
Team Up



"As a matter of fact my dear, yes and no." Li Jing's smile reached her eyes as she spoke. She was ready to help her friend find what her heart really wanted, one way or the other.

"What do you mean by that?" Yin Lifen asked. She was not exactly getting what Li Jing meant by what she said.

"Simply put, I am happy we tried getting on the right foot today by doing proper introductions. That aside, we are also here for business. I called for this brief meeting in order to share us into a two man group and assign each group a specific  part of the hotel to visit and check oiut how their things work and what they have."

'Simply put, a survey," Kim Fan cut in and explained.

"Yes, thank you Kim Fan. A survey. That is what it is."

A broad smile appeared on Kim Fan's face. He was glad that he was appreciated by her.