
My Copies Fight For Me

In a world of Swords, Magic, and Dragons, Drac uses an unusual power to fight back. The ability to multply himself.

RMLionheart · アクション
36 Chs

Chapter 16: Guts

Marina is having a blast, causing blasts. She rains fire on the bandits, causing chaos across the river bank. That was her job. Drac begged her to use her amazing power to solve everything and save the day again. Sailors reach the shore and hide from the fire. Bandits, confused by the attack from two fronts, divide their attention between Marina and Drac. Bandits locate the origin of the fire that runs up the embankment. Marina pushes a wave of fire, burning several bandits. Their screams are not deterring the rest. The mob pushes past the burnt, and begins the offensive. Marina fires short blasts. Shooting down enemies within three metres of her. A dozen or more fighters come up the embankment. Shooting each takes its time and a group comes through. 

A greatsword hits the criminals. Mosquitoes to be squashed. Blood and guts spill from the armour like a stepped-on apple. 

"Finally! Thought you went to piss or something."

Bob stands in a strong stance, shield on back, swords in both hands. He walked in front of Marina.

"Alright Bob. Massacre them."

"Yes, Marina."

Bob charges. Each step leaves a crater. He winds up to his left then horizontal slash that can blow the wind cleaves two in two. He winds up faster to his right to slash a three. Bob's slash turns into a storm of metal. Attacks coming from all directions, nevering stopping his barrage, getting faster and faster. Two, Five, a Dozen. Their entrails cover the ground, wasted by the butcher. Bob stops. His head steams. Face Like stone. 

A Hēilóng to the sternum brings an end to a useless life. Drac moves his head to dodge a spear. His copy jabs the enemy in the rib. He blocks an arrow. The archer's head is pulled back, a cut from a Drac's blade opens it up. 

Bandits eliminated. Now we meet our buyer. Show him how we treat slavers.

The buyer lays on the floor, Covering his head. He wears an expensive long tunic Bald and with a beard to cover acne scars. The fat the man carries spreads across the muddy warth.

Ugly outside and in. He's loved by the devil to live this long before someone hired me to off him.

Maybe today is the due date. 

But watch out for the Man who stands by the bald bastard's side. 

Long black haired fellow. Hawked face with a permanent frown. He stood proud with a brown leather coat. Slim sword by his side. Left hand rests on it. He is ready to strike.

"Please good sir! What is it you want?! Gold, Jewelry?!." The buyer shows his wrist and neck full of gold and precious stones. 

Drac is silent. 

"Come on Man! You couldn't have burnt my damn ship for no reason… Wait, is it the Slaves? Take 'em! But leave me be!!"

"Boss, leave it to me." The long haired man speaks.

Drac is silent.


Drac starts walking to the buyer. The bald man flinches. The long-haired fighter pulls his sword out of the scabbard. 

"It's time to do my job." A wave of Aura flows out of the hawked face man. Aura glows from his body and sword. Drac turns the side. His Hēilóng held out front in a fencing position. Bent knees. Empty hands extended out behind him. Long haired initiates first. His first strike was an oblique slash to the bottom. He slashed up and brought the sword down hard. A Dodge, evasion and block from above. Drac can feel weight in the attack and groans. From a blocking position, Drac slides the sword down, diverging it to hit the ground. The force of long hairs strike gives Drac momentum to spin around and attack. Long hair stepped back. The warrior stills. Prepared to attack downward. He turns his sword to attack horizontally instead. Left slash turns into a slice at 2 o' clock. A swipe from under changes to a thrust to Dracs body. Unpredictable attacks from the long hair confuse Drac as he suffers cuts from misjudged trajectories. 

Drac is huffing. His body is in pain from using his power throughout this long night. But he is so close. Those families need him. 

Drac's Copies have completed their task. Captives out of the cells and out of harm's way. 

Time to give it our all. 

Drac goes back to his Stance. Hēilóng to face. Hand to earth. He breathes in deep. Energy fills his bones, organs and muscles. He lets the energy go.

Aura rapidly flows around him and Heilong. Pressure causes a wind to blow. Long haired releases his Aura as well. 

"My Name is Alfred Danor."

"Name's Drac. Drac Gyata of the Hood." 

They both charge at each other meeting in a clash of sparks. Two figures dance with their swords. Attacks break the air. Waves of power burst from each clash. Alfred wins the clash of power. Drac flies away. The bodyguard chases Drac for a final thrust. Drac twists in the air. Levitation to aid his landing. He pounced on Alfred. The Buyers Guard lunges with his Aura coated sword. Drac pat it down. Alfred, surprised, attacks up at Drac for it to be diverted again. Alfred's impatience grows as his attacks are all parried. Alfred would find it easier to cut a cloud. Alfred poured his aura into a last lunge. His aura blazing like the fire on the Dyce rooftops. Drac sees his chance. 

Drac creates a second Hēilóng. With a reverse grip, he uses his left Hēilóng to pull Alfred's sword down. Drac's Aura is set ablaze. Alfred's hawkish face is unsettled as Drac spins around. Alfred Danor's head spins in air before landing before his boss. 

The buyer is aghast. 

"Almost done?" A bloody Bob and neat Marina walk towards the buyer. 

"Just about. Questions need answering first."