
Bathsheda Babbling

It starts out innocuously enough.

"It's just not fair, Aurora. Back when we were students at Hogwarts, all we were ever told was how prestigious it was to be a Hogwarts Professor in our chosen fields. How the best job in the world would be to teach our favorite subjects to those who came after us. They didn't tell us how much we'd be ridiculed and looked down upon in Magical Academia for being Hogwarts Professors, rather than Ministry Researchers or the like!"

As Professor Bathsheda Babbling rants about the unfairness of life, her friend, Professor Aurora Sinistra nods along with her, commiserating with her fellow Professor. This isn't a conversation they haven't had before; truth be told. The two of them get together multiple times a week for a quick nightcap, though right now, with it being the holidays and a Friday besides, they've gone beyond a nightcap at this point. A bottle of Firewhisky has made its way onto the table before them, and both women have had a few glasses of the burning magical alcohol at this point.

Letting out a disgruntled sigh, Bathsheba flops back into the couch and brings her fingers up to the bridge of her nose, giving Aurora a good look at her rocking body at the same time. The dark-skinned witch had never spent so much time studying her fellow female Professors before Harry had… well, before he'd claimed her and made her his property. Now she found herself instinctively scouting out more beautiful witches for him to conquer and have for himself.

Bathsheda Babbling certainly had to count in that regard. The woman had been the youngest Hogwarts Professor back when Harry was in school, and even now, a couple of decades down the line, Bathsheda was still strikingly attractive with those spectacles she wore, and the dark brown pixie haircut that she sported. She was pale where Aurora was dark-skinned, but she still had a good pair of tits on her, as well as a plump ass and wide hips just made for breeding.

Truth be told, it was a wonder she hadn't already been snatched up by a wizard in all this time before now. But alas, that seemed to be the fate of Hogwarts Professors, didn't it? Spinsters, the lot of them, no matter how attractive they were. Well, Aurora had escaped the fate of Minerva McGonagall at least, managing to find a man to submit her gorgeous body to BEFORE she got old and wrinkly like the Scottish Witch.

She refused to let such a thing befall Bathsheda either, even if the other Professor had never shown any interest in sex or wizards before. Truth be told, despite being quite beautiful, Bathsheda almost seemed to not have a libido, at least from what Aurora had seen. She would have to work on that, somehow…

"It's just… where do they get off, calling the application of my runes lewd, right Aurora?"

For the first time, the dark-skinned Professor stops just nodding along and actually begins listening. This? This is new. Interest piqued, Aurora leans forward a bit more, sat on the couch next to Bathsheda as she currently is.

"Lewd? Where do they get off indeed… what sort of runes have you invented, that they would label them as perverted?"

She makes sure to keep her own amorous desires out of her tone as she speaks, adopting a curious but not TOO interested tone. Aurora makes sure to sound more befuddled than anything, as she cocks her head to the side. Bathsheda doesn't seem to notice anything's amiss though either way, and she's not entirely sure the Ancient Runes Professor is even looking for things to be amiss. Letting out a disgruntled sigh, Bathsheda takes another drink of firewhisky, shaking her head.

"I've developed quite a lot of runes for capture and containment purposes, as well as the transport of prisoners! The only problem is, all of my runes must be applied to skin. I thought that this was a boon, at first! A breakthrough, even! Nobody else has managed to apply runic magic to skin yet! Not like I have! But the Ministry claims that their runic shackles are good enough for transporting criminals, and that the wards on their cells are fine for containing them. Bah! If they simply thought about it more, they'd realize that if the prisoner gets free of the shackles or cell, then they're free of it all! Not so with my runes though!"

Aurora's interest is more than piqued at this point. But she manages to avoid vibrating in excitement or anything like that, as she hums and nods along with Bathsheda, continuing to feign commiseration with the other Professor.

"They're afraid of change. People always are. That's no fault of your own."

Bathsheda just scoffs, clearly not finding much comfort in that as she takes another swig of firewhisky. A plan begins forming in Aurora's head and she stops drinking herself right then and there. Oh, she's slightly tipsy already to be fair, after all tonight wasn't supposed to be anything special… but now, now she has a goal. So, she lets Bathsheda drink while she refrains from doing anything more than bringing her tumbler up to her lips to mime the act.

When they're both done, Aurora leans in a bit closer.

"Still… lewd? Just who called your runes lewd?"

Bathsheda hiccups and then scowls at that, her face red.

"Well, the Ministry rejected my designs, so I sent them off to a few magical publications, to a few of my peers in the world of Ancient Runes. I was sure that there, at least, I would find someone to impress. Surely, they would be excited at my discovery! But no, despite finding a whole new way to apply runic magic, nobody wants anything to do with me! They claim I'm a pervert, Aurora! They claim I've got a perverse mind, that I've only come up with runes that chain and shackle because I'm… I'm some kind of bondage freak!"

Well, Aurora is pretty sure not ALL of them said that. Probably just one among the countless rejections claimed such a thing, and now Bathsheda was applying that opinion to everyone who'd turned her down, reading something between the lines that didn't exist. Even still, it was obvious that the majority of the wizarding world, even outside of Great Britain, wasn't exactly excited for Bathsheda's designs. Cocking her head to the side, Aurora asks the obvious.

"Why haven't you developed any runes that can enhance the individual, rather than shackle them?"

