
First vitor III

" Jennifer" Glory called, Jennifer slowly opened her eyes, when her are were fully opend, she saw glory and next to her was the book. She moved back quickly, " it Ok....it OK" Glory said with a smile, Jennifer calmed down a little, " Nice yo meet you Mis.Jennifer, my name is ma in v" Jennifer was surprised and scared as she said " Hi" " it says we have work to do" Glory said.

       "Do you know spells?" Mabin v asked" what?" Jennifer said  " Do you do magic" mabin v asked again, " No" Jennifer answered " so what are you witch,elfe,fairy ?" Mabin v asked again" No human" Jennifer answered " the ones with powers or the regular ones" mabin v kept asking " the regular one " Jennifer answered with an eyebrow rised up " hold on, there are humans with powers " Glory asked with curiosity in her voice, " of course they are " mabin replyed " Wow" was all Glory said.

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  Lasda,Mason and Ziris were sitted at a round table, lasda then place his right hand one the table, " I promised your father I would keep his secret" he stopped amd took a deep breath, " you two were not the only children of your parents." Mason and Ziris looked a little shocked, " you had a little sister" lasda said " what happened.... I mean were is she?" Mason asked, Lasda kept quiet" you kept this away from us?" Ziris said angrily " were can we find her?" Mason asked, " you can't" lasda " what do you mean we can't?" Ziris asked " because....because she... She's in hell" lasda said.

       "What do you mean in hell" mason asked, " your sister was not given a gift like all of us, But instead got a curse, she was given a the "Arivat" as the elfe call them (meaning the the true rular of hell)

 so your mom and dad could not let you know so you would not grow up with the pain, so they instead she should be sent away, to prepare her for her destiny". Mason and Ziris did not look happy about this, " And why can't we remember Amy thing about her?" Ziris asked in a low  turn " magic. Your parents and I use magic to wash your Memory's" Lasda said in a low tune.

please I need support

and I have not been having any comments about my book

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