
Mr First love

Like the raindrops in the ocean, my love for you silently shores into a big wave…. Acacia continues writing in her book about her first love, not having a clue that this book will be on the list of bestsellers in the future. Do you think this book will reach Lucas, her first lover? And how will he react to it when he gets to know that this book was about him? Will they get back together or move on as it is? ******* note-cover is not mine

turtlesos · Teen
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13 Chs

Hazel eyes

music (Melting~ Kali Uchis)

Why is Lou sitting behind me?

Ella bangs her head on the desk while screaming hysterically inside her mind.

Shit! Why can't my heart stop beating?

I should be calm down by now. It's already been an hour sitting here.

Ella-Ella-, Sara's voice brings me back from my thoughts.

I laugh awkwardly," Sorry. I was not paying attention. What were you saying, Sara?

Sara," Your face is flushing red. Are you alright?

I replied," I'm completely fine. Don't worry about me. It must be caused by the sun scorching through the window.


I heard Rudy calling out my name from behind.

Just when I was about to turn back, my mind struck that Lou is sitting behind me.


Why can't Rudy get the signal that I can't turn my back!!

Before I went crazy from Rudy's voice.

Lou whispers to me from behind.

I'll keep my head down," He whispers.

I felt my blood rush to my face. He was not helping at all to calm my nerves.

After a few breaths to calm down. I turn myself back, just to end up being a victim of Rudy and Rosie's prank.

I gave them a dead stare and mouthed my lips, JUST YOU WAIT-

As if the prank was not enough. Lou raises his head up.

My eyes were glued to his hazel eyes immediately, without my permission.

I see a mole on his right upper cheek. My eyes slowly take me down to introduce his pink natural lips. Why are men gifted with such lips? I wonder deep in thought.

Do you like the view?

Yes. I answered absent-mindedly.

Someone flicks on my forehead. I blink my eyes twice and see Lou smiling at me.

Reality hits me all at once. And I felt like burying myself.

With a stammering voice, I tried to act like nothing.

Ella," Ni...nice shirt!

Lou responds," Same to you. We are wearing the same uniform.

Not to embarrass me further. I straighten my posture and look ahead at the board and took note of whatever was written there.

After several classes, my nerves are back to normal state and nothing funny happen again.

Finally, the last class got over, and I immediately pack my stuff in my backpack ready to flee from there.

The entire class, my mind kept on replaying what Ella did.

I couldn't stop smiling whenever I think of her.

Lou, Can you please stop smiling like a fool already? Peter nudges me from beside.

Peter is my bench mate.

Your time will come. Don't be jealous," Lou said.

Peter scoffs," Who's jealous of you?

Lou pretends to look around and points his finger at himself.

Me? Replies Lou.

Everyone but not you," Peter.

I laugh when I heard that and soon Peter join.

Peter asks," When are you asking her out?

Soon," I said.

Peter questions again," Why not now? Do you think she's dating someone?

Lou," I don't want to scare her off by asking her out of the blue."

Our conversation ends with the bells ringing.

I see Ella who looks like she was being chased while going out from the class.