

"After spending five years in prison for a murder conviction, Evelyn's last hope hinges on one man: John Garret, a specific lawyer she insists on having. She insists that she has a much complicated relationship with the lawyer But for Garret, Evelyn is nothing more than an enigma. Haunted by a recurring nightmare, Garret's life is tormented by an imaginary demon demanding salvation for the lawyer's sins. As each day passes, Garret delves deeper into the harsh truth of Evelyn's crime and the elusive solution to satisfy the relentless hunger of his demon.” The story follows A British Woman Evelyn during The Victorian Era who spends five years in Prison for a conviction of Murder but all of a sudden she demands a lawyer, specific one named John Garret who resides in America, she tends to reveal her story only to him.

Prashantpal_12 · 歴史
14 Chs


"I was left alone there, with my feeble brother Jenny as if I could not demand a sanction for their grievous crime and if I have to be honest, I wasn't sure if I could. Though I was indulged in a preposterous relationship with my Jenny perhaps yet I had loved him so dearly, as I prowled for Jenny he was confined in his own tree house, pliable with fear, and with no hope of safety. But when he spotted me the generous smile stumbled upon his cheeks. Our farm was destroyed to pieces and my memories had been obstructed by calamities. Sir, You are too kind, I am sure of that. I will heed onto this regard well when I bring you to a happier part of my story. I must continue myself in a most noblest manner, I had not spotted any living souls for two days henceforth the disastrous day and I had been faltering with great trouble as every single hour surpassed us. Most of our supplies were stored for Jenny but we had stumbled upon a lot of people, some with the good assertion and some were betrothed with their servant employments, but they all demanded pretensions upon my own parts for a whole night, I suppose for their perverse desire, yet I wasn't in a position to surrender myself knowing that my parents were respected gentles. Now we were in a town that had no familiarity of sorts for us but we had a destination in our mind, I remembered a person in this town that reeks of mortifying people----"

Mr. Garret had wished to read a lot more, yet he was interposed when a cup of glass shattered, he vacillated between his anger and frustration in this regard when he looked at the pieces, it reminded him of her memories that were situated in her own farm obstructed as if it was those pieces of the cup. He spotted a woman in front.

"Who you might be?" her voice writhed with great melancholy, and her cheeks demonstrated the fear perfectly, Mr. Garret supposed that she had not received the knowledge of his presence or his appearance.

"I suppose no one has given you the knowledge of myself, I am Mr. Garret, and I am here to study a case,"

As he announced it, the melancholy expression whisked away from her, and her caprice had forced him to smile deliberately while he forgot all the other options that he was troubled to vacillate.

"Pardon me sir for my falsified behavior towards you, Should you punish me by ordering me an amend to do, I must do it with pride," she bowed and let her lips trot.

"No, I won't do that for such a less malice mistake, perhaps if you undertake this as a fulfillment of your wish then you should clean this and come have a talk with m----,"

She nodded to him with the blither of grace but before he could speak further, she had ventured inside in search of the tools to pick the sharp materials, and Mr. Garret decided to venture into the session of his perusal as well.

"I remembered a person in this unfamiliar town, I should append the explanation of the person's relationship with me, my grandfather had died long before I was born and as I must say, he had a son, my father, obviously, but perhaps having a single son had left an effect of insecurities onto him, my grandmother's family had the audacious professional, I suppose it is such an obscurity that I do not think it holds any importance in my story to explain their perilous profession, so because of their work they had trembled upon an accident, and saw their demise, leaving an only son. It was not unforeseen in any way as my grandfather superseded the boy's father and had taken him under his command. By all means sir, I have detested him as he had never even heeded his eyes on me as his nephew but perhaps with his eyes raged with perversity. But at last, I had no wish to vacillate and to go under his roof not for myself but for Jenny. Sir, do you mind hearing a lot when we had our sojourn at his house? I suppose your answer should be yes or if it is no then I must warn you, the purely temporary arrangement was quite convenient enough but it is embarrassing for me as only god knows what work of malice I had done for the arrangement, but perhaps you might be the next person to get offended by the unceremonious abruptness in my sojourn and his unfriendly welcome, the actions he dared to attempt on me."

