
Mr. Posh Perfect

" I wish I never stopped hating you, Dylan Owen" Chelsea Allen said as the tears blinded her eyes and she turned away from him. They're a contrasting pair; Rich and poor, Proud and humble, Arrogant and sensitive, Void of emotions and filles with them... He took away the one thing she was proud of and made it his duty to constantly remind her that she wasn't of his class. She hated him from the start, a feeling that grows over time and occupies her heart until it gets twisted to love and she doesn't even realize it. She pisses him off nonstop, his daring maid that hates him and doesn't hide it. He's amused by her hatred but also angered anytime she shows her insecurities and low self esteem. He makes it his duty to try and change the way she feels about herself and then his aim changes to changing the way she feels about him. From enemies, these two turn into lovers who would do anything to ensure each other's happiness.

ImmaculateJeph · Teen
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26 Chs

Something about her!!!

Dylan Owen stretched his lazy bone on his king sized bed. He groped around for the alarm clock and when he found it, he turned it off and went back to sleep. It wasn't up to a second when he heard his door open forcefully awaking him again. He swore to himself that he would kill whoever it was when he heard his little sister's voice.

" Brother, Brother, wake up!"

Dylan sighed and groaned at the same time. He sat up and seeing her smiling and bouncing happily, his anger faded away like the wind.

" Elena, it's just seven" he complained.

" Oh Dylan! Don't tell me you've forgotten?" Elena said.

" It's not your birthday so what?"

Elena face palmed herself in a childish manner that made Dylan smile halfway.

" I'm resuming school today and you're starting today"

" Oh shit!" Dylan cursed suddenly remembering. The reason he had come back from England to New York was so he could finish up his final year of high school and start preparing to take up his father's business. How could he have known he was resuming today?

" Elena, I forgot"

" We're going together. You'll walk me to the middle school so I could show you to all of my friends and then you can go to yours"

" Elena I..." he was just about to refuse. He would really prefer the comfort of his bed at that moment.

" You're going to come, right?" Elena cut in. She made that baby face at him and he swallowed up his refusal. He couldn't say no to that.

" Fine! I'll get ready" Dylan said and she squealed happily.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. He didn't know why but he expected to see her come inside when he muttered a 'come in'. He was disappointed as Mrs Belinda instead walked into the room. She had a stern look on her face and it was directed to Elena.

" Here you are. Your babysitter has been looking for you all over the house" she said.

" I'll go get ready" Elena said to Dylan and sprinted out of the room.

" Be careful" Dylan called back.

Apparently the only reason she came, Mrs Belinda made to leave the room when Dylan said,

" Get my cleaner to come clean up my room "

Mrs Belinda turned to him with a surprised look on her face.

" You mean Ms Allen, sir?"

Dylan rolled his eyes at her stupid question.

" Do I have another cleaner?" he asked back.

"Well sir, Ms Allen is only here in the afternoons. Her shifts begin from three"

" Why is that so?" Dylan asked.

" She didn't have much importance so she only worked on shifts" Mrs Belinda said and Dylan clenched his fists, suddenly getting angry. This woman!

" Well, she does now so that has to change "

" I'm afraid that can't work out sir"

" Do you have any personal issue with that girl? What is your problem?" Dylan said out of control.

" The problem isn't mine. She's a student, she goes to school every day and doesn't work on weekends. That was the condition of her employment "

" Oh!" he said. He sighed.

" You would have said that earlier. Get someone to handle the mornings then"he said and made to walk to the bathroom when her words stopped him.

" Every other person is assigned to a duty, sir. There isn't anyone to spare"

Dylan turned to the woman, his eyes icily cold. Was she daring him?

" What did you say?" he asked.

" What I meant sir is that she can be replaced by someone who is going to be here always and she would take the person's place" Mrs Belinda asked.

" And that is not what I asked you to do l, is it?"

She lowered her head.

" No sir"

" Then do what I asked you to. And don't you dare give your opinions when I don't ask you to"

" Yes sir" Mrs Belinda said and quickly left the room, her cheeks burning. She felt ashamed. That boy wasn't up to the age of her second son and here he was, talking to her like they were mates. She was just so unlucky,that was it.

Dylan sighed and got into his bathroom. He took off his clothes and got into the shower. The warm water ran through his skin and calmed his nerves. Mrs Belinda was just doing her job, he shouldn't have spoken to her like that. He didn't know why, but he hated it when she spoke with so much hatred about... Jeez! He didn't even know her name. He was content with calling her cleaner though. There was something about her. He had felt something when he had first seen her that day when he almost hit her that day. The feeling had gone as soon as he stepped back into his car but it had come back when he saw her in his house again. As a cleaner! He didn't know what it was and he wanted to figure it out. He didn't like to leave mysteries like that unsolved. Whatever it was about her, he would know and then he would kick it out cause hey! She was way below his class. Just a maid, that was what she was.