

Hey there! I'm Kaelin Godfrey, you can call me kai, and let me tell you, I've had one heck of a journey. In my previous life, I was a hero – yeah, the real deal, capes and all. I fought bad guys, saved the day, and finally kicked back with a peaceful death. No regrets, just a desire for a laid-back afterlife. But guess what? I got reincarnated into this wild world of My Hero Academia! Crazy, right? Here, almost everyone has these quirks – cool superpowers that make my old hero gig look like a sideshow. But me? I just want to chill, enjoy life, and maybe crack a few jokes. So, I'm living life my way: no capes, no grandiose heroics, just pure, unadulterated fun. Making friends, pulling pranks, and spreading smiles – that’s my new mission. Sure, there are villains and chaos, but why sweat it when you can laugh? Don't get me wrong, if push comes to shove, I'll step up. But for now, I'm savoring every moment, bringing a bit of sunshine to this already extraordinary world. Because if there's one thing I’ve learned, it's that happiness is the real superpower. So, buckle up and join me on this joyride through the quirkiest life ever! ***************************************** "Kaelin powers are inspired from ghost superhero in marvel and ghostfreak in ben 10". "Psst! Attention all amazing readers! Want more chapters faster than Bakugo's temper flares? Well, here's the deal: for every 100 power stones you toss our way, you unlock a bonus chapter! That's right – 100 power stone, one extra chapter. But wait, it gets better! Hit us with 300 power stones in a day, and we'll whip up not one, not two, but five bonus chapters! And for the ultimate power stone showdown, drop 500 in a day, and you'll unlock a whopping 10 bonus chapters! So let's make it rain power stones and unleash the epicness! You rock, heroes!"

PRINCEAETHER · アニメ·コミックス
25 Chs

''Seat wars''

Exciting news, I'd love for you to dive into my latest literary adventure, "Gods Gone Wild: Stardom Reloaded." It's an entertainment-based novel crafted with a humorous twist, promising to tickle your funny bone and offer a delightful escape.


Mt. lady perspective

It was an ordinary Wednesday morning, or as ordinary as it could be for a pro hero like myself, Mt. Lady. The city was bustling, and the sun was barely peeking through the clouds. Then, the call came in: Vihara Head Gear, a notorious serial murderer, was causing chaos downtown. I knew I had to act fast. 

When I arrived, Vihara was cornered, holding a family hostage. His eerie headgear, designed to strike fear, was glinting in the morning light. "Stop right there, Vihara! Your days of terrorizing this city are over!" I shouted, trying to sound as heroic and confident as possible. Kamui Woods was already there, his branches weaving a protective barrier around the civilians.

The family was crying and pleading for their lives. Their young daughter, clinging to her mother, looked up at me with terrified eyes. "Please, save our daughter if not us!" the father begged, his voice breaking. My heart ached, but I had to focus. I couldn't let Vihara get away.

Just as Kamui Woods and I were about to make our move, a familiar booming voice echoed through the street. "Have no fear, for I am here!" All Might came barreling in, his iconic smile shining brighter than the sun. He was like a force of nature, a whirlwind of justice.

Before I could even react, All Might had already closed the distance. With one mighty punch, he knocked Vihara out cold. The impact was so powerful that it created a gust of wind, and Vihara's headgear shattered into pieces. The family was safe, and Vihara was out cold on the pavement.

The crowd erupted in cheers. "All Might! All Might! All Might!" they chanted, their voices filled with admiration and relief. I felt a mix of gratitude and frustration. Grateful that the family was safe, but frustrated because once again, All Might had swooped in and stolen the show.

"Thank you, All Might," I said weakly, trying to muster a smile. Kamui Woods echoed my sentiment, "Yeah, thanks, but you know, you're kind of putting us out of work here."

All Might, always the humble hero, just laughed it off. "You two did great. I was just passing by and thought I'd lend a hand."

As we cleaned up the aftermath, I couldn't help but feel a bit overshadowed. Being a pro hero wasn't just about the glory; it was about doing what's right and protecting those who couldn't protect themselves. But damn, All Might made it look so easy.

In that moment, I realized that no matter how many times All Might stole the spotlight, his presence was a reminder of what we were all striving for. To be the best heroes we could be, even if it meant sometimes playing second fiddle to the greatest hero of all time.

