
Multiverse theft system

truck Kun strikes again sending a young man off to meet the gods the gods give him five wishes and his choice of a world to go to. the OP MC finds himself in a nuclear fallout post-apocalyptic world with the zombies and a myriad of other monsters and other races of fantasy creatures. if you want to know about the Multiverse theft system you'll just have to read it. (worning: there will be some r18 moments with sexual content, violence, rape, blood and gore, and much more) this is a fanfic mashup I do not claim to own or have any rights to any of the characters that come from any other anime or game or Manga or book so please do not try and sue me for using them or talking about them. this is just all for fun. I'm not trying to make money off of it just a new hobby I'm trying out. P.s there are probably a couple grammar errors and stuff like that I write this novels by talking to my phone while I cook and do other stuff. I don't really have the time to go over it all more than a cursory glance so I apologize.

Sproce · ファンタジー
8 Chs

I have no use for you

Thirty minutes later we are walking down the street and we both just finished eating a protein jell pack. I just bought around twenty of them because I wanted to try them. I regret buying them I found out that unflavored means taste like ass. more specifically a robot's ass. it's more like an oily ass flavor. the flavor lingers in the mouth forever and doesn't go away.

Sheila is looking at me very unsatisfied with her having to go back to eating anything but the good food I can get. But we did not eat breakfast and I cant just pull out food as we walk around or can I.

"Sona by me some of the applesauce packages that come in those squeezable tubes. I'm pretty sure I've seen some in the store that look like these protein gel packs."

"Mission accomplished master."

"thank you wifey. You are the best. you have just saved me from the lingering taste of oily ass."

I pull two out and hand one to Sheila. she still looks like she is very unsatisfied but she takes it. I don't think this girl would ever refuse any type of food. And right after she starts eating it she looks like a pervert spying on beautiful women. With a Creepy grin on her face and drooling a little bit. I ignore her and eat my own finally getting that oily ass taste out of my mouth.

We then spend the next three or four hours walking around buying construction equipment and material. I bought 15 robots that are made for construction maintenance and repair. They look like floating balls with about 15 robotic arms attached to them. All that only cost me like 5 lc.

We spend another couple hour buying a VR capsule with every knowledge pack that's available. And a ton of this nutritious liquid that fills the VR capsule and I literally mean I bought 1 ton of it. That one was a hard one to sneak into my inner world. it all cost me 10 lc.. I was very reluctant to buy it at first But Sheila told me I could use it to learn anything including the muscle memory of things like fighting.

She also told me we can set it as fast as one year in VR equals One hour in real life. But know one does that because after an hour like that you need to spend a month not using it to recover. because your brain will become overworked and overheat and you'll become brain dead If you try it longer. Most people would set the time setting to one month real time equals one year VR time. because you could stay in there permanently at that setting with no adverse side effects. in fact it would be beneficial for your body to do so.

After we by that Sona talks to me

" master your first Multiverse theft portal can be used"

I walk in to an alley excited

"ok sona let's do this"

"Yes master."

Next thing I know there is a 50 inch circular shiny purple portal in front of me.

"Ok how does this work Sona"

"ok so only your arms can enter it and you can take any thing you can get your hands on within 30 seconds of you entering the Portal. After 30 seconds the Portal will close."

"Come on give me something good."

I yell then stick both my hands in the Portal.

Pov: other side of portal

There's a giant golden tree that looks like it's home for a bunch of small beings and it's currently lit up with all sorts of decorations. Underneath the tree there is a very celebratory atmosphere with Millions of short two to three foot tall humanoid creatures celebrating and partying. some have insect like wings some of them have gills like fish some of them look sturdy like the mountains some blend in with the nature around them. And many other various types are around to .the thing that they all have in common is that all have features of the many different aspects of the world

"Ding ding ding."

Everyone quiets down and looks towards the base of the giant golden tree. There everyone sees a female four and a half foot tall golden humanoid that looks one with the tree behind it."

"I would just like to thank all of the Sprites that are here today for putting away all their feuds and passed hatreds so that we can all come together and build the first Sprite city that will have every type of our species together as one whole. This is a joyous occasion for all Sprite kind."

The Crowd Goes Crazy cheering then after a few minutes they calm down. Then out of nowhere there's a feminine scream then a sexual moan. because out of nowhere to hands appeared one instantly grabbing the waist of a 2ft tall drop dead gorgeous Sprite that's Beauty outranks any Sprite present. then the other hand latches onto her and starts felling up her body touching her head legs and private part then it ends on her large perky breast and squeezes them. at this time practically all the Warriors are rushing towards her trying to save her. But the two hands pull on her making the hands and her disappear Into Thin Air.