Bathsheda grumbles, and takes another big drink of firewhisky, making Aurora smile briefly, before she returns to a furrowed brow, concern for her friend painted across her face.

"… It's not that simple. I've been working on it, but…"

Seeing her opportunity, Aurora's eyes light up and she leans in further, taking on a conspiratory tone.

"Can you show me? Perhaps I can help. I didn't do too badly in Ancient Runes myself back, in the day you know."

Bathsheda frowns at that and shakes her head.

"Sorry, no. I can't… no offense, but this is some very high-tier stuff, Aurora. I can't just let anyone go bumbling around in it. 'Sides… we're drunk."

Aurora lets out a sigh, realizing she's moved a little too fast. Instead of pressing the issue, she goes ahead and makes a show of pouring them both more firewhisky, despite the fact that her glass is still a quarter-full.

"That we are… to drinking!"

Bathsheda giggles and takes her cup back, knocking it against Aurora's and then knocking it back. Aurora pretends to do the same at first, but after a moment stops to watch as Bathsheda drinks and drinks and drinks. They continue to talk about this and that for a while, with Aurora letting Bathsheda ramble on more often than not. And all the while, she gets the Ancient Runes Professor drunker and drunker, even pulling out a second bottle of firewhisky.

Later, when Bathsheda comes back around again to the rejection of her work by both the Ministry and Magical Academia the world over, as Aurora knew she would eventually, the Astronomy Professor once again suggests that they look the runes over, so she could help out. This time around, with more firewhisky in her than before, Bathsheda is willing to say, 'fuck it!' and throw caution to the wind.

They spend the rest of the night together pouring over Bathsheda's work, and truth be told, Aurora can see exactly why the runic tattoos (for that's what they are in the end, permanent magical geass, practically impossible to remove once placed on the skin) have been labeled perverse by Magical Academia. She can also see why the Ministry would have rejected putting them on criminals. After all, most criminals didn't spend the rest of their lives behind bars, and Bathsheda's plan of just de-powering the tattoo but still leaving it on the ex-convict was a bit inhumane.

But Aurora can see the potential in Bathsheda's designs. She can see the things that could be done with these runic tattoos. So, when the time finally comes, when Bathsheda finally passes out from all of the magical alcohol that Aurora has been putting into her all night long… well, the Astronomy Professor simply takes a few of the more interesting ideas with her on her way out.

It's not like Bathsheda will miss them… and if these work, then Aurora will just HAVE to come back for more, later. A wicked grin on her face, Aurora makes her way back to her quarters. Once there, she heads to the floo and puts in a call to a very special someone. Eventually, a witch appears in the fire.

"Professor Sinistra?"

Smirking evilly, Aurora just nods.

"Angelina Johnson… so good to hear from you again. We have a mutual friend, I hear. One that's helped both of us find… satisfaction."

She's not exactly being subtle. Angelina's eyes go wide and her head twists and turns, clearly trying to make sure her husband isn't nearby. When she turns back, her eyes are panicked but she doesn't end the call right away, even as her tone becomes standoffish.

"… What of it?"

Chuckling darkly, Aurora just shrugs.

"Are you free tonight? No, don't answer that… you ARE free tonight. Come on through… I have some things I want to show you. We're going to have fun, you and I."

The other witch really has no choice, in the end, and Aurora takes a step back as the chocolate-skinned MILF that is Angelina Johnson-Weasley steps through her floor and into her study. As the floo connection cuts out behind her, the younger witch bites her lower lip, looking around in consternation.

"Harry's… not here?"

Shaking her head, Aurora gestures to the couch.

"No, my dear… not yet anyways. I don't want to bring him in until we're ready for him, after all. The Master… must be satisfied. Wouldn't you agree?"

Blushing up a storm, the other dark-skinned witch nods in the end, her shoulders slumping in resignation. Knowing that she has her, Aurora lets her grin stretch from ear to ear in anticipation. She can't wait to begin playing with Bathsheda's designs. She can't wait to show Harry what she has in store, both for herself and for Angelina. This? This was going to be fun…


It's taken her months to realize what her so-called 'friend' has been doing. Months! Bathsheda can scarcely believe her own stupidity, her own blind obliviousness. She should have known from that very first night what Sinistra was up to. She'd even rebuffed the other witch that first time… and then the Astronomy Professor had gotten her drunker and drunker, until the next time Bathsheda had complained and Sinistra had offered, she hadn't refused!

But then, the next morning, she hadn't even noticed that a few of her runic designs were missing? Sure, she had multiple copies of each one from her practice making them, but still! Still! She'd gone on about her day, thinking that all was well. Sinistra had given no clue of what she'd done. And then they'd kept meeting over the next few months, and they'd kept getting drunker and drunker each time… or at least Bathsheda thought they had.

Now, when she looked back, despite more than a few times resulting in her getting blackout drunk and forgetting things, Bathsheda is pretty sure there were times that her fellow Hogwarts Professor hadn't even had a single drop of firewhisky! She should have noticed at the time though. She should have seen what Sinistra was about!

Well, if the dark-skinned woman thought that she could… steal Bathsheda's life's work and get away with it, she had another thing coming. Storming through the halls of Hogwarts, the attractive, bespectacled Ancient Runes Professor makes her way towards Professor Sinistra's quarters near the Astronomy Tower, her form-fitting robes whipping about her as she walks along at a clipped, fast pace.

