
Marietta Edgecombe

He'd been right, it seemed, in his earlier thinking. Luna did indeed want him to help her punish her other… subjects. But he was still a little surprised to walk into his office one day, deep within the DMLE, to find her already waiting there for him, one of said subjects suspended from the ceiling, bound in rope nearly from head to toe.

Raising an eyebrow, Harry closes the door to his office behind him and cocks his head to the side as he admires the reddened, bound, nude form of one Marietta Edgecombe for a moment. Then, he turns his eyes towards Luna and lifts a brow.

"Luna? What's up?"

Smiling at him, the blonde witch prances over and gives him a quick peck on the lips. Pulling back, her eyes sparkle with mischief as she turns to the side slightly so that she can look between him and Marietta.

"Hello Harry. I find myself a little bit overworked at the moment. I can't give all of my test subjects the attention they deserve, unfortunately. But that's where you come in, right? Can you look after Marietta here for me for a week or so, while I finish up with Sue? It shouldn't take much longer than that."

Harry blinks and looks between Luna and Marietta for a long moment in silence, before ultimately shrugging his shoulders.

"Sure, Luna. It shouldn't be too much of a hardship. Any special needs I need to know about?"

Luna places her index finger against her lips in a thinking pose for a moment, before brightening up.

"Oh! Yes, there is one. Dear Marietta, here was cumming way too much from my new plant, you know, the one I showed you before. So right now, she's on a strict orgasm diet. I don't want her to cum more than three times over the next week, alright? Any more than that, and she'll never get better!"

Harry chuckles at the restriction and inclines his head at Luna, smiling slightly.

"I think we can manage that well enough."

Smiling brightly at him, Luna shrugs her shoulders.

"If she does cum more than three times, that's not your fault of course. It just means I'll have to take… drastic measures to curb her addiction."

Skipping over to where Marietta has been swaying back and forth in the middle of his office, listening to this entire conversation, Luna grabs the red-haired witch by her jaw, squeezing her cheeks rather viciously as she looks into the feverish young woman's eyes and smiles.

"We wouldn't want that, would we Marietta? So, try to be a good girl for Harry, alright? I know it'll be hard, but try to keep your inner slut to a minimum~"

And then she releases the clearly terrified witch and prances her way over to Harry's floo. As she grabs a pinch of green powder and throws it into the fire, calling out the name of her home, Luna turns back to Harry and gives him a wink as the fireplace flares up in green behind her.

"Have fun~"

And then she hops backwards right into the fire and vanishes, leaving Harry alone with Marietta Edgecombe, dangling from the ceiling in the middle of his office. Staring after the eccentric blonde witch for a moment, Harry lets out a low, rueful sigh as the fireplace disengages and the green fire dies away. Only then does he turn towards his sudden guest, a smile on his face as he walks right over to her.

The look on Marietta's face is… an interesting one. Of course, with the muzzle gag covering much of her features, it's a little hard to read her, save for the eyes. And while the eyes are said to be the window to the soul, in this case they reflect a very conflicted, very tumultuous soul indeed. Just staring into her eyes, Harry can tell that Marietta is lost and confused, and unsure what she wants, let alone what she needs.

Reaching up, he touches the muzzle gag and lets it disappear for a moment, causing a gasp to erupt from Marietta's mouth as her tongue traces out to lick at chapped lips. Her eyes flicker between him and his crotch for a moment, and it's clear that as much as Luna's lewd Devil's Snare had been fucking her silly when he visited, she'd been conscious enough to recognize his presence and even remember him.

That's a little surprising, but Harry doesn't mind all that much. Luna keeps a clean house, so it's not like Marietta, Cho, or Sue are ever going to tell anyone he was there. At least no one that matters.


Harry cocks his head to the side at that, looking at Marietta curiously.

"Please? Please what? Let you go? Do you really think Luna would have brought you to me if she thought I was going to do that? Besides, where would you go to, Marietta? I looked you up. There's a reason no one's come forward to declare you missing. It's because nobody cares about you. You have absolutely no one to mind that you're gone."

A shudder runs through Marietta's body, and her eyes flicker away from his in shame and despair for a moment, before she looks back at him, pleading still.

