

Martha: Hello 'frank' how was the meeting with the producer,hope he wasn't annoyed I wasn't there, my sincere apologies.

Frank: It was quite alright, but I'm not the one you should apologize to, You know if you want to have a more successful career, you shouldn't blow off these kinds of meetings. Frank said,

Martha: I'm sorry frank, I had to go see my mother, she needed me to do something urgent. She said,

Frank: Again with your mother, what did you do this time?

Martha: I got her the shopping spree she wanted.

Frank: Why do you keep doing this. Frank exclaimed,

Martha: What do you mean, asked with curiosity.

Frank: You know what I'm talking about, it's about you giving your mother money you don't even spend on yourself. Frank said,

Martha: Here we go again, I've told you countless times to stop meddling in my affairs, Any amount of money I spend on my mother is nobody's business, she said angrily

Frank: Calm dow….!

Martha: Don't tell me to calm down, And remember you are just my manager, that's all.

Frank: I could be your manager, but I'm also your friend, and friends tell each other the truth.Frank said,

Martha: Well, your truth doesn't sound convincing, I don't want to talk about this anymore, And I'll try to forget you ever said this.She said,

Frank: Okay, Okay, I won't talk about this anymore. He said,

Martha: Better!, I'm going for lunch with my friends, want to tag along?

Frank: No I think I'm good. He said,

Martha: ooh common, don't be like that, I hope it's not because of the little argument we just had?

Frank: Of course not!! I just remembered I had some paperwork, I'll talk to you later, bye!

Martha:by…..! (Phone rings…) hello!!

Josephine: Girl, where in God's name are you!!!

Martha: I'm coming, I'm on my way

(Martha goes to see her friends, what good do they have in store for her? Find out in the next chapter