
Mushoku Tensei: Starting my New Life as a Migurdian Cultivator

This is my first time writing, so go easy on me as I will butcher my grammar and story telling. I'll try my best to make the story entertaining to the best of my ability. Anyway, this is the story of a Roxy Migardia fan who died in a house fire due to some leakage on the gas stove. A divine being gave the person a chance to reincarnate in the same world and race as their favorite character, but in exchange, they are tasked to improve themselves through cultivation, whether they like it or not.

Roxy_Migurdia_69 · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

Calming the Crying Girl

Ever since I was a child in my previous life, I often entertained myself by watching anime, especially if it was Mushoku Tensei.

One of my favorite characters in that show is Roxy Migurdia. She was a calm and collected person with a wise outlook on life, which is a trope that I enjoyed a lot.

When the first season ended, I wanted to know more about that character. Thus, I bought the "Mushoku Tensei: Roxy Got Serious" manga with my savings.

You might be wondering why I bought that instead of the main novel. Well, It was because I cared more about Roxy than the main character himself. I felt so revolted and uneasy by his lewd behavior that I preferred to ignore his existence.

Now that being said, I am currently facing my favorite character in her youthful days. With innocence and curiosity gleaming in her eyes, she looked at me and my siblings, seemingly wanting to play with us. 

["Hey, we should say something to her,"] Rokari suggested.

Roichi nodded, acknowledging the idea. ["You're right, it is rude to leave this girl hanging."] 

After that assurance, he confronted Roxy and tried to speak with her through telepathy.

["Hello there. What's your name? Do you come here to play with them?"]


However, Roxy didn't respond. She just stands there, utterly confused.

["Umm, hello. Are you okay there, dear?"] 

["What's wrong, Roichi?"]

["I don't know. She wasn't answering."]

Roichi and Roksan were concerned by Roxy's lack of response to the message. However, I know exactly why she wasn't responding to them and it needs to be addressed immediately.

["Big brother, big sister, I think that girl can't use telepathy."]


That's right. According to the manga I used to read, Roxy doesn't have the intrinsic ability to communicate telepathically. 


After telling the information, Roichi and Rokari briefed the other three siblings about it, and their reactions were varied. Roksan was concerned regarding Roxy while Roshi and Roego were somewhat doubtful of me.

["That sounds awful, so that means she doesn't understand us?"]

["I don't know about that, but I'm more concerned about Rokua's assumption?"]

["He's right, like how do you know she can't use telepathy?"]

Hearing their barrage of questions, I couldn't help but feel nervous. It seems to be a mistake to tell about Roxy's condition after all. However, I should cover it up with a lie.

["It's because my intuition said so."]

My response hung in the air as exchanged confused glances before returning to me.

["Your intuition? Are you sure?"] Roego tried to confirm.

I nodded. ["Yes, the girl didn't respond means she doesn't know telepathy."]

["That's a bunch of baloney,"] Roshi disagreed. ["Look, I'll talk to her, and oh... She's crying?"]

Looking back, we can see Roxy holding back her tears. It appeared that we'd chatted for so long that she cried out of confusion.

["Oh dear, you made her cry, Roshi,"] Roksan remarked.

Perplexed, Roshi turned to her. ["Huh?! What did I do?"]

While my elder siblings were arguing, I approached the crying Roxy and embraced her. This surprises the girl, as shown by her little squeal and fidgeting movement. 

["Hey Rokua, what are you doing?"] Roichi asked.

Briefly glancing at my brother, I responded, ["Comforting her."]

My immediate response causes Roichi to raise his eyebrow, baffling him. He turned to Rokani and gestured for her to take care of the situation.

However, before she could reach us, I heard several footsteps. Looking back, I saw a woman running in our direction. From her appearance, I could tell who she was. It's Roxy's mother.


Upon arriving in front of us, the mother looked at me with worry on her face. I released Roxy from my embrace and took a step back. She then kneeled and checked her daughter before looking back at me.

["What happened to her?"] she calmly asked.

Feeling nervous, I responded, ["My siblings and I tried to talk to her with our minds, but she didn't answer. Then she cried because we took too long to say anything."]

["Oh dear, I knew this would happen."]

The woman's reaction became clear to my siblings and they're quite troubled by this. Rokani continued her approach and tried to talk with Roxy's mother.

["Ma'am, is it true that the girl can't use telepathy,"] my sister asked earnestly.

The question took the woman by surprise, as shown by her widened eyes. But she eventually calmed herself and replied, ["Yes, it's true. My daughter was born without this ability."]

["I see..."] Rokani acknowledged the truth. ["We're sorry for not knowing about this, though it is a good thing our youngest sibling was able to notice it instantly."]

Hearing this, the woman looked at me before smiling softly.

["Thank you for understanding my dear daughter."]

["It was nothing. I just wanted everyone to understand her too."]

["Is that so? Then I'm grateful for your concern."]

After that, the woman picked up Roxy and glanced at the people in the area.

["Everyone, sorry for the trouble,"] she apologized earnestly.