Perhaps if she'd stopped for a moment to actually think about it and self-reflect, Bathsheda would have been a bit more… confused? After all, just as she'd told Aurora that night and many other nights after that, nobody wanted the runic tattoos. She hadn't been able to find a single wizard or witch in the higher circles of magical society that thought they were a good idea.

So really, what could Sinistra possibly do with them that Bathsheda hadn't been able to? But Bathsheda wasn't thinking about that. She wasn't thinking straight at all. No, she was convinced that her so-called 'friend' was trying to cheat her, that the dark-skinned witch had a buyer or something and was going to sell her designs for a profit! Bathsheda was furious, and she was going to give Aurora a piece of her mind and ONE chance to make this right before she went to the Headmistress with this… this unforgiveable breech of conduct!

Arriving at Sinistra's door, Bathsheda wastes no time in spitting out the password. After all, they were friends… and friends shared their passwords with one another. Bathsheda had no idea how many of her designs had been taken when she was passed out drunk, and how many had simply been pilfered when she was out of her quarters and Aurora could sneak in, unmolested.

It didn't matter, because Bathsheda was the one doing the invading now, even if she wasn't sneaking.

"Professor Sinistra! A word, please!"

As she stomps inside, she has several ideas in her head of how this will go. She'll blindside Sinistra with her knowledge, browbeat the dark-skinned witch into submission by berating her and raging her. It'll be cathartic, and when she's done, she can make the other woman tell her just who she's been selling her designs to. Then, she'll finally be able to get the recognition she deserves by forcing Aurora to admit that it's been Bathsheda who invented the runic tattoos all along.

Yes, Bathsheda has quite a lot of fantasies playing out in her mind. Which is why what she finds waiting for her inside of Aurora's study is so damn shocking. She was expecting the woman to perhaps be reading a tome or something. She was definitely expecting Aurora to be alone for this. But neither of those things were true.

All of her recriminations, all of the words she had for Aurora end up stuck in her throat as Bathsheda finds herself taking in a scene that can be described only as pure and utter debauchery and depravity. Aurora is completely naked, for one… but she's not alone either. It takes a moment for Bathsheda to put a name to the face and body of Angelina Johnson-Weasley, but she does eventually.

However, it's a lot easier to recognize the man that both naked dark-skinned beauties are currently sucking off. As Aurora and Angelina kneel on their knees before him, slurping and lapping at his extremely large pale cock, Harry James Potter stands before them both, a hand atop each of their heads, fingers laced through their hair as he smiles quite wickedly down at the two beautiful witches.

Of course, Bathsheda's entrance was not quiet and not stealthy in the slightest. As she skids to a halt, the door to Aurora's quarters closes behind her with a definitive slam, and Harry raises his emerald green eyes to regard her curiously, his wicked smile not quite disappearing as he cocks his head to the side.

"Professor Babbling. You're interrupting something."

Bathsheda's mouth opens and closes a few times. The bespectacled, strikingly attractive brunette witch blushes in the face of the Head Auror's overwhelming confidence. She flushes as she tries to formulate a reply. Rather than being embarrassed at being caught fucking two witches at once who are NOT his wife, Harry seems supremely unconcerned, barely even acknowledging her presence beyond his initial reply. He certainly doesn't let Aurora or Angelina stop, though Bathsheda can also tell that neither wants to.

Still, just because… just because she's run into this, doesn't change what her so-called friend has done to her. It doesn't change the fact that the Astronomy Professor is a no-good dirty thief! Refusing to let herself be embarrassed into fleeing, Bathsheda takes a step forward, jutting her chin out as she finally finds the words to respond.

"I apologize for the interruption, Head Auror Potter… but I suppose this is just as well. I'd like to report a crime."

Harry's eyes widen slightly, sparkling with amusement, even as he continues to guide the two chocolate-skinned witches on their knees before him along his member.

"A crime? Sounds serious. Though this isn't exactly an appropriate setting for such a thing, don't you think?"

Bathsheda refuses to be browbeat! She already dealt with the Head Auror's colleagues once before, when the Ministry had rejected her designs! She didn't think that Harry had been involved in any of that directly, she'd certainly never gotten a chance to meet with him about it, but still, he was a government stooge… and maybe it was time for the government to finally start working with her, rather than against her!

"It's quite appropriate, when one of the criminals is currently on her knees in front of you, Head Auror!"

Bathsheda is very nearly panting now, the fast walk here and everything else finally beginning to catch up with her. Her emotions are running high, and she thinks Harry can see that, as he finally uses his grip on Aurora and Angelina to stop their movements, holding them still as he gives Professor Babbling more of his attention.


And so, with that prompting, the Ancient Runes Professor spills the beans. She tells Harry exactly what's been going on between her and Aurora, what the Astronomy Professor has been doing for months now. Near the tail-end of her accusations, however, Bathsheda's emotions get the better of her. She stomps forward a few feet, pointing aggressively at the dark-skinned nude witch still on her knees in front of Harry. As she hisses about the betrayal, about everything, she finds herself glaring down at Aurora… and that's when she sees it.

