
Mr First love

Like the raindrops in the ocean, my love for you silently shores into a big wave…. Acacia continues writing in her book about her first love, not having a clue that this book will be on the list of bestsellers in the future. Do you think this book will reach Lucas, her first lover? And how will he react to it when he gets to know that this book was about him? Will they get back together or move on as it is? ******* note-cover is not mine

turtlesos · 若者
13 Chs

Acacia, My flower


(I'm Yours~ Jason Mraz)music


Max speaks to Lou," Wow! Lou, you both are destined to be together.

I reply while chuckling," Maybe, we are.

Woah! Henry, Can you smell something? ," said Max.

Yes, I do. Love is in the air", replies Henry.

Everyone burst out laughing and I couldn't stop myself from smiling either. From the corner, I saw Ella entering the class with two of her friends.

She looks like the flowers bloom in the spring, ever so lovely. With her around, life seems more meaningful.

As I kept staring at her, our eyes connect for a millisecond when she was looking around the classroom, but she immediately turns her head back, which never fails to amuse me every single time she does this.

Henry speaks to me, "Would you not tell her that her seat is in front of yours?

I reply," I want to let her find by herself.

Henry shakes his head," You are going to make her more nervous. Do you know that?

I want to see how she reacts to me sitting behind her. I have to make my presence known so that she would stop being so awkward with me, though I find her cute. No, she's cute every time.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. I can't believe that I'm falling hard for her.

As I keep peeking at her, I could see her frustrated for not being able to find the seat and her face was written-heartbroken- when she found that her friends were seated near to each other. I couldn't stop myself from chuckling, which led Max to tease me even more.

When I peeked at her again, I saw her sighing in relief when she found her seat. After a few minutes, she left the seat to find her friends.

Bells ringing-

I stood up from Henry and Max's seats to go back to my seat.

From the distance, I see Ella walking towards her seat.

Our eyes caught on each other as I slowly merge towards her. She looks as if I am an alien, with her big eyes like it's gonna pop out of it.

Amused by her reactions, I chuckle a little and got on my seat just when I was one step away from her.

She immediately sat on her seat when she heard the voice of sir.

In the entire class, I see her looking out the window sometimes and taking notes.

She would speak with Sara from time to time, who was sitting beside her, with a voice that sound too little for me to hear.

One thing, I have noticed in the past is that she's a loud person, and it bewildered me to see her in a timid state.

Suddenly, Rudy calls out to Ella loudly from the corner of the last seat of the first row when the teacher was not attending the class.

From behind, I see Ella flinching when Rudy called her out.

Maybe she knew that we will be facing each other if she has to respond to Rudy.

And suddenly you were everything I cared about.

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