"N-No… p-please, hah, don't let me c-cum…"

Ah, so that's it. Harry can't help but laugh a little. So, Marietta Edgecombe… wanted to be denied orgasms herself. Wasn't that just a treat? Humming, he circles around the woman for a moment, taking her in. As such, he quickly discovers that Luna left a couple of gifts inside of the red head. Down between Marietta's legs, held in place by a length of rope wedged up into her cunt lips are two buzzing sex toys, large dildos from the looks of things, just straight up rammed up in there.

From the way Marietta was twitching and squirming while clearly trying to control herself, Harry could tell that if he left her alone to swing in his office as she was now, she would probably fail Luna's little test within the first day. Humming, he circles back around to the red head's front, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Seems you're in a bad way, Marietta. I could alleviate your position, I suppose… but what would I get in return?"

Marietta stares at him, her wide eyes glazed over, her face flushed red. She licks her lips, and then looks down at his crotch again.

"I-I'll suck your cock…"

Harry chuckles at that, and then reaches up and grabs her by her hair somewhat viciously, dragging her down to his crotch and rubbing her face all over the front of his pants as she whimpers and whines pitifully.

"Cute, but we both know that you'd do that anyways, wouldn't you slut? Because if you don't, the consequences will be much, much more dire. Now, let's try that again. What will you do for me, in return for making sure that you don't cum more than thrice over the next week?"

When he pulls her back to give her room to talk, she looks up at him from down at his waistline and bites her lower lip before finally blurting out a reasonable answer.

"A-Anything, sir… I-I'll do anything!"

Smiling, Harry nods.

"Good girl. That's the correct response. Hm, let's see here…"

Flicking his hands outwards and splaying his fingers, Harry calls upon his magic and gets to work. There's some gasping and some moaning and some whimpering on Marietta's end before he's done, but by the time he's finished, the red head is in a much better way than she was before. Where before Marietta was hog-tied with the rope nestled between her thighs and rubbing against her cunt, which had been stuffed with those vibrating magical dildos, now that's not the case anymore.

Instead, Marietta is lifted up so that her body is now longer parallel with the ground but instead perpendicular. Her arms are still bound behind her back, of course, but her feet are no longer pulled up behind her. Instead, her legs are spread wide open and bound at the knees and shin, keeping her nice and exposed. The rope no longer goes between her thighs though and rubs against her cunt, and the sex toys have been withdrawn.

She's still flushed red and panting with need, but it's no longer quite so dire, as Harry reaches out and casually grabs one of her tits, squeezing and kneading it in his hand. Marietta moans and opens her mouth to say something, but as she tries to speak, he waves his other hand over her face and conjures an O-ring gag right into her mouth.


"Shhh, no words… you promised me a blowjob after all, didn't you?"

Marietta whimpers but nods, and Harry grins as he spins the red head over end, forcing her upside down and bringing her face to crotch with him. Holding her steady by her thigh with one hand, Harry reaches down with the other and quickly frees his cock from his pants. As it grows harder and harder right before dear Marietta's eyes, Harry wastes no time in thrusting forward and shoving his dick right down the witch's throat.

"Hulghk! Hulghk, Hulghk, Hulghk!"

Harry groans as he starts out relatively slow, sawing in and out of Marietta's mouth but not really trying to overextend just yet. Still, his size alone means that his dick is curving upwards into the red head's throat, even as Marietta chokes and gurgles helplessly on his member, unable to do anything else besides take it as deeply as he feels like going.

Slowly but surely, he increases his pace, until Marietta is very much choking on his dick, her flaring nostrils not able to get her much air with how his ball sack is effectively slapping against her nose and eyes.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

As he escalates things, Harry grabs Marietta by both of her thighs, looking down at her twitching, gushing wet cunt. He smirks at it, watching it breathe, watching her react to her slow asphyxiation on his cock. He's not surprised by the way her now-empty pussy clenches and squeezes from the experience. After all, he'd watched as she, Cho, and Sue were fucked in every hole by Luna's new strain of Devil's Snare. He knew full well that her body had been conditioned to enjoy being gangbanged by the tentacle-like vines of the massive plant.

