
My Copies Fight For Me

In a world of Swords, Magic, and Dragons, Drac uses an unusual power to fight back. The ability to multply himself.

RMLionheart · アクション
36 Chs

Chapter 14: Bandits

Marina concentrates as she erects a wall of blue aura. A magic shield that protects her, the mother and child. Bob outside the wall Blocking attacks. By the look of the uncleaned faces, bad teeth and unwashed clothes, bandits they are. Pungent smell from even metres away. Only the thought of protecting this family could stop her from barfing. Marina wants to end it quickly with a fireball. But Drac… No, Drac would understand. Marina needs to eliminate them. She can solve this with a single spell. She will show Drac how strong his teacher is. 

A massive thud.

A cloud of dust blew through the field. Grass and dirt scattered. Marina begins to worry. Hands sweaty. A new enemy? Misfire of a spell? The dust and earth settle. A man, clothed from head to toe in black, stands over a body which lies in two bloody halves. Metal cut through like a finger to wet parchment. Between his mask and hood, eyes glow blue then fade. The attacker turns to look at the mystery assailant. Brandishing his weapon he beckons the bandits. Furious one of their own lay empty of life on the floor, they shout expletives to the black skinned fighter. The black man stayed motionless till he vanished. To the left stabbing a bandit between the right ribs. He turns, a sword appears in his empty hand. It leaves his hand soon to enter a bandit's neck. The man in black ran towards a third fighter. A slice comes from the left side to be blocked with a sword. The Black man proceeds forward. A hands width distance and a sword materialises again to be thrusted in the bandits head. Two more left. 

Black hood bounces on the spot. He danced to a rhythm with blade reverse gripped to his chin and left hand to crotch. Foot to foot he hopped. The masked man approaches a large Bandit with a staff with an axe head and one with an average build, holding a spear. The spearman goes into his stance. The two fighters gauge each. Where he will attack- where are their weaknesses. A moment passes. Spearman goes for the first strike. Point of the spear moves beyond Marina's eyesight. The spear looks like spears to her eyes. But not the man in black's. First barrages are blocked with the short sword. Each parry directs the spear away. The second has increased speed. The hood flows through, every thrust close by an inch. A short glow comes from the hood. 

He explodes forward. Bypassing a thrust up close, he grabs the spearman's pole. Multiple stabs to the body and the bandits are no more. One more. The man in black throws the spear at the large man. It splinters in pieces with a bash of the axe. Full of rage, the large bandit foolishly rushes axe high at the hood. Earth filled the air as the bandit misses. The man in black stands to the side. A jab to the neck and the rotund bandit gargles to the ground. Drac walks over the body, an enemy now venison for maggots. Not a semblance of exhaustion on him. 

"Glad you all are safe. Marina, thanks."

"Thanking me is the least you need to do for me!" 

Drac saves the group again. Saves Marina again.

Drac's body pains. Using different types of powers for this long has its own flaws. The powers were not mixing well in his body. But he could endure this pain again if it meant that the family would be safe. 

Let's ask them questions.

No. another time right they are shocked. Plus we are the wrong person to interrogate witnesses.

Ah. A foreign farm boy and a killer who is used to more… drastic forms of truth seeking. 

Better to leave it to Marina. That nice smile got the kid to open up.


While Marina talks to the mother, Drac walks over to the towering man simply named Bob.

"Bob, pack up Marina's tent." Bob looks down at Drac. His stone face shifts.

"We cannot stay here much longer. The place looks to be bandit infested and the noise we made will bring in the rats."

That got Bob's attention.

"Those two," Drac pointed at the mother and son. "We can't leave these people to starve or killed by bandits"

Bob nods. Bob starts to pack Marina's tent. 

"Hey. Hey! What's he doing?" shouts Marina as she comes back from feeding the family. 

"He is being helpful."

"Fuck off with jokes. Explain. Now." A serious expression on Marina is unnatural. 

"We are leaving. We will bring the other two with us to the next town then return to our route." 

"Are you just letting things be?"

"I said no detours."

"A town is being razed. Men killed. Women and children kidnapped and you want to let this be?!" Marina squeezes her fist in anger. Bob looks over at the commotion. "What is that strength I saw earlier for?!" 

Drac drops his head in shame. He wanted to be strong. Strong like the saviour who changed his life But why? 

To save people as he saved my people. 

Let's kill some stinky bandits. 

Bringing his head up, Drac pushes Marina aside to talk to the mother. "You must have some family there, kidnapped by evil bandits. You have seen me fight. Tell me where your town is." 

The son speaks. "Dyce. We live in Dyce. Please sir… save my sister." 

Drac smiles at the son. "Ofcourse." 

Drac whistles. Mist comes to Drac. He mounted the steed him in a leap. 

"Meet me there!" Drac shouts horseback.

He gallops on the road. Following it to reach the inferno.