
First vitor II

"Mason,mason" ziris calld walking towards mason, mason looked at him "what did you see " ziris asked mason looked away and said " I saw her " "mum?" Ziris asked " yes. And the little girl" " what does this mean" ziris asked his self " sirya, sirya " the guard shouted as he approached them. "Sirya, you have to see this " ziris and mason looked at each other as they follow the guard. As they walked the guard said " sirya, for some time now some strange this have been happening in the palace" " what are you saying, ever thing in this palace is strange including us" ziris said " this is more than that" the guard said ziris was quiet.

        They walked into the palace library" this morning, as one of the palace maids were cleaning, she saw something unusual.please come with me " the followed the guard to a book shelf in the library,and what  they  saw  surprised them a particular book on the shelf was glowing.

     Ziris  Ordered the guards to bring it down. when the book was bought down and placed on the table, Ziris picked it up and read it contents with a narrow eye, Ziris immediately looked worried " it the book of the vitors, someone has awakening it ." Ziris said, one of the guards said" sorry to interrupt sirya, but there is more" the guard said , he looked at his fellow guard and gave him a sign, the walked to a corner and came with a frame. " As you can see sirya, as at of last night this picture has been shaking." Both Ziris and Mason looked at the picture, It was a portrait of Ziris, mason, this father and mother. " So what the problem" Ziris asked " last night, they were five people in this picture" the guard said " So, who's missing" mason asked "The little girl".

       Ziris eyes popped out In shocked the said " are you sure of what of what you are saying" "Yes sirya." The guard said. Zirsi paused for a second and said to mason " come with me " mason followe. The walked straight to there mothers room and want straight to the frame on the wall but was amazed at what they saw.

      The little girl was really gone. Both Ziris and Mason did not know what you say. They werw both confused and  shocked at the same time. " I would be in my room" was all mason could say as he left the room.

       Ziris was sitting on the throne, when the door opened wild, General lasda walked in, the want straight to ziris and bowed down " sirya, you called for me " lasda said , ziris wad looking at a necklace on this hand, he then throw it to lasda who caught it with his right hand, as he opened his pam, his eyes open wild. The pendant was glowing.