He considers for a moment, reaching out and flicking Marietta's clit, just to see what will happen. But no, in the end he keeps his word and doesn't do anything that will unduly make her cum. After all, if he doesn't have her cum now, he can see how she gets with a day or two of denial. Marietta might be all about not orgasming right now, but that's only because she very clearly only got out of the Devil's Snare recently.

For the moment, at least, she's obviously had enough. But that won't last forever, and Harry knows it. So, the wizard fucks Marietta's face and he doesn't touch her pussy. He forces her to deep-throat his cock, until finally, he reaches release, filling her throat with his seed, pumping it up and UP into her gullet, only for it to come back down and explode out of her nostrils and mouth.

She makes a mess all over the floor of his office when he pulls out, leading Harry to sigh and step back, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Look at what you've done, Marietta? Silly, silly girl."

With a bit of magic, the rope suspending her from the ceiling suddenly starts to give way, and Marietta lets out a startled shriek as she starts to fall to the floor. She stops half an inch from hitting the ground though, the rope going taut once more. As she hangs there, so very close to the floor but not there at all, Harry smiles and points at the mess she's made, now centimeters away from her face.

"Clean it up."

The red head shivers and nods her head.

"Y-Yes sir…"

Then, craning her neck, Mariette Edgecombe sticks out her tongue and begins cleaning up after herself the only way she can, by licking the floor clean, right then and there. Harry watches her for a time in amusement before returning to his desk and his work. Later, when he's judged that she's done the best she can, he scourgifies the remaining mess and then moves Marietta from the middle of his office over to a closet with a wave of his hand, leaving the red-haired witch to yelp as she disappears into the closet, the door closing behind her.

To her credit, she doesn't do or say anything to try and get him to let her out. She just hangs there, suspended in the closet like a coat, while he gets on with his day. Still, Harry is perfectly capable of multitasking, and even as he finishes up paperwork and handles some of the decisions that a Head Auror has to make, he finds himself contemplating what he's going to do with Marietta next. There's so much… opportunity here, and a whole week to have fun with her before he has to give her back to Luna.

Will he let her cum more than three times? Will he save her from whatever Luna's punishment for orgasming FOUR times might be? Heh, decisions, decisions. Ah, but why should he have all the fun? Luna might be busy, but then, she wasn't the only witch that Marietta's stupidity had effected, back in the day. An idea crosses Harry's mind, and a wide wicked grin spreads across his face as a result. Oh yes, that sounded like a lot of fun.


As Hermione steps into Harry's office, she can't help but be nervous. Of course, as much as she's currently wallowing in trepidation, she's also feeling the anticipation as well. She hates herself for it, she hates how much she's come to love being… being Harry's toy. Because really, that's all she is. Maybe she could have been more before she tried to betray him, before she tried to go to Susan with what he was doing… but no, she'd fucked up, and she'd paid the price for that.

Closing the door to his office behind her, Hermione slowly sinks down to her knees and keeps her eyes on the ground, even as she begins to strip naked right then and there. She barely gets the buttons on her blouse done before Harry stops her though.

"You don't have to bother with that today Hermione. Come over to my desk, will you? You can walk."

Hermione's eyes widen at that as her head shoots up, but Harry isn't looking at her, he's looking down at some papers. Licking her lips, wondering what he could possibly want from her if not her body, the brunette witch rises to her feet and makes her way over to Harry's desk, stopping in front of it for a moment uncertainly, before circling around to his side when he lifts up a hand and beckons her closer.

He pats the side of his desk and gives a simple command of 'sit' so Hermione does what she's told and hops up, sitting on the edge of his desk as he continues to work for a moment. But even as he fills out paperwork, his other hand wanders along her thigh and then up beneath her skirt, causing Hermione, with her blouse still half-undone, to shiver in both trepidation and anticipation once more.

Ah, so it was like that. Harry wanted to strip her himself today… maybe even tear her clothes off of her. It wouldn't be the first time. And yet, Hermione raises no protest and offers no resistance. Far from it, instead she spreads her legs just a bit, allowing him further access as his fingers slip up between her thighs and brush against her naked cunt. He smiles slightly at that, and Hermione feels a thrill of pleasure right alongside the burst of shame at the fact that she's made him happy by going commando. She'd known that he would be upset if she didn't, if she tried to wear underwear in his presence, so she simply… hadn't.

