

Chapter 121 I Like Him

The manly voice resounded like thunder, reaching to everyone's ears.


It was followed by a massive earthquake-like roar, shaking the whole arena. Anyone who wasn't fast enough to react felt pain in their ears, feeling deafened for a few seconds.

"It's a Dragon!" the Commentator called out in warning.

No one could mistake a Dragon Roar when they heard one.


A golden flash slipped through the open ceiling of the Arena, filling the air with golden lightning. It dove down and did a spectacular circle above the stands, causing a stunning makeover in the crowd's hairstyles.

All hair stood tall like statues.

The four screens above the arena tried to display a massive creature but that was a big mistake.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

Four Thunderbolts shot out, piercing through the screens, which turned them off. After another circle, the Dragon flew to the middle of the Arena and turned into a giant Lightning Ball that slowly got smaller till it took the shape of two humans.

A male and a female. One turned out to be a well-built middle-aged while the lady looked stunning, her golden dress coiling around her curves with grace.

"We apologize for being late to the party," the man spoke as he grasped the lady by the waist, pulling her into his arms. "We had to stop on the way to take care of some business, hehe."


The lady smacked him lightly on the chest, immediately blushing.

"Hey, what did I do?" the man asked, pretending to be hurt.

"You bully me," the golden lady pouted cutely and looked away, trying to appear upset. "Don't talk to me."

"Haha," the man burst out laughing and pulled her back for a deep kiss. She resisted at first only to wrap her arms around his head as if forgetting they were in the middle of the Arena with thousands of people watching.

Another loving duo! How much dog food would the crowd eat that day?! Xuefeng and Nuwa were already enough to feed satisfy them for a week.

"It's the Sect Master Liu and his wife!" the Commentator introduced but that wasn't even necessary. Who in the Heaven Realm didn't know about Sect Master Liu, the most powerful expert?

On the other hand, it was his behavior that intrigued everyone. Who would dare say that Sect Master Liu would act so couple-like with his wife?

The golden lady also grabbed a lot of attention. Not because of her indisputable beauty but rather the mystery around her. It was rare for Sect Master Liu to show himself with his wife in public and if he had in the past, she was mostly in her Golden Dragon form.

It was a special occasion to see them both together, acting all lovey-dovey with each other.

"Sect Master Liu and his wife are definitely a match made in Heaven. They look so good together," the Commentator remarked. "They put all couples to shame. Only Xuefeng and Nuwa could compete with them."

With such comment, Sect Master Liu pulled his lips away and smiled, teasing his wife yet again, "My Golden Queen, how do the lips of a husband made in Heaven taste like?"

"I love them…" Golden Queen replied unconsciously only to blush again at his tricks. "I hate you…"

"I thought you love me?" Sect Master Liu asked as he turned sad. His wife's expression quickly changed.

"I'm sorry… Of course, I love you…" Golden Queen muttered as she cuddled into his cheek, trying to cheer him up. "Don't be sad…"

Sect Master Liu looked like he couldn't pretend anymore and kissed her gently, putting on a loving smile right after.

"You are so precious, how can I not love you?" he asked softly.

"You can't… You have to love me."

"Cough! Cough! Public announcement! Remember to buy your tickets for tomorrow's finals! You definitely don't want to miss it!" the Commentator cleared his throat, almost choking on the sugar they produced, replacing it with an ad.

When the Golden Queen hugged him, Sect Master Liu finally paid attention to everything around him. He gazed down at the Flying Ship and his eyes brightened at the sight of President Wu.

"Oh! President Wu! You are here as well. Long time no see!" Sect Master Liu called out as he teleported next to his old friend. "I was actually planning on visiting you and talk about your grandson-in-law."

That scene baffled everyone. The Space inside the Arena was locked yet Sect Master Liu wasn't affected at all.

"Long time no see indeed. Miss Golden, it is a pleasure to meet you. I was wondering when you would notice me. It seems like your wife is still your main focus," President Wu pointed out.

"Oh yeah. This is why she doesn't show up with me often as I make her embarrassed. Sorry about earlier, we got a bit sidetracked as we didn't see each other for a long time. When I'm with her, she is the only one in my mind," Sect Master Liu admitted.

"I see. You wanted to speak with my grandson-in-law, he is on the Main Stage right now," President Wu informed. "You can see both of your disciples there."

"Yeah, let us take a look," Sect Master Liu nodded only to hear his name called.

