
Start of A Budding Friendship

After a significant number of days had passed, I was finally able to speak verbally, albeit with some difficulties. My eldest sister diligently taught me the Demon God Language, which our race usually uses. Not only that, but the Fabricated Conscience helped me by translating the text into something I could understand.

However, by doing so, I managed to outpace my sister in learning to speak, which made her suspicious of me. Therefore, I make sure to take it slow to avoid being caught again.

["Amazing, Rokua. You managed to learn the language very well,"] Rokani praised. 

Scratching the back of my head, I felt flustered. ["Really, big sister? But I couldn't have done it without your help."]

["Though I have to say, you've learned it a bit too well,"] she remarked. ["Perhaps you're more of a genius than I am."] 

Her calling me a genius may imply that I was a prodigy in her eyes. I wasn't sure how to feel about this, but who wouldn't accept such noble recognition?

["Thanks for the praise, big sister,"] I acknowledged. ["I'll work harder so I can continue being a genius for you."]

["That's not what I meant, but if that's how you feel, then keep up the good work,"] My sister warmly encouraged me, which boosted my motivation.

After that conversation, Rokani and I continued to study together while reinforcing our sibling relationship. Over time, I became more proficient in verbal communication and expanded my vocabulary in the Demon God language.


On the following day, I decided to speak with Roxy for the first time. With all of the practice I have over the past few days, this interaction will undoubtedly work out.

Before I start my day, I always make sure to spend the morning meditating. This allows me to condense and refine a small amount of my accumulated mana, which is a necessary step to make progress in my cultivation journey.

After meditating, I enjoyed breakfast with my entire family. Today's menu included a delicious bowl of Great Tortoise stew, a staple exclusive to our town.

["So, Rokua, how did your time with your eldest sister work out for you?"] my father inquired, seemingly curious about my study session with Rokani. 

I swallowed the food I was chewing before answering the question. ["It was great, Mama. I can speak with my mouth now."]

["Wow, really? That's great. Your sister did a good job teaching you,"] my mother applauded.

Most of my family members praised my commitment to improving my verbal communication skills, but Roshi and Roego didn't seem impressed by my progress.

["Why bother learning to speak if we can communicate telepathically?"] Roshi pondered.

Roego nodded in agreement with our brother's statement. ["That's true. We Migurds rarely talk with other demon races, so I don't see the point of learning the... Owowowow!!"]


Before he could finish his sentence, Roksan pinched his and Roshi's ears, causing them to squirm in pain and flail their arms about. Honestly, it was rather satisfying to see their folly have consequences.

["Alright, Roksan, that's enough,"] Roichi commanded.

Rokani scowled at them and reprimanded, ["Let go of their ears and finish your food. Don't embarrass yourselves in front of our parents again."]

Following the eldest brother's instruction, Roksan released her grip on Roshi and Roego, and they continued eating despite the obvious tension between the three. However, we set that aside for now and continued the conversation.

["Anyway, what are you going to do now, Rokua?"] my father inquired curiously.

Hearing his question, I decided to share my next move. ["I'd want to talk with the girl from a few days ago, so I can befriend her."]

["Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that,"] he admitted while scratching the back of his head.

It is quite understandable for my family to overlook my goals, as they are merely trivial in the grand scheme of things. Nevertheless, as long as they acknowledge them, I'm satisfied.

["Do you know where she lives, papa? I want to see her,"] I followed up with a question.

My father nodded, conceding to my request. ["Of course, I'll take you there once we're done eating, okay?"]


With that conversation settled, we all continued eating our meals. After we were done, my father and I went outside, and he guided me to where Roxy lived.


Once we arrived at a certain corner of the village, my father walked towards a specific house and used his telepathy to call the people from within. 

["Hey, Rowin, are you in there?"]

["Rokasu? What is it? Do you need anything?"]

["Actually, I want you and your daughter to come out for a second."]

As my father answered the question, Roxy's father went silent for a brief moment. But then, a short man exited the house along with his daughter and wife.

["Oh my, what do we have here? It's the girl who consoled my daughter,"] said Roxy's mother as she waved at me.

I waved back, acknowledging their presence. ["Hello, I want to speak with her."]

["Really? Can you speak the Demon God language?"] she asked doubtfully.

Nodding affirmatively, I walked towards Roxy and prepared to test the verbal communication I had practiced for the past few days.

"Hello, my name is Rokua Migurdra. Nice to meet you."

With that introduction, Roxy and her parents were taken aback upon hearing me speaking verbally. Meanwhile, my father smirked proudly, flaunting his satisfaction towards them.

["Tada~ My daughter can speak aloud, just like yours,"] he bragged.

Roxy's mother smiled wryly at my father's words before glancing at her. "Roxy, what do you want to say to her in return?"

