
Mortal Thrill Seeker

what would happen if a Battle maniac who seeks a good fight was thrust into a Battle royale for the chance of becoming a god? Living a world unfit to him, Daniel, now known as Yuuki Wakura will relish in the thrill he seeks. "Becoming a God? The hell with that!! I just want to fight and have strong women standing beside me!" Now armed with the Talent of Garou's Martial Art, Downgraded Intellect of Lex Luther and Physiology of a Viltrumite is now ready to fight. [ World ] Mato Seihei No Slave ======== if you read God Succession System then this is basically that but without the weird NTR moments. If yah the author hope you don't mind taking inspiration. Warning, my mc is like Kenpachi who likes to hold back mentally and I will constant Nerf him. Not to make drama, but to make him stronger. Don't worry, it's not like he'll suffer but his path won't be smooth either. Regardless, if you want to read for fun then I suggest turning off your brain. ======== I won't dedicate myself to this fic since I still have DxD: Time Leap.

ChesterCure · アニメ·コミックス
93 Chs

Chapter 19 - Eight Thunder Gods

"Hello. The 7th Unit looks as lively as ever."

Said by a young woman with a big chest, blue eyes and short lime-green hair that is white on top of her head. She wore a turtleneck with a black vest like clothing on top with white skirt and black tights. Yuuki smiled when he saw her since this woman was one of the few that he has bias and among them is Mira and Fubuki.

[ A/N: Finally the best waifu has arrived. My top list is Tenka, Mira and Fubuki ]

"Well it won't be lively once I'm dead because of her. Anyway, who are you?"

Yuuki asked while Himari calmed down seeing them and said.

"They are the Anti-Demon Corps' 6th Unit!"

"I am the 6th Unit's chief, Tenka Izumo"

"I'm the sub chief, Yachiho Azuma."

Said by a fair-skinned young woman older than Himari, she has long blue hair tied into twintails using white ribbons. She was dressed in the Anti-Demon Corps' uniform, consisting of a navy blue short-sleeved unit, a red belt, a long skirt, and high-heel boots that reached her thighs. She looks like Himari but a bit more annoying. 

Yuuki glanced at Himari who had a troubled expression on her face after seeing her sister. If only she knew that her sister does care, or more like obsessed about her. 

Without a moment of hesitation, Yuuki copied their ability permanently, feeling his attribute growing less and less until they were around C except for his cheat like Lex Luther's intellect and his regeneration as Viltrumite. The rest is fair game. 

Yuuki sense grew duller and suddenly Tenka came upto Yuuki and slammed her hand lightly beside him and came up to his face as she said. 

"So you're The Rumored Slave-Kun who can use powers, aren't you?"

He smirks after her words sensing her emotion that was mixed with interest and attraction. Yuuki dislikes being pinned down and returns the favor switching there place surprising Tenka and pinned her to the wall where he towers over her and inches away from her face lifting her chin. Tenka never felt this way to anyone before, making her interest in Yuuki grow even more. 

"Careful now, you might awaken something, you shouldn't." 

"Hmm, well alright, I'll keep that in mind next time." 

She said with her calm tone with a small blush on her face clearly affected by his presence while Yuuki pulled back and Tenka looked towards Himari and said,

"Could you get Kyou-Chin?"

After a few minutes, Yuuki brought them snacks and was surprised when they saw the android that he deployed, curious if they could buy one for their unit but put it aside for the time being as they have things to discuss. 

Kyouka and Tenka were sitting on a couch facing each other with a table in between. As Yuuki and the others were standing behind her while Yachiho was standing behind Tenka.

"Mmm~! You make really good coffee, Slave-Kun."

She couldn't help but feel her muscles loosen while Yuuki smiled hearing her compliment.

"I aim to impress. Coffee is one of my favorite drinks."  

Kyouka watched them slightly annoyed and jealous that Yuuki was getting along with Tenka. She is unsure why her feelings still remain to the person she aims to give herself but the moment Yuuki came to her life it began to change. 

"So what brings you here, Tenka?"

She tried to forget about her inner turmoil and went serious where tenka quickly answered.

"You got that government notice, right Kyou-Chin? The tough humanoid shuuki appearing is what brings me here. They've told us to work closely this time." 

"Who cares if there is a new type of shuuki or whatever. They wouldn't have been a problem if you had destroyed them."

Yuuki had his crossed observing them looking at Yachiho who was more stuck-up b*tch than Himari but he couldn't blame them when he knows his reason why they are like that and can be tamed later. He took a lollipop to snack on giving one to Nei who was beside him. 

"From what I have heard, the 7th Unit's Vice-chief was attacked by this humanoid and had to be saved by a man. How deplorable."

She said while looking at Himari in a condescending tone and Yuuki remained silent since he doesn't always get along with Himari but it somewhat pisses him off since he dislikes people lying to their true feelings. 

Yachiho's intention was good, hoping that Himari would get stronger but her methods are wrong. She is more or less awkward when it comes to expressing herself.

"All you do to the Azuma name is drag it through the mud, Himari."

Himari expressed her trauma of being verbally and physically abused by her own family. Yuuki frowned at this and decided to speak her mind.

"Careful with your own hubris you'll end up suffering. Himari might be weak now but she has the potential to surpass every single one of your family."

"Bold words coming from a slave?"

Yachiho haughtily said laughing at his remark until everyone suddenly felt the intense pressure that came from Yuuki. It was a killing intent unlike they've felt before forcing Yachiho to fall into her knees and Tenka couldn't believe that someone could make her tense up looking at the gaze of Yuuki appeared more animalistic and demonic.

"I don't like being called a slave unless I let them and if a slave like me made you kneel then what makes you? Lower than a slave? A trash?"

Yuuki said he suddenly heard Himari shout at him.