Harry's finger dives into Hermione's depths for a moment, and the brunette witch tilts her head back, letting it loll as she moans expressively, knowing how much Harry enjoys hearing her reactions to his touches. Part of her hates herself for her betrayal of her husband, but the other part loves this too much to ever stop. Besides, she tried to stop, didn't she? And how did that go for her, huh?

Pulling his digit out of her a moment later, the Head Auror finally finishes with his paperwork and sits back, actually deigning to look at her. Hermione finds herself drinking it in, from the smile on his face to the dark promise in his eyes.

"I've got a surprise for you, slut. I think you're going to like it."

Hermione just blushes and tries to pretend she doesn't like being called a slut as much as she truly does. Luckily, Harry has already looked away from her, waving his hand over at a closet. The door opens up, and out of the closet swings a witch with red hair, suspended from rope and bound in the stuff as well from the looks of things. Hermione blinks dumbly for a moment, not quite recognizing the witch. She seems… familiar, but if Hermione is supposed to know her on sight, well, she's failing.

Which isn't a good thing where Harry is concerned, so the brunette witch does her level best to wrack her brain, trying to figure out just who this is and where she knows her from. The red isn't the color of the Weasley family, so she's not one of them… perhaps from their Hogwarts days? And that's all Hermione's brilliant mind needs to connect the dots. The brunette's eyes widen slightly as she realizes who she's looking at.

"Marietta Edgecombe?"

Twisted around as she is, her ass is half off of Harry's desk, giving him room give her butt cheek a nice swat as he chuckles at her.

"Well done, Hermione. You got it in one."

Hermione lets out a little 'eep!' at the spanking, both blushing and smiling a little as she ducks her head, pleased that Harry is happy with her, but also a little embarrassed to be treated like this in front of a bitch like Marietta Edgecombe. Not that the red-haired witch is in any position to look down on her right now, from the look of things.

Eyeing Marietta, she finds the other woman staring at her beseechingly, the O-ring gag she's currently wearing making her moans incomprehensible and unintelligible, but it's obvious from her tone that she's begging for something, begging HERMIONE for something. If it's to free her, she's fresh out of luck. Hermione won't betray Harry, not ever again. She knows how that turns out these days, and she refuses to go through that again. She's just managed to get things back to something akin to friendly between herself and her domineering… master.

Still, Harry is sitting there quietly, waiting for her to say something… to ask something, clearly. So, Hermione does, asking the obvious because she can tell it's what Harry wants.

"Why do you have Marietta Edgecombe tied up and suspended from your office ceiling, Master?"

Grinning at her, Harry half-shrugs.

"Well, you remember our dear friend Luna Lovegood, right?"

Hermione nods slowly. It'd been a while since she last spoke with Luna though. The blonde witch had always been somewhat barmy, but she'd only grown more and more eccentric and unstable over the years, to the point that Hermione had mostly stopped staying in touch for her children's sake more than anything else. Of course, Harry wasn't the kind of man who let go of friends easily, so hearing that he and Luna were still close didn't really surprise her.

"Well, Luna has a lot on her plate at the moment, so she has me looking after her pet here for the week. She dropped her off on Sunday and is probably going to be picking her up again tomorrow. Marietta and I have been having some fun this week… but when I thought about who else would have some fun playing with her, well, you were the first one who came to mind, my dear pet."

Hermione frowns a little at that. She did remember what Marietta had done, back in their fifth year, to be fair. And even thinking about back then, with that fucking toad Umbridge and how Draco and his Slytherins had harassed them all year long… it pissed her off something fierce. But she'd gotten her revenge on Marietta back then, right in the moment the bitch had betrayed them. The curse she'd layered into the magical contract they'd all signed had put the word 'SNEAK' in boils on the woman's forehead.

That alone was good enough for Hermione. Though it certainly helped that she'd heard absolutely nothing of Marietta in the time since. Honestly, she didn't even know what the other witch had been getting up to. Apparently living a life as a pet to Luna Lovegood, of all people. Wait… Hermione flicks her eyes over to Harry and furrows her brow even further.

