
My Surname Is Shu

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

"If my hunch is correct, the person who killed the young master and Chu Gou was Lin Jin," said Black Envoy.

Both Zhou Weng and Elder Ye were stunned by his statement.

"Isn't Lin Jin in Jade Dragon Kingdom? Hall Master Chu gathered us for the sake of killing him after all," Zhou Weng responded.

"Lin Jin has already arrived here at Heavenly Spiral City a few days ago but clearly you guys were oblivious to that. I am unsure how, but he ended up taking notice of Chu Gou and the young master. These two were finished off before you lot could even take action." 

Black Envoy sounded irked.

Zhou Weng and Elder Ye knew it was time for them to declare their stance.

Both men bowed at once. "Master Black Envoy, both of us set off and finish Lin Jin off to avenge Hall Master Chu."