
Moonlight: The Unfold Story

Sam was a normal teenage girl with a normal family and live to a normal world. What if one day she encounter a creatures who was exist in a myth story she heard of? What if she entrap on the other world and live with this scary creatures? Is she going to escape and leave all the nightmare or She's going to stay and live with his soulmate who supposedly a king of darkness?

xrazer_dean13x · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Your Highness?

'Damn it!'

I hissed on my frustration, exhaustion and tirediness.

I can't stop on running...

But why I am running?

And run from whom?

What's happening?

I just continue on running when the ray of lights hitted me and I stop ...

Then I heard a voiced who's calling me..


That voice.....

"My princess.."

It was familiar...

'Who are you?'


>>>His PoV

"Doctor Stone, how's she?" I asked him for nth time he just sigh at me before answering.

"Young master, like what I said and I say it again. She's fine now and everything test we did and done unto her was fine. She's stable and safe now, and anytime soon she will wake just have a patience and wait." He said and glad to know but still I sicked worried for her.

After that incident on that day when I saw her injured and frightening if I come to late maybe she could die that night.

I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth when I remembered what happen to her.

I assured them would pay for this and I won't stop until they're gone.

"If you say so, Dr. Stone." I answered while looking at her laying on that bed for almost a month.

"Well then young master, I'll go ahead now." He said before leaving.

"Thank you, bro." I said and hand him outside.

"Just please, bro. Calm down, I assure you she's fine now just you'll wait." I nodded to him before he get inside on his car and drove away.

"Young master, the lady is awake." One of the maid who was assignes on her spoke when I enter the manor.

"What?" I stuttered and run up on her room.

Glad she's woke up now but what now? How can I tell her on what happen to her?

When I enter her room saw her get up on bed and trying to walk and after a few step she fell and trying get up and I saw a crystal on her eyes.


She murmuring sat on the floor when she can't get up and cried out on her heart.

I signaling them to leave the room, they follow amd leaving the two us at her room.

While she's crying on her knees I lightly walk towards her that didn't her notice my presence up to now

While seeing her crying my heart was plunge and tearing apart and I don't know what to say to comfort her.

I don't know what to say so I let my body move like it knows what to do, and suddenly my arms lifted up and wrapped on her while lightly tappong her back.

I feel her grieveness and loss. should I tell her or let her cry out until she'll be calm?

Suddenly I got stiffened my back when she hugging me back and let her tear pouring on my chest...

This is sucks, I don't know what to do nor saying and just seeing sobber it's breaks my wall.

We stayed in that position for about half hour before she calm and when I place my hand on her face to wipe her tears that dry already on her innocence features.

"Don't worry I'll take care of you. " I said between on wiping her tears that makes her snap out and look at me.

Her eyes got widened and her mouth hang open when she realized that she still hugging me tho I won't mind anyway.

"So-sorry. " she said before moving inches away from me and sly looking at me.

"It's fine. How're you feeling, anyway? " I ask her and checking her and her injury.

"I'm fine for now, I guess." she answered me and bow down her head to hide her embarrassment and I find it cute.

"By tge way, mister. .." I snap out when she spoke to me and now she directly looking at me, on my eyes.

" Who are you? Where am I? Why I'm here? " she asking spontaneously and I didn't react at a time.

She really cute when she's spoke and her eyes those crystal of hers really captivating and that's givingmy heart pounding faster.

When I interrupted on staring her in the smell of blood...


"It's seems your injury got open. " I said and stay looking at her leg where the blood streaming down, it's really open and damn with that.

I saw her winced when she look on her leg too and realize that was hurting her.

I didn't say a thing and pull her up on my arms and placing safely on the bed faster I can before I calling the one of the nursing her earlier.

I stop when she pulling my sleeves I didn't bother to look I'll just stand there and waiting for what she wanted to say.

"T-thank you for saving me, mister. " she said before her hand got off on me.

I look at her on my peripheral vision and I saw her cheeks reddening... is she have fever?

I slightly nodded at her while my back on her.

Before I leave the room when the door open harshly and one of the guards came in hurry and calling me out.

"Young master!"

"Young master? " She murmured and look at me confusing on what the man calling me.

I didn't bother her questioning look and ask the guard.

"What is it? "

"Your highness .. he's gone. " He said and everything freezing even my body froze for what I heard.

"Your highness? "

I heard she said before I run fast out on her room and leaving her confused for everything.

Gomen, min'na.

Pardon for super slow update.

Due to some errands.

'Why they always leave?

Why they always leaving me?'

Anyways, thank you for reading and patiently waiting for my work's. I hope you'll enjoy it, guys.

I'll try to update as soon as I can.

I'll male a massive update so hold on.

Sorry and Thank you.?

xrazer_dean13xcreators' thoughts