
Mountain with a Soul

A lonely soul forced into a foreign environment. Stripped of his body and identity. Immortal without peers. His view sees the world as an undeveloped medieval world. Full of bland opportunities. Technology rose and with it the cemented idea of his loneliness. No one like him, forever alone faced with a dilemma an immortal bears. Just for the stale peace to be shattered to bits. Stripped of his arrogance and forced to see reality. Special entity or an accident in a world he would never be prepared for? A new path opens and with it many walls and responsibilites. Will he bear them or will he escape? Escape where? When he's just a poor spirit, a mountain spirit...

Xouldrion · ファンタジー
53 Chs

Chapter 50 - Terran

Everyone went on doing their things. Vendors screamed out their new products.

Fried aroma waffled throughout the air as a new trend took place in the great city, a place where dreams of many young mana refiners got fulfilled.

A young-looking man took out a silver coin and tossed it to a vendor. He smiled and went on his work.

"Ya new here, ain't you? I'll give ya a free piece as a welcoming gift to this beautiful place. My young friend, you'll love it here!" The vendor said and took out two pieces of fried balls on a stick.

A multilayered snack with different meats in each fried ball. Mystery to newcomers and a land of various flavours.

"Thank you. It is quite exciting here..." Terran smiled at the vendor and tasted the food.

"Not bad, it isn't oily at all and doesn't overpower the tastebuds. The vendor must have seasoned the flour and some kind of interesting oil, giving it a tinge of spiciness."

"Ya must be another aspiring mana refiner with that fancy language. May the legendary spirits bless you. Just don't forget about this small stall and visit again!"

"I will." Terran smiled and left the vendor.

With the line lengthened. The vendor waved him off and chatted with more customers.

Children played around and a lot of young adults walked while reading their books.

People around expertly avoided them, and neither party seemed bothered.

Terran walked around, admiring the scenery. Amongst the sea of exotic shops.

The more mundane stores shone, the brightest. People kept pouring in and out.

He took a quick glimpse at the Sun and decided to shop around.

"It's quite packed..."

Terran walked inside a clothing store. Inside, a young lady weaved herself through multiple customers as she helped them at lightning pace.

Surprised, Terran caught a glimpse of her movement.

She seemed to be dancing through the store, although no one seemed to notice and looked around.

The light clothes with vibrant colours took the main stage.

With the summer coming and the heat rising again, many people didn't want to miss a nice dress to flaunt themselves in.

"Welcome, welcome! Abby's clothing store at your service. What do you need?" The young lady said.

"I'll look around, but thank you."

The lady nodded and went around, asking other customers if they needed something.

Helpful, but not intrusive.

Terran shook off his thoughts and went around the store to see if anything caught his fancy.

He still had a battle wardrobe on him, and as clean as it may be.

The uncomfortable feeling that the robe brought from the battlefield remained no matter how many nights he spent at the inn of Dreams.

Terran couldn't quite find one he especially liked. Some dresses caught his eye, but he didn't know what to choose.

He turned around and, with a light smile; he waved at the young lady.

"What do you think fits me more?" He asked and switched a couple of dresses before his body.

"You can't hide those packed muscles. They definitely need to shine. Stop trying to hide such glory! Here, try this one." She said and pushed him into the changing room.

He found a cotton shirt and pants. The grey shirt in combination with his hair and those pants gave an impression of a dashing man from a drama.

A bit tight, but not too much. His muscles poked out underneath the shirt.

He opened the curtain, and the young lady whistled.

"Larger than I thought." She said underneath her breath and asked him if he liked it.

"I'll be taking them, thank you."

"No problem~. Just visit again, maybe if you hit a roadblock. You can try to model for me before the shop for a bit. The people would dig it!" She said and escorted him out.

A call from the back forced her to return.

Terran walked with a bag containing his old clothes before they vanished from his hands a few streets later.

"Time to meet that guy. I wonder if he changed?" He said to himself, the Sun hit its peak.

The connection the two made his heart beat with powerful strength and welcomed him to come.

