

Martha goes to lunch to meet her friends, little did she know that she had more friends than could bargain for.

Josephine: It's about time, we've been sitting here like complete idiots for the past thirty minutes, won't you say anything, Deborah,

Deborah: what do you expect me to say, this was bound to happen since she became a "star".

Martha: ooh come on guys, you want to ruin our lunch just because I'm late, okay okay, I'm sorry, now that I'm here, what would you like to have for lunch? And who are these two?

Deborah:(coughs while trying to signal the two Ladies to speak up)

My name is Destiny, said the girl. And this is Theresa, we're big fans of your work and we would like to render our service to you. The girls echoed,

Why thank you, but I think I've seen you ladies somewhere before, Martha said, (trying to recognize the two ladies).

Um, have you forgotten we were here to order lunch huh? Deborah said,

Hey waiter, could you attend to us please. Martha said,

What would you like to have this evening. Said the waiter,

I would like some rice and assorted meat. said Josephine,

I'll have a local dish, please can I have some fufu and vegetables. said Deborah,

Aren't you ordering anything? Said Martha to the two other ladies

Okay then, I'll have some local too. Said Theresa,

Same has her, said destiny

The group finished their lunch and continued their discussion, and just as Martha was about to remember their faces, the restaurant was filled with paparazzi which were taking photos of the celebrity.

The girls, who were enjoying the attention were also escorted by her bodyguards into the car.

This is the life we are going to be living now. Theresa whispered into destiny,

Martha dropped the girls at their home and went to her home with Deborah and Josephine.

(Martha and her friends went to her house, but there's a twist, find out what happens)