"Please welcome Sect Master Liu and our senior experts on Stage with loud applause!" Sir Liu invited.

The four screens finally got repaired after Golden Queen's damage and they lit up, displaying a truly funny scene. Sect Master Liu appeared right in front of Xuefeng and his wives.

Not minding the appearance, Sect Master Liu looked like an older version of Xuefeng with his wife hugging him close. The only difference was Xuefeng having three wives with him instead of one like his Master.

"Greetings Master," Xuefeng and Tianshi spoke at the same time, cupping their fists in respect. They didn't bow too deeply though but Sect Master Liu didn't seem to mind that.

"So you two are the new disciples our daughter chose for me. Interesting," Sect Master Liu said as he gave them a look over and his gaze paused at Xuefeng's wrist. "And this is the famous Elemental Bracelet I heard so muc—"

Sniff, sniff.

He paused talking as his wife began acting weirdly, sniffing the air instead of hugging him. Her eyes brightened a few sniffs later as she admitted, "I like him."

Sect Master Liu's eyebrows lifted.


Chapter 122 Golden Wingwoman

'Huh?' Tianshi sounded out in Xuefeng's mind.

He felt her squeeze his arm and then she closed her eyes.

'I was about to tell you that our future with Sect Master Liu looks dim but… It suddenly changed,' Tianshi informed as she looked up, gazing as Golden Queen. 'Is it because of her?'

The golden beauty brightened as they gazed at her and let go of her husband. She walked up to Xuefeng and sniffed from up close while watching his eyes.

They could tell even Sect Master Liu was confused.

"You smell like a Dragon, yet you don't have our bloodline," Golden Queen pointed out curiously. "How is it possible?"

As she asked, multiple experts began to land on the Main Stage but nothing seemed to divert her attention, her gaze locked with Xuefeng as if she was a young teen curious about the world.

"I don't have Dragon Bloodline yet, but I have this," Xuefeng said before extending his arm. His Water Qi wrapped around his hand, turning into a five-fingered claw.

Xuefeng was more tensed than her, knowing the experts were after him so this display of power was perfect. Just in case they were attacked, he would be already prepared. Tianshi and Nuwa already released him, no longer restricting his movement.

"Whoa!" Golden Queen exclaimed excitedly. "So your Qi can materialize into a Dragon! That's rare! Can you create a whole Dragon body already?"

"Not yet, but I should be able to in the future," Xuefeng admitted politely upon Tianshi's advice.

'Xuefeng! Make sure to be nice to her! She is the key to getting into Sect Master Liu's mercy.'

It was the first time Xuefeng heard any of his wife's advice to be nice to another female being so he took it seriously.

"Once I do, I will definitely show it to you, Miss," Xuefeng added with a gentle smile. "Maybe you can advise me as well."

"Of course! You are my Husband's Disciple. I will do my best to help as well," Golden Queen replied with the same kindness before I returning to Sect Master Liu. "You got yourself a pair of nice disciples. Our daughter definitely has a good eye."

"Mom! Dad!"

Just as she was mentioned, Liu Xinyu's voice reached them, appearing in their view. Her purple eyes were filled with happiness at the sight of her parents. She landed somewhat chaotic, causing her hair to turn messy by falling on her face.

She gathered enough attention for Xuefeng to watch her, just in time when she revealed her face and their gazes met.

"Hey! Long time no see!" She greeted after a nod of approval as if they knew each other for a long time and looked away, busying herself with her parents. "Welcome back~"

She didn't hesitate and dove into their embrace, giving them a warm welcome hug. It was a sweet reunion Xuefeng wished to watch but something else came up to his attention.

Killing intent!

There was no such thing but for some reason, Xuefeng felt killing stares and found its origin right away. It was a group of a few men who grouped together and immediately focused on him. They didn't even hide their intentions at all, frowning and glaring at him.

'They are all Avatars who only came here for Elemental Bracelet. Although their strength is capped to the Celestial Stage, they might be a problem later. They seem more aggressive compared to the rest,' Ming informed as she rubbed on his shoulder. 'They must be the ones who caused trouble in the Platform earlier.'

'Don't worry, we won't get too close to them,' Xuefeng assured. 'If they dare do something, we will make sure they regret it.'

