
Mr. Posh Perfect

" I wish I never stopped hating you, Dylan Owen" Chelsea Allen said as the tears blinded her eyes and she turned away from him. They're a contrasting pair; Rich and poor, Proud and humble, Arrogant and sensitive, Void of emotions and filles with them... He took away the one thing she was proud of and made it his duty to constantly remind her that she wasn't of his class. She hated him from the start, a feeling that grows over time and occupies her heart until it gets twisted to love and she doesn't even realize it. She pisses him off nonstop, his daring maid that hates him and doesn't hide it. He's amused by her hatred but also angered anytime she shows her insecurities and low self esteem. He makes it his duty to try and change the way she feels about herself and then his aim changes to changing the way she feels about him. From enemies, these two turn into lovers who would do anything to ensure each other's happiness.

ImmaculateJeph · 若者
26 Chs

You! Again!

Chelsea stood still staring silently at the huge building in front of her. The sign read "Stars Hive Schools". This was one of the best schools in New York and she had been blessed to have an opportunity to school there. She had gotten a scholarship which had lasted for her first three years. After then, her parents and her had had to struggle for her fees. She had made it to the final year and her heart was filled with joy. This was the last term of high school and she had made a promise to her father which she had to keep. It wasn't gonna be easy but nothing was impossible for her when it came to books and school.

She stood at the stairway that led into the building for a long time, completely oblivious of the surrounding. She had forgotten that this was a public place and she wasn't supposed to stand in the way for so long. She was quickly reminded as she was hit by someone and she fell roughly. She turned to look at who it was that hit her and her fists clenched involuntarily.

" Watch it loner" It was Elsa Logan, the beauty of the school. She came from a rich family, obviously! She was very proud of that and made it a duty to pick on the unfortunate ones and Chelsea was unfortunate enough to be one of them. Chelsea hated her! Was there anyone apart from her family that she didn't hate? Her mind scolded her but she tossed it aside. They all made her feel inferior. It wasn't her fault she wasn't rich, was it?

Chelsea watched as Elsa walked into the school with her friends walking behind her. Should she say friends? They were more like minions. They followed her everywhere like flies and did whatever she asked them to, good or bad! They weren't as rich as Elsa but that way, they could align themselves with her- by being her toys. Chelsea preferred to be picked on everyday and bullied than to stoop that low. She might be made inferior but she still had her self-respect.

" Don't you want to get up from there?" a voice said and at the same time, a hand was stretched to her. It was Nate, the only person she could ever call a friend. She took his hand and he helped her up, a smile on his face.

" Thanks" Chelsea said as she dusted her clothes. They were worn out and faded compared to what others had on. Looking at them made her cringe so she didn't.

" Don't let them get to you. It's a new term and all, don't let her ruin your first day"

Chelsea nodded as she picked her backpack that had fallen off. It was worn-out as well, she had been using it for the past three grades. She sighed and hung it over her shoulders.

" Remember, the first day shows you exactly how the rest of the term would be like so you shouldn't let it weigh you down" Nate said again. Chelsea looked at him and smiled.

" Look how fat you've grown" she said

" Guess the holiday was good for y'all " she added. They had begun walking up the stairs.

" Tell me about yours" Nate said.

" Nothing much. Just work and my books" Chelsea said with a sigh.

" About your work,I heard young Owen is back"

" Yeap "

" How is he?"

" A jerk, an asshole, a fretting scoundrel. Any word you could use to show he's just like the rest"

" Poor Chelsea! My heart goes out to you"

" Wait till you hear the main thing "

They were now walking through to the hallways that was buzzing with students. Their lockers were by each other so they stopped at the same spot.

" What?" Nate asked interested.

" I was made his personal cleaner" Chelsea said and Nate sighed.

" Sure he's not as bad as you say he is" he said and Chelsea glared at him.

" He told me my shoes weren't much to look at and that a glass vase had more value than my life" She said, the pain of remembering his words tugging at her heart.

" Ouch! That must have hurt"

" Tell me about it!" Chelsea said under her breath as she forcefully opened up her locker. She was suddenly angry all of a sudden as she remembered the whole thing.

" I just wish I never have to see the bastard again, I know he's gonna make my life miserable. They always do"

" Thankfully, you work part time so hopefully you'll see him less often" Nate said with a shrug.

" Yeah right?" Chelsea replied, her eyes locked in her locker.

" Actually, I take that back" Nate said and she turned almost immediately to look at him.

" What?"

There was a lot of noise in the hallway now which Chelsea hadn't noticed cause she was stuck up in her anger. She didn't understand why there was a lotta noise yet until Nate said,

" Is that him?"

Her breath got stuck up and her heart started racing before she even looked in the direction Nate was pointing at. When she finally did, she almost fainted. God why!!! she almost cried out.

" Chelsea, is that..." Nate asked again.

" Yep, that's the muh'fucker" she cut in before he could finish.

He was getting closer to her, he hadn't seen her though. Yet! She wanted to take her eyes away from him and just run away so he wouldn't see her. It was too late though, his eyes met hers.His lips parted and that surprised look she had seen before crept into his face. She scolded herself for not looking away and made to quickly do so when she heard the words,

" You! Again!!"

She turned away from him as quickly as his spellbinding eyes could let her. She held Nate's hand and quickly left the hall, dragging a half lost Nate. She could feel his eyes following her but she didn't dare look back. Those eyes of his were dangerous. She would be stupid to voluntarily look into them again.

Once she was out of the hall and out of the school building, she crumbled to the floor of the stairs and released a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

" God! I hate my life" was the only thing she could say..