All might perspective

I took off from the scene, trying not to be late. Gotta love those early morning hero saves—breakfast, coffee, and a supervillain punch-out all before 9 AM. But, as I zipped through the streets, I noticed my speed wasn't quite what it used to be. I slowed down, a heavy sigh escaping my lips. Ever since I passed the torch, my power's been on a steady decline. The time I can stay in my hero form keeps shrinking. 

Midoriya's face popped into my mind. That kid... he's now in the general studies program at UA. He didn't make it into the hero course. Still, when we talked, he didn't seem too disappointed. In fact, he told me he's going to keep pushing forward, determined to become a pro hero. 

I smiled, thinking about his unwavering spirit. "He's a worthy successor," I mused. But then reality hit me—he's only 15. So young, so much to learn. It's a heavy burden for anyone, let alone a kid. I'll need to stick close, guide him, and ensure he's ready when the time comes.

The city blurred around me as I ran, my thoughts swirling. Midoriya has the heart of a hero, but he needs time to grow. I'll be there every step of the way, no matter how much my power fades. For now, I just have to focus on getting to UA on time and being the symbol of peace these kids need.

Kaelin perspective

Class was dragging on like a snail on vacation when Aizawa-sensei decided to drop a bombshell. "In today's foundational skills of heroics," he announced in his usual sleep-deprived tone, "I'll be supervising along with All Might and another teacher."

Suddenly, Sero, ever the curious one, piped up, "What will we be doing?"

Aizawa-sensei's eyes peeked out from his yellow scarf, probably contemplating the life choices that led him here. "Today's lesson: Be the hero everyone needs, whether it's a flood or any other disaster. It's the trial of rescue."

My brain instantly flipped through a mental Rolodex of every disaster movie I'd ever seen. Floods, fires, alien invasions—wait, maybe not that last one. But the point was, today was going to be intense. 

Tenya's hand shot up, vibrating with excitement. "Does this mean we'll be learning practical rescue techniques, sensei?"

Aizawa-sensei nodded, which for him was practically a standing ovation. "Yes, it's all about using your quirks effectively to save people in distress."

I glanced over at Momo, who was already scribbling notes like she was preparing for a final exam. Meanwhile, I was considering how to use my telekinesis to float above the chaos, looking heroic and untouched. Maybe I could rescue someone dramatically while staying totally clean? Now that's the dream.

"Alright, let's get going," Aizawa-sensei said, leading us towards what I imagined would be some kind of apocalypse simulation.

As we headed out, Kaminari muttered to me, "Think they'll have us saving cats from trees?"

"Better hope it's not that simple," I grinned. "I might fall asleep halfway through."

Aizawa-sensei gave me a side-eye, probably sensing my sarcasm. Note to self: Avoid sarcasm around the guy who can expel us with a yawn.

 As we got ready for the trial, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was going to be a real test of our abilities, and while I was confident in my quirk, I knew today would push us all to our limits. Plus, if I could show off a bit and impress Momo, that wouldn't hurt either.

"Let's do this," I whispered to myself, ready to take on whatever they threw at us.

So there we were, buzzing with excitement (and maybe a bit of terror) after Aizawa-sensei dropped the news about our rescue training. He casually mentioned, "It's up to you whether you want to wear your costumes, but remember, they aren't adapted for rescue operations."

Naturally, my first thought was: Costume equals cool points. Of course I'm wearing mine! Then I remembered Aunt Edna's voice echoing in my head, "NO CAPES!" Seriously, she'd called me at least five times just to drive that point home. 

I grabbed my costume, but removed the cape with a heavy heart. The thing made me look like a superhero fashion icon, but Aunt Edna's warnings played on repeat in my mind. Something about capes and jet turbines. 

"Alright, everyone, grab your gear and head to the bus," Aizawa-sensei instructed, looking like he was ready to nap standing up.

We all shuffled out, the excitement palpable. As I put on my costume sans cape, I couldn't help but feel a bit naked. I mean, what's a hero without a dramatic cape flap? But I decided to trust Aunt Edna. She knows her stuff.

We piled onto the bus, and naturally, I took a seat at the back. Best place to survey my kingdom—er, classmates. Momo sat next to me, her usual organized self, probably mentally preparing for every possible disaster scenario.