Many of the men fall to the ground wailing about how the must attractive Sprite just got kidnapped. All the single Warriors start to band up and get ready to go out and search the world for her. Most of the women on the other hand are secretly happy because they were jealous of her big breasts and beauty. So now the women are doing everything they can to keep all the men from leaving. That includes the golden pixie who is practically celebrating cuz she was the most jealous.

POV: Sproce

As soon as I stick my hands in to the portal my right hand bumps into something made of cloth so I grab it. But I realized as soon as I grab it that its something wrapped in cloth. I feel something trying to pull it away or something. so I Hold On Tight and grab it with my other hand.

I start feeling around and realize I feel curves and I think a face. so I'm thinking it's like some big doll or something like that. Thinking that it's a doll I don't want to take some sort of male doll because it's not like I can return it and I'd rather take nothing then get some sort of ugly ass male action figure.

so I feel its lower half felling some legs and I poke its crotch and don't feel a dick. so I do one last check just in case it's like some sort of large Ken doll. I'm instantly pleased those are definitely breasts. they are real big ones to compared to the size of the body and they have real nice elasticity. High quality doll must be one of those Japanese anime collector dolls.

For a second I thought I felt it move but it must be something pulling on it trying to take it from me. So I hold onto it tightly and yank it out of the portal not letting anybody take my new little Japanese anime doll.

I'm instantly stunned because a loud feminine scream comes out as soon the doll comes out of the portal. it's a real little kid. I push her up against the wall as I start freaking out and put my hand over her mouth to shut it up. Then start looking around the alley making sure nobody's coming as I start rambling to myself.

"Fuck I just kidnapped a kid. I'm fucked im going to hell. please gods its not my fault I swear. I like legal lolis but I swear I'm not a pedo."

I look at Sheila who is looking at us stunned and shocked. And I know she is going to be no help. So I take couple deep breaths as I checked the alley making sure nobody's coming again.

Then I look back to the kid and I'm shocked and I yell.

"fuck god please don't let it be so. I don't want to be a pedo. but this is the sexiest little kid I have ever seen."

That's when I realized Sona has been yelling in my head.


" what is it Sona? I'm trying to think of a way to turn this kid ugly so I'm not tempted. I refuse to do that sort of thing. I have a bottom line I swear I do."

"Master the system is asking if you want to mark her soul enslaving her to you"

"fuck no I don't want to enslave a kid"

That's when the kid bites my hand and yell.

"I'm not a child U incompetent Giant. I'm a Sprite and I'm 145 years old. And how dare you kidnap mmmm."

I slap my hand back over her mouth shutting her back up.

"Yep fuck Sona I was scared I knew I was not a pedo I almost had to kill myself. you herd her I'm not going to hell she is a legal Loli. So that means I can admire her big perky breasts on her tiny body. With every slight movement they bounce around it's almost hypnotizing. Hmm maybe there is a way to make her bigger there is no way she can handle my little brother I mean she is barely twice the size of it. Stop halt. What am I thinking no way I'm not just going to f*cking rape her no matter how sexy she is. I have a bottom line I do I'm telling you."

"master your talking to your self and is that a yes or a no on making her your slave."

Sona asks. I take a couple deep breaths calming myself down and start to look at things clearly. looking at the Sprite scrutinizing her for a second then I ask.

"Sona what are the benefits of marking her soul."

" good question welcome back master. If you make her soul it will just make her obey you and unable to harm you. But if what your world's internet says is true then she is a spirit that can become invisible call upon the storms sing softly and blow fierce winds."

"how is any of that use full I think I will just let her go. I don't need anymore mouths to feed right now and it's not like I can do anything with her besides just look"

Right as I'm about to let her go Sona yells in my head.

"STOP. If you chose to not mark her soul within the next couple minutes then she will die. Without your power to keep her in this world then she will be killed. this universe knows she does not belonging and will kill her. right now she has a temporary protection from coming through the portal but that will wear off. but if you mark her with your soul that is protected by the gods to be in this universe then she will be protected to."

"ok I get it so I do it or its basically like murdering a little loli."

"yes master"

"Ok that's an easy fix I got this. go ahead and mark her with my soul Sona."

A multicolored light shoots out of me then wraps around the Sprites neck then writes my name on her neck then disappears into her skin leaving no trace of the light.

I set the Sprite down and release her mouth and she immediately starts yelling you.

"What did you just do to me you overgrown goblin? How dare you kidnapped me. I demand that you take me home right now you stupid human. I cant believe you dared to feel this young miss up once the Sprite army finds you I will have your overgrown hand removed. . . . ."

She yells at me for a good 5 minutes before she where's herself out and starts gasping for breath.