'Yes. I won't let anyone hurt you,' Nuwa agreed, glaring back at the men before freezing. 'Wait… Those two…'


The rest didn't know what she meant, but Nuwa didn't explain, suddenly splitting away from them. She walked right where the experts landed, causing Xuefeng to instinctively reach out to stop her.

'Don't,' Tianshi grabbed his arm, letting Nuwa get away. 'It's going to be okay.'

Nuwa walked for a few meters when two Elvish ladies noticed her and approached her instead, meeting her half-way. They seemed friendly and smiling which eased Xuefeng's heart. He knew Nuwa was even stronger than him and he didn't even know the extent of her powers but he was still worried as her lover.


Golden Queen called out cheerfully, dragging Liu Xinyu by the hand with her.

"Yes, Miss?"

"Can I call you by your name or do you prefer something else?" Golden Queen questioned friendly. "I learned it from my daughter. You can of course call me Miss Golden if you want."

"Xuefeng is fine, Miss Golden," Xuefeng replied before gazing at Liu Xinyu. "Long time no see indeed. It has been like forever."

"True… You fought well today. I was impressed," Xinyu praised, staring at him for a long second.

When Tianshi embraced his arm, Xinyu shifted her attention to her, "You too Tianshi. I didn't expect such prowess from you."

"Thank you, Xinyu," Tianshi accepted with a smile.

Only the three of them knew they didn't actually know each other well, yet they acted as if they were already friends. Golden Queen and Sect Master Liu had no idea it was their first official meeting.

"Right, right. You too Tianshi. Let's have a good time together. My daughter is a dummy sometimes and her skills at making friends are lacking, so I hope you can take care of her," Golden Queen said as she hugged her daughter.

"Mom!" Xinyu called out in protest but she only laughed.

Xuefeng couldn't help but find it funny, laughing with her, "Haha, for sure! After all, being her father's disciple we will meet often."

He stole a glance at Sect Master Liu and suppressed his grin. It was obvious his new Master was deep in thought.

"Ehem!" Sir Liu's voice suddenly resounded throughout the stage. "Now that everyone gathered, now is the chance to pick your participant. If any of the experts noticed a talent they want to explore, please take your pick."

Golden Queen's eyes brightened at that development. She nudged on her daughter and suggested, "How about you pick Xuefeng and teach him?"

"I actually planned to. Only if Xuefeng wants me to. I'm sure he might prefer to spend time with his wives instead of me," Xinyu muttered, checking Xuefeng out. "What do you think?"

Before Xuefeng could reply, someone already decided for him.


Chapter 123 Wu In Danger

"Dad?" Xinyu questioned with her eyebrow raised.

It was clear she was interested in getting to know Xuefeng and one versus one training would be the best opportunity yet her father disagreed? Sect Master Liu was the one who objected as he approached them all and gazed at Xuefeng, ignoring his daughter completely.

"I want to see you in thirty minutes in the City Lord Palace. As your Master, I will be the one training you," Sect Master Liu declared seriously. "Do you accept?"

Xuefeng didn't even have time to say anything when Sect Master Liu nodded, "Good you agreed. We will see you all later then."

Embracing his wife's waist, he ordered, "We are going. You too, Xinyu. There is something I need to talk to you about."

Both mother and daughter got confused at the sudden actions, but they seemed to know when to protest and when to listen.

"Wait, Tianshi, do you mind if I teach you instead? I have a nice Art that would suit you," Xinyu called out as her father flew up with Golden Queen in his arms.

"Sure! Thank you," Tianshi agreed without hesitation.

"Perfect! See you in thirty minutes then~" Xinyu replied happily and followed her parents after one last glance at Xuefeng.

'What just happened? This is suspicious,' Xuefeng muttered. 'What is he planning?'

'Don't worry, I will warn you if we are in any danger beforehand,' Tianshi assured. 'I think Miss Golden likes you and knowing how much does Sect Master Liu loves her, he will at least hesitate before attacking you. He doesn't want to upset her, right?'

'He reminds me of someone too,' Ming muttered.

'Who?' Xuefeng wondered.

'You,' Ming replied simply, taking the opportunity to hold onto his arm. 'You wouldn't do anything that would upset any of us. You would rather pick the hardest way possible than to see us cry. I think he is the same.'

Xuefeng couldn't argue with that. Seeing his wives sad was worse than losing any treasure he had.

'But what if it's the necessary evil?' Xuefeng asked curiously. 'It's the Elemental Bracelet we are talking about. Just look at the Experts on the stage. All of them want it. He might as well want it as well.'

