

It was just a normal morning but it was unknown to many that the apocalypse already started. The origin was not determined but the infected started to appear after a cosmic event happened just outside of the Earth’s atmosphere. The people and animals turned into man-eating mutants and zombies while some of the lucky ones gained superhuman abilities. Every living creature that had not "turned" started to evolve as the whole world was affected by the Mutagen. However, it seemed that Earth also had its hidden side that humans would discover in a very uncanny way. And was Mutagen the last of it? Unfortunately, not. Follow Mark, an Otaku, a Gamer, and a Shut-in that got trapped in the middle of the apocalypse due to an uncanny reason. Using his unconventional thinking, knowledge, and abilities, how far can he go in surviving the apocalypse filled with zombies, mutated beings, and dangerous people as a survivor in a world that was changing for the worse.

Exallion · SF
1138 Chs

A Declaration, The Leader of the Auraboros Indonesia Branch

Day 365 - 12:30 PM - Sacrificial Cathedral, Auraboros Indonesia Branch, Murial Sacred Fortress, Mount Muria, Central Java, Indonesia

With the door broken through, the 9000 [Face Wearers] populating the larger cathedral could be seen.

There were pews as far as the eye could see. Large pillars supported the beautifully carved ceiling, and a giant red curtain was the backdraft of the heavily decorated podium. The ambiance of the entire place complemented the large number of [Face Wearers], who had charcoal-colored skin and golden ornaments.

General Wijaya was surprised as he stopped on his feet. Mark did tell him to prepare for a large battle, but this was too large compared to what he had expected.

But compared to General Wijaya, Mark was relatively calm. And instead of paying attention to the sea of black and gold before him, his eyes stared straight at the opposite door of the cathedral.