
Mountain with a Soul

A lonely soul forced into a foreign environment. Stripped of his body and identity. Immortal without peers. His view sees the world as an undeveloped medieval world. Full of bland opportunities. Technology rose and with it the cemented idea of his loneliness. No one like him, forever alone faced with a dilemma an immortal bears. Just for the stale peace to be shattered to bits. Stripped of his arrogance and forced to see reality. Special entity or an accident in a world he would never be prepared for? A new path opens and with it many walls and responsibilites. Will he bear them or will he escape? Escape where? When he's just a poor spirit, a mountain spirit...

Xouldrion · ファンタジー
53 Chs

Chapter 27 - Probing

Liam watched the three as they sat at a table together.

"Ugh, it feels so weird talking with someone that you can't see." Blythe said and pouted.

She broke the solemn atmosphere, and Akand sighed. A vein appeared on his head as he proficiently hid it with his hair.

"Let's begin then. Great Spirit Morpheus, or rather Liam, as you've requested. Is it correct that you have been able to survive the cataclysm and are for sure the spirit, Morpheus?" He asked a couple of questions.

Although, with some actual knowledge, he could fool them. The key point remained in one thing.

Knowledge. They didn't know about the enemy intelligence gathering, however, if parts of the books about Morpheus proved right.

Then, the odds of him being a true spirit went a notch up.

The waiting for him to establish a connection never mattered. To give their special teams to enact a proper precaution against it was.

In the end, even if he came from the old era. They had sufficient evidence that the prowess and laws of the world differed too much to be useful in the short term.

The interrogation had a different overall purpose. An investment in Liam, to see if they could invest trust in him and use him to further their own odds of survival.

After all, the gods they believed in and the creator the gods worshiped told a select few that the current situation wouldn't hold on like that forever.

Time, no matter how long, would one day dissipate. If the creator can't be truly immortal.

The so called an immortal spirit from last era compared to the might of the creator just proved to be a joke and pure arrogance coming from the spirit or ignorance of the previous era.

Overall, Liam had to prove his worth.

He himself got the hunch after Terran told him about the time before they arrived.

Important? What a joke. His priority itself showed the level of importance they showed.

Were they to show up within a week or so. His importance would be many magnitudes higher than he felt right now.

The lineup that came didn't impress him, either. While he didn't know a shred about their true prowess, age or positions except 'elders'.

3 people with 2 young and one middle-aged wouldn't spark anyone's interest.

He hoped to be proved wrong, though.


"Indeed, the power of such thing that started the great cataclysm and the hell that rained above is something I wish to not remember. However, I do know that the invader has to be a part of something larger." Liam said as they almost finished their... introduction.

The entire way, he felt under quite heavy pressure. Due to most of his memories being locked under his own volition.

There were many times he had to try to remember some details. To his relief, the memories still belonged to him.

So, most of them came naturally when he opened a part of the door. A couple of unpleasant memories came with them, though.

"Mhmm, one more thing. After I have awakened in this brand new era. I discovered the presence of mana. Of course, there haven't been many drastic breakthroughs.

But, this might interest you a bit." Liam said and took out his one trump card.

At the first step, he had to sweep away at least some of the suspicion.

Blythe reacted the most as she perked up and her ears twitched. Akand too showed some level of interest.

Though Talia remained as calm as her surname. Quite a lake indeed.

Liam sighed to himself. During the questioning, Talia reacted the least to all the information he dug up.

The natural phenomena that surprised even those two made them look like bumpkins compared to her stoic face.

Under their eyes. Liam dropped a few drops of wind mana liquid to Blythe and the other types to the respective people.

Blythe ran across the place right away. She skipped each of her steps as she appeared a few meters away every time.

Through Blythe's vision. Liam couldn't understand at all how she didn't trip or crash into anything.

The eyes always were a step behind the body. Sometimes she closed her eyes as she danced around just to appear unscathed.

"How is it that you can keep up your speed without stumbling? Does it have to do something with that crystal?" He asked Blythe.

"Yup~. You see, the crystal has a very amazing function! It works almost like all of our senses together, plus some more. Hehe, jealous?" She said with a cheeky smile and sat down.

Even Talia showed some level of surprise.

"Quite the interesting change spirit, Liam. Although the growth is almost unrecognisable, but the potential can grow." She said and analyzed some points.

The greatest change remained with Akand. His change had the greatest effect as the crystal reacted.

Under Liam's suspicion, it had to do something with the two merging together.

Probably also due to the opposing nature, which forced out more of the energy to be used and not wasted.

Speaking of waste. Liam never considered such things. He gave all of them the same amount as he halved Akand's two portions.

Yet, the end result seemed much more dazzling.

He had to see and learn how to absorb.

'Truly, having test subjects is much easier.' He thought to himself and sighed.

So many paths appeared before his eyes as he got consumed by thoughts.

"Hello? Knock knock, Liam, are you still there?" Blythe asked as she started yelling into the air.

"Mhmm, I apologise. Akand's change brought many ideas to my mind, you see." Liam said as Blythe added.

"When you improve upon it. You must put me as your number one customer! Don't worry, I can even let you experiment with me~. No going overboard though~." She said and winked.

Still, she couldn't see Liam. So, she blinked into a wall.

Liam for a second thought that Talia planned to create the concept for mental institutions just for Blythe.

Now that the introduction passed. Their new goal changed to Liam and his value.

The liquid he showed became quite a pleasant surprise. This way, much less backlash would appear in the headquarters when they came back.

With their lives made much simpler. They also planned to expand their plan.

Before, if the interrogation went well for them. They might turn an approximate area into a personal facility without paying.

Thanks to his timely contribution. They might be able to turn this place into a public area.

Handled right and their money wouldn't come just from the government.

An Academy alone would make them seriously rich no matter how much debt they had to raise for it to happen.

A bad academy exists because of a city. Good academy exists because of a prosperous city.

And a megapolis exists because of an exceptional academy. A place not just for education, but leading research and development.

Unknown to Liam. They began their hidden bidding war.

To get to their position, they were in right now. If they couldn't get a few benefits, they might starve on a street after being exploited too much.

Some things were better to disclose to Liam right away, though. To anger him later down the line when he holds an important position.

Would be dumb and maybe dangerous.

"Hey Liam, you wouldn't mind a few lemonade stands, right? Don't worry, I can always let you have some!" Blythe said and waited for Liam's response.

"Well, as long as those lemonade stands sell well. Then sure, but a place mainly for research and not entertainment would be best." He said and looked at others.

Liam himself didn't quite know how far this lemonade stand might go, but he reckoned she talked about the food industry.

He didn't mind. In fact, the more power the three elders hold, the better for him.

By the time they grow high enough. Their foundation would be stuck next to him for a decade at least.

Then, his influence and hold over mana might grow enough to influence them.

When he talked to them and opened his gate from time to time. Unpleasant memories of his time included business and tactical meetings.

People feared what they could see and experience.

Over time, Liam's prestige barely held him high enough. Many times, if the Barford family didn't interfere and didn't trust him so much.

They would have stripped him of authority.

Sometimes, he considered himself very lucky. Just a few missing pieces and his influence would break like dominoes.

This time though...

He had mana. It could influence the outside world.

And he would turn it into a hand that could reach all the corners of this world.

Right now, he had to grow. Become powerful and take his revenge.

And then one last thing will stand in his conquest to see the skies and travel the universe like those powerful beings in the stories of his past life.

Freedom and the power to move and experience on his own...