'Xinyu said her father is not at all interested in the Elemental Bracelet. If anything, it is his master that wants it. I'm sure he can reject that request if his wife pressures him,' Ming revealed. 'This is why I told you to make a good impression on her. You did a good job.'

'It's not like I did anything…' Xuefeng shrugged. 'All I did was being nice.'

'That's enough. It seems that you being yourself is the best charm for the ladies,' Nuwa cut into the conversation. 'Even the two Elf ladies have a thing for our Xuefeng.'

'Huh…?' Xuefeng got caught off guard as Nuwa suddenly came back, hugging him from behind. A cold chill ran through his back as if he did something bad.

'Don't worry, love, we know you did nothing wrong,' Nuwa assured. 'Anyway, the two Elf ladies backed off already. They said they will drop hunting you for my sake but we need to visit their Elvish Realm sometime in the future. I agreed on your stead.'

'Oh, do you know them?' Tianshi asked in relief.

'I don't, but they know me apparently. They met with my grandma and she seemed to be talking about her grandchild a lot. They also told me she is still alive, working as an elder in the Elvish Realm. I want to meet with her,'

'Sure, I don't mind, but we still have lots of things to do before we have time for that.'

They were still yet to reunite with everyone and he wanted to complete his promise. He didn't know how long can Thunder Goddess survive locked inside the ice.

'Talking about other things,' Nuwa muttered as she gazed at the experts behind them. 'Let's get going. I don't like the vibe of this place. When I talked with the ladies, I got a lot of murderous stares. What's more, there is something we need to focus on as soon as possible.'

Xuefeng followed her gaze and even now, they got stares. Thankfully, there were multiple Special Forces standing between them. It didn't seem like he would be allowed to join the rest of the Participants even if he wanted to. It was safer with them but still too risky to remain for longer.

'Let's go to the Flying Ship. We need to talk to President Wu,' Nuwa suggested. 'I already talked with Wu and told her she might be in danger.'

Xuefeng's eyes widened immediately.

'What…? Wu is in danger? Why didn't you say so earlier??' Xuefeng questioned, almost speaking out loud as he turned around to face her but Nuwa shut his mouth with her hand.

'Calm down. I only learned today and I was as pissed as you. If he didn't say he will give you the Fire Stone I would rip his flying ship apart,' Nuwa informed as she let go and flew up. 'I contacted Wu and she already figured out the danger herself and she said she will be fine. If I knew about it beforehand, I wouldn't leave her alone.'

Xuefeng and the rest quickly followed her.

'But what is going on exactly?' Xuefeng pressed. 'If she is in danger we need to hurry and save her.'

'No,' Nuwa disagreed. 'She said she has a plan already so we can only trust her. Wu asked me not to tell you as she knew how you will react. Your job is winning the Tournament and get the reward that will boost your strength immensely. If you resign, what was the point of joining in the first place?'

"It seems like Xuefeng will leave the Arena silently, ready to meet with his Master. If you want to meet him once again, buy tickets for tomorrow! The Finals start at noon! Don't be late!" the Commentator called out when Xuefeng finally reached the Flying Ship and saw the smiling face of President Wu.

He couldn't help but feel like removing the smile from his face. His Dragon Claw turned into a fist but he was too late.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Multiple guards landed in front of President Wu, their weapons in hand. If he wanted to do anything, he would have to get through them.

"Nuwa must have told you, right? How about we go inside and talk?"

Chapter 124 Decision

"Thank you, everyone, for sticking by to watch this marvelous show. Lovely viewers both at the Arena as well as at homes, make sure to get your tickets now! The Finals won't be broadcasted, so make sure to get them before they run out of stock! See you tomorrow at the Arena!"

With that final statement from the Commentator, the broadcast ended, leaving every girl in the Relax Area with different reactions. Some were lamenting they wouldn't be able to see the Finals, others were gossiping, discussing the handsome youth that stole the show.

Jiao, on the other hand, was still stuck, gazing at the transparent screen. For her, Xuefeng was still there, smiling at her with his lovely smile. Only when Little Bear hugged her from behind did Jiao awaken from her dreamland.

"Don't worry Sister Jiao. Dreams come true," Little Bear assured.

"Now I understand what you meant by, 'I was too weak.' His wives are too much…" Dandan muttered as she patted Jiao on her shoulder. "If you think seriously about him, then you will have to step up your game."