In all fairness, the light of the room was rather dim. The fireplace was currently guttered out, so the only light in the entire study was from a few ever-lit candles around the room. This was more than enough light to see where one was going, and the candles flickered off of Harry's pale body with ease. But dark-skinned as both Aurora and Angelina were, they sucked up the light from afar, making it harder to properly make them out.

Now that she was closer however, Bathsheda could see something she'd missed before now. All across Aurora and Angelina's naked chocolate forms… were her runes, tattooed onto their flesh, covering their beautiful shapely bodies. The runes that Aurora had stolen from her, the designs she'd made that had been rejected by both the Ministry and the world's Magical Academia alike… they came to life right before her eyes, placed on humans, on witches…

Having trailed off as she realized this, her ranting coming to an end, Professor Babbling stares, uncomprehendingly. She'd noticed a few months ago when Aurora started wearing high-collared clothing, and when she wasn't doing that, she STILL had a black choker around her neck… but only now can she see what it was hiding, the runes tattooed on Aurora's throat, the control collar that Bathsheda had come up with for the worst of the worst of criminals.

But that wasn't all… not by a long shot. There were the runes encircling both witch's tits, meant to induce lactation so that female criminals could be put to use, even as they served their time in prison. There were further runes around their ankles and wrists that anyone with the command word, or control over the runic magic, could use to lock them together. Right now, Aurora and Angelina had their wrists locked together behind their backs, and their ankles locked together even as they kneeled down with their fat asses resting on their respective heels. Only now is Bathsheda noticing that though.

There's more too, but Bathsheda doesn't have a chance to catalogue all of them, as Harry clears his throat, reminding her of what she's doing here and who else is in the room. Slowly, the Ancient Runes Professor raises her gaze from Aurora to the Head Auror, eyes wide as she stares at him in a new light. Aurora had stolen her designs yes… but then they'd been used on the Astronomy Professor it seemed, and on Mrs. Johnson-Weasley besides. What… what was this? Just what had Bathsheda stumbled into?

"Something wrong, Professor? Ah, yes there is, isn't there? We're all naked, and you're still clothed… rather rude, isn't it? Imperio."

He says the unforgivable curse so casually, so easily, that Bathsheda doesn't even notice when it washes over her mind and removes all sense of worry and burgeoning horror from her thoughts. The Imperius Curse was unforgivable specifically because it was not an altogether unpleasant experience. It was quite the opposite, as a matter of fact. Someone who had been imperio'd would be placed in a trance, where all negative emotion would be banished away.

There was always a chance for a victim of the Imperius curse to fight it off though, unlike with the other two unforgivable curses. But that depended entirely on the strength of the caster. One might assume the contemptuous manner in which Harry used the spell on Professor Babbling would make it a weaker casting by definition… but that was not the case. Bathsheda was under his control in an instant, without ever even having a chance to fight back.

"Strip for us, won't you?"

That sounds like good fun, so Bathsheda does as she's told, stripping out of her robes and undergarments, and even handing off her wand and backup wand, when Harry asks for it. She stands there, the bespectacled brunette witch, smiling slightly, swaying back and forth as the stagnant air of the room brushes across her exposed form.

"There we go…"

And like that, the Imperius is ended. Bathsheda's eyes go wide, and the Ancient Runes Professor shrieks as she tries to cover herself up. However, before she can do so, Aurora and Angelina have ahold of her, gripping her tightly and restraining her arms as they force her to her knees. Harry, meanwhile, strides up to her with a smile on his face… and a bowl in his hands.

"I thought you might like to be more aware for what's coming next, sweetheart. Bathsheda Babbling, Hogwarts Professor… how have I not had some fun with you before, hm? You have quite the striking figure, for all that you're so clearly a nerd."

Bathsheda flushes hotly at that, despite her current circumstances. She hasn't been insulted or derided for her love of books and learning since she herself was a student at Hogwarts. Still, even as irritating as Harry's taunts are, she's a lot more afraid than she is angry. The Head Auror himself is wielding a bowl and a painting implement, and Bathsheda has a pretty good idea of what's inside of that bowl.

"W-Wait… you don't have to… you don't have to do this! We can talk about this!"

Harry chuckles lightly, and descends to his knees, bringing himself to eye level with the Ancient Runes Professor, even as he reveals the magically infused ink within the bowl. It was exactly what she'd expected… he has the ingredients prepared to tattoo the runic designs she made onto her… he's going to brand her with her own creations.

"Bathsheda, darling… I know I don't have to do this… I WANT to do this."

She squirms and struggles, trying to break free, trying to escape, but her fellow Professor's grip on her hair is too strong as Aurora tilts her head to the side, exposing one side of her neck without even needing to be asked. Meanwhile, Angelina grips just as tightly at other parts of her, holding Bathsheda down, forcing her to stay on her knees, while Harry dips the small brush, perfect for delicate work like this, into the magical ink in the bowl.

The first touch of the cold ink to her skin has Bathsheda yelping, even as a whimper leaves her throat and tears well up in her eyes. She trembles in horror, even as Harry continues talking. He speaks so casually, even as he inscribes the runes onto her skin, painting the collar of runic magic around her neck slowly but surely, every stroke perfect, every swipe precise.

"When Aurora first brought your designs to me, I was so very impressed. You have quite the perverted mind, for all that she says you don't use it. Perhaps some part of you secretly wanted this, Professor Babbling. I do apologize on behalf of the Ministry though. Aurora told me about how they rejected you… for shame. We'll have to see about changing their minds. At the very least, the female prisoners should be put to use, just as you wanted."

