
Multiverse Vanquisher

The main character, Alvein is one of the fortunate people that are choosen by a higher being to participate in their little game. And like Alvein their are tens of thousands of people that are fortunate enough to be choosen, and will participate in the game. But is Alvein and the tens and thousands of participants really that fortunate to dance in the palm of a higher being that will watch all of their actions like an open book from who none can hide but can only play their actions only to hope that the watcher is satisfied. (A/N: The Mc is from Evil Faction, so all the people that are expecting a Mc good to companion and devilish to others then I am sorry to disappoint u but the mc will do everything that benefits him. Thank You for your time)

Xezor1322M · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Ch 4 Battle

The goblin while struggle said, "Let Crocosh live, Crocosh do anything. You strong, Crocosh serve you for life. Crocosh serve master. "

Understaning the goblin named Crocosh, Alvein spoke in goblin language and asked with a raised eyebrow" What can you do if I let you live? "

The goblin struggled to breath but answered " Crocosh strong in tribe, Crocosh defeat chief, Tribe serve Master."

With the help of the dead goblin's memory, Alvein understood what the goblin was talking about, if a goblin was able to defeat the chief of the tribe then the winner will become the new chief. And the goblins will do anything that the chief desires as the chief is the strongest in the tribe so the goblins will blindly follow the chief even in death.

Realizing this Alvein loosed his grip on the goblin now known as, Crocosh. Crocosh getting freed fell on his butt, on the ground.

After getting up from the ground, Crocosh knelt on the ground and said "Crocosh's Master you."

Alvein with a indifferent look nodded and continued his journey to the camp with Crocosh following behind him.

They reached the camp after a few minutes  of traveling, this time no one obstructed them but they were late due to Crocosh getting tired quickly from chasing behind his master.

Alvein reached the camp entrance that was guarded by two goblins. Crocosh while breathing said " He with Crocosh. Crocosh speak to chief, go tell."

After the two goblins guarding the entrance heard this, one of them went to the centre of the camp, where a big hut made of sticks and mud was located. The chief of the tribe lived in the biggest and luxurious house.

The goblin went inside the house and after a few minutes the goblin came running to Crocosh and Alvein, telling them that the chief have called them and they need to go to the chief's hut. Alvein and Crocosh as ordered went to wards the chief's hut to challenge the chief for the chief's position.


Alvein as the master of Crocosh walked in front while looking at the goblin tribe's primitive architecture and Crocosh tag along his master looking at the chief's hut from time to time with anticipation to challenge the chief and win the duel to prove his usefulness to his master.

Both of them went inside the wooden house located in the centre of the town. After entering the chief's house, Alvein noticed a throne made of stone in front of them.

There were many torches forming a line on both the sides of the throne. On the throne sat a green goblins with more pointy ears than normal goblins as the chief was a female and usually female have pointier ears compared to male goblins. The chief was the same size as the other goblins, there were piercing on both the ears with ornaments made of  unknown material, the goblin's long hair was braided, had a crown made of gold, wore a dress made of the leaves of the trees that reached till the goblin's thigh, arms and ankles had gold tinted bangles on them. The goblin was also holding a staff made of wood with vines around it.

The chief's name was, Shakla. She was the first female goblin to ever become a chief of a small tribe, usually men would be the chief but she was a special case, one of the reason was her father the previous chief had only her as his heir to the chief. And it has not been long since she had become the chief of this small goblin tribe.

 Shakla sternly  ordered the other goblins guarding her to leave them alone and wait outside the hut. After all the goblins present there left, Shakla with a new formed smirk asked "What do Crocosh speak with me, the chief?"

Hearing this, Crocosh with a new found motivation wanted to nodded as he wanted to prove his usefulness to his master.

But on the other side, Alvein seeing Shakla interrupted Crocosh as he knew that Crocosh was not her match because he could feel the threat level of the chief, who could not be considered to be powerful compared to the previous chiefs of this tribe but she was not that weak, for now Alvein though of her as someone equal or even slightly stronger.

Alvein never underestimated anyone and the chief infront of him can't be underestimated at all afterall chief is the position held by the strongest and the smartest person in the tribe and for a female to hold the position of chief from being snatched by other goblins, she must be powerful for Alvein who was only able to absorb a few meager creature, will never let his guard down against an enemy just because he has a cheat skill.


Crocosh seeing his master interrupt him stopped and looked at his master with questioning gaze. Alvein ignoring Crocosh looked back at Shakla and said in there language "I Alverin, challenge you for the position of chief, let's fight to the death."

Alvein's original plan was for his new servent, Crocosh to challenge the chief of his tribe and defeat the chief to takeover the tribe but after seeing the chief Alvein realized that Crocosh can't defeat the chief as she was a Goblin Shaman, it was another reason why she was the chief of this small tribe of goblins.