As always, Dandan was straightforward, but that's what Jiao loved about her.

"What are you going to do Sister Jiao? Will you chase after him?" Little Bear questioned cutely.

"I don't know yet…" Jiao muttered, her mind still processing her situation. "I want to, but…"

She paused, finishing in her mind, 'Did she even stand a chance?'

"Jiao," Dandan spoke seriously. "I can only say he is definitely worth chasing after. The only question is, are you resolute enough for that? If you really want something, you can achieve anything. But only you can answer this question."

Jiao went deep in thought and the girls didn't rush her. She wanted to say yes but she quickly hesitated.

Did she want to chase a dream with an ultimate prize that was almost impossible to achieve, knowing only pain awaits her once she fails?

Or maybe she should follow her current path, enjoy the safe life, hope to fall in love once again, and live a happy ever after?

Jiao didn't even need to think as she could feel deeply which one she preferred the most. When she thought of hugging the person she still loved, her body resonated with happiness.

"Yes. I will do it," Jiao decided firmly. "Even if I fail, I will at least try and regret nothing. If I don't, I will hate myself for the rest of my life."

The girls grew excited at her decision.

"You can do it!"

"We will cheer for you!"

"Don't forget to invite us to your wedding later!"

"Jiao," Dandan spoke again, this time smiling as if she approved of her decision. "Life is hard and you just make it even harder, but I respect your decision. I would have done the same."

"Thank you," Jiao nodded.

"So what is your plan now?" Dandan asked an important question.

What was her plan? Jiao extended her palm and an ice crystal hovered on top of her palm.

"I need to leave this Land and focus on my Ice Arts. I must continue improving my cultivation and Quality of my Qi. I'm sure Xuefeng will create a Nine-elemental Core together with all his wives. I can't be any worse," Jiao thought out loud. "I will depart to Water Land."

"Are you planning on visiting the Water Land Capital first by any chance? Preferably tomorrow?" Dandan questioned with a smirk.

"Maybe…" Jiao muttered as if she got exposed.

"Look, I'm not saying that it's bad to meet with him so early, but maybe you should stay away from him for now, so you can make a good impression once you finally reunite," Dandan suggested, causing Jiao too look down dejected.

"I just wanted to see him once again… I won't approach him. I just want strength to continue pushing forward," Jiao revealed.

"Well, I guess I have good news for you then. It just happens I have a mission in the Water Land Capital which I can finalize tomorrow," Dandan informed. "If you want, we can travel together."

"Really?!" Jiao immediately brightened.

Seeing Dandan's nod, Jiao dove into her arms. "Thank you!"

"Hehe, you thought I will let you go by yourself? You are part of our Sect and always will be. I need to make sure you come back safely," Dandan replied with a shrug. "Moreover, this Xuefeng is quite a big-shot with Trade Union and soon the House of Dragons under him. It would be a great deal for our White Lotus Sect if we could establish a relationship with him."

"Wait… You want to meet him? Won't that take a long time? You plan on traveling with me till then?" Jiao wondered confused.

She knew catching up to Xuefeng wouldn't be that easy and would take her years. It was still a question if she can do it.

"I spent a lot of time in the Sect. Maybe it is time for some adventures. You will also be safer with me and I can stop you if you plan to do anything stupid," Dandan replied casually. "It will be fun traveling together and my life is all about having fun. Naturally, if I see you slacking, I will drag you back to the Sect. I'm not traveling with a slacker."

"Thank you…"

Jiao couldn't describe how touched she was. It was the first time she found a friend like Dandan who she was willing to trust fully. She squeezed her tightly once again when Dandan pulled her away, turning serious once again.

"I look forward to seeing you succeed, but there is one problem. I know you can't."

Jiao's face sank.

"Don't get me wrong. You have potential but that is not enough. Once Xuefeng arrives in the House of Dragons, his strength will reach new heights and there is no way you can catch up unless you use some extreme methods," Dandan explained.

"Extreme methods?"

Dandan smiled.

"Don't worry. With me by your side, you will catch up in no time. I know one good place."

Chapter 125 Businessman

"So you are telling me you endangered my wife's life for a test?"

When Xuefeng learned of President Wu's reasoning, his eyes got so sharp they could cut metal. If not for the guards standing by President Wu's side, Xuefeng wouldn't hesitate and already punch some sense into his brain.

