
Monsters Convention

Clay Somers is a student at Brookshire high school and a failed lacrosse player. When Clay finds out the truth about his birth, it leads him to study more and he finds out about a Monsters Convention being held in Slidore Academy for the Arcane, a boarding school for mystical creatures like himself.

Tempest_Books · Fantasy
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7 Chs


<p>Clay got tired of punching trees for hours. So, he decided to lay on the soft grasses and look into the sky. Just as he was staring at them, Max returned.<br/><br/>"Finally, where the frak have you been? " Clay asked. "Stealing such old and guarded document is no easy task. " Max justified. "So how long has it been in here? " Clay asked. "Two years. Which is just two hours out there. " Max replied. "It's a good thing it hasn't been too long. " Clay said.<br/><br/>"Here are the documents. " Max said and Clay took the files from him. "Clay opened them with one hand and with the other he held his mouth which was wide open when he saw the contents. "I can't believe it. They really did it. They funded the hunters. " Clay said looking sad.<br/><br/>"Now's not the time to cry, it's time to fight. " Max said and Clay walked to him and they begin to fight each other. <br/><br/>After five years in the sacred realm, Clay was trained to fly, fight, kill and take someone's fear along with their lives. "You learned a lot of things, you can even fight me now. It is time. " Max said. "Okay, then why did you give me these scars? " Clay asked and showed six claw scars on his chest, one on his shoulder and multiple on his back.<br/><br/>"I gave you those scars to teach you a lesson. Never back down on a fight, trial by combat, you fight till the death. " Max replied. "I can't use your essence to heal the Celestials. " Max said. "Why's that? " Clay asked curiously. "You're too weak, to be able to heal the Celestials you need to be at least a Delta. Before I train you out of Juvenile, then Gamma, the Celestials would have died. But...I can pass on my rank to you. Make you a Delta while I become a Juvenile. " Max explained.<br/><br/>"No, Max, no. There's got to be something else to do. " Clay said. "Sorry, Clay, there isn't. " Max said and used his claws to hold Clay's neck. Clay is dying when Max healed him and he becomes a Delta Skyprowler. <br/><br/>"Max, what did you do? " Clay asked. "You're a Delta now, You will save the Clique. " Max said and was pulling out a benevolent being from inside Clay. This being entered into the tattoo which began to glow orange. <br/><br/>In a chamber, thousands of miles away from Tinsel Town, Three men with the same tattoo on Clay were sitting on chairs all facing one round table. Their tattoo began glow like Clay's did. All of a sudden, there is a rush of wind in the chamber and a windstorm outside the building. Their eyes glowed yellow and one of them spoke "Our souls have been kept away from stain. ".<br/><br/>In the realm, Clay and Max were having an argument when the trees started breaking and stones started falling. The earth's rumbling sound made them know that the realm was losing balance. "What's going on? " Clay asked. "Since I was linked to the Celestials powers, I am the only one that can keep this realm from falling apart. It seems I'm not powerful enough anymore. " Max explained. "I told you not to demote yourself but you didn't listen. Now, we're gonna. " Clay said. "I might. But you won't. " Max said. <br/><br/>Max and Clay were flying from the damaged site but it wasn't long before the crash came towards them. "Take the documents, this is a picture of your parents. " Max said and handed the documents and photo to Clay.<br/><br/>"You need to run now! " Max shouted and as Clay ran he shot Clay with a bolt of light.<br/><br/>Clay opened his eyes and found himself in the forest. He searched the entire forest but couldn't find Maximus' body. He saw the documents, picture and journal. He picked them up and left the forest, It was already 7:34 a.m.<br/><br/>Clay got home and walked towards his step parents. "Martin, Jane, I need you guys to be honest with me. " Clay said. "Is it that serious that you called them by their first names? " Floyd asked. "Yeah, it is. " Clay said and showed them the documents. "Where did you get this? " Jane Ann asked. "I have a knack for finding things. A friend acquired it for me. " Clay explained.