"Didn't… wasn't Marietta one of Luna's bullies, back in our school days?"

When Harry answers her with a nod and a smile, Hermione begins to see everything far more… clearly. Swallowing thickly, her frown washing away from her face as understanding takes over, the brunette witch lowers her gaze and fiddles with her fingers for a moment.

"… And what would you suggest I do with her, Master?"

Chuckling, Harry produces a marker from nowhere and holds it out to her.

"It's been a while. Why don't you have some fun, Hermione? Mm, but just remember… she's not allowed to cum. No matter how much she begs for it, she can't cum. And if you make her cum… well, you'll be in trouble."

Hermione takes the marker from Harry with shaking fingers, before nodding and making her way over to where Marietta hangs, suspended from the ceiling, her body on display and her legs spread wide and her pussy very clearly dripping with need, all over Harry's floor. Right as Hermione stops in front of the witch, Harry vanishes the O-ring gag, and Marietta's eyes widen as her nostrils flare.

"P-Please… please let me cum. Please, please, please… I need it. I need to orgasm…"

She's humping her crotch at Hermione as best she can, whining and whimpering piteously. But honestly, looking at her, seeing the red head beg not to be set free, but just for pleasure and release… it destroys whatever small amount of sympathy Hermione might have had for her. The brunette's upper lip curls in disgust, and as Marietta begs to be allowed to cum, she rears back an arm and slaps the bitch right across her stupid face.

A cry leaves Marietta's lips, and before she can fully recover, Hermione is on her, grabbing her by a fistful of her red hair and forcing her head back as she brings the uncapped marker up to Marietta's forehead.

"Shut up, cunt. You think I'll fuck myself just for you? No, you don't get to cum… you get to stay still while I write all over your whorish body, got that? Move a muscle, and I'll fucking beat your face bloody!"

Hermione can't really say where THAT bit comes from, but maybe she was still a little pissed about how everything went down with the DA. Maybe she did carry a grudge against Edgecombe, even after all these years. It's certainly a lot easier than she thought it would be to mark the bitch up and write all sorts of lurid and disgusting things on her. It helps that a moment after, Harry puts the O-ring gag back in Marietta's mouth.

Channeling her inner demons, bringing up all of her worst bile and hatred to the surface, Hermione sets about doing exactly what Harry wanted of her. She writes all over Marietta's helpless body, and she draws some things as well. And honestly… she enjoys herself the entire time, far more than she'd care to admit.

When she's done, Hermione pulls away and bites her lower lip as she turns to Harry somewhat nervously.

"What… w-what do you think, Master?"


Stepping up to Hermione's side, Harry raises both eyebrows as he takes in her work. As always, the brunette witch had proven herself to be QUITE the overachiever. To start with, she'd written the words 'STUPID WHORE' across Marietta's face in big block letters. But of course, Hermione was nothing if not creative. STUPID was what was written across the witch's forehead. Meanwhile, only WH and RE were etched out across her cheeks. Instead of putting an O, Hermione had incorporated Marietta's O-ring gag and drooling mouth into the word.

It was inspired, to be sure. After that though, Hermione had turned to alliteration for almost everything else. Across Marietta's chest were the words 'CUMDUMP CUNT' and 'SILLY SLUT' while down below on her abdomen, Hermione had written 'BULLYING BITCH'. Just below that were the words 'FUCK HOLE', which were in turn attached to an arrow that pointed directly down at Marietta's gushing wet cunt.

Harry was a little disappointed that Hermione hadn't decided to incorporate Marietta's pussy into another bit of word art, but he could understand why she didn't want to use the other witch's cunt as an O in the word HOLE. If nothing else, Hermione was anal about that sort of thing. Everything she'd written was perfectly neat and orderly, and also perfectly spaced as well. Harry wasn't surprised, but he was a little impressed.

