
My Cheat is...a Stick!?!?!?

'Man, I know it's been my secretly biggest dream to be isekai'd, but I never wanted it to be like this...' was one of the many thoughts going through Caden's head as he cautiously stares at the huge red dragon in front of him. And let me say, that dragon does not look very happy, especially with the huge fireball in its mouth, ready to be launched at him at any time. Worst of all? The only thing he has to protect himself is a stick. A STICK! 'Welp, goodbye second life...goodbye planet whatever that holds being that kill gods...I'm going to ascend to a higher place.' The dragon launches the fireball. 'Welp, seems it's over for me.' he thought as Caden's body instinctively moved the stick to block the fireball. The fireball collides with the stick and...eh? The stick...blocked it? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- With such a stick in one hand, and a powerful system in the other, join Caden's journey to becoming the great emperor!

the25thVish · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Daily quests are awesome!

Now that I'm all set and have a game plan, it's time for the daily missions. Alright, here I go!










aaaand 10!

Phew! I did it! I lay there and rest for a few seconds before continuing. "Heal!"

As I feel the essence leave my body, my energy gets rejuvenated.

"All right, time for round 2!"






"Finally!" I cry out in relief as I collapse in exhaustion. I did it! I finished two of my daily missions! And while I feel extremely exhausted mentally from the essence usage, my energy is perfectly filled.

After laying there for a few minutes, I decide to take a stab at running the kilometer. Man, I wish there was some sort of running track here...

Suddenly, the terrain changed into a nice, sunny day in a grassy field. In the middle, there was a running track. "This skill can even do this?!?!? That's actually so good!" As I stand there in awe, a breeze blows fast me, rustling through my hair. Ahhh that feels good.

Well, I better start running. If I'm tired or my legs hurt, I'll just cast heal again. Alright, lets finish these daily missions!


Another a bit more than an hour, I finally finish my run. I have to do this everyday? Sigh, it's gonna be rough.

Well, at least I can look forward to the rewards. Now that I think about it, there was that one mission about high intensity essence training...I wonder what that is?

Well, I guess I'll just cross that bridge when I get there. For now, I want to complete the bonus mission. I summon my stick and start swinging.











I finally finished all 1000 swings, and all it took was a few heals! While my body is quite exhausted, I was much more concerned with the rewards. Shame I couldn't complete them all in one go, but I don't know what high intensity essence training is, so I'll take what I can get for now.

「Daily Quests」

「1. Do 100 Push-ups; Reward: 1 low tier essence core, +1 STR (Complete)

「2. Do 100 Sit-ups; Reward: 1 low tier essence core, +1 DEX (Complete)

「3. Run 10km; Reward: 1 low tier essence core, +1 AGI (Complete)

「4. Do high intensity essence training; Reward: 1 low tier essence core, +1 INT

「Bonus - Swing stick 1000 times; Reward: 1 low tier cane technique, 1 low tier staff technique (Complete)」

As soon as I opened the daily quests tab, I feel my body growing stronger. I feel like I could lift way more thing than I used and run faster than before. I swing the stick in my hand, getting surprised that it feels easier to use!

As I was discovering the effect of the stats increase, another two pop-ups appeared in front of me.

「Would you like to learn <Technique> Northern Cane style?」


「Would you like to learn <Technique> Southern Staff style?」


Ok, I get that they were low-tier techniques, but couldn't you try a little harder with the names, system? Sigh, I already know the system doesn't hear me, I wonder why I'm even trying to talk to it. Anyway, I press yes.

After a few minutes, I fully digest the info given to me by the technique. Due to the technique, I gain a deeper understanding on to wield this stick. I also learn that this stick can change forms. When I stand in the stance required to use the cane technique, the stick transforms to look more like a cane, and likewise for the staff technique. I wonder if it can transform into more thing?

But putting every thought aside, I currently feel like a kid waking up on Christmas morning cause man, I am so looking forward to using these techniques. So without any further ado, I use the cane and the staff techniques.

As I use them, however, I realize that this cane technique is extremely similar to using a sword and that the staff technique is similar to a spear. As I was practicing the staff technique, I thought about how much of a shame it is that there aren't any sharp edges on these weapons. If there was, these techniques would be way more effective.

As I keep training, my thoughts drift away. As I look at the staff in my hand, I can almost imagine as blade, right on the tip, barely visible. As I keep imagining this, essence starts leaving my body, with me being unaware due to the blade getting more and more visible in my imagination. As soon as I felt as if the blade was complete, I come to and realize the blade had appeared on the staff.

"Wh-what's going on?!?!?" Suddenly, a prompt appeared in from of my eyes.

「New <Inherent Skill> discovered: Unparalleled Manifestation Genius (lvl 1)」

「Inherent Skill: Unparalleled Manifestation Genius (lvl 1) (Boosted)

「A skill that laid long dormant inside the user's subconscious suddenly awakens due to extended period of essence usage. The holder of this skill is an unparalleled genius when it comes to manifestation. What may take a normal person years to learn will only take the user a few minutes. The user's manifestations will also be stronger while taking less essence. +55% damage when using a manifested weapon. -55% MP usage from manifestation.」

What a monstrous skill! And it was a skill hidden inside me this whole time? Wow, I'm such a genius!

Suddenly, I feel like my head was about to crack open. The blade that manifested on the stick disappeared. "OWWWWWW! STATUS OPEN!" I cry out, hoping my status might have an answer for why my head hurts so much.


「Name: Caden Ross Field Class: None

「Race: Human Level: 1 (0%)

「Titles: One who Holds the Stick of ???

「HP: 100/100 MP: 0/200

「STR: 2 INT: 5

「DEX: 4 AGI: 3

「Traits: Inheritance (lvl 1), Ancient Dragon Lord origin essence (lvl 0), Stick of ??? (lvl 1), ??? (lvl 0), @*@#? (Locked)

「Inherent skills: Animal instinct (lvl 1), ??? (lvl 0), Unparalleled Manifestation Genius (lvl 1)

「Skills: Basic Cane Mastery (4%), Basic Staff Mastery (3%), Pain Resistance (4%), Heal (17%)

「Techniques: Basics of Essence Control, Northern Cane Style, Southern Staff Style」

Wait what? My HP looks perfectly normal, so why does my head hurt so much? Then I look at my MP counter. Oh, so that's why. My MP ran out. I guess spamming heal all day does that. Who would've thought?

Just as suddenly as it came, my headache left. I check my status again to discover that I have 50 MP now. Hm, so MP regen seems quite fast. Good to know. As I had my status open, I saw a red dot over the quests tab. 'Huh, weird. Why is it like that?'

I click on it to see what's going on and realize I had accidentally completed my essence training!

「Daily Quests」

「1. Do high intensity essence training; Reward: 1 low tier essence core, +1 INT (Complete)」

Suddenly, I both felt myself getting smart, and my essence getting thicker. So INT has this type of effect, eh? Quite nice, honestly! But before I dug deeper into that, I felt a strange orb appear in my hand and a system prompt popping up in front of my eyes.

「Would you like to activate this essence core?」