Without delaying anymore. Terran sped up and arrived at the top of a hill.

Compared to the bustling, the atmosphere felt much more serious, with a building seldom appearing in the distance.

"You look very different, Terran."

"Well, I had no choice, did I? But, my old friend, I did it. I am back here in one piece." Terran said as a rock sprouted from the ground.

Now sitting, Terran took out a flask of wine and drank straight from the bottle.

"The difference from hearsays and the real frontlines is quite striking. Let me tell you something." Terran said and began talking about the frontlines like they were nothing.

It struck Liam. For a second, he couldn't believe that Terran stood before him, but quickly got swept by the flow.

He didn't talk about anything depressing. On the contrary, he talked about the scenery, and the beautiful rising sun.

The comrades and friends he made along the way. Even promised to show them someday.

After Liam got into the flow. He began talking about his experiences as well.

Many questions about the city and what it turned into.

They went down the memory trip lane. When slimes hopped all over the place and with no people in sight.

The sun went away as Terran became a little tipsy.

"My old friend. I returned for one reason. Talia... I found her." Terran said as he took another swing of the wine.

Cold wind hit Terran, but he didn't flinch a bit.

"That's good, right? Do you know why she went incognito?" Liam asked, a bit anxious.

"We are not sure yet, but it seems that Talia joined some kind of organisation. It can't be the alien church. It's something else all together."

He began to describe the various oddities on the frontlines.

In recent times, a legend began to sprout out. Unawakened elders sometimes vanished from the battlefield.

At first, people took it as an unfortunate ambush from the enemy.

That theory lasted until they appeared again. Instead of taking missions or returning to the main base.

People spotted them at the end of various battles. Sometimes, a rescue mission got completed before the reinforcements got there.

While the mysterious group didn't directly harm the humans. They still funneled talents into their ranks.

Not knowing what to do. Higher ups sent Terran to investigate and there he met Talia amidst their ranks.

Cold as ever, she battled the enemy as he observed her every movement.

Quite unlike the usual battle attacks. Hers differed and some he couldn't even imagine normal humans could do without awakening.

Over time, Terran confirmed one thing. She and the organisation didn't seem against humanity.

Nevertheless, they didn't quite favour the main church.

Insurgence or something, he didn't know. After the battle, he tried to bring her back and ask some questions.

That's when someone struck.

A powerful man capable of handling Terran alone, and even suppressed him with his bare body.

The entire battle. No matter what kind of spells Terran tossed at his enemy, he either dodged or shrugged it off.

Exhausted and in danger of being captured. Terran retreated and reported most of the situation to the power-ups.

He refrained from talking about Talia, but reported the rest.

Now under radar. Many disappearances got linked to that organisation.

With their activity, being spotted on the mainland and the lack of activity from the enemy.

Terran volunteered to protect one of the more important projects. The city of mana refiners.

He also took it as a vacation.

Higher ups approved of this after sending him out on a few important missions.

The entire time, he held a question in his heart.

"What do you think, Liam?" He asked and looked at the spirit.

"According to what you said. It seems that their style of battle, except the one who matched you, resembles runes, but not quite." Liam said and began to ponder.

The news about Talia gave him some relief.

However, a problem remained.

Mind controlled or willing.

And if she willingly joined the organisation, why didn't she contact Liam after such a long time?

He believed that at least a hello wouldn't hurt...

Though that would be quite outside her character.

Terran's explanations painted quite the picture, though Liam had to see those spells for himself.

Runes, but not runes.

Another interesting branch sprouted up. Moreover, that mysterious man who fought Terran off with just his body.

Such an enemy would either be the product of the aliens or another whole realm of strength, outside the usual mana path.

A bit shook from their conversation. Liam and Terran steered it in a different way and then bid goodbye.

"I'll see you soon, my dear old friend. I still have to greet that elder." Terran said and went away.

Liam fell into a deep thought. What kind of thing Talia found herself in?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Xouldrioncreators' thoughts