
Monsters Convention

Clay Somers is a student at Brookshire high school and a failed lacrosse player. When Clay finds out the truth about his birth, it leads him to study more and he finds out about a Monsters Convention being held in Slidore Academy for the Arcane, a boarding school for mystical creatures like himself.

Tempest_Books · ファンタジー
7 Chs


<p>The Bus had arrived at Slidore Academy, Adrar City, Siage, Rivendell. The school was well hidden inside a forest. On the top of the school building were two Gargoyles. They looked like statues but they were living beings. Their jobs was to sense danger and alert the school. They also held back threats, while the others got to safety.<br/><br/>Clay and the new students walked into the building. "Damn! This place is sick! " A boy said.<br/><br/>The students were exploring when the school principal Ms. Emily Sherwood walked in. "You must be the new students. We're going give you some orientation and then... Clay? " Ms. Sherwood said. "Hey, Emily. " Clay said. "Umm.... Simon, the SuperSeven will continue this orientation. " Ms. Sherwood said. " Yes, ma'am. " Simon said. Simon Glass was a vampire, he was a 6 foot tall, and 16 years old.<br/><br/>He was also a member of the SuperSeven, a defense group invented by the founders of Slidore Academy. They were to delay enemies to enable escape from danger.<br/><br/>In Ms. Sherwood's office, She sat quietly waiting for Clay to speak. Seeing he didn't, she broke the silence. "Why are you here, Clay? " Ms. Sherwood asked. "I mean, Slidore's not for rich kids. It's for something I'm not allowed to talk about. " Ms. Sherwood said. "Something like monsters? " Clay asked. "How do you know about that? " Ms. Sherwood asked. "Because I am a monster, I have been for years. I'm seeking for safe haven. " Clay explained.<br/><br/>Ms. Sherwood called Simon which took him to his tour guide. "This is Enid Deveraux. She's gonna be your guide. " Simon said and left. "Hi, I'm Enid. That's Simon, he's a vampire. " Enid said. "And you are? " Clay asked. "A werewolf. " Enid replied. "I'm Clay. " Clay said.<br/><br/>"The students of Slidore are grouped according to the type of creatures they are. The first we're gonna talk about are the Planteers, they have abilities related to plants, nature. Then there's the manipulators, they can control electricity, light, air, dimensions. The psychic, they use their minds, Ms. Sherwood is psychic, she has telekinesis, she moves things with her mind. The psychic consist of Seers, Omnificients, Technopaths, Telepaths and telekinetors. Cleo Roden is also a psychic, but a half-ling, she not only look into the future or past but can bring out your greatest fear, Give it life. " Enid explained as she took Clay round the school.<br/><br/>"So, what are the werewolves called? " Clay asked. "We're under a group called Claws. Along with the coyotes, foxes, lycanthropes and Dogman cryptids. " Enid further explained.<br/><br/>"The Aqua group was invented for the Hydromancers, Sirens, Mermaids and Rusalki. Then there's the Pyro group. It consists of Hellhounds, Pyromancers, Phoenix, Dragons, Drake and Hydra. The mixed breeds are the Psychic half-ling, Vamp/Werewolf hybrid and the Elf/Human/Fairy tri-ling. The fairies don't really have much in their group, just the pixies and the blood faeries. The soccerers, witches, shifters and Enchanters are under the Mage. " Enid added.<br/><br/>"What is the difference between Enchanters, soccerers and witches. They all need to chant right? " Clay asked. "The witches can only cast audible spells, soccerers can cast with their voices or minds but Enchanters can only create dark objects. " Enid replied. "Vampires... The common vampires are well, the normal ones, The Bloodhounds, these are the rippers. They can't stand the smell of blood, it gives them the urge to kill. So Principal Sherwood trained them to be vegetarians, then there's the dhampyres, wendigos, wights, ghouls and Namanari hannya." Enid said.<br/><br/>"What about us? The ones that are different, can't be grouped. What are they called? " Clay asked. "I was just getting there, they are the Others. There's a necromancer, an astral projector, a Kanima, physical cultivators, Gorgons, weretigers.... " Enid replied.<br/><br/>"Wow...This convention, I think I'm gonna love it. " Clay said. "I've been meaning to ask, what are you? " Enid asked. "A Skyprowler. " Clay answered. "I've read about the skyprowlers but I didn't know they could have humanoid forms. I didn't even know they existed. " Enid said.