Now that it's happening to her, now that she's being collared (permanently, irrevocably her treacherous mind helpfully supplies) Bathsheda can see it from another perspective. She realizes, even as her neck is being painted and each rune is sizzling into her flesh as it's finished, that she was foolish to think this was a good idea.

But it's far too late for her, in the end. The first runic design, the collar, is finished. Harry pulls back with a smile, places the brush in the bowl, and then reaches forward and runs his fingers across the freshly branded runes. Bathsheda feels his magic jump from his fingertips into the runic array, she feels as he takes control of it… and of her body.

"There we go. You can let her up now, girls. Bathsheda, you'll be good, won't you? Stand up straight for me."

Her body obeys his commands, of course, even as Bathsheda sobs. This wasn't what she'd wanted. She hadn't done anything wrong, anything illegal! She didn't deserve this! Standing up as well, Harry reaches out and cups one of her breasts. Her tits aren't quite as big as Aurora's or Angelina's, but there's still a handful there, and Harry seems to delight in rolling her nipples with his thumb as he plays with one and then the other, before pulling back again and grinning wickedly.


Then, he holds the bowl and brush out to the Ancient Runes Professor.

"Please place the rest of your designs on your body for me now, slut. Show me your submission… show me how much you want to serve your new Master."

Bathsheda can't stop herself from doing as she's told thanks to the runic collar. Harry IS her Master right now, though when she'd designed the collar, she'd thought of it more in terms of jailor, or handler. Whoever was transporting the prisoner or looking over them, that was who was supposed to be in charge of the collar's magic. But this wasn't… this was a perversion of all that she'd ever wanted!

And perhaps that was the point. As Bathsheda begins to apply the runic arrays she'd designed to herself, placing them around her wrists and ankles, and then on her tits, Harry goes back to face fucking Aurora and Angelina off to the side. The choking and gagging of the two dark-skinned witches as they gurgle on his big fat cock is very distracting, but it's also… it's also just a little arousing.

Except Bathsheda isn't that kind of witch. She never has been. She's never even kissed a wizard, let alone had… had sexual relations with them. In the end, her designs were never about sex, despite the way that they've been corrupted by the Head Auror. It was all just… functionality. Though it's a little hard to make that excuse as she applies the runic arrays around her breasts that will make her begin to lactate at Harry's command. Or as she places the rune design right atop her womb, above her navel, which will allow Harry to decide when she can or cannot get pregnant.

Both designs had had fairly innocuous purposes, at least in her mind. A female prisoner was a burden just as much as a man was, but there was no need for her to be a complete waste of space. So why not be able to induce lactation, so that her milk could be given to orphaned magical babies that needed it? Magical milk was actually incredibly important to the development of the child, from what Bathsheda had been taught growing up. It had just made sense, at the time.

Similarly, Bathsheda was aware that prison was not a nice place. Even if they weren't all as bad as Azkaban, wizarding prisons had never been gendered, which meant both witches and wizards were tossed in together on a regular basis. As such, it'd just made sense to her that the ability to have children should be inaccessible to female prisoners, in case of rape or even just sexual relations. No child deserved to be born in a prison, after all.

Now though, now all of this was being used on her, and naked as she was, listening to Harry fucking Aurora and Angelina's throats as he was, Bathsheda couldn't help but imagine all of the sexual purposes her runic arrays could be put to. She really was beginning to see the point that her peers in Magical Academia had been making…

As she finishes up, she sets the bowl and brush down and just stands there, waiting for her next order from Harry, unable to do anything else until… until he commands her.


When Harry sees that the gorgeous bespectacled brunette witch is done, he finishes up with Aurora and Angelina, pulling out of the latter's throat in order to cum all over both their faces, glazing their chocolate skin with his white, hot cream. Once he's done with that, the powerful wizard pulls away from Aurora and Angelina and walks over to Bathsheda Babbling, taking in the Ancient Runes Professor in all of her nude, tattooed glory.

"Aren't you just adorable? A needy little slut, ready and waiting for her Master."

"N-No! I…"

But Harry cuts her off, grabbing her by her jaw and silencing her. With his other hand, he reaches up and grabs one of her tits quite viciously, massaging her breast even as he injects his magic into the runes there, taking control of the array just as he did after he finished branding her with her collar. Bathsheda squeaks as she begins to lactate immediately under his command, and Harry just grins wickedly in response.

"No? Look at you, slut. You're leaking all over the place. It's because you want it, Babbling. You want my cock inside of you. Say it."

Bathsheda's eyes flash with anger at that, though the fear she's already feeling overwhelms it, somewhat. And yet, in the end…

"I want your cock inside of me."

No stuttering, no stammering… not inflection either. She doesn't sound like she means it, which… duh. She obviously doesn't mean it. That's okay though, Harry is still rock hard as he hums at Bathsheda's 'request'.

"Hmmm, sorry slut, but I think you have to earn it first. Kneel. Hands behind your back. Ankles together."

Bathsheda gasps as her body obeys his instructions even faster than her mind can process the words, the runic magic branding her body reacting to his commands. Her arms snap into place behind her back, her wrists locking together. Her ankles do the same, and a moment later she's descending to her knees. She looks so pitiful like this… not at all sexy, though Harry is still getting off on it, he has to admit. Still, he can see one improvement… so he makes it.

