
Multiverse Vanquisher

The main character, Alvein is one of the fortunate people that are choosen by a higher being to participate in their little game. And like Alvein their are tens of thousands of people that are fortunate enough to be choosen, and will participate in the game. But is Alvein and the tens and thousands of participants really that fortunate to dance in the palm of a higher being that will watch all of their actions like an open book from who none can hide but can only play their actions only to hope that the watcher is satisfied. (A/N: The Mc is from Evil Faction, so all the people that are expecting a Mc good to companion and devilish to others then I am sorry to disappoint u but the mc will do everything that benefits him. Thank You for your time)

Xezor1322M · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Ch 5 New Chief

Hearing this Alvein looked at the entrance of the wooden hut while looking back at Shakla, she was staring at him to give his order but seeing that the new chief stopped talking and looked on the direction of the entrance, Shakla couldn't hear to the extent of Alvein so she looked with confusion towards him.

Alvein who had absorbed a few creatures could hear and see a lot better than his previous self, and just now while giving his first order, he heard goblins of his new tribe shouting that even Shakla couldn't hear and was confused about the weird behavior of her new chief.

But before Alvein could inquire, a injured goblin entered the hut and shouted "ASSAULT!!" alerting everyone in the room.

Shakla from looking with confusing at Alvein stared at  the injured goblin with disbelief and anger. She hurriedly asked "Who dare to attack us?"

Hearing this the injured goblin talking heavy breaths answered "the...the kobolds!!"

Hearing this Shakla face turned from anger to hopelessness but then her mind clicked and she looked back at Alvein the 'new chief' who was staring at the injured goblin with a blank face with a little annoyance.

But the truth couldn't have been any further as Alvein was calmly connecting the dots for the sudden attack and came to the conclusion that it might be because of the kobolds he killed and due to their death, the others found them missing and concluded that it could be the goblins work due the tribe not far from where the kobolds went missing.

Feeling Shakla's stare, Alvein looked at her and knew what she wanted but he let her speak.

Shakla seeing that Alvein the 'new chief' asked, "Cheif, Save goblins belong to tribe, kill intruders." while kneeling near her new chief's feet.

Hearing this Alvein smirked and said "Shakla as the new chief of this tribe I will save the tribe and kill the intruders."

Shakla hearing Alvein's reply let out a sign of relief but stayed in the same position.

Alvein after reply, without wasting any more time used his insect looking wings to fly towards the injured goblin standing between the exit and him but at the last moment dodged the goblin and went outside the hut but that sudden action scared the injured goblin and he fell on the ground on his butt but he didn't stay there for long as Crocosh who was standing on the side watching from the side lines, helped his tribesmen.

Outside the hut Alvein saw, that there were twenty-three kobolds spread out slaughtering the weaker goblins and fighting against the stronger once.

Alvein without making any noise went in the air and searched for the weakest kobold, after finding the weakest kobold, he went behind the kobold who was heavily injured and was fighting with his life on the line and stabbed the kobold using the dagger he had collected after killing the kobold group and stabbed it in a vital point instantly killing it.

Alvein who had absorbed a few kobolds now knew almost everything about them and could use this knowledge against the enemy.

The kobold's life ended before he could even realize that someone killed him. After killing the weakest kobold, Alvein didn't stop there and went towards another kobold who was injured and killed that kobold by attack it from a blind spot.

It didn't take Alvein, Shakla and the goblins with fighting experience to kill all of the kobolds in their home ground, it was only a matter of time.

The goblins who were fighting for their lives a moment ago were cheering for defeating the enemies that had envaded their land. With joy all the goblins looked at the stranger that had helped them defeat the enemies but the thing to note was that none of the goblins had let their guard down towards the stranger who they didn't knew to be their new chief.

Shakla understanding the awkward atmosphere loudly announced for every goblin to hear, "Today onward new chief."

Saying this Shakla kneeled on the ground infront of Alvein and all the goblins who were joyous but were on guard against Alvein soon followed Shakla and kneeled infront of Alvein showing him respect and her loyalty towards him.

Goblins loved following someone stronger than them were more than willing to accept Alvein as the new chief who had showcased his strength.

Alvein was satisfied seeing his new servents but he didn't forget about the enemy whose corpses were lying on the ground, he quickly gave his first order to all the goblins, "Everyone, as the new chief of this tribe I order everyone who can to gather the corpses of the enemy infront of me."

As his order was heard, all the goblins rushed towards the corpses of the kobolds and started gather them infront of their new chief.

The ordinary weaker goblins grouped together to carry a single kobold to bring infront of their new chief while the goblins stronger than them picked two or even three kobold corpses and brought them infront of their new chief.

After someone time Alvein saw all the twenty-three corpses that were missing body parts, and some were even burned to death by Shakla's skill.

But Alvein didn't mind and used [Beelzebub] skill to absorb all the corpses. After activating the skill for the first time to absorb so many corpses, Alvein felt not only his strength but also his senses getting greatly strengthened. Feeling the surge the strength after absorbing all the corpses, Alvein truly got addicted to the feeling and wanted to experience it even more but was unable to as there was nothing for him to absorb other than the goblins of this tribe.

For a second, the idea of killing everyone in the tribe and absorbing every single of the goblins crossed his mind but he soon dismissed it and put his attention of the new skill that he had gained after absorbing the corpses of the kobolds.

The skill was [Heightened Senses], it is a passive skill that allowed Alvein to increase all his six senses to the limit and due to this skill, Alvein was able to see, hear, and feel everything far better than he ever could.

Alvein quickly got used to this feeling and he next put his attention to the next topic which was, what was the reason for the kobolds assault?

Alvein was sure that it was due to the dissapearance of a few kobolds near the goblin tribe but he didn't ponder about the reason and waste his time, instead he went through the memories of all the kobolds he had previously absorbed and in matter of seconds he was able to find the reason of their assault.

But before finding out, it is needed to be known that there are three types of tribes small, medium and large tribe. Small tribes consist of population of around 100 to 200, Medium tribe consists of population of around 500 to 1,000 and finally Large tribe consists of population of around 5,000 to 10,000.

For creatures like goblins and kobolds, it is commonly seen that they have small tribes and maybe a few medium sized tribes but it is rare to see a large tribe.

But not to be mistaken, the classification of the tribe not only depends on the population but also on other factors such as resources, and for a small tribe the resources would be quite low compared to the middle sized tribes as they not only have their own resources but they also rule over small tribes and get resources from the later in exchange for protection or any other reason and it can also be implied for the large sized tribe as they also govern a number of middle sized tribes and gain resources from them.

For a middle sized tribe, it has to have more than one small tribe under itself to be classified as a middle sized tribe. And for a large sized tribe to be recognized, it has to govern three to four middle sized tribes under itself. For a large sized tribe to form, it take a long time and luck plays a big factor in it.

So for the reason of why would a tribe of kobolds attack a tribe of goblins all of a sudden, the answer was simple....