The timid blue-haired girl turned her head and humbly approached me. Then, with a delicate voice, she spoke. "N-nice to meet you too. M-my name is Roxy Migurdia..."

Her bashful response sounds like music to my ears, especially since I am talking to her young self right now. However, I should hold myself together and avoid getting too excited.

"What lovely name you have, Roxy," I complimented her.

In response, Roxy's cheeks turned red as she lowered her head. "T-thank you."

"Cute... I mean, do you want to be friends with me?" I inquired after accidentally blurting my thoughts out loud.

Roxy blushed even more upon hearing the word "cute" but she humbly nodded, accepting my request. Seeing this side of her is a dream come true and I'll cherish it forever.


Once Roxy and I had become friends, my father and her parents went to the side and talked about something personal through telepathy. I tried to strain my mind to eavesdrop on their conversation and listened to some interesting exchanges between the three adults.

["Well, now that my daughter has a new playmate, my job here is done,"] declared my father as he smirked pridefully. ["Rowin, Rokari, can I entrust you two to look after her? I have guard duty for today."]

["Well, I'm on guard duty too, so my wife will take care of them,"] Roxy's father replied before glancing at the woman beside him. ["Right, Rokari?"]

["Of course, don't worry about Rokua, sir Rokasu,"] she agreed earnestly.

From the context of their conversation, it appears that I'm in good hands with Roxy's mother.

"There they go again," Roxy mumbled frustratedly. 

Curious about her troubles, I asked, "What's wrong?"

"They're just standing there, looking at each other and not talking," she complained.

Ah, right. I almost forgot that Roxy can't use telepathy to hear their conversation. However, I have been wondering what might have caused it.

Fabricated Conscience, can you tell me why my friend can't use telepathy?

["Analysis. The Migurd named Roxy has a genetic abnormality preventing her from using the race's innate ability."]

Genetic abnormality, huh? That makes sense.

With that information, I decided to reassure Roxy. "There, there, it's alright. My papa and your parents are just talking with telepathy."

"Telepathy?" she reiterated, tilting her head in confusion.

Seeing her being bewildered by the term, I attempted to clarify. "Yeah, they were using their minds to speak, but you can't hear them."

"Why not?"

Hmm, trying to explain telepathy to a child is more difficult than I thought. But as I was about to clarify further, my father and Roxy's parent returned to us.

"Oh my, what are you two talking about?" her mother asked.

Before I could respond to her question, Roxy stepped forward and demanded, "Mama, Papa, why can't I use my mind to talk like you do?"

Hearing their daughter's inquiry, they looked at me as if I had told her something I shouldn't have. But fortunately, they didn't voice anything, returning their focus to Roxy.

"Sweetie, it's too early for you to know that," her mother gently replied.

"Yeah, we'll explain everything when you're older," said her father, reassuring his daughter.

While reluctant to accept their request, Roxy submissively nodded, delaying the truth about her condition. Meanwhile, my father and I silently watched them from the background. 


After that little conflict just now, my father and Roxy's father decided to leave for work. But before they departed, my old timer had something to say to me.

["Rokua, can I talk to you for a moment?"] my father asked, pulling me aside.

I nodded, curious about what he had to say.

["Look, I know you're trying to help Roxy,"] he began speaking, his voice gentle but firm. ["But next time, you should have been careful about what you share with her."]

["Why is that?"] I demanded, wanting to know what I did wrong.

["Because some truths are best left for the parents to explain to their children when the time is right,"] he explained, which made some sense.

["I didn't mean to upset her,"] I replied, feeling a bit guilty. ["I just wanted to comfort Roxy."]

["That's understandable,"] he affirmed, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. ["Rokua, your heart is in the right place, but you'll might scare your friend. So, let the adults handle these kinds of situations."]

["Okay, Papa, I'll be more careful."]

Hearing my response, he smiled warmly. ["Good. Now play nice with your new friend, okay? And also, go back home before sunset."]

I nodded, feeling a bit better about myself. ["I will, Papa. Have a good day at work."]

With that assurance, my father nodded back before turning around and walking away with Roxy's father following behind. As they left, Roxy's mother approached us. 

"Alright, you two, come inside," she called us while smiling warmly. "You can both play in the living quarters."

Hearing her mother's words, Roxy's face lit up with excitement. "Come on, Rokua. I want to show you all of my toys."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her house. chuckling lightly, I conceded to her request and followed them inside.

Honestly, this might be the start of a developing friendship that would last over a lifetime.

I'm sure of it. Absolutely.

I don't know if I wanna ship Rokua and Roxy in the future, but remembered it is a yuri story.

Roxy_Migurdia_69creators' thoughts