Across each of Marietta's spread inner thighs was even more writing. 'USE ME' was prominent on one side, while 'BEAT ME' was placed on the other. Humming appreciatively at what he's seen so far, Harry nods and twirls a finger in the air, making Marietta slowly turn around and exposing what Hermione had done to her back and ass as well. This is his first time seeing this side of Marietta. While he'd watched Hermione write everything on the front, he hadn't followed her to the back when she'd moved around to the witch's other side.

She'd left Marietta's shoulderblades blank and moved down to her lower back from the look of things. Across said lower back, acting as a bit of a tramp stamp, Hermione had wrote 'Property of Luna Lovegood' in swirling black letters, something that Harry was pretty sure Luna would appreciate greatly. Then, on one ass cheek, she'd written 'SPANK ME' and on the other, she'd put 'FUCK ME'. It was rather delicious, and honestly… Harry was already quite hard.

Striding forward, the wizard vanishes his clothes from his body and strokes his cock as he spins Marietta back around to face him. Her eyes go wide as he shoves his dick right into her cunt without warning or preamble, and they very nearly roll up in her head as a moan of pleasure leaves her throat. Harry smiles wickedly and gives her a second thrusting jolt right then and there, sending Marietta over the edge on the spot.

The red-haired witch squeals like a pig as she climaxes, her eyes going crossed and her tongue sticking out straight through the O-ring gag currently stretching her jaw apart. Her entire body seizes up, as this is the first time Harry has let her cum all week long. Oh, he hasn't been neglecting her, to be fair. He's been having his fun. But he's not allowed her to reach climax a single time.

At first, this was what Marietta wanted, and she even thanked him for it. But by the middle of the week, she'd changed her tune, and started to haggle with him. After all, Luna had said she could cum three times throughout the week, so why not space them out, right? Harry had laughed in her face the first time she brought it up. He wasn't her friend. He wasn't her ally. He was effectively her jailor for the week, and more importantly, she was little more than a toy on loan from Luna for him to use to his heart's content.

Needless to say, he hadn't given in, not until today, not until now, as he forces her to climax hard on his dick after having Hermione use that marker all over her oh-so-sensitive body, knowing just how primed it would make her. As Marietta cums, Hermione stands at his side, close by but not too close, watching Harry fuck the bound red head with deep thrusts.

"Was… w-was that all?"

Harry looks over at Hermione and lifts an eyebrow.

"No, that wasn't all. You can strip naked and kneel now, bitch."

Blushing, Hermione does as she's told without hesitation. It was after all, what she'd been starting to do when she first entered his office, before he'd stopped her. She strips down and she kneels, and once she's naked before him, Harry pulls out of Marietta's cunt and stuffs his cock right down Hermione's throat, beginning to fuck her face right then and there.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

This is not done on a whim, as evidenced by Marietta's disappointed moan through the O-ring gag. She'd been right there already, at the precipice of another orgasm, and Harry had denied her it by pulling out at the last second. He grins at the bound witch as she pleads with him with her eyes, and he fucks Hermione's face for a few minutes to let Marietta cool down.

Then, he pulls out of Hermione's gasping lips and sticks his dick right back into Marietta's cunt. The red head squeals and screams and nearly creams herself right then and there… but the key word there is nearly. She doesn't cum immediately, because Harry regulates his pace, having a good idea of what her thresholds are now. After all, he hasn't been idle all week long. He's been studying Marietta, and he now knows exactly what makes the witch tick, and just how far he can push her.

That's exactly what he does as he fucks Marietta's cunt to his heart's content, but never quite long enough to actually make her cum. He pumps his dick in and out of her drooling quim a few times, and then he pulls free right as she's on the edge of glory, only to use Hermione's throat for a few more minutes, giving Marietta some unwanted breaks as she's forced to just hang there in midair, suspended by the rope bondage she finds herself trapped in, whining through her O-ring gag, all but begging for him to fuck her.

Instead, he plows Hermione's face as much if not more than he fucks Marietta's cunt, and when he finally cums, it's not inside of the edged red head, but all over Hermione's features and tits, coating her in his white, hot spunk, which she immediately takes to licking up and scooping off her. At least, until he grabs her by the hair and drags her to her feet.

