
My Copies Fight For Me

In a world of Swords, Magic, and Dragons, Drac uses an unusual power to fight back. The ability to multply himself.

RMLionheart · Action
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36 Chs

Chapter 15: fire

Drac rode toward the smoke. It billows high in the sky; a tower of ash. Seen from a distance, roofs are ablaze. 

Any villagers left?

A good amount of time has elapsed since the start of the raid. The mum and son walked to our location on foot from almost a mile away. Either they were killed or kidnapped to their base. 

Drac feels a sense of regret. What if he was just a bit braver, acted faster.

Drac. it wouldn't have made a difference. It was fate that brought the mum and son to us. Now you can help. 

Drac nods. "Ok. Let's get information first. Bandits ahead."

Drac reaches at speed, fire blinding his eye. Bandits rummage through homes. Carrying what they want and destroying what they don't. A bandit carries a sack of produce. His head was skewered with Drac's arrow. 

Drac released a torrent of arrows on horseback. A neck of laying drunk, the chest of a chatter, his mate's brains destroyed with a metal tip. Limiting the use of his arrows, Drac dismounts. A Drac Splits from him. After directing his horse away from the burning village, he leaps into action. 

A diagonal strike meets a dodge and jab to the stomach. A thrust parried, Hēilóng slices a neck. One more left.

"Where are the villagers?" Tone cold as Drac interrogates the lone bandit.

"Fuck off! You're just going to kill me later!"

That's true.

Hēilóng is sheathed. In a breath, Drac moves metres. A fist folds the bandit. Chainmail crushed. Drac grabs onto the shoulder. Another punch. Two more punches. Each blow lifts the ugly bandit an inch from the ground. His sword drops to the ground. 

"Villagers. Where?"

Bandit cries tears. Pain screws his face. "The woods up over there!" He pointed to the mountains on the right.

"Mm." Drac lets him go. Relief shows on the bandits face. Drac pulls his leg up and Aura stomps on the criminal foot. The left foot's bones crack apart. The bandit screams out a terrible wail.

"If I found out that you told me the wrong location, I will come and complete the rest of your body. ONE BY ONE. I have made myself clear."

The criminal nodded rapidly. Sweat poured for his dirty forehead.

Drac's copy comes from its reconnaissance. Two targets eliminated. A Drac brings the original some parchments. Orders. 

Orders to bring as many slaves as possible from Dyce. And find… Oh god. Find younger girls for their clientele. 

Drac heart beats. Pressure builds. A scowl forms on his face.

Calm, Drac. There are instructions. Where to meet the buyer. 

Drac inhales. Chest balloons and he exhales. He looks at the bandit on the floor. The vulture who killed so many. Who cries like a babe missing his mum.

We don't need him anymore.

Drac agreed. 

Minutes later. A carriage arrived with a frantic Marina. She exits the carriage body to search for Drac. Drac beckons her over. She runs, Bob following close behind.

"Why the fuck you run off like that?" She stops at the sight of a bloody corpse by Dracs feet. Mangled as if met by an angry wolf.

He hands over the orders. "We find the kidnapped, kill the buyers."

She reads. Marina looks sombre. 

Drac talks. "I stayed cos I need you, Marina. Bobs as well but especially you."

He put his hand on her shoulder. The homes around them burnt to the ground. "You are right. I shouldn't let this be. We will save them." He smiles. 

Marina wiped her tears. "Ofcourse we will. Glad you brought a mage with ya, huh?"

Drac grins "Yes I am."

The Crew rides to the riverfront. Carriage hidden away with mum and son inside, they leave to find the meeting at the river. It was noted that a boat will come along to pick up the new acquired slaves with a chest full of silver coins. From the embankment Drac sees three large cages. Men, women and children fill them. Many little hands hang on the bars. A few dozen guard them. 

A boat floats down the river. It lays its ramp on the soft riverside soil. A man with his own soldiers walks down to meet his partner in crime. 

"Marina." Drac speaks. "Burn it down"

Hands up, she collects Aura above her. Heat builds till a fire is lit. A Large metre wide ball of fire hovers. IGNIS in its full glory. 

She pushes it. Aimed towards the boat. Its deck explodes, wood splintering, bodies charred. Sails burn, mast collapses. Sailors jump out to swim to safety.

"How is that- Where the fuck he go?"

Three bandits were slain. A fourth stabbed in the back, mouth covered; screams are muffle. Sword sheathed and Drac switched to the bow. An arrow to eye alerts some bandits of Drac existence amongst the chaos. An arrow to one's chest, a dodge of one's sword. Drac releases another to a bandit further away. Drac evades an upward slash, thrust, sideway cut. Last attack blocked with Hēilóng and another Hēilóng pierces the stomach. Second sword dematerialised. Two Dracs follow behind him. They spread out, slicing any bandits that come across them. 

Drac's body stings. Distracted, he gets cut by the left shoulder. He returned the favour by stabbing the assailent's knee. The bandit buckled for a second. Headless another second. Breathing is deep. Sweat drenches his clothing. Muscles cramping. Drac stretches shoulder. He walks towards a group. Swords and spears point at him.

Pace yourself, Drac. we have more killing ahead of us.