
Mother of Darkness

The story takes place in a fantasy world where a woman just wanted to live a normal life, but everything was taken from her. This is a story of a Mother, who became the death itself. It's heavily influenced by Indian and Chinese Mythology. Remark: It is my first writing , so please support me . Thanks

Misty_guy · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Writing a story

Author Remark : Since I am not regularly updating the story , you people may forget a little about what happened in last chapter . So I will be adding last few lines of previous chapter as a reminder . Please comment, whether you like it or not . Thanks


Soon three guards including the old guard came out and fell on their knees. The Clan Head with a furious expression said , Now tell me everything..... before I end your pathetic life....

The old guard raised his head , his voice still trembling , he said , Master please forgive us for our foolishness !!! We just didn't think that.....things would turn out like this.....

Do you think I care about your excuses!!!!! The Clan head shouted . Soon a bright translucent red light covered his body. On seeing this, the three guards started to smash their heads on the ground. Immediately , blood started to gush out of their foreheads . All three, spoke in unison , Please Master , forgive us , we will tell you everything without a single lie!!!!! Please give us a chance.....

The Clan Head on hearing it , controlled his strength , and commanded , Speak!!

The Old Guard spoke , Master... Both of the young Masters went to a third rate Inn... First...we couldn't understand as to why would they go to a such a filthy place.....But later...as we saw Yin Clan's young Lady Yin Tao sitting there ....we understood!! Soon both of the Masters ..... ahem... did their usual things . The young Lady , rejected their proposal....and a fight broke out between them....

The Clan Head interrupted and asked with a little bit of confused expression , Wasn't that Yin girl...in body transformation stage?

The Old guard quickly replied , Yes.... Yes Master , that is exactly why we didn't interfere....both of the young masters are in foundation stages .... So..... we thought... they can handle her easily.....but he stopped midway , looking towards the ground ...

The Clan Head got furious ...he asked ... So basically... these idiots got their asses beaten by a girl in body transformation stage!!! ..... these good for nothing fools!!!!!! ... this idiot will definitely ruin our clan one day.... how pathetic!!!!!..... Now I can't even ask the Yin Clan for an explanation...and if this information got out that this fool lost to that girl....Shhhh.... He then looked towards the guards and with an intense expression said ,Make sure this information is not leaked ..... If you dare to speak about it to anyone... then.....as he said this , he released his soul pressure... all three guards coughed blood ..... they spoke in a suppressed voice .... Ma..Master....We will take it to our graves .... please....have some mercy on us.....cough...cough....

The Clan Head removed his pressure and left . Healer Sang looked towards the guards and said in a mocking tone ....old man... I thought you will finally meet Yama today..The old guard looked towards him and with a angry tone said , you old fart, if you had enough fun , then give me some damn medicine... I already had to go through enough problems today....I don't have time for you crap. Sang laughed on hearing this , he then took out 3 bottles, containing some blue liquid and gave it to them . The three guards drank it and soon their complexion became better. The old guard looked towards him and said.... write it down in my name.... I will pay you later!! .Healer Sang gave a smile and asked.... what about the payments of last 20-30 years...? The old guard said , It's not like I will run away or something ... I will pay you later. And then, ironically ,he ran away as fast as he could ....

Meanwhile , a young girl was looking out of the window , from her behind....came a voice .... Big Sis Qin..... Did you .. "deal " with those insects. Li Qin , still looking at sky, said in a monotonous sound.... Bingbing ... sometimes..."dealing" is actually a mercy.....then she looked towards Bingbing and said.... but they.... didn't deserve mercy!! Bingbing gave a understanding node . Qin then looked towards the street , people were engaged in different kinds of activities , some people were selling goods , some people....wandering off to different shops , children...gathered around candy stall....she said , Bingbing...don't you think...the world is a strange place .... look at these people.....all living....in their own world....Some worrying about money..... some worrying about love , some worrying about food....completely immersed into the world....completely ignorant of everything outside of their little world....sometimes...it feels, as if...this is just a theater , and these people are just some unimportant, nameless characters of some story.....how strange.....

She then looked towards the sky and said, Gao Dog , let's see...how will you react to your story.....authored by me

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