
My Cheat is...a Stick!?!?!?

'Man, I know it's been my secretly biggest dream to be isekai'd, but I never wanted it to be like this...' was one of the many thoughts going through Caden's head as he cautiously stares at the huge red dragon in front of him. And let me say, that dragon does not look very happy, especially with the huge fireball in its mouth, ready to be launched at him at any time. Worst of all? The only thing he has to protect himself is a stick. A STICK! 'Welp, goodbye second life...goodbye planet whatever that holds being that kill gods...I'm going to ascend to a higher place.' The dragon launches the fireball. 'Welp, seems it's over for me.' he thought as Caden's body instinctively moved the stick to block the fireball. The fireball collides with the stick and...eh? The stick...blocked it? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- With such a stick in one hand, and a powerful system in the other, join Caden's journey to becoming the great emperor!

the25thVish · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Leveling Up...to a Flood of Notifications

Absorb...an essence core? Huh? I didn't get a run down on this in the essence tutorial...

Should I risk it? I mean, if the system gave it to me, it can't be harmful to me, right? However, on the other hand, what if it did some irreversible changes to my body? I don't want that!

After weighing my choices for a few minutes, I decide to absorb it. I mean, I don't have much of a choice here. It's either this, or grinding slowly everyday, and if there's one thing to know about me, it's that I'm extremely impatient.

While this may have negative changes, it also has the chance of giving me a power boost. And honestly, the more power boosts I get, the merrier.

I tap yes on the prompt and feel essence flowing into my body. 'Well, this is to be expected. I mean, it is called an ESSENCE core.' If this is all it does, it's a little disappointing honestly.

However, as soon as I saw the prompt in front of me, all those thoughts immediately dispersed.

「Congratulations, you have reached level 2」

「Due to user not having a class, calculating stat rewards based on recent experiences...」

「+1 STR, +1 DEX, +1 AGI, +1 INT, +1 bonus stat point」

「Due to the hidden effect of <Trait> Stick of ??? activated. Level up gains have been doubled.」

「Due to reaching <Avatar> status, System upgrade will start soon」

"Oh, so it gave me EXP. Also, DOUBLE LEVEL UP GAINS? THAT'S AMAZING! Also a system upgrade eh? Wonder what it brought." I was pleasantly surprised until I felt something wrong.

"M-my essence flow...why is it...acting up...!" I could feel my essence flow getting thicker and thicker, making me lose control of it. Suddenly, numerous prompts appeared in front of me.

「Due to reaching <Avatar> status, <Trait> Inheritance has leveled up」

「Due to reaching <Avatar> status, user gained <Skill> A God's Aura」

「Due to reaching <Avatar> status, all previously gained EP is entering user's body」

「EP calculation for: lvl. 72 Fire Dragon」

「Due to dragonic essence entering your body, <Trait> Ancient Dragon Lord origin essence that laid dormant in user's body has awakened」

「Due to <Trait> @*@#?, <Trait> Ancient Dragon Lord (lvl 1) has evolved into <Trait> Dragon Progenitor Origin Essence (lvl 1)」

「User has gained the <Title> Novice Dragon Progenitor (0%)」

「User has gained the <Race> Dragon Progenitor」

「Due to <Race> Dragon Progenitor, user has gained <Trait> Progenitor skills」

「<Trait> Dragon Progenitor Origin Essence was integrated into <Trait> Progenitor Skills」

「Due to <Race> Dragon Progenitor, user has gained <Inherent Skill> Ruler of Dragons (lvl 1)」

「Due to <Race> Dragon Progenitor, user has gained <Inherent Skill> Dragon Progenitor From (lvl MAX)」

「Due to <Race> Dragon Progenitor, mysterious energy is emitted from <Trait> Stick of ???」

「Attempting to absorb mysterious energy」




「Attempt successful」

「Due to influence from <Trait> Stick of ???, ??? essence has been absorbed」

「Due to influence from <Trait> Stick of ???, <Race> Human has evolved into <Race> Human Progenitor」

「Due to <Race> Human Progenitor, user has gained the <Title> Novice Human Progenitor (0%)」

「Due to <Race> Human Progenitor, <Trait> Progenitor skills has leveled up」

「Due to <Race> Human Progenitor, <Inherent Skill> Ruler of Humans (lvl 1)」

「Due to <Race> Human Progenitor, <Inherent Skill> Human Progenitor Form (lvl MAX)」

「Due to <Race> Human Progenitor, mysterious energy is emitted from <Trait> Stick of ???」

「Attempting to absorb mysterious energy」




「Attempt successful」

「Due to abundance of mysterious energy, <Trait> Stick of ??? has leveled up」

「Due to abundance of mysterious energy, <Essence Attribute> ??? has been gained」

「Due to <Trait> Stick of ???, <Inherent Skill> Human Progenitor Form (lvl MAX) and <Inherent Skill> Dragon Progenitor Form (lvl MAX) have fused to create <Trait> Progenitor Transformation (lvl 1)」

「Due to <Trait> ???, <Trait> Progenitor Transformation (lvl 1) evolved into <Trait> True Progenitor Transformation (lvl 1)」

「Hidden effect of <Trait> @*@#? has activated, attempting to fuse <Race> Human Progenitor and <Race> Dragon Progenitor」