"Tits out, slut."

The bespectacled Ancient Runes Professor whimpers as she does what she's told, jutting her breasts out and arching her back as her head has to tilt up at the same time. She looks at him with fear and hatred alike, trembling under his control, even as her breasts continue to leak all over herself and all over the floor of Aurora's study.

"Well, girls? What should we do with her? Mm, I'm thinking that Professor Babbling here is a bit… out of sorts. Why don't the two of you do something about that?"

Harry grins wickedly as Bathsheda's eyes flicker over to her 'friend' and Angelina. Meanwhile, the two dark-skinned witches move into position quite happily, even though their own wrists and ankles are still locked into place, making them shuffle about in a way that pleases Harry more than he'd ever admit out loud. All three women look so very pitiful right now… if he pushed them forward onto their faces, they would have to inch around like earthworms to get anywhere!

Leaving that for another time, Harry watches as Aurora and Angelina, still glazed with his cum, form an Oreo with Bathsheda as the cream-filling. They both moan wantonly as they begin to rub their cum-covered fazed and seed-painted tits all over her back and front. Trapped as she is in the position, he'd told her to take, tits out, back arched, Bathsheda can't do anything but take it, the Ancient Runes Professor whimpering, tears in her eyes as she's rubbed all over by the two dark-skinned witches.

Pleased with what he's wrought so far, Harry steps forward and grabs Bathsheda by her short brunette locks, taking hold of the Professor's pixie cut and forcing her to look at him… or more importantly, at his cock.

"Open wide, slut."

Unable to disobey, Bathsheda does as she's told and opens nice and wide. Harry doesn't bother wasting time, he shoves his cock, already coated in the saliva of the two witches sandwiching Bathsheda into an Oreo, right down the nerdy woman's throat. He forces himself on her, and begins to fuck her face nice and hard, right off the bat.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Bathsheda's spectacles immediately come askew, of course, but they manage to stay on her face, nonetheless. It takes Harry a second to realize what's happening, but eventually he sees it… the Ancient Runes Professor has used magic to stick her glasses to the bridge of her nose, so that even though they can get dislodged and off-kilter, they can never truly fall off.

Laughing at this, Harry pulls his cock out and smacks Bathsheda across her face for good measure a few times, even smearing some of his precum onto her glasses before re-entering her mouth as he pulls on her hair sharply to elicit a yelp from the beleaguered witch.

"You really are a nerdy little slut, aren't you Babbling? All you've ever wanted was a man to come along and put you in your place. That's why you designed so many runes to be used on women."

That wasn't true, of course. Even Harry could see that in Bathsheda's eyes, he could tell that she hadn't intended for any of this to happen. That doesn't stop him from mocking and deriding her as he forces his cock down her throat, however.

"Deep down inside, you were a needy, horny little whore, desperate for your new Master to come along. Desperate for me to arrive to bind you, to enslave you. Because that's what you are now, Bathsheda Babbling. You're my slave."

He can see the horror in her teary, watery eyes, and he drinks it up, even as he pistons in and out of her throat all the harder, practically skull fucking her at this point.


She doesn't really have much chance to respond, choking on his dick as she is. Meanwhile, Aurora and Angelina continue to moan wantonly as they rub themselves all over her, the cum glazing that Harry had given the two chocolate-skinned witches now transferred over to Bathsheda. She really was the cream filling to their Oreo sandwich now, the pale witch stuck in between the two dark-skinned beauties as they do all they can to make her enjoy this as much as they are, even with their wrists locked together behind their backs.

Kneeling on either side of her, rubbing their fat tits all over her body, the two witches distract Bathsheda from the anger and horror she knows she should be feeling from all of this. It's the first time in her entire life that she's been forced to experience this sort of thing, this sort of intimacy. For a woman who's never even so much as kissed a man or even another woman, being forced to choke on Harry's big fat cock as she gets molested by two other witches is… certainly an illuminating experience.

Harry can tell that she hates this, but at the same time, he can tell that the Ancient Runes Professor's body is reacting to a lot of what's being done to it right now… and not all of those reactions are negative. In fact, he finds himself wondering something. Humming to himself, Harry reaches down with one hand as he uses the other to continue holding Bathsheda in place so he can shove his cock down her throat. His fingers ghost across that very same bulging throat, along the runes there.

"… I do wonder how deep your perverse genius truly runs, Professor. Let's try this, shall we? You will now feel everything happening to you at twice the sensitivity as you were feeling before."

Babbling's eyes go wide at that, and Harry grins as he feels the surprised moan suddenly reverberating across his cock. Her entire body experiences a few tremors as the pleasure, as the sensations she was already experiencing double in intensity. Though, is he quite sure that it really worked? What if it was a placebo affect? What if he's just reading into things too far? Two times the normal sensation… it just isn't enough.

"Let's try five times your normal sensitivity, now."

This time he sees the runic magic on the collar flash with power as it works to obey him, as it strives to follow his command. This time, he sees the utter horror mixed with a horrendous amount of lust and arousal in Bathsheda's eyes as she realizes in the same moment as he does that yes, she has managed to create something THIS intrusive, THIS horrible.