Positioning them both so that Hermione is facing Marietta and Harry is behind Hermione, Harry hooks his hands into the crook of each of Hermione's elbows and pulls back, even as he thrust forward into her, filling her own gushing wet pussy with his massive rod. As he fucks her, Hermione, bless her heart, seems to know exactly what he wants without him having to even say it. But then to be fair, he has positioned her so that she's staring right into Marietta's lust-filled, desire-filled eyes.

"Oh f-fuck! Master is so big, he's so big inside of me. Oh, oooh… I'm cumming! I'm already cumming around his dick, you filthy fucking whore! Oh yes, it feels so good to climax all over his big fat cock! And he's not stopping! He's not stopping for even a second! He's filling me with his dick, he's pounding into me again and again and again. Cumming! CUMMING AGAAAAIN!!!"

And that's how it goes for the next while, as Marietta is continually denied the chance to cum, while Hermione is fucked into blissful ecstasy again and again, right before her eyes. Harry fucks Hermione silly, plowing his childhood best friend as hard as he can, before eventually unloading in her cunt after he's brought her to orgasm after orgasm after orgasm.

Marietta, meanwhile, is beside herself by the time Harry pulls out of Hermione and drops her face down onto the floor. Snorting derisively as he steps over the brunette witch, his dick still hard and now nice and lubed up, Harry circles around Marietta until he's behind her, his cock coming up and hot-dogging her ass cheeks as he wraps a hand around her throat from behind.

"You want to cum, bitch? You'll do anything to cum?"

Marietta moans and nods her head, her desire to experience another orgasm on his dick overloading her common sense. Grinning, Harry gives her what she wants… but not in the way she wants it. With a growl, he sharply thrusts right up into her anus, filling her bowels with his dick and causing a loud scream of pain to leave Marietta's throat. As he expected, a week without any contact with the Devil's Snare had caused her back door to tighten up again, leaving her asshole unprepared for the sudden intrusion.

But as Harry fucks her, she can't help but like it. His dick is slick with his cum and Hermione's pussy juices, as well as some of Marietta's on top of that. He's fucking her in one of her holes, and while it might not be her cunt, that's good enough for her. And yet, still Harry doesn't let her cum. He doesn't let her cum, instead regulating the speed at which he's thrusting into her asshole, never fully pulling out like he had been before, but slowing down enough at certain points that Marietta can't QUITE get over the edge.

He fucks her, and he fucks her, and he fucks her some more, and yet, Marietta never once experiences an orgasm at the end of his cock as it rearranges her insides and fucks her ass to kingdom cum. After he spills his seed deep in her bowels, however, Harry pulls out and clears his throat, drawing the attention of a recovered Hermione.

"Eat out her ass for me, slut. And don't hold back."

Hermione blushes, but does as she's told, kneeling behind Marietta and going to town on the edged witch's asshole with her tongue. As she slurps Harry's seed right out of Edgecombe's back door, Harry himself circles around to the front of the bound witch AGAIN, and he thrusts his cock right up into her pussy once more. The stimulus proves to be too much for the feverish witch, and with a squealing cry, Marietta climaxes all over his dick for the second time.

With some rapid firing thrusts, Harry begins to fuck Marietta even harder, prompting a third orgasm from the red head in no time at all. Then he stops, buried inside of Marietta's cunt, Hermione's tongue hard at work still up against her asshole. Leaning forward, Harry grabs Marietta by her hair and looks her in the eye.

"That's three, Marietta. One more, and Luna will be very upset with you."

The name of the blonde witch is like a bucket of ice water down Marietta's back. Her eyes widen and clarity takes over as she realizes what's happened, as she suddenly gets just how close she is to being totally and utterly fucked, and not in a good way. Harry grins and slowly slides his thick cock in and out of Marietta's cunt, watching as the red head whimpers and tries to shake her head, begging him with her eyes not to let her cum once again.

He hasn't decided quite yet what he's going to do… but he and Hermione have an entire night to torment Marietta to their heart's content, so he has plenty of time to decide still. This? This was going to be fun…


The next day, when Luna returns to Harry, he has Marietta ready for her. Suspended from the ceiling in the middle of the room, the red head looks like quite the mess. Everything that Hermione wrote on her is still there, and thanks to the magical marker it'd been written with, not a single bit of it is smudged or ran through, despite Marietta being absolutely COVERED in sweat, and dripping in sexual fluids.

