

Hela and Astrid are enjoying a nice flight around the Hidden World. when they're met with panicking dragons the cause being monsters they've never seen before. After dealing with the threat Hela and Astrid decide to find the monsters root of origin. What will they discover? What kind of new adventures await our worrier Queen and her wife? Let's find out together. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Monsterverse/HTTYD monsters/dragons or characters they belong to Legendary and Dreamworks respectively. Link to my Discord: https://discord.com/invite/dyNN5qW8

Hela698 · 映画
3 Chs

Authors Note

Okay here's the deal I wanted to start writing this book a few months ago but then I saw the new trailer and heard that it may delve into the origin of the Godzilla and Kong species. How is this important you may ask? Well this book starts way before the existence of humankind and that info my come in handy for me plus I wanna see what this new villain can do and whether or not Hela will face him/her species in the past.

So I'm thinking of putting one of my future stories in it's place, particularly my Avatar of Death book since I have the first chapter written down. If you guys don't like that one you can tell me which one you want it's up to you guys.