"Yuuki Enough!"

Himari still lives with her sister even if she insults every time they meet. Yuuki glances at Himari pulling back his Killing intent where everyone except Nei who doesn't have the same level of survival instinct as everyone and the pressure was mostly directed at Yachiho. Once it dissipated everyone was relieved and tense Tenka quickly composed herself along with Kyouka.

"That was quite the scary thing, Slave-Kun."

Tenka still teased him somewhat and felt that he didn't latch out the first time she said and what he said earlier meant he gave her the permission to call him that.

"Couldn't help it."

Yuuki shrugged it off while Yachiho, still shaken from earlier glaring at Yuuki, annoyed that he made her kneel and saw him give her a mocking smile. She wanted to retaliate but it could make the situation worse. 

"Either way, the humanoid shuuki is strong. Your decision to bring your subordinates to safety was correct." (Tenka)

"I heard the 3rd Unit faced it."(Kyouka)

"Yeah, their members pursued them too far and got beaten up as a result. They'll be out of commission for a while, And going by the reports, the one you faced is not the same as they faced. Apparently they've been saved by Kuro Oni." ( Tenka)

"What!?" (Kyouka)

Kyouka exclaimed while Yuuki upon hearing the name of his alter ego began to  recall the time when he went to visit the place, having told Kyouka that he had urgent matters to attend to. 


On the ground struggling was an adorable young woman with long blue hair, a fringe covering her forehead, two small pigtails on both sides of her head that had beads on them, and orange eyes.

She is often dressed in her Anti-Demon Corps uniform, consisting of a navy blue militia tunic, cap that has red highlights, white gloves, a short skirt, thigh-high boots. This was the captain of 3rd Unit, Bell Tsukiyona. Her body aches from the injury she sustained fighting the enemy.

"As expected, this is all human amounts to against a God."

Mockingly said by a cute young girl of short stature, long purple hair that consisted of snake tips, slitted eyes, sharp canines, and a black mark near the tip of her tongue. She is seen dressed in a traditional Japanese kimono with her hair tied in the back using a red ribbon.

Her words made Bell feel more pain than the injuries on her body recalling her life and she thought everything would change and felt special when her ability manifested. In the past she was constantly bullied and her family was indifferent to her as she was average until she gained an ability and was recruited when people began to change their views towards her including her family began to pay more attention to her and treated her nicely.

There were some that feared her but she never got bullied after that. However her feeling of being special and unique was squashed when she met the other unit, being among the superhuman, which made her normal and average compared to them. Her head then lifted by the woman making him wince in pain feeling her being pulled. 

"Remember this, you only amount to this and killing you isn't even worth it. You are too weak."

Her words were like blades cutting through her already torn heart and felt tears falling from her eyes wishing she could change and be better. Bell only wanted to be like everyone else.  It was then the woman sensed danger and barely evaded an attack where it crazed her. 

"This surely unexpected, who are you?" 

The woman said looking at a person who was wearing an Oni mask that exuded danger that she grew curious and decided to test this person since she couldn't go back without gathering useful information and the person was a variable in their goal. 

Bell struggled but managed to look up and saw the person that appeared to be a man who turned letting her see it's face and held out his hands before she felt her wounds disappearing.

"I applied first aid but please don't try to help me. Let me handle this."

"Y-You're Kuro Oni." 

She heard gossip about him before and even thought of how she wanted to be like him after hearing the amount of Shuuki he's killed and people that he had saved. 

"Don't talk, you're quite strong to last this long against her that's why be proud. Keep your head high and grow stronger the next time. You might have lost the battle but not the war."

Yuuki said to Bell who never heard anyone give her such an impactful words that she began to cry while he saw this patted her head and felt a certain warmth from his caress that somewhat made her crave it more and how sincere it was. Yuuki liked her find that she has the potential to be the strongest next to Himari. Every single one had the potential to be the strongest and useful in their own way. 

Yuuki knew that she was fixated on being like everyone and being special that it made her desire to be like other people but she only needed to accept that she was already special being herself.

The enemy woman annoyed that she was being ignored and tried to attack where she manipulated darkness that formed a snake and directed it to Yuuki only for it to be for something to come from the ground and destroy them producing a gust of wind. 

[ Byakko: White Tiger of the West ]

Bell saw the enormous white tiger at least twice the size of the Siberian tiger where it growled ferociously towards the enemy woman. 

"You're certainly more interesting than that girl. What did she call earlier? Kuro Oni?"

Yuuki let go of Bell then turned to face the enemy making Bell feel disappointed that he stopped then realize her thought became flustered. 

"Now that you know who I am, then aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

"I am one of the Eight Thunder Gods and a being who controls shuuki. Feel free to worship me~"

She playfully said while Yuuki already knew her name to be Shikoku and smiled after introducing herself as she took out a card containing an image of Shuuki before those monsters appeared making Byakko to growl at them. 

"If you are god then….I'm a God slayer."

He cracked his hand and took a stances where he suddenly vanished from his spot taken Shikoku by surprised barely caught his movement and where she fought by manipulating darkness and block his attack through the portal hitting Yuuki causing him to be crazed by his own attack stepping back as Byakko fought off the other shuuki quite easily mowing them down. 

"You're quite strong, let me test you." 

Shikoku took more cards and summoned dozens of strong  Shuuki that were hulking behemoths. She manipulated her shadow that became faster than before, seemingly teleporting where Yuuki felt his heart poding.

[ Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist ]

He moved evading and caught the snake crushing them within his hands while the Strong Shuuki surround where there feats heading down his way but Byakko helped his master biting into the neck of Shuuki munching on it head while lunge at the rest clawing into them a cutting using high pressure wind.

[ Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist ]

He tore the rest to shreds with his martial art where they were ripped into smaller segments baffling Shikoku assessing her servants.