<br/><br/>"Who is it? " Martin asked. "I can't divulge the name of my source. " Clay said. "A friend got this for you, and he's still alive? " Jane Ann asked. "Just tell me if it's true. " Clay demanded. "It is. " Jane Ann said. "My whole life you've been lying to me. " Clay said. "It's not like that, you don't know what we were up against, the Shadow Cou... " Jane Ann said and was interrupted. "We can't talk about it. " Martin said.<br/><br/>"You funded people who wanted to kill others, they killed my parents. And all you could say, I quote was ' Don't kill the child, we'll take him '. " Clay said. "How did you... " Jane Ann said and paused. "I'm out of here. " Clay said and walked away.<br/><br/>While Clay was on the street, Connor walked to him and said "What happened with Brody? Witnesses said they saw you around before he died. " Connor said. "Look, I don't care, I have my own issues. " Clay said and walked away. "Hey, I'm not done talking, get back here. " Connor said and tried to hold Clay which hit him and he landed on the floor. "Bloody hell! You've been working out, Clay. " Connor said, got up and left. <br/><br/>Clay had another confrontation while he was walking. He met a young lady which seemed to be following him. "What's your problem? " Clay asked. "My name's Hayley Williams, I was friends with Max. When he died, I sensed it. After he saved me, I promise to unseal your monster side. But only if you are willing. " Hayley explained. "Okay. " Clay said and they both walked to a cemetery. <br/><br/>"What are we doing here? " Clay asked. "This is where the spell will be broken. Since I wasn't the one who casted it, I'm going to need to channel. " Hayley said. "My step dad, he lied to me. I want him to feel the pain. " Clay said. " You have anything that belongs to him? " Hayley asked. "Ummm.. His watch. " Clay said and took off the $12, 000 Rolex. <br/><br/>"He's going to feel a lot of pain. He may even end up dying. Are you sure you want to use him? " Hayley asked in pity. "Pain or death? Either way I'm game. " Clay said. " You really don't have a conscience. " Hayley said. " I'm guessing that's what happens when you let Maximus train a monster. " Clay said. <br/><br/>"You are not the only one Max has trained. He trained me too. He taught me how to fight, how to cripple, how to defend myself and even kill. But I still had my humanity, I still..have...my humanity. " Hayley explained. "You can be different, use an enemy. " Hayley tried to inspire Clay.<br/><br/> "Your inspiration is too vague. Let us look through the void, through the emptiness of everything you've just said. We are different, you're not someone who was lied to for years, I am. It was like living a null life. My step father is my enemy. My family, they are all my enemies and I cannot, I will not hesitate if I am given the chance to wipe their names and faces from not just Tinsel Town but whole Earth at large. " Clay said.<br/><br/>"Would you still unseal me? " Clay asked. "I have no choice. " Hayley said and made a pentacle with ash and flower petals. She also lit five candles at each point of the pentacle. Clay laid in the middle, Hayley picked a grimoire and started chanting some latin words, Martin's watch began to move and Martin fainted and was taken to the hospital immediately. <br/><br/>While Hayley was chanting, Clay began to mumble as his wings came out. He screamed and his bones transformed into different kinds. It was the first time he turned to a Skyprowler fully. A few minutes later, he turned back and Hayley had already left some clothes for him. He put them on and walked to Hayley. "Thank you. " Clay said.<br/><br/>"I know a place you would really like to go to, there's a monsters convention taking place in Slidore Academy for the arcane, Siage, Alcairn. " Hayley suggested. "Rivendell? " Clay asked. "It's a developing country, it's small and in the South of North America. The school is well hidden and guarded, so, it will be hard to find you. " Hayley said and handed an invite to Clay. "Emily Sherwood. " Clay said. " She's the principal. " Hayley said. "Okay. " Clay said. <br/><br/>Clay was loading his things into a bus and Clay was about to leave when Jane Ann called "Clay, what's happening? ". "I'm done with Brookshire high. " Clay said and entered the bus which drove off. </p>