
My adventure in a fantasy world

The story follows two brothers, Cain and Rei, who had been living their lives peacefully..... until on that fateful day, that happened, Strange people from another world descended upon earth, announcing some prophecy and the birth of a hero. To Cain's surprise who witnessed it all first hand, there came a light from his house two days later while he was out to find more clues on the strange people who came on earth, the hero, the younger brother seemed to have been chosen as the one which they had announced about, "Rei you- you are the prophecies hero ?" A life changing moment took place in Cain's eyes, he has been given two options, to stay with his parents at earth or go along with his brother to another world and fight as a warrior beside him to defeat the demon king and bring peace to their world. But surely, every action comes with a consequence which decides your own fate, in Cain's case, it was in a form of karma....a betrayal.

Kirigayasenpai08 · ファンタジー
11 Chs

The start of something unknown ( part 3 )

" Hmm...….hm ? What time is it ? "

I woke up and was looking for my phone,

I got it and looked at the time, It was still 8 o'clock in the morning, " Urgh- Why do I have to get out of bed when it's not even 10 yet…...wait- Oh crap, the hero summoning- it is supposed to be happening today. "

I got up and went to the bathroom to wash myself up quickly and after that wore what clothes I had left on me which hopefully wasn't dirty and left the house immediately,

I was running to that place from 2 days before where it all happened, I was running and was on my way to the place when it all started to happen again, the clouds were changing the colour and the weather was going all cold again,

" Thankfully I wore a hoodie today and some more clothes underneath so I'm not feeling that cold but man.....it was all real huh ? " I thought to myself and was almost about to reach the place from yesterday when it happened, There were thunderstorms starting to form and it was not safe anymore for the people outside because this....was not what we would call normal,

The thunderstorms…..their colour was not...normal, it was like a violet- red but more shiny ? I was still running when this happened. A lightning struck on a place far away from me but.…..it was, " From the place where I just came from ? "

I then stopped dead on my tracks and started to run even faster to the place where the lightning just struck,

After running for another 3 or 5 minutes, I reached the place where the lightning struck but, " This- this is- "

It was my home, there was a mark shape on the whole wall of the house which everyone from outside could see, there were people gathering outside and taking photos of the mark on the wall and some people were filming it, It was confusing and I was not getting a very good feeling about this but I couldn't think much and just froze on the spot for a moment,

My mom and brother were still inside and I don't know what happened here, " Argh- shit, I can't just stay outside anymore, fuck it I'm going in. " I then ran a whole circle around the house and went from the back to enter the place, I opened the back door and went inside, it was pretty quiet and I was getting anxious minute by minute,

I could have just waited outside for them as the back door connects from the kitchen and then the living room so you can just run away from there in case of emergency but this was different,

" Mom !!!! Rei !!!!! " I yelled out their names and called for them while feeling more anxious by the minute,

There was no response, I then got to the kitchen and grabbed a knife just in case because I was getting that headache again and didn't wanna faint, " Urgh- this freaking headache- " I then entered the living room and saw Rei lying on the floor,

" Rei !!!!! " I yelled out his name and was running towards him to make sure he was ok when I was blown away by someone,

" Wind force. "


" What the- Ufff- '' I was blown pretty far away considering I wasn't even touched and when I say I didn't expect any of this to happen today… Next thing I knew a blade was on my throat,

" Hmph- A mere commoner with no magic dares to approach our hero ? "

The person wearing a robe said to me in a cold tone,

Hero ? No- Wait wait wait- No no no no- this isn't real right ? Rei ?? The prophecies hope ?? The hero ? Is this really happening right now ??? But why him ?? How ? It just doesn't make any sense ??

I thought to myself,

" Warrior, that's enough, we have no time to waste, let's wake the hero up and leave, we don't have enough time, the ceremony is about to start in roughly 40 minutes, we shall hurry up, the emperor won't like it if we get late. " A person from thin air appeared and then said to the person holding the blade on my throat,

" W-Who are you guys ? " I asked the person who came from thin air while still lying down on the floor,

" You have no need to know about that Man-thing, you should be grateful that I'm not killing you for approaching our hero with a puny knife in your hand. " The person with the blade on my neck said to me, " I- I have every right to know about this situation because the hero that you are talking about is my little brother. " I said to that person,

" What ? " Everyone present there looked at me with a confused look on their face as if I said something unbelievable, " You- are you really his brother ? " The person standing beside Rei asked me with doubt,

" Yes. " I replied to the person,

" What ? No way, you are just lying, Sir, can we just put him to sleep before anyone else ? He's obviously lying and- "

I interrupted the person and said,

" First of all, I'm not lying, Rei indeed is my little brother, second of all, you are in my house and you have this long, sharp and pointy blade on my throat when I merely wanted to check if he was ok and then you blew me away without even asking who I was ? It should be my question, Who even are you ?? " I said to the person holding the blade,

" You- " The person standing beside Rei interrupted and said, " That's enough…

You, if what you said is true then she will apologise to you but if it's not then we will put you under a spell which will then make you fall asleep, is that alright ? "

" I'm fine with that, wake him up and you will see that I was telling the truth. " I said to the person, " Very well then. "

The person then said something in Rei's ear and after just a few seconds he woke up,

huff huff huff

" I- what just happened to me- was that all a dream ?? " Rei woke up in confusion,

" Hero, can you hear me properly ? " The person beside Rei asked him, " Wh- Wha- Who are you people ? " Rei asked them in confusion and looked around to see all these strangers in robe looking at him.