"Well, it's not really a test. I want her to learn how she can manipulate the whole Trade Union to her own advantage when the situation looks grim," President Wu explained. "It was such a perfect opportunity. How could I miss it? Of course, I made special preparations to ensure my granddaughter is well protected. Even if she fails, she will be safe."

"Even so, we don't even know who we face against. What if that expert has some ultimate Arts you don't even know to exist?" Xuefeng questioned heated but Nuwa stopped him, holding him back with a hug.

"Calm down love. There is nothing we can do aside from trusting Wu. She told me herself that she will be fine so we need to believe her," Nuwa assured. "Getting mad at President Wu will bring nothing good. I already vented enough and he knows that his head will roll if anything bad happens to Wu."

"That's right, I can bet my life that Little Wu will be alright. She is a natural-born leader, so she will do just fine," President Wu affirmed. "Also, I don't think this Flying Ship will survive another battle."

Gazing around, the office was already damaged beyond recognition with walls having holes everywhere and furniture being smashed to pieces. It seemed like it was cleaned up a bit already but Xuefeng could still see the obvious damage.

He never saw Nuwa use her full power but this could be close.

"I want to contact Wu," Xuefeng demanded, rubbing Nuwa's hand.

He believed her words but unless he confirmed the case by himself, his heart wouldn't be at ease.

"Sure," Nuwa nodded and opened her hand, showing a small Communication Crystal on her palm.

To communicate in Heaven Realm, one needed a special kind that allowed one to use the network within the Lands. The distance was simply too large to cover with the usage of normal Communication Crystals they carried from the Earth Realm.

The crystal lit up in her hand as she channeled her Qi, but then she frowned.

"She is not answering," Nuwa muttered before immediately assuring, "Don't worry, you can tell she is okay with your bracelet. Wu is probably busy with her plan, so she cannot respond right now. She will call back once she notices I tried to contact her."

"I don't like this. Even though I love that you found me, you two should have stayed together. You know how dangerous the situation we are in and how many people want to kill me. Knowing all of us are in the Water Land Capital and my wife is alone in the Fire Land, who knows how many experts decides to capture her to blackmail me?" Xuefeng ranted.

His wives' safety was his top priority and nothing else mattered.

"Baby…" Nuwa hugged Xuefeng tightly. "I know I should have stayed but there is nothing we can do about it now. Scolding me won't fix the situation."

"Sigh, I'm sorry…" Xuefeng apologized, rubbing Nuwa's cheek. "I'm just venting. I came out and stayed high profile so I can show you all that I'm fine. I was sure at least you two will be safe as Wu stayed with you. I have faith in your strength."

"Mhmm, I know. Don't worry, it's going to be alright," Nuwa assured, not letting go of him.

"Who is protecting Wu, right now?" Xuefeng questioned, gazing at President Wu. He didn't have any other choice but to cooperate with that man.

"Someone really powerful. When it comes to guarding and defending, he is number one in the Fire Land. He is the current Secretary of Defense responsible for safety within Fire Land Capital," President Wu replied. "I take my Granddaughter's safety as a top priority which is why I also care so much who she wants to spend the rest of her life with. I'm sure Miss Nuwa met with him already in the Central Bank, so she can vouch for his strength."

"Nuwa?" Xuefeng turned his head behind to look at her. "You know him?"

He didn't feel comfortable with someone else protecting his wife but considering current circumstances, he was willing to compromise.

"I do. We met him for a short while. He was questioning me about the few people I killed," Nuwa nodded satisfied. "If that's him, I don't think we need to worry. He should be stronger than I am."

"I usually hired him to protect me but since I don't have the Fire Stone anymore, I decided to shift him to protecting Wu instead," President Wu added.

"What made you change your mind? Why did you give me the Fire Stone now?" Xuefeng asked something that bothered him this whole time. "You wanted to kill me so badly."

President Wu only shrugged.

"Look, I'm a businessman in blood. I will do what will benefit me the most. With Sect Master Liu's protection, I can't kill you anymore even if I wanted. Even if I did succeed, I would put myself or Little Wu in danger. Seeing how many experts plan to kill you, it is simply a death wish."

Standing up from his chair, he continued, "Sect Master Liu wouldn't hesitate and take the Elemental Bracelet away from me, leaving me with nothing by my Granddaughter's hatred for me. It is not smart to do business without profits. I might as well help you, so you get strong enough to protect both yourself and Little Wu."