"ok well that was interesting. I know I kidnapped you but it was an accident. Let me just tell you a couple things. First you're not on your world anymore or even in your universe or Multiverse or whatever. Second there's no way back you're stuck I'm like 98% sure on that fact. Third your sort of a bitch and that cancels out any sympathy I had for you. Last but not least I have no use for you at all which means you can go about doing whatever you want in this world and leave me alone here is a large monster core and goodbye."

I flip a lc to her then grab Sheila and teleport to a different alley.

Sheila looks at me but I cant see her face through her mask. But I can hear the pity in her voice when she speaks.

"Wasn't that a bit harsh. I mean you just kidnapped her bringing her to a foreign world. then tell her she's useless throw a core at her and leave her on her own."

I sigh.

"I told you I'm not the good guy there is nothing she can give me. So I see no point in wasting my time. As she told me she is over a hundred she is a big girl. I already helped Enough by not letting her die and giving her a large core."

"but sh."

"No buts kitty. This discussion is over."

"Ok fine"

I can hear how sad she is about this. And if I'm honest with myself I feel a little bad about it too. But I'm not taking care of some little princess even if it's my fault she stuck in this world I'm not the good guy. I sigh then walk out of the alley.

We then continue shopping I find contacts that let me zoom in and out on thing and do a bunch of other things like measure distance and night vision. I buy several pairs because they were only one MC each

Sheila takes me to a doctor's and we both get several different shots. One that help your body recover faster. there was the cure for zombie infections. then one that makes my muscles stronger. one that makes your bones stronger. one that makes the tissue of your body stronger. one that makes all your senses heightened.. one that helps with radiation and another that unlocks the potential of your DNA Helping you evolve there were five of those DNA or genetic enhancement shots alone.

And all the shots besides the genetic enhancement shots and zombies cure were nanite injections. Right now I feel like I have billions of bugs crawling around inside my body. the doctor nurse's and Sheila said it was psychological and that I'm not really feeling the nanite's.

After we left I ask Sheila.

"I don't feel any different besides the feeling of billions of bugs crawling in my body are you sure they didn't just rip us off for 4lc"

"yes I'm a hundred percent positive if they did that they would be shut down with the quickness only rich and important people can afford all of what we just got. People dream and save up for years to get even one of the shots we just got and they gave us a discount I think we scared them with are outfits. And even important people don't get all the shots at once or even spend the amount of cores you spent in one day. Most people make like 30 to 50 sc a day and more then half goes to basic living conditions. Monster Hunters and guards might make one MC a day and most of that would go to living conditions and maintenance of their equipment. I don't even know how much the rich people make in this city but I'm sure they spend a good percent of it on their lavish lifestyle."

" you're rambling about money Kitty who cares about it we can get an unlimited amount if we want as long as I don't die because they just injected me with a bunch of bugs. I'm telling you I can feel them."

" you're imagining it master. Only cultivators would be able to feel the nanites and you're mage not a cultivator."

Sheila says. making me stopped in my tracks and grab her arm. I close my eyes looking inward and I'm surprised and a little freaked out because I can see all the nanites messing with my body. Then I'm even more shocked because I realize that I somehow went up three stage in my cultivation. I'm now a Qi condensation stage 4 cultivator.

"Sona how did this happen."

"how did what happen master?"

"how did my cultivation go up that much"

"What. do you mean to tell me you did not even notice your cultivation go up this morning master."

"No I did not notice. Explain how and why it went up."

" okay master. Remember that the gods gave you the incubus dual cultivation method."

I facepalm myself thinking about how I could forget that. I pretty much put everything together and figuring it all out but I let Sona continue.

"and this morning you had sex with sheila. Do to the fact that you were both virgins you got a big bump in your cultivation. But how did you not notice it master?"

" the only thing I could feel was my little brother being strangled by an extremely tight honey pot. I mean it just felt so good. How am I supposed to focus on other stuff."

I think about my cultivation technique for a second. I come to the conclusion that that is probably why we were convulsing so much when we finally climaxed together. I also realize something else.

" give me your wrist Kitty."

" you're a cultivator and a mage?"

Sheila asks staring at me wide-eyed.

"Yes yes I am. now give me your wrist."

I say As She is still wide-eyed looking at me in a daze and I grab her wrist. Sending my Qi into her body I can see she has all 12 meridians opened and is at Qi condensation stage 4.

" let's just shock you to death. your cultivator now to My Pretty Kitty. Any woman that I unload my seed in to will grow to the same cultivation as myself. It's part of my Incubus cultivation method."

She looks at me dumbfounded and start clenching her Fists as she mumbles.

"I thought I felt stronger but I figured it was just because I was happy to be with you"

"nope. That is flattering but its because you're stronger."

I grabbed her hand and start pulling her down the road.

"Let's go find a new inn and I'll teach you about cultivation"