
Mr handsome and miss feisty P.S I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU

Everything was great for Kim na-ra , well at least good, that was until Justin lee showed up,the heir to lee corp's,and also her best friend kid brother. "don't look at me like that , what if someone comes in" Kim na-ra says with her tumbling voice giving her away "but I thought you where not affected at all,it was just one night right?", Justin replied with his face not leaving any expression,his hands in pockets,even though he was not touching her he made his eyes take all over her body not leaving a part out then he took slow and deliberate steps toward her "Justin, Justin what are you doing, Justin I am telling you now, you know my parents hate yours and there will be here anytime soon, so for your safety" but before Kim na-ra could finish her words a voice of a child interrupted them "mommy, mommy,see what I drew at school today",it was her son's voice ,running with his small legs with Justin half sister hyun-a trying to catch up to him then the door opened "Justin what are you doing here". hyun-a asked in surprised with no response from him she turns to look at what caught his attention. Justin wasn't looking at her,he was looking at the innocent boy looking at him,it was as if he was looking at his younger self "oh, no, no ,no, this can't be happening"Kim na-ra thought ___________________________________ The novel cover does not belongs to me

Cassandra_George_0312 · 都市
51 Chs


"Let us wait here hyun-a, i am already getting tired i am getting exhausted" ,

Kim na-ra legs felt like it would give out anytime soon so she leaned her tired body on the nearest tree,hyun-a was the exercise person not her, besides they have been jogging for too long now

na-ra We are almost there just a little more ,

" I can't take it anymore let us rest for a little bit "

kim na-ra says taking a big drink of the water she was holding the tree forming as a shade .

"Okay fine just this once after then we need to keep our body in shape"

hyun-a says sitting down on the bench under the tree which nara later joined her in.

Smiling creepily hyun-a look at kim na-ra wondering

"why you looking at me like that especially without looking on your face na-ra,It makes you look weird"

"I was going for making me look Sweets but now you have ruined this magical moment for me "

"let it out,what do you want to tell me about Because i know you smiling like that isn't for nothing ,something is up "

after a brief hesitation, she finally asked

" did you speak to justin yesterday "

"I kept on calling him but he didn't pick my calls ,But today I will probably speak to him once i get to the office ,I will be going over for something"

She talking deep deep breath feeling like she was defeated But not knowing which war she fought

"I know you were going to be this way why did you ask for his help in the first place "

"Because i wanted them to have a father and son time, is that too selfish of me and besides this will be the first time he and in-su will be doing something together without me ,dong-ju has witness so many first's with in-su but justin hasn't ,even on in-su's birthday Justin wasn't allowed to come even with him knowing he has a son".

" Put it off your chest, justin is one of the most understanding person i have ever known and i don't think Justin keeps something in for that long Probably he is busy or something "

"yes you are right hyun-a or something,Before this incident i never noticed that we do call each other every morning and night before we go to bed but yesterday it didn't call me last night".

"I think it is time for us to head back to our house because we have a long day ahead of us , besides your new president the bald head man might seriously put an interest in you once he notices that you are late to work" ,after saying such words hyun-a ran leaving Kim na-ra behind but Kim na-ra didn't give her the satisfaction of saying such words and going scott free with that in mind she ran after hyun-a shouting

"come back here hyun-a make sure I don't get you "

"catch me if you can",

the carefree hyun-a replied in a childish voice.

three black cars which looked very expensive was waiting in front of the school after the school closed, a man putting on an office wear standing beside it,

"is that the man who is asking for me"

Kim na-ra asks her fellow teacher

"yes that's him,he said it was urgent"

while talking the stranger walks up to them,

After is exchanging greetings, the fellow teacher left, the man then asks

" are you miss Kim na-ra?"

"Yes i am "

"Do you mind if i borrow a little bit of your time my boss wants to have a word with you "

"sorry I don't think I can come with you,I don't know you"

"she's inside the car as we speak "

Wondering who it will be she moved closer to the car seeing that it was none other than mrs lee in the car in one of the cars the others probably her guards

"Are you going to stand outside the car or you are going to get in?"

mrs lee says in that commanding voice of hers,Kim na-ra had no other choice but to getting

Trying to greet Mrs Lee, Kim na-ra was cut short

"No need for your greetings ,I know you are not glad to see me So we don't need to pretend among ourselves ,I was on my way when i realized that i've gotten here already so why don't i offer you the job instead of someone else ,I once heard from my daughter that you are piano teacher ,So i was thinking why don't i call over the piano teacher of my school to play for me as my house, It is simple i am having a friend over and i want to just want our meeting to be boring that's why i am calling you over to play for me and i will give you as much as you want"

"Thank you madam but i am not interested"

" ohh caught it off i am trying to reach out to you and you are pushing me away, i want the enmity between the two family to stop and here you are being all high and mighty , i know you are not that good as playing the piano but i still insisted that you played anyway because if you were that good you would have gotten a professional business and playing the piano in the first place instead of teaching students how to play piano "

"Mrs lee I don't know if this is an insult or a compliment but whichever it is, i am not interested"

with that Kim na-ra opens the door to leave

"well the little meeting is tomorrow ,And make sure to attend " ,

"I will not say it again,Mrs Lee I am not interested"

"Do you think i didn't see your file you know my school does not accept any single mother to teach the students but you still apply anyway And instead of saying the truth you wrote that you are divorced, you were not married in the first place, should i tell you more, you have to tomorrow morning to think about it i will send you the time "

"what am i going to do she thinks this is the only job i have got and i am the only one supporting my family" ,

"momma, momma",

at that moment in-su appears, running towards his momma to give her a hug,

"my big man how was school today "

Kim na-ra asks her son smiling

"momma,I now have two new friends"

"Do you now see that i am right in-su, once you still longer and school you will have more friends "

"Momma it's not because of that ,it is because of now i have a new daddy ,Uncle tin ,can uncle tin be my daddy? please ,please can i call him daddy "

Kim na-ra was so shocked

"Did justin tell in-su he was his father behind her back"

"Everybody treats me nicely because i now have a daddy "

"What do you mean i don't understand you"

Kim na-ra wanted to know,by this in-su explained what happened the previous day to his momma while they head for home after picking him up from school ,Kim na-ra was so surprised by what happened it was like God bringing father to son, and for a minute there she almost misunderstood him again ,on getting home Kim na-ra First spotted her junior sister at the doorstep she was holding some groceries bags with her ,

"in-su, in-su,noona, welcome back, both of you came right on time" ,

"Why are you so happy today?"

"once you go inside you will understand, just go inside "

Kim na-ra little sister says urging them inside the house .

on entering the house Kim na-ra Noticed that everyone was present,Everyone except mr Kim

" Where is dad?,I don't see him anywhere among your celebration"

"Forget about him he is probably somewhere getting drunk or Gambling himself away, you just come over and have a seat,in-su come over to grandma"

Mrs Kim says

She could see drinks over the table , with ordered meals

"Someone tell me what is going on this minute Why are we wasting money ?"

"you care so much about money na-ra "

Mrs kim was still smiling

"I know and that is what have been feeding us and putting a roof over our heads"

her brother finally spoke,his pregnant girlfriend beside him

" I have found someone willing to buy my invention"

"Which invention is that ? "

"the same one i borrowed money for ,And if all goes well i will be very rich,we all will be very rich" .