Luna's eyes brighten as she takes in the sight of her test subject, and her lips curl into a wide, wicked grin as she circles around Marietta, taking her in. Her fingers reach out to trace at the lettering across Marietta's body, each of the words seeming to make her more and more excited. When she's done, Luna looks over to Harry and lets out a soft giggle as the Head Auror sits behind his desk and smiles at her warmly.

"I hope you like it, Luna."

Bobbing her head up and down, Luna wanders over to the desk, standing in front of it as she cocks her head to the side cutely.

"Hermione, I presume?"

Harry smirks at that.

"What gave it away, the perfect spacing?"

"Oh yes. And the alliteration. Plus, I know all about how much of a horny slut she is for your dick. Still, I didn't expect to get such livery for my pet. You'll be sure to thank her for me, won't you?"

Harry lifts a brow at that, and gestures downwards.

"Thank her yourself."

Blinking, Luna comes around the side of the desk, only to find that Harry is not quite so alone as she first presumed. Beneath the desk, Hermione Granger-Weasley kneels with her arms bound behind her back and her tits out as she bobs up and down on Harry's cock with earnest gusto, forcing herself to take much of him down her swallowing throat with every movement. She slows of course when Luna's face comes into view, her eyes flickering over to the blonde, who just smiles a little at her.

"Thank you, Hermione. I love what you've done with Marietta. Now, you get back to work, alright? That's a good girl~"

As Hermione resumes throating Harry's cock, Luna straightens up and lets out a little sigh of contentment, before looking to Harry once more.

"So! How did she do?"

Harry smirks and looks over at Marietta, who pleads with her eyes at him.

"She's only cum three times so far, as it turns out."

Luna hums at that, nodding her head up and down, only for Harry to cut her off.

"Ah, but then I haven't turned her over to you yet, now have I. And really, I shouldn't return her in anything less than the condition I found her in."

He waves his hand, and Marietta's eyes widen as the rope she's bound in flows over her in all the right places, while the magical sex toys Luna had left inside of her when she first dropped her off return themselves to Marietta's cunt with great force, turning on and buzzing inside of her hole while the rope that had once been wedged between her cunt lips slides back into place atop them as well.

The sudden stimulation proves to be far too much for the edged red head, and with a loud squeal that's ultimately cut off by the O-ring gag in her mouth transforming back into a full-on muzzle gag, Marietta Edgecombe cums a fourth time, her pussy juices squirting out from around the sex toys and rope to spray across the room as she shamefully orgasms right in front of them.

Harry, smirking slightly, leans back and shrugs his shoulders as Luna side-eyes him a little, grinning wickedly and adopting a faux bit of sheepishness.


Letting out a put-upon sigh that seems a bit fake as well, Luna shakes her head and prances over to where Marietta is quivering, not just from the aftereffects of her fourth and final orgasm before returning to Luna's custody, but also from fear at what would happen now.

"Like I said Harry, I don't blame you~ Marietta is in charge of her own body, and she failed me. I don't like it when my pets fail me."

With a flick of her wand, Luna pulls Marietta down from the ceiling, the rope that had been attached up there swirling around until it became something of a suitcase handle, allowing Luna to carry the hogtied red-haired witch at her side like a piece of luggage. Once she has Marietta 'stowed' properly, she makes her way over to Harry's fireplace and once again activates it before turning back to give Harry a wide smile.

"Thank you for watching over her for me Harry. Now that I'm done with Sue, I have all sorts of things for Marietta to do. Unfortunately, she hasn't earned any sort of help with those things thanks to her failure, but alas, these things happen, don't they? She'll learn and do better next time, hopefully. Goodbye Harry. Goodbye Hermione. Have fun~"

And then she's gone, and Harry is left alone in his office with a tasty brunette witch beneath his desk, bobbing up and down on his knob. Honestly, Luna has and always will be his friend… but he's certainly an acquired taste appreciated in small doses. Looking down between his legs at where Hermione is deep-throating his cock like the expert knob-gobbler she is, he smiles appreciatively.

"That's a good girl."


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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