Alvein thought of letting his new servent fight the chief and weaken it before he defeats the chief and becomes the new chief of the tribe but Alvein's plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

Alvein decided to not waste any more time and attacked Shakla by throwing the daggers that he got from the kobolds. Shakla sitting on her thrown was initially shocked but brought her wand infront of her and chanted something that Alvein was unable to understand but before the dagger could hit Shakla a translucent barrier appeared and stopped the daggers from hitting her.

Shakla smirked and pointed her staff towards Alvein and a hurl of fire shot off towards him.

Alvein seeing a hurl of fire coming towards himself, he brought his arms infront of his face and let the attack hit him as he wanted to know the limits of his armor.

As the fire hit the armor the hurl of fire dispersed leaving Alvein with a burned armor in the area where the shells had taken the direct hit from the fire ball. But Alvein swiftly discarded the burned parts and regrew new shell.

Alvein seeing the durability of the shell was not satisfied but as he could regrow the damaged portion of the shell back until his stamina was exhausted, he didn't complain. Before Alvein could counter attack, Shakla took the chance and didn't let Alvein counter attack by pointing the staff towards the later. A big ball of fire formed that went towards Alvein with great speed.

Alvein feeling danger seeing the fire ball choose to dodge instead of taking the ball of fire head on. It was easy for Alvein to dodge the attack by flying to the side of the attack.

After dodging the ball of fire by flying, Alvein looked towards the place where the attack hit and the place had formed a small creator.

Alvein seeing this was relieved for making the decision to dodge the ball of fire by listening to his sixth-sense instead of taking the attack head on.

If he had taken the attack head on, even with his shell covering his whole body, he would still be gravely injured.

After looking at the creator, Alvein looked back at Shakla with a shocked express but after using the attack Shakla  was panting but unfortunately even after her effort Alvein dodged the attack she had used painstakingly.

Alvein seeing the opportunity flew towards Shakla and extended the spike from his hand preparing to stab it throw her face killing her in Shakla a single blow but before he could reach her Shakla extended her staff and a transparent barrier appeared between herself and Alvein, saving the former from the latter's fetal stab.

Alvein seeing this didn't give up and changed the attack from a single quick stab that could end a enemies life to brutal and rigid but effect punches with his fists covered by shell to protect it from the damage it might take.

Shakla who was behind the transparent barrier was using all her effort to stabilize the barrier from shattering by Alvein's continuous barrage of punches.

With every passing minute, Alvein's attacks were getting more ferocious and powerful as he was slowly adapting to the new strength that he had gained from absorbing all his previous preys. Alvein was not only adapting to his new strength terrifyingly fast but he was also getting more excited with each punch hitting the barrier as he could see the barrier cracking slowly.

Previously due to Shakla's effort the barrier was able to resist the attacks but after continously preventing the barrier from shattering due to Alvein's ferocious punches, Shakla was getting exhausted but on the other side Alvein who had absorbed his preys was no where near tired and could continue to attack the barrier for a few hours without getting tired but there was no need of it because he could see that in any moment the barrier will not be able to able to resist anymore of his punches and shatter, that will allow Alvein to kill Shakla and absorb her to increase his own strength.

But before it could take place what Alvein had anticipated, Shakla form the other side of the almost shattered barir shouted kneeling on the ground towards Alevin "Shakla submits, Shakla gives up, Shakla accepts, Alvein new chief."

Alvein expected the goblin shaman put more of a fight but she submitted to him. Compared to the goblins Shakla was definitely stronger than everyone in the tribe and deserve to have the title of the 'chief' of this tribe.

Alvein was not really happy to win by Shakla's forfeit as he not only missed a good prey to absorb and increase his own strength but also by fighting Shakla he was getting used to his new powers that he had gotten after absorbing so many creatures.

It would not be wrong to say that Alvein underestimated himself but after fighting with Shakla he was able to understand that he was not able to fully  utilize all his powers that he had gotten from absorbing his preys, so he has to train a lot to make the absorbed power complete his own.

After hearing Shakla submit Alvein stopped in his tracks and landed on the ground infront of Shakla. Shakla looked at Alvein in relief and admiration, for being left alive instead of being killed and goblins admire people more powerful than them so they can lead the tribe, after Alvein became the new chief Shakla could already imagine a bright future for her and the tribe if no unexpected situations occurred.

Alvein saw the look of anticipation on Shakla for his first order as the new chief of the tribe. Alvein looking at Shakla raised his right leg and rested it on her head while using a little force to make her head touch the ground, Shakla surprisingly didn't resist and let Alvein do what he wished.

Alvein keeping the leg on Shakla's head said in goblin language , " Next time kneeling properly before me and address me as your lord, Do u understand?"

Shakla answered instantly, "YES LORD." Hearing this Alvein nodded and moved his leg that was resting on Shakla but Shakla was still in that position without putting any resistance.

Alvein seeing this gave his first order "Shakla go and inform everyone that I am the new chie-" but before he could finish he heard sounds of goblins screaming...