8:30 p.m.

<<ah it's almost 9 p.m. the new episode of ONE PIECE is starting and I can't miss it>> said jesse to himself as he was going home, he absolutely didn't want to miss a single episode of one piece because it was his childhood favorite

sometimes jesse asked himself questions like how does it feel to have a crew? how does luffy have such determination? or to be a captain?

this kind of question he asked himself because he had no one since the death of his parents in a plane crash 2 years ago.

when he arrives, the first thing to do was to open the computer to start watching one piece. too excited he starts to say words in Japanese.

20 minutes later << it was so cool the ashura of zorro now no one could say that sanji is stronger than zorro, fuck you mother fan of sanji zorro is stronger>>

Jesse never understood why people wanted to compare them so much yet these zorro the vice-captain of the crew of the straw hat.

it's like the goku vs saitama debate, I recognize that saitama is strong but I don't think he can destroy the earth in one attack like goku could.

<< well in any case enough talk about anime it's already past 10 p.m. it's time to go to bed >>

in his bed jesse thought of what he would do if he had a crew with whom to share his sorrows his joys ventured, their treasure etc….

<<I would have really liked this kind of life, the adventure >>it was the last sentence he uttered before sleeping, do not know that it would be his last on earth

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(location unknown)

"hey wake up kid you've slept enough like this" said a mysterious voice that sounded like the voice of an old man

<<no ~~ I ~~ still want to sleep >> said Jesse who wanted to rest as he had not yet noticed his situation, but now that he is thinking he realizes something


he stopped talking when he saw that he was no longer at home but in an infinite white space with an old man who was looking at him with amusement

<<--es -- what I'm dead >> he said in a shaky voice still not able to believe what is happening

"yes you died in your sleep a rather peaceful death" said - the old man

at his words jesse started to cry all the tears his body because he was an ordinary young man and not a shonen hero who can face death

so after a few hours of crying, he calmed down. << ~~ sorry for the scene I just showed you >> said jesse bowing to the old man who was to be a god by any chance

<<so now what will happen are you going to send me to heaven or hell for my sins>>

<<normally this is what I should do ... but I have another proposal for you, are you-->>

"I accept my God, whatever you want," he said eagerly, then he got a big hit on the head.

<<let me finish talking kid, I would like to send you to another world as I have already done by passing it for another human like you >>

<< you are serious but it is on that I accept then >> but a question remained in the head jesse which was << but why are you doing that?

"what do you mean kid, why am I sending these humans to other worlds to have all sorts of adventures, all just to entertain me for a while"

indeed this God had only one source of pleasure to watch humans in their fabulous history as humans watch fanfiction

<< good not wasting time and starts>> at the word of the old man 2 big wheel with one or there were all the names of the worlds that he could

jesse moved slowly without rushing because he knew that this wheel had to turn well why fall on a good world so he grabbed the wheel and pulled with all his strength

(wheel of worlds)









seven deadly sins

there were hundreds of people and the world that jesse wanted to go was that of ONE PIECE but unfortunately for him the needle fell on:

fairy tail

<< bahh fairy tail it's a good happy manga with a lot of adventure good that's fine but I would have preferred one piece >>

<<well that's enough I've seen people go to snk, compare to you it's very good but you need a power and as I'm very merciful I selected the powers of the world of one piece just for you>>

<< you are too nice sir >> said jesse to the old man, the old man looked away and said << it's an investment for my entertainment go go spin the wheel to have your power >>

jesse gripped the wheel tightly and spun it

(power wheel from one piece)


three-sword technique (from zorro)

gura gura no mi

soso soso no mi

gum gum no mi




the wheel scroll, scroll and stopped on: -------------

hello i made this fanfiction for fun

so don't be too harsh

I will try to do at least one chapter a day

I'm a beginner so any advice might help

PDD zorro>sanji you like

Jesse_Assoumoucreators' thoughts