Roichi stepped forward and waved his hand. ["It's alright. We understood the situation."]

["You do? That's promising. Well, if you excuse us, we'll take our leave,"] the woman declared as she turned around and walked away.

While they were leaving, I could see Roxy peeking over her mother's shoulder, so I waved my hand to let her know I bid her farewell. Surprisingly, the girl waved back at me, which meant that she understood my gesture despite not being able to convey it telepathically.


Once the mother and daughter disappeared from our view, Roichi and Rokani gathered all of the siblings, including me, and guided us back home. Although the whole situation has been resolved, Roshi and Roego are still skeptical about Roxy's condition while walking.

["I still can't believe someone from our race wasn't able to use telepathy,"] Roshi remarked.

Roego nodded, agreeing with the statement. [You're right, it's quite bizarre to think about it."]

Hearing their offensive comments, I turned to Roksan and tugged her dress. She noticed my gesture and immediately knew what to do. Raising her two fists, she bonked the two on the head, causing them to grimace in pain.

["Oi, what's the big idea?!"]

["Yeah, why did you hit us?!"]

Roshi and Roego angrily protested at Roksan while holding their injured head. In response, she crossed her arms and responded.

["You two need to be more cautious about what you're telling each other. We could still hear your telepathic thoughts from here,"] she sternly rebuked them.

Witnessing Roksan being assertive towards my two elder brothers is quite a new experience for me. She typically acts very delicately when scolding them but this time is rather different.

["Roksan~ What are you guys arguing over there?"] Rokani asked playfully, glancing back at us with slanted eyes.

Spooked by our older sister's message, Roksan shook her head. ["It's nothing, big sister. Just telling these two rascals to behave."]

["Hmm, if you say so,"] Rokani believed her. [But don't get carried away, okay?"]

["Yes, big sister,"] Roksan complied while nodding nervously

Rokani then glanced at Roshi and Roego before communicating, ["As for you two, follow what your older sister tells you, understand?"]

The two brothers silently nodded while sweating profusely.

Finally, she glanced at me and smiled. ["Good job back there, Rokua. It's rather kind of you to comfort that girl from earlier."]

["It wasn't that much, big sister,"] I responded humbly. ["If only I could have talked to her with my mouth instead of my mind."]

That's right. If only there was a way for me to communicate verbally, then I wouldn't have to rely on telepathy.

["Hmm, I might able to help you with that, dear little Rokua,"] Rokani proposed.

Hearing that, I looked at her optimistically. ["Really, big sister?"]

["That's right, so let's get moving immediately,"] she declared while walking faster.

With that being said, I strode quickly, which prompted my three older siblings to follow me from behind. I felt reassured now that I had a chance to talk with Roxy very soon.


As we all arrived at our home, two people were waiting for us in the living room—It was our parents. They noticed our presence and waved their hands at me and my siblings.

["Oh, hello there, everyone. Welcome back~"] our mother greeted enthusiastically.

Meanwhile, our father glanced at each of my siblings before settling on me. ["It seems our youngest daughter finally joined her brothers and sisters outside. Tell me, how's your day?"]

Answering his question, I recalled everything that happened from the moment I stepped foot outside the house until the sudden encounter with Roxy.

["I see, so you met Rowin's daughter,"] my father murmured. ["I've heard about her situation from work but didn't expect it to be true."]

["I heard about it too,"] my mother acknowledged. ["How was she? Did something happen to that girl?"]

Raising our hands, each of us gave our answer.

["She cried, mother."]

["Yeah, the girl bawled her eyes out."]

Roshi and Roego, being the menaces they are, pointed out how Roxy cried when we couldn't give her a response.

However, Roksan pinches their ear before clarifying the events. ["It's true that the girl cried, but don't worry, Rokua managed to calm her down with a hug."]

Hearing her response, our parents were quite pleased, as shown by their smiles.

[Oh my, what a kind gesture you did, dear,"] my mother praised me.

My father nodded in understanding. ["I agree, it's a good decision on your part, Rokua."]

["Thank you, Mother, Father,"] I acknowledged their compliments.

After their commendations, my father turned to the three elder siblings who were currently arguing telepathically.

["As for you three, stop bickering over there. Roksan, let go of their ears and escort them to their rooms."]

Following our Father's commands, Roksan released her grip on my two older brother's ears and urged them to follow her albeit feeling somewhat dissatisfied. 

Once that conversation was concluded, Rokani stepped forward and asked, ["Mother, do you still have the Demon Language textbook?"]

["Yes, it's by the bottom shelf. Why did you ask?"] my mother asked, tilting her head.

In response, Rokani put a hand on my shoulder. ["I'm going to teach Rokua to speak with her mouth so she can communicate with the girl from earlier."]

With those words, both of my parents smiled softly and nodded with acceptance. After that, my eldest sister and I began learning to speak verbally.

I tried my best to write the chapter.

On an unrelated note, Happy Father's Day!

Roxy_Migurdia_69creators' thoughts