Kaminari, who'd snagged the seat in front of me, turned around. "Dude, you look weird without your cape."

"Thanks, Denki. You always know just what to say," I shot back, grinning. "Aunt Edna threatened to hunt me down if I wore it."

"Smart lady," Momo chimed in, not looking up from her notes.

As the bus rumbled to life, conversations buzzed around. Uraraka was animatedly discussing hero strategies with Tenya, who was all about efficiency and protocols, of course. Tsuyu was just chilling, looking as relaxed as a frog in a pond.

Aizawa-sensei was at the front, looking like he was rethinking his life choices. Can't blame him—herding a bunch of hyperactive teens can't be easy. 

"Hey Kaelin," Sero called out, "you ready to show off those fancy powers of yours?"

"Always," I replied with a smirk. "But only if you promise not to get tangled in your own tape."

Everyone chuckled, and I leaned back, enjoying the moment. The ride to the training area was long, but the camaraderie made it pass quickly. Plus, it gave me time to mentally prepare for whatever chaos lay ahead.

As the bus rolled on, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves. This rescue trial was going to be intense, and while I was confident in my abilities, there was always that little voice in the back of my head reminding me that things could go wrong. 

But hey, if I could survive Aunt Edna's cape lectures, I could handle anything. Plus, with Momo and the rest of my classmates, I knew we'd make it through whatever challenges were thrown our way. 

"Let's do this," I whispered to myself, feeling the adrenaline start to kick in. Time to be the hero everyone needs, even if it means no cape.

So there I was, chilling on the bus, my cape safely stashed away per Aunt Edna's stern instructions. I was contemplating my heroic future and the fact that my costume now made me feel like a partially completed superhero when Tsuyu turned to me with that ever-calm expression of hers.

"Kaelin," she said, "I noticed your surname is Godfrey. Are you related to the Godfrey family in the United Kingdom? Because your facial features don't look Japanese."

Caught off guard, I gave her a grin. "Yep, that's me. Straight from the Godfrey lineage. But my mom decided Japan needed some Godfrey awesomeness, so here I am."

Kirishima, with his ever-present enthusiasm, leaned forward. "Man, I'm jealous of your flashy quirk. Mine only helps with push-ups by hardening."

Trying to sound all sage-like, I replied, "It's not about the type of quirk you have. You can't change your quirk, but you can outwork anyone. Hard work can push your limits, my friend."

Mina, ever the bundle of energy, chimed in, "Heroics isn't just about flashiness, though. It's also about popularity."

Apart Aoyama, practically glowing with his own self-love. "My quirk is all about being flashy and popular."

Mina, ever the jokester, shot back, "Yeah, if not for your bad stomach."

Kaminari then decided to throw me into the spotlight. "Speaking of flashy, you can't mention it without Kaelin, Todoroki, and Bakugo."

Tsuyu, ever the realist, replied, "Bakugo won't be popular with his fuming personality."

Right on cue, Bakugo erupted like a volcano. "WHAT DID YOU SAY, FROG FACE?! I'LL SHOW YOU POPULAR!"

Tsuyu just blinked at him, unfazed. "See what I mean?" she said, deadpan.

Kaminari, trying to keep things light, added, "At least we're being social."

Momo, ever the voice of reason, muttered, "What a vulgar conversation."

Uraraka giggled. "But it made me laugh."

Just then, Aizawa-sensei's tired voice cut through our chatter. "We're almost there. Settle down."

In perfect unison, we all replied, "Yes, sir!"

The bus fell into a semblance of order, but I couldn't help but chuckle. This was our class, a chaotic mix of personalities that somehow fit together. And as for me, I was just enjoying the ride, literally and metaphorically. After all, it's not every day you get to be the flashy, semi-cape-less hero in training with such an eccentric group.


"Hey there, lovely readers! So, I've got a little proposal for you – how about we make a deal? You hit me up with those power stones, and in return, I'll sprinkle some extra laughs and charm into your day! Deal? Oh, and here's the best part: for every power stone you toss my way, I promise to do a little victory dance that's so ridiculous, even Deku would blush! So, let's make some magic happen together, and remember, with great power stones comes... well, my eternal gratitude and a few chuckles on the side! You guys rock, literally! 💎😄"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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