
More than a Dragon Warrior

In the depths of Chroch Gom Prison, held down by chains and immobile by a turtle shell, a broken warrior had been imprisoned for two decades. He opened his eyes as deep yellow pierced through the dark. Once filled with hatred and rage, his eyes now held the wisdom and depth of two souls, two lives. One was Tai Lung, the son of Master Shifu, born in ancient China where Kung Fu ruled supreme. The other was also Tai Lung, the son of man, born in a modern world where his current world was nothing but fiction. Two lives. Two souls. Now one entity. He was armed with knowledge he should not possess and the wisdom of two lifetimes. So when he breaks out from the chain of his imprisonment, he not only breaks the physical chains but also the chains of Fate and Destiny. Destined to be a villain, a stepping stone for the Dragon Warrior, he became something more. He should not have happened, he was an anomaly, a variable beyond the calculation of the universe. His existence had changed everything in the universe. He smiled, knowing that the old tortoise was not so wise, because he was wrong. . . There are accidents. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #The cover is made by Alexxz #The world of Kung Fu Panda does not belong to me. This is a work of fiction for the sole purpose of entertainment without any intention of offence to any party. #The story will revolve around the trilogy. But there will be canon facts and knowledge taken from the fourth movie and the TV series. #If you expect evil Tai Lung and edgy development where he kill the Furious Five and shits, this is not for you. In my opinion, Tai Lung was never even a villain in the movies so no evil MC. #If you expect a hero Tai Lung where he accompany Po and act as the Dragon Warrior, this is also not for you. In my opinion, Tai Lung was never good in the movies. #Tigress isn't the FL so if you came here expecting two cats kissing and having babies, there will be none. If you want to support my writing and read 15 chapters ahead, join my patreon : Emmanuel_Capricorn patreon.com/Emmanue_Capricorn

Emmanuel_Capricorn · 映画
151 Chs


[Tai Lung's POV]

I quickly made it back to the camp with a small smile on my face. I truly wanted to see Mei's reaction to this with all her inferior complex and hate for being a human thing.

Maybe she would feel better after seeing another human and she won't be upset anymore.

What can I say, I was excited like a child.

"Tai Lung?" She called me when she heard my approach.

She was sitting on the small campfire under the beautiful night sky. I saw that she was being guarded since she did not have night vision like most animal so she couldn't see properly.

And my chi had changed a bit which might confuse her whether it was actually me or someone else.

I walked out of the forest and came to the small clearing I made for camp. She looked at me with this piercing look in her eyes. When she saw me as all other functions of her body stopped.

I did not see much of the reaction I was hoping for. Maybe it's because she was too shocked and it had the opposite effect. She just stayed stoic with wide eyes.

"So," I started and her ears twitched at my words, or was it my voice. "I assume you are no longer upset at me."




This is kinda fun.

"Hello." I waved my hand over her face, "I hope you know you are awfully vulnerable right now. The average Tibetan soldier could kill you a few times over and that should say a lot."

"T-Tai Lung?"

"That's me." I said and pinched her cheeks. I could do that now without fear of cutting her face. She was very soft and elastic.

"Do you like my new look?" I asked with a teasing smile.

"Its really you." She said and then she finally showed me a reaction. And it was definitely not what i expected.

From her wide blue eyes, tears started falling down in huge droplets. She was not crying but her tears fell uncontrollably due to her intense emotions.

Right about then I realized, that what I considered to be a fun and teasing situation was extremely important to her. I was honestly caught off guard by the sudden change in mood.

Then I felt her small arms wrapped around my torso and Mei buried her face in my chest. I froze on my spot as she hugged me, grabbing me tightly with those seemingly fragile arms. There was a sense of desperation in her touch as if I would disappear if she didn't hold my thight.

It took a while but then I returned the hug. I smoothened her snow-white hair and I let her release all of her emotions on me.

I won't say I understood what it was like to be the only species of your kind or the loneliness it entails. But I felt sympathy towards her.

I just showed her that I was the same as her, that she was not alone.

That was everything to her.

I could hear the thumping of her heart even with my human ears. It sounded heavy and painful.

"Its fine." I said and then her arms tightened around me. The hug fit perfectly as both of us were human.

We stayed like that for a long time as I patiently waited for her storm of emotions to recede. I looked towards the sky and at the stars that gave me the feeling they were watching over us.

Eventually, her arms loosened around my torso and she pulled herself back slightly, but she still didn't let go. She looked up at me, clear blue eyes staring at me with wonder and hope.

Her hand travelled up my body to feel my furless skin and smaller muscles before she cupped my face.

"You are like me." She said, emotions braided in her words. And it was not just my appearance she was talking about. There was also my blue chi which was like hers, the chi of a human.

"How?' she asked.

"I am also half human just like you." I said, "It just never revealed itself until now."

She took my answer with a brittle smile under her shining eyes. I think she was both scared and ecstatic at the situation. She was happy but at the same time, she was fearful that this might be just an illusion

"I see. That makes sense." She said, "That's why you did not think of me as hideous and why I always felt a sense of familiarity with you."

I gave her a nod. It was true, my feelings towards her were mostly related to my past life as a human. It was also why I felt a sense of familiarity with her and why I knew she was beautiful, more than anyone would believe.

Then as her emotions receded, she noticed the intimate position we were in. I was hugging her waist while she glued her body against mine. But she did nothing to separate us.

Instead, she blushed a deep shade of red and came even closer, she pushed her generous bosom on my chest and she looked down, ashamed at her own action but a small smile on her face.

I laughed.

A funny feeling came over me when I saw that, she was illogically cute, like a cat. They were not perfect but you can't help but adore them.

I swept her off her feet and she released a small yelp. Then I sat down near the campfire and sat her down on her lap.

She had a straight face and red cheeks the entire time. Her face was a mixture of confusion and satisfaction. Did she like it? Should she like it? How should she act?

I just played with her twitching ears.



"Hey, do you think you will be able to teach me how to weaken or strengthen people?" I asked after a long silence of just staying in each other's embrace.

"Hn" She said.

I chuckled at her sudden shyness and turmoil. She was sassy most of the time so its amusing see her act like this.

It was overall a pleasant night.

And it was also the turning point of our relationship.


[3rd POV]

She felt safe in his arms.

She felt complete.

There were other things she felt as well but she couldn't put them into words. Maybe if she was a poet she would write dozens of volumes to describe what she was feeling.

The only way she could describe it now was, a warm and fuzzy feeling in her chest and a ball of yarn in her stomach.

How could she not feel this way?

There was someone in the world who accepted her for all she was and someone who was just like her. Isn't this what she always hoped for?

Now she found it.

The story her father always told her. She remembered him telling her that there was a place in the North where she would be accepted and where she would find someone like her.

He told her, that would be her home.

For over 20 years she had been longing for it and her dream was to find this place one day. The place her father told her about.


But she had already found that in his arms. She found it but in a way she never imagined before.

Because home was not a place, it was a person.




[Wallpaper worthy pic]


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