
Modern Family: I want Freedom

My name doesn't need to be known. I died as someone who didn't enjoy life. I missed everything. Luckily God gave me a second chance in another universe. In that universe I decided not to give a fu*k about the rules. I decided to do what I wanted to do and enjoy life. I was assisted in that as I got a system, which rewarded me with various character templates of people like Neil Caffrey, Sherlock Holmes, Lupin, and many others. Watch me live my life to the fullest as Ethan Alvarez. The main universe will probably be Modern Family with many other TV series or movies mixed in it like Brooklyn 99. You can recommend various movies or series and I will try to build them into the novel. The universe will not be supernatural. If you want it to be supernatural I can try to add it. You can not only choose the TV series or Movies but also recommend various templates for the MC. A little introduction about the MC is in the first chapter. (author here: I really overdid it at the beginning, but it will get better after the first 7 chapters(at least that is what I think and hope))

burakku · 映画
70 Chs

Helping Phil with the household

"Hey, Vitamin-E. I kinda need your help today. Claires down in bed and with her Haley. If you have some free time on you cold you come around and help?", that was the first thing I heard when I picked up the call I received on my mobile phone.

"Sure thing Phil", I gave a clear yes and made my way towards one of my cars.

I rang the doorbell and it didn't take a few seconds and Phil already opened the door.

"Thanks, buddy for coming over. It is war in here. I need some assistance", Phil told me patting my shoulder.

"I am currently fixing the broken stairs Claire told me to fix. You can go upstairs and take a look at the situation we are in", Phil told me.

"Yes sir", I said while running upstairs skipping the broken step.

"ETHAN", Haley said loudly in surprise at seeing me.

"MEDICINE", while Claire screamed seeing the things I had in a bag in my hand.

"Thanks, Ethan. Phil told me he would soon drive towards the pharmacy, but you know him. I will probably get them in a few years", Claire made a joke and took out some medicine.

I quickly ran down towards the kitchen and brought both of them a bottle of water and some glasses. 

"Thanks, Ethan", Haley said hugging me.

"STOP HALEY! You will infect Ethan if you hug him like that", Claire warned Haley.

"I didn't think", she tried to retort.

"No problem Claire. My body has an excellent defensive system against viruses. I never get sick", I told Claire the truth. 

One of the perks of Apollo again.

"It is 9 a.m. right now ladies. What would you like to eat and which dessert is your favorite?", I asked them.

"I want pasta"

"I want a fat, juicy steak"

You can imagine who wanted which. 

Claire of course the steak and Haley took the pasta.

As for the dessert both agreed to get a tomato salad.

"If that was your order Misses, I will clean the house now and will soon start cooking", I said and started acting.

"Where is the vacuum cleaner Phil?", I asked.

"In the storage space", I heard Phil screaming from the distance.

I went in there and took the cleaner towards the kitchen.

I put my headphones on and it started playing the legendary "We Didn't Start the Fire by Billy Joel"

While hearing this masterpiece in my ears I started to systematically clean the whole ground floor. 

I started by the kitchen, quickly going towards the living room and then went towards some side spaces. 

"Oh, shit. We have an emergency Houston", I said to myself looking at the rooms.

I quickly went upstairs and asked Claire an important question.

"Could I please clean up the few messy rooms on the ground floor", I asked Claire.

"You would do that?", Claire asked quickly.

"Of course", I told her.

"Of course you can if you want", Claire said as quickly as she could fearing that I would regret that decision if I stayed for a second more.

I left the room.

I sadly didn't hear one piece of interesting piece of information

"I am really envious of you for having a boyfriend like Ethan", Claire said to Haley who soon put up a proud smile after hearing that sentence.

I didn't know about that small conversation and soon started cleaning these messy rooms. They were just fully packed with stuff that you could normally put in one room. It was just so messily put in that they used up way too much space.

After almost an hour I finally finished with the ground floor. 

I looked at my watch and it was already 10:30 a.m.

I walked towards the kitchen and began cooking the beef Claire wanted as well as Haley's pasta. 

I made quite a few portions to also feed Alex, Luke, as well as Phil.

As a dessert for the sick, I made a Capresse Salad.

I put Fresh tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella cheese, fresh basil leaves, extra virgin olive oil, balsamic glaze, salt, and pepper into it and started making the salad.

After a while, a delicious smell started to permeate the whole house.

"What is that smell?", Luke came down asking.

"I am cooking for you guys Luke", I told him with a smile.

"WOW. I didn't know you could cook. Can you also make hamburgers?", Luke asked.

"Of course if I have the right ingredients", I told him truthfully.

"Then can you make a hugeeeee one. As big as the house", Luke asked excitedly.

"No. Not as big as that. That wouldn't be possible to cook alone", I told him.

"Oughhh", now Luke was dejected.

"But I can give you some beef or pasta later"

"YES", Luke was soon put back in a good mood again.

It didn't take long and I soon finished cooking the meal. My cooking skills were considered very good due to a lot of accumulation of my templates.

I first of all put all the plates onto the kitchen table and then put aside some extra plates for Haley and Claire's meal. 

After everyone finished eating I took out an old wooden table to put over the bed and brought the meal to Haley and Claire.

"Wow. Where did you find that? I never found that. This thing was a gift for our wedding from my aunt Becky.

"I found it in one of the rooms I cleaned", I told her while putting up the table and the meals on top of it.

"Thanks, Ethan", Claire thanked me again.

"Yeah, thanks", Haley said too.

After that I gave them their dessert. 

When they were finished with everything I put all the plates into the dishwasher and started cleaning the second floor.

After finishing cleaning I saw Alex looking inside a room that I cleaned. It was on the right side when you went into the house. There was a small corridor. The room was the first one and the only one with windows.

"Whats up Alex", I asked her.

"Ahhhhh", she was scared by me suddenly appearing beside her.

She quickly calmed down and told me the reason.

"That would be a perfect room for me. See that wall there. It would be perfect to put some bookshelves there. Sadly this place will soon be filled with the trash you threw away again", she said sighing.

"I didn't throw it away", I told her.

"Where did you put it then", she asked curiously.

"In that room over there", I fulfilled her curiosity.

She walked towards the door and opened it.

"You really said the truth. And there is still some place free", she said with an incredulous voice.

"That means I could move into that room", Alex said to herself.

I saw her running upstairs screaming "Mom and Dad"

The next day I came back again and saw Alex moving her things towards the room I freed up yesterday.

I walked upstairs and saw a healthy Haley and Claire combination.

"Alex moved downstairs. I have my own room now", Haley said excitedly kissing me not minding Claire being there.

Haley even started to use her tongue.

Claire didn't seem to mind.

I thought I transmigrated again.

"Thank you Ethan", Claire said hugging me. 

I was stunned. 

I felt Claire accepting me.

I had a huge smile in my heart.

I try as much as possible to make him a completely new character that is in modern family. Not just some rich Dylan. I hope I am succeeding.

Thanks for all the support I get. Needed to say that again

burakkucreators' thoughts