Mr. Garret held his intention to read the letter raged with ominous events yet he decided to let her suppressed vehemence with which she wrote those lines rest for quite a moment. The sky was dreary and the wind had trampled his ought generous mood and it had been overthrown by the unacknowledged sense of frustration. He turned towards the garden and the greenery indeed had no meagre of gorgeousness, but his eyes were discomposed when the door opened and the maid appeared against his view.

"Sir, do you mind having tea at this time?' she asked.

"Oh for sure but that can wait, at this time I need to have a conversation with you,"

"But I am in no position to have a seat with you," she said with no hesitation evident in her tone. And from her eyes, it seemed the truth behind her statement was indispensable.

"Don't be fretful, it will be no danger for you or your work if you sit with me here, you are not a slave but a respectful maid." as his words passed through, he saw a girl rather than a woman when she smiled, there were no wrinkles, and her skin no pale in any means and so young. Mr. Garret realised his mistake of thinking of her as a woman when he first seized her in his eyes. She then glanced all round her, those blots of hesitation had arrived within herself. She smiled at him once more and settled beside him.

"I must beg your pardon once again for my falsified knowledge of you,"

"Oh, Don't be, it is such a trifle now,"

Mr. Garret saw her short and sturdy fingers as those moved nervously to tuck her hair behind her ear. Her soft movements had delighted Mr. Garret.

"I have my detention for this weather, it has grown cold henceforth my arrival at London,"

She chuckled and looked straight into his face.

"It might not stop raining for the rest of the day,"

Mr. Garret looked at her with his pale eyes awash with confusement,

"How do you have a knowledge of that?"

"I have my way of ascertaining for the weather, perhaps if you look at the sky and spot a certain cloud awhile being at the position you have taken your stand then you should understand that the day will have the companion of the rain,"

"Is it any accurate?"

"Oh yes sir, but sometimes it has betrayed me as well,"

Mr. Garret had glanced his viewing to the sky to spot the avowal of good news but failed to spot any such things.

"What do you think about today?"

"As I told you, sir, today will be poured by the heavy rain," As her words flew, he felt the repenting of his question, annoyance took refuge in his smile after the ruined plans to explore. The exploration of the great town interposed by the weather though he had a smile, the annoyance had been hiding behind.

"I hope your way of ascertaining betrays you as I have my schedule that can be destroyed by the rain, I have a question that I think I would need an answer to," said Mr. Garret. She locked her eyes on him and waited patiently for his lips to trot.

"You look so young to be detained by the work of handling a house alone, I am afraid that I need to venture and dare to ask a woman's age," his words had deliberated her to look at him with her generous eyes, and with the preposterous suddenness of the day's weather had obtruded the greenery sodden with the sudden rain, it interposed the question of Mr. Garret.

"Your words were true after all, I know it holds no difficulties but you will need to teach me about this while I am here on my sojourn,"

"It will be my pleasure, sir," she said and with her finishing the statement, there was an absurd silence prowled between them, but amply she had broken the silence.

"Sir, you are too kind, I am sure of that," those words dropped down from her lips and it had sent the remembrance of Evelyn and her letters.

"What had given you an idea like this?" he was indeed in awe of the mystery of why she had mentioned his name to the Bobbies.

"I have worked in a couple of households but no one has dared to treat me like you have been engaged in a nice conversation with me Instead I would have been discomposed by them but I am very thankful for your kind generosity,"

As her words finished, Mr. Garret was dispersed onto his thoughts, he had the knowledge of her possession of revealing the mystery later yet he had no patience if the case had the part that was confined with the appearance of himself. His thoughts concealed upon his own reasons, was he ever tumbled upon her and treated her nicely? Has he had the idea of her presence by any means? Was he an important matter in her hazardous act? Was she by any means having any kind of relationship with himself?

"I should go now, I am detained with much work, sir," Mr. Garret nodded and granted her departure from his conversation, she rose and began her trot but Mr. Garret interposed her once again.

"You have not given me my answer yet," she turned round and looked at Mr. Garret.

"I am 16 years old sir, If you wish then we may talk concerning my employment inside the house but let me inform you I am in great avail to handle an abode this big by myself,"

"I am sure you hold the skill to treat it nicely yet my cogitation betrays me to let you handle the work alone, By the way, Have you any leisure time to spare, I will be honored to take you to a nice restaurant," she smiled and felt not to say a word as she departed him. Mr. Garret settled down and decided to begin his perusal once again.