「Attempt failed. Trying again.」




「Attempt failed. User required 3 progenitor races in order to succeed.」

「Fusion cancelled」

「Calculation EP gain」

「Congratulations, you have reached level 3」

「Due to user not having a class, calculating stat rewards based on recent experiences...」

「+1 STR, +1 DEX, +1 AGI, +1 INT, +1 bonus stat point」

「Congratulations, you have reached level 4」

「Due to user not having a class, calculating stat rewards based on recent experiences...」

「+2 STR, +1 DEX, +1 AGI, +1 INT, +1 bonus stat point」

「Congratulations, you have reached level 5」

「Due to user not having a class, calculating stat rewards based on recent experiences...」

「+1 STR, +1 DEX, +1 AGI, +2 INT, +1 bonus stat point」



「Congratulations, you have reached level 50」

「Due to user not having a class, calculating stat rewards based on recent experiences...」

「+3 STR, +2 DEX, +4 AGI, +3 INT, +1 bonus stat point」

「Due to user's body being too weak, the rest of the essence is unable to be absorbed. Please complete ascension quest and job change ceremony to continue leveling up」

「New System Features unlocked: Alchemy Alter, Blacksmith Forge, Job Temple」

My essence flow finally settles down, leaving me completely dumbstruck.

"Wh-what? What...just happened? HUH?" So many things just happened in the frame of a few minutes. I simply couldn't comprehend it that fast. But, as if this is a comedy routine, I faint. Again. This is happening too much these days.


"You guys feel that too, right?" A gruff voice sounded out. A tall, bulky figure, looking at least 8 feet stood there. Around it, 5 other figures could be standing there.

"2 consecutive progenitor awakenings, and in the same area? It's clear that it's no coincidence. Someone must have leaked information of our arrival." Another voice sounded out, this time having a gentle, seductive voice. However, the tone was anything but gentle.

"But how is that possible? No one else knows out our plans...unless..." This time, the voice seems similar to that of a...dog?

"Unless there's a traitor among us. I know that's what we're all thinking, but we shouldn't skip to conclusions just yet." A mature voice spoke. Just by listening to his voice, it was clear that this was the leader. "However, this does mean we need to speed our plans up. Since the enemy seems to have somehow caught wind of our plans, we can't give them time to prepare. Ormr, how long until our forces are ready?"

"A few more months, my lord."

"Very well. As soon as those are done, we will start the conquest. The rest of you, start preparing whatever you can to speed up the conquest."

"Yes, my lord!" A union of voice said, filled with excitement.


A good amount of hours pass. I finally wake up from my rest. "What happened...?" I said with a yawn. "Whatever did, I sure did get a nice rest...man that dream was wack, I had a system and everything!"

「Due to continuous fainting, user has gained <Title> Natural Fainter」

After seeing that notification, I lost rid of my drowsiness. "Oh yeah. That wasn't a dream. For some reason I feel made fun off..." Anyway, I haven't had the chance to check my status yet since my upgrade.


「Name: Caden Ross Field Class: None

「Race: Human Progenitor, Dragon Progenitor Level: 50 (100%)

「Essence Attribute: ???

「Titles: One who Holds the Stick of ???, Novice Dragon Progenitor (0%), Novice Human Progenitor (0%), Natural Fainter

「HP: 5,000/5,000 MP: 50,000,000/50,000,000

「STR: 90 INT: 98

「DEX: 93 AGI: 94

「Bonus Stat Points: 50

「Traits: Inheritance (lvl 2), Progenitor Skills (lvl 2), True Progenitor Transformation (lvl 1), Stick of ??? (lvl 1), ??? (lvl 0), @*@#? (Locked)

「Inherent skills: Animal instinct (lvl 1), ??? (lvl 0), Unparalleled Manifestation Genius (lvl 1), Ruler of Dragons (lvl 1), Ruler of Humans (lvl 1)

「Skills: Basic Cane Mastery | F (4%), Basic Staff Mastery | F (3%), Pain Resistance | F (49%), Heal | F (17%)

「Techniques: Basics of Essence Control | E, Northern Cane Style | F, Southern Staff Style | F」


Wow...that's...AMAZING! Oh my god, those stats! That Mana! Those skills! Oh my god!

Excitedly, I start checking those progenitor skills. I mean of course I'm excited. After all, they have to be amazing after all. They're literally PROGENITOR skills, those are supposed to op in novels.

「<Trait> Progenitor Skills (lvl 2) is locked due to user's level being too low」

「<Trait> True Progenitor Transformation (lvl 1) is locked due to user's level being too low」

You serious? IT DIDN'T EVEN SAY THERE WERE LOCKED IN MY STATUS! Well, that's fine, I mean it's most likely only the traits. No way they just gave me a bunch of op skills to mess with my, right?

「<Title> Novice Dragon Progenitor (0%) is locked due to user's level being too low」

「<Title> Novice Human Progenitor (0%) is locked due to user's level being too low」


Alright, alright. It's fine. I'll just check other functions for now. I'll make my goal checking those skills when I reach the next rank.

'In order to move to the next rank, I need a class, eh? Well I guess I'll just have to visit the temple.' For now, I've decided that my goal is to survive in this planet. For that, I most likely need the progenitor abilities I have, so might as well work towards leveling up. The first step to my plan? Choosing a class.