<br/><br/>"Well, you tend to.... " Clay said and was interrupted. "Enid, you gotta come, they are about to interrogate the spy. " Tate Bradshaw said. Tate was a tall and light skinned 16 years old teen, He had soft and curly hair and he was a Kanima, the only one in Slidore Academy. "I have to go. " Enid said. "I'll come with. " Clay suggested. "I don't think that's a good idea. " Enid replied. "You're giving me a tour, right? " Clay asked. "Right! " Enid answered. "The tour's not over. " Clay said and walked behind Enid which proceeded to the Dungeon at the bottom of the school.<br/><br/>As they got to the dungeon, the first person they met was Simon. "You brought a new student? " Simon asked. "I'm his tour guide, I'm giving him a tour. " Enid explained. "Whatever! " Simon said and turned to the others.<br/><br/>The SuperSeven were a combination of different creatures, they were Simon Glass which was a bloodhound/vegetarian vampire, Philip Skye which was also a vampire, Enid Deveraux the werewolf, Hale Bradshaw the physical cultivator and Kanima's master, Tate Bradshaw which was the Kanima and Hale's brother, Cleo Roden the psychic half-ling and Dawn Merchant which was a socceress.<br/><br/>"You are not gonna speak? " Simon asked as he stared at the spy which was looking at them and was quiet. "Emily, who's that? " Clay asked. "That is a spy, he works for the monster hunters and he's has known our location which means we can't let him leave. " Ms. Sherwood explained. "Philip... Philip Skye. " Clay said and walked to Philip. "What up, Somers? " Philip asked as he shaked hands with Clay. "To be honest, I didn't expect to see a billionaire playboy in a Monster high. " Clay said.<br/><br/>"Well, here we are? " Philip said. "No time reunions, Philip. We gotta get this guy to talk. " Hale said. "Maybe...Cleo.. " Enid suggested. "No, it's too dangerous. What if it kills him or gets loose? " Cleo asked. "It's worth a shot. " Simon said. Cleo walked to the front of the spy's cell and stretched forth her two hands which started glowing yellow as a dark, evil and scary creature holding a scythe appeared in front of the spy.<br/><br/>"What is that? " Simon asked. "Santa Muerte, he's scared of death. " Clay said. "This is gonna be easier than I thought. " Tate said. "No, you don't understand. Santa Muerte's not gonna kill, it's just gonna take his soul to a purgatory. " Clay explained. "So, what do you suggest? " Ms. Sherwood asked. "I want to have a word with him. " Clay said. "What do you think, Simon? We could give the new guy a try, 'cause we're running out of options. " Cleo said.<br/><br/>"Principal Sherwood? " Simon called. "Clay and me have a long and rather complicated relationship, I trust him. So can you. " Ms. Sherwood said and they all watched Clay speak with the spy.<br/><br/>Clay began to feed on the spy's fear, this was taking his life. "I can feed on your fear and you would die or you make this easier by talking. " Clay said and looked at the silent man. "I can kill, I can cripple, I can do things you would be pitied for and I will feel no remorse. " Clay said and put his claws in the spy's chest. The spy screamed but no one came to his rescue, he had no choice but to speak.<br/><br/>"The hunters sent me to find the school because they are planning an invasion, they want to wipe out all kinds of monsters. " The spy said. "Who commands the army? " Simon asked. "Our commanding officer is General Rene Motley but he isn't the boss, he takes order from Kevin. " The spy further explained. "Who's Kevin? " Enid asked. "I don't know, it's not like they tell us anything. They give us the order and we follow, but there was one time I was snooping and heard the name Venza. " The spy said.<br/><br/>"Venza, as in... Milo Venza? " Clay asked. "Yeah, Milo Venza. " The spy said. "Does it mean something to you? " Ms. Sherwood asked and Clay remembered his trance when Ed Somers said "Mr. Venza was indeed right. " and Clay answered Ms. Sherwood "No. "<br/><br/>"What else do you know? " Simon asked. "That's it. " The spy said. "Philip, compel him. " Simon said and they all watched Philip compel the spy and take him faraway from Slidore Academy.<br/><br/>"We need to know what the hunters are really planning. If we wait they will take us unexpectedly. " Dawn said. "That's not gonna happen. " Simon said. "We don't even know what they have planned for us. All we know is an invasion, we don't know when this is gonna happen. It can take years. We don't even know this Kevin or Venza, we don't know if they are bad news. " Cleo said. "We'll try and protect the school. 6/8 is not happening again? " Ms. Sherwood said.<br/><br/>"What's June 8? " Clay asked. "The day Slidore was destroyed. " Enid replied.</p>