Harry grins as the brunette witch climaxes on the spot, spasming explosively in the middle of the Oreo sandwich for which she's the filling, crying out around Harry's cock even as he chokes her on his length and forces his member all the way down her esophagus and into her gullet, while at the same time forcing her face into his crotch. The orgasmic screams and squeals reverberating up his cock are enough to send Harry right over the edge, and he certainly doesn't bother holding back as he cums hard, as he fills Bathsheda's throat with his seed.


She does so. She probably doesn't expect to, even Harry is expecting his seed to explode out of the sides of her mouth, but in the end, the last second command does it's work and shows just how powerful the Professor's runes are. Bathsheda swallows at an inhumanly fast rate, and it feels amazing around his cock as her throat milks him of his seed and she drinks every last drop without spilling a single ounce of it. His entire cum load ends up in her belly thanks to his quick thinking, and Harry grins wickedly, even as he pulls back, even as his cock slips out of Bathsheda's open mouth, leaving the pale, striking witch kneeling there panting heavily.

Her glasses, even now, are affixed to her face, but fogged up as they are, Harry imagines she's regretting enchanting them to stay on the bridge of her nose no matter what now. Smeared in his precum, completely askew, her spectacles merely complete the look of a woman who just got her face fucked silly.

But of course, Harry is far from done.

"Face down, ass up."

He tosses it out almost contemptuously, and all three witches obey without question, lining up so that in the end, Bathsheda is still the cream filling of an Oreo sandwich, with the other two witches and their gorgeous chocolate skin taking up the ends on either side of her. All three of them plant their faces against the floor of Aurora's study, and raise their asses high into the air, with their ankles still locked together and their wrists still held behind their backs, as if they were bound in rope or chain.

Harry admires all three of them, but he's had Aurora and Angelina a dozen times apiece. He'll have them both again before the night is through, but there's no denying that right now, the new hotness is Bathsheda Babbling, Hogwarts Professor of Ancient Ruins. Chuckling darkly, Harry leans down and gives Bathsheda's pale bottom a hefty smack, watching as her ass cheek jiggles, going red with his handprint in moments.

"Is this your favorite position, slut? Is this how you like to get fucked, you naughty little whore? I suppose in this position, you can read as you're getting plowed by a big fat cock."

Bathsheda whimpers at that, her voice seemingly lost. Well, Harry can help with that. Kneeling down behind her, he brings his cock up to betwixt her thighs and runs his length across her cunt. He's not at all surprised to find that she's sopping wet, nor is he that surprised when she squeaks and squeals, and immediately orgasms along his dick, which isn't even inside of her yet. After all, her sensitivity is still at five times the norm…

"Beg me, cunt. Beg me to fuck your nerdy little bookworm pussy, you whorish slut."

The nerdy girl play is mostly just for himself. He's having fun with it, so he keeps it up, teasing Bathsheda, even as he ruins her, even as he enslaves her. By the time they're done here, she's going to be just as broken as the rest… and even if she isn't, now that she's under his control thanks to her own tattoos, well, he has all the time in the world to finish her off.

"Please fuck me sir. Please fuck my nerdy little bookworm pussy sir. Please fuck this whorish slut, sir."

Just as before, Bathsheda sounds entirely dispassionate about the whole thing, when he commands her to speak like that. Harry reflects that he COULD tell her to make it sound like she means it, and she probably would given what else the control collar had proven capable of doing… but why bother, really? There's a certain enjoyment to be had in her emotionless words, especially when he can FEEL hot wet her body is, how full of need she is, no matter how much she hates all of this.

Without further ado, Harry thrusts in. Bathsheda cries out and he realizes why belatedly, as he feels her hymen tear and takes her virginity right then and there. It's not enough to make him stop of course, though he does slow down for half a moment as he stares down at the backside of the helpless Hogwarts Professor. Seriously? Not a single man had ever stuck his dick in this bitch before now?

Harry snorts, and then he chuckles. Soon, he's laughing, even as he fucks the squeaking ex-virgin beneath him, even as he spanks her ass and makes her squeal and climax around his cock over and over again.

"A virgin! You were a virgin this entire time, you slut!"

Obviously, he realizes the ridiculousness of calling her a slut when she was quite literally virginal before he got his hands on her. But Bathsheda is in no position to protest right now, moaning like the wanton whore he's already named her, so Harry keeps doing it.

"I knew you wanted this, but I didn't know you wanted it this badly. You couldn't possibly give it up without having it taken, could you? You wanted to be branded with your own designs and used by a wizard clever enough to make you his witch bitch. You silly little cunt!"

Despite no longer having a cock in her throat, Bathsheda can no more refute Harry's claims then she could when he was fucking her face. She's in no frame of mind to be able to do anything but moan and cry out and whine and whimper. His cock is inside of her, and he's fucking her at a harsh, fast pace that she can't keep up with. She wouldn't have been able to keep up with it under normal circumstances, but this is hardly anything normal. Harry is fucking her and she's feeling every last inch of his member at five times the normal.

Needless to say, Bathsheda's eyes soon roll up in her head, and her tongue lolls out of her mouth. This entire thing started out as nothing but horror for the poor witch, but now… now she's beginning to break, just like the rest of Harry's conquests. As his cock pounds into her, as he splits her open again and again, Bathsheda Babbling's entire world becomes nothing more than the pleasure of having Harry's dick buried inside of her, again and again and again.

