
Mr Blake's Contracted Wife

“Boss please forgive me I didn't know she was special to you sir” said the guard leader in a shaky voice . But other person said but just made a signal with two fingers and a gun shot sound filled the once silent street. Will Layla be able to find the peace and happiness she always wanted or will she be forced to go back to the suffering of living with her aunt. Find out in this thrilling story of Mr Blake's Contracted Wife .

Anu_ayo · ファンタジー
24 Chs

She is mine

David decided on giving himself a chance with Bel after all he did like her. " ok bro I would think about it " he said yawning "good night see you tomorrow don't stress yourself you don't want Layla to feel a cold bed do you ? " he asked trying to get his friend to go to bed but he knew the latter was too stubborn.

If not for Layla he wouldn't have been here today he had already scheduled a flight to Southwest of the county .He claimed to have some business deals. Nathan knew what he was trying to do but he couldn't complain he was just worried about him that's what will always make him different among the rest he cared like he didn't but the rest thought he was always fine because they felt he was rich enough to live without any issue.

" ok,ok I will go to bed I just need to check a few things Aaron sent to me and I will be done " he said assuring him " oh that Aaron " David sighed he felt like killing that guy after bribing him not to send any work related issue to Nathan . Nathan couldn't do anything but laugh at his friends expression he looked like he could murder by torturing them .

Aaron wouldn't want to be on David's bad side in a way he felt his boss was more better and calmer than his friend. David might have a nice ,calm face and might be and look approachable but you would not want to try messing with him he was a devil in his own way.

" hey buddy don't be mad at him he is just doing his job " Nathan said trying to bail his adequate personal assistant from his best friends black book .David could not help but roll his eyes his friend was trying to bail out his personal assistant did he think he will leave the idiot just like that.

" fine but go to bed early ok " he said and Nathan nodded then faced his laptop screen going through his mails answering the important ones and checking the ones that needed to reviewed he later called Aaron and his secretary Isa for his schedule this week and the following week he wanted to see if he could spend some time with Layla when she started school he didn't want to leave her side with that he remembered she was in the room sleeping alone he shut down his laptop and went to her room he saw sleeping peacefully the moon light that shines into the room made her skin look more milky she now looked like a moon goddess in the white pajamas she was wearing .

He went to the bed and looked at her he had urge to touch her face but he restrained himself he didn't want to disturb she was really exhausted with all what they had done today from driving down here to going to the school then the tour . Unknowingly he smiled while watching her sleep she was definitely the best thing that ever happened to him he wanted to keep her for himself .

He had plans of marrying he after she has finished school and she was independent with her career he didn't want to be a hindrance to her success he wanted to see his woman be an admired person in the society .Though she was going to be known because she will be his wife but he didn't want them to know her for only that he wants her to have her own independent status .

Maybe he should get an apartment for her when she is through with her studies do she can learn to live without him and won't need to depend on anyone .He also wants her to know about his identity in the business world he wanted to train so she can defend herself anytime anything happened he will still get bodyguards to keep her safe though .

When it was two a.m he went to have a shower then got under the sheets and cuddled her in his arms he loved the way her body curved perfectly with his he couldn't help but be thankful for finding her first she was all his and he was hers .he kissed her forehead and went to sleep .

The next day by the time Layla woke up she felt something heavy around her waist it was she was pressed against a wall she wondered if she was still sleeping or she was stiff due to stress she had yesterday .But she was grateful David and Nathan really made sure she and Lisa were comfortable here like as if they were at home she wondered where she will stay when she is on holidays will stay here or at Nathan's ,will he come to visit her ?

So many thoughts were running in mind that she didn't notice when Nathan stared and lied down on his elbow watching her expression." hey do u want to be ugly " he said thankfully that gained her attention .She was startled for a moment " hey why didn't you to tell me you were awake or did I wake you up " she asked .

" no you didn't and I just woke to see my beautiful girlfriend have a frown on that face that makes me happy " he said teasing her " and you haven't answered my question do you want to be ugly " he added " no I don't want to be ugly and I can't be as so as far I have you with me " she said making him chuckle .

" ok now girlfriend enough if the sweet words we don't want to be late for the remaining signing in that you and Lisa have to do I want you both to finish it up so that you can have time explore the surrounding and still rest " he said unknown to Layla they were planning a send off party for both girls.

Back at the Blake's mansion Clara was working hard to make the send off for her daughter was the best in history she didn't care or mind Amelia's ideas and insults . Even the organisers that Amelia herself hired felt she was becoming too much Clara didn't say anything mean or harsh to her but she made sure she want stepped upon yes Amelia had the Andrews family blood running through her veins but she too was a Blake and she won't let just anybody disrespect her in her own home.

She was really fighting the urge to kick Amelia out of the house she couldn't do that she didn't want to hurt her sweet daughters feelings she hadn't heard a word from Nathan about how she liked the house and the setting she made sure she supervised that aspect of the apartment. She promised herself she won't let her sweetheart down. When she was done picking the decors she wanted she called Nathan .

Nathan had just got out of the bathroom when he heard his phone ringing he thought it was Aaron or Isa but was surprised to see his aunt calm him so early was something wrong he panicked apart from Layla she was all he had . He picked it up " hello aunt is anything wrong "his voice was laced with worry Clara had it on speaker at her side since Lisa's mom also wanted to hear their reaction .

" it's nothing son we are just worried since we didn't hear from you guys since you left throughout yesterday are you guys _" she was interrupted by Cora Lisa and David's mom " how are the girls, do they like the apartment,what was their reaction " she started bombarding him with questions . Nathan on the other hand couldn't help but sigh here he was thinking something was wrong over there but they just called him to ask about Layla's and Lisa's reaction to the house .

" auntie don't worry they lived immediately they stepped in they both me and David going to explore and came back down later after they had fun then we took them for a tour around the are a today we are planning on finishing up the admission process for both of them then maybe we could go out and come back to rest looks like they were really exhausted with yesterday's activities "Nathan opted the part where they had a movie night he dare not tell both mother's or they would skin him once they saw him again and he wouldn't have David or Layla to defend him because the latter will also be in trouble and the other was in school.

" Hmm okay that's good but make sure not to stress them we want them looking healthy and kept when they return " Cora told him or more like warned him she was just like David they looked gentle on the outside but they had this inner demon that always came out with a force that was undeniable ." sure aunty ' he replied.

hi guys stay tuned for more chapters please vote for Nathan and Layla

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