
The Santo Domingo Outpost, The Very First Military Outpost in the Island of Catanduanes

Day 149 - 5:47 PM - Port Area, Catanduanes Military Settlement, Codon, Municipality of San Andres, Catanduanes


Sounds of gunshots from sniper rifles loudly echoed across the port from several soldiers atop the walls. Those shots made two [Armor Type] infected collapse on the beach, never to stand up again. Since the soldiers accurately shot the two through their eyes, it would be shocking if the two [Armor Type] infected managed to survive.

General Padilla watched the scene with a sigh. He was here since several infected were spotted emerging from the sea once again.

The aftereffects of the massive horde attack the other day had yet to subside. Not all of the infected under the seawater were eliminated. Thus, many would make it to shore from time to time.

Fortunately, it was not on a scale that could be considered an emergency.