Meanwhile, Harry doesn't completely ignore Aurora and Angelina as he fucks Bathsheda into a stupor that she'll never fully recover from, as he fucks her cunt so hard that her brain dribbles out of her ears from the pleasure. Leaning back, he slides his hands off of Bathsheda's ass now that he's buried to the root in her quim and reaches over to both of his chocolate-skinned pets, grabbing both witches by their asses and squeezing them for a moment before moving to their cunts.

"Let's ratchet you girls up to… mm, three times sensitivity."

Both Aurora and Angelina moan wantonly as Harry begins to finger their sopping wet pussies under such circumstances. Face down, ass up, the two dark-skinned witches happily bounce their behinds back against his fingers, even as he pistons his digits in and out of them most energetically. Nowhere near as energetically as he's fucking Bathsheda though, but then, that's the real deal. That's the end all, baby!

Grinning wickedly, Harry refocuses his attention on Bathsheda while continuing to fingerbang Aurora and Angelina. He hums as he considers the final tattoo that the Ancient Runes Professor had branded herself with. The one that went juuust above her navel, right atop her womb.

"Shall I breed you today, Babbling? Shall I knock you up with my child? A nerdy bookworm slut such as yourself shouldn't be barred from enjoying the experiences of motherhood just because you've waited so long to find the right Master, after all."

Even as he muses, he knows he's speaking mostly to himself. Bathsheda is in no state to even hear what he's saying, let alone respond. Still, he keeps it up anyways, just as he keeps up the pace at which he's fucking her with all his might from behind, clapping into her pale fat bottom again and again.

"Yes… yes, I think I will. Here it comes, my dear! Get ready to be a mother!"

And as Harry thrusts forward one last time and begins to cum inside of her, he snarls all the while.

"Get pregnant, you slut! Get knocked up by my big fat fucking cock! Get bred by my white, hot seed!"

The runes around her neck, the control collar that controls her entire body, in truth, glow brightly under the command that Harry gives them. He can tell that it's not going to be enough… not on their own. There's a reason after all, that Ancient Runes are… well, ancient. There's a reason that most people don't bother with runic magic anymore. It was limited in it's time and it was limited now. Wand magic simply wasn't, at least not in the same ways.

But Harry was beyond even wand magic. Reaching out, he grabs Bathsheba by the back of her neck, by the runic collar around her throat, and he forces more of his own magic into it to keep it going, to allow it to obey his latest command.

The control collar greedily drinks up his magic as it makes sure that his seed penetrates Bathsheda's unused eggs and breeds her on the spot, but for Harry, it's little more than a drop in the bucket. When he's done, he pulls back and lets his cock slip free of the good Professor's cum-stuffed quim with a slopping sound, confident that he's done exactly what he wanted to.

Harry grins as he slaps Bathsheba's ass.

"You're going to be a mother, slut. Excited?"

She doesn't respond of course, not even when he reaches down and grabs her by her pixie-cut brunette hair, dragging her face up off the ground. Her cum-smeared glasses still sit askew on the bridge of her nose, but her eyes are fully rolled up in her head at this point, with her tongue lolling out of her mouth most expressively. She's lost to the world, twitching and mewling every once in a while, but incapable of doing anything else.

Snorting derisively, Harry drops the insensate witch face down onto the ground and then moves onto one end of his human Oreo. He's already had the cream filling, now it's time to eat the cookie. As he sinks his cock deep into Aurora Sinistra, the Astronomy Professor moans wantonly, arching her back and then looking over her shoulder at him with clear desire in her eyes, in complete contrast to Bathsheda's horror.

"Please, Master… w-will you impregnate me next?"

Harry considers that for a moment, and then smiles.

"If you're very, very good, perhaps I will…"

Needless to say, Aurora gives all she's got in the ensuing bout of sex. As does Angelina when he moves onto him. But where he does breed Aurora like he did Bathsheda, he refrains from doing so with Angelina. No need for her husband to start asking unfortunate questions, after all…


Hours later, Harry sits back on the couch in Aurora's study. He himself is the middle of the human Oreo this time. Both Aurora and Angelina are knelt on the couch on either side of him, rubbing their chocolate tits and the rest of their bodies all over him in an effort to please him. Meanwhile, Bathsheda Babbling, completely and utterly broken, kneels between Harry's legs, sucking his cock willingly… or as willingly as she can. Her eyes are glazed over and completely lifeless, and she has accepted her place as his slave, he's pretty sure.

Chuckling, Harry reaches down and gently runs a hand through Bathsheda's pixie cut.

"You know, I have a lot to thank you for, Professor. These runes of yours… they really are something. I think I'll be making excellent use of them going forward."

It's a sign of just how lost Bathsheda is that there's not even a spark of life in her eyes at hearing that Harry intends to do terrible things with her work to future witches. Harry just grins and lets her continue bobbing up and down on his knob, leaning back and enjoying the advances of the two gorgeous chocolate-skinned beauties on either side of him.

He hadn't been too sure about all of this, when Aurora had first come to him with Bathsheda's designs. There had to be a reason no one was taking a breakthrough like this more seriously. But no, it seemed that people were just afraid of what could be done with her work. Harry though… Harry had embraced it. Bathsheda's runic tattoos were going to make his life SO much easier…


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