Xuefeng nodded, accepting such an explanation. It sounded just like he imagined.

"President Wu, we reached the Palace."

Xuefeng had many more questions but the guard came into the office, disturbing them.

"We can talk more later. Focus on winning the Tournament and surviving the next few days first," President Wu suggested. "You shouldn't make Sect Master Liu wait."

He didn't wait for Xuefeng's reply as he left the office first, accompanied by his guards.

'Nuwa, follow Tianshi,' Xuefeng ordered in his mind. 'Make sure you are both safe till I'm done.'

'What about you?' Tianshi asked, gripping his hand with worry. 'I can't sense any danger, yet but who knows what will happen later…'

'He has me,' Ming replied in his stead and walked up, kissing him deeply. 'He will always be safe by my side.'

As she spoke, her body vanished, sinking into his body.

'Let's go.'


As they left President Wu's Flying Ship, they found themselves inside a spacious garden. It was filled with greenery but it was mostly freshly cut grass with nothing else growing in the distance.

They immediately spotted three people casually sitting on the grass while eating snacks from various wooden trays filled with food. Sect Master Liu and his family were simply enjoying themselves.

"You are five minutes early, but that's okay," Sect Master Liu called out as soon as Xuefeng landed and stood up. "Follow me. We will start the training right away."

"Here?" Xuefeng asked, gazing around the place. He knew how destructive was his training and that place looked too beautiful to destroy.

"Don't worry, we won't be too explosive today," Sect Master Liu assured as he read his mind and walked away.

Golden Queen winked at him as if to encourage him and turned to the girls, "Girls! Come, come, let's sit and enjoy the last rays of sunlight before we start our own training. We can watch Xuefeng and my husband train as we eat snacks. What do you think?"

"Alright," Nuwa and Tianshi nodded at the same time before kissing Xuefeng's cheeks. "Good luck, Love."

It was a clear sign of asserting one's dominance.

Golden Queen giggled at that and suggested, "I think you shouldn't make my husband wait. You will suffer later."

"Right, I'm going," Xuefeng announced, seeing Sect Master Liu already walked far away and flew after him, trying to catch up.

He could feel Xinyu's curious gaze on him but his mind was still too occupied with Wu, causing him to only give her a greeting nod.

They walked without talking for a good minute before Sect Master Liu finally stopped, turning to him. He didn't talk and simply stared at him. They were still a short distance away from the girls so Xuefeng wasn't really worried.

"Master?" Xuefeng asked politely. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

He sounded as if Xuefeng was teaching instead which made Sect Master Liu smile.

"You know I came here to kill you, right?"

Chapter 126 One Year

Xuefeng's eyebrows raised even though he already expected that.

"I assume Master changed your mind since I'm still alive," Xuefeng replied calmly.

"You still call me your Master even after knowing that?" Sect Master Liu asked curiously. "How can you trust someone who wanted to kill you?"

"Well, it's not like I have a choice. There are tens of experts trying to kill me right now. I can only cling to the strongest one in hope of scaring the rest away," Xuefeng explained with a shrug. "I also doubt Master would kill me in front of my wives. If they see that, your own family would immediately become a target as well."

"Hahaha!" Sect Master Liu burst out laughing. "Do you really think my wife and daughter can't beat your wives? You know my wife is a Celestial Dragon and my daughter is at the top as well, right?"

He seemed very proud of his family, but that was even better for Xuefeng. He smiled mysteriously as he muttered, "If Master thinks that Cultivation Stage is everything then maybe I should really reconsider my future."

Sect Master Liu's expression changed as he gazed at the group of four girls chatting. They were staring at them and his wife even waved at him.

"I see. So you are thinking that your wife's Elvish Bloodline is better than my wife's Dragon Bloodline?" Sect Master Liu asked with a grin.

"Not just the Bloodline. It just happens we know quite a few Forbidden Arts which doesn't require high cultivation to execute," Xuefeng described with a shrug. "Why else would I dare to come here knowing I can be in danger?"

"Haha, so that's where you get your confidence," Sect Master Liu laughed again, not at all intimidated. "I somehow really want to test your theory."

"I know you won't, Master. You care more about your family's wellbeing than winning an argument of whose wife is better. I'm the same. I know the truth and that's enough for me. I don't need to prove it to anyone," Xuefeng convinced.

"You are right. I won't. My wife asked me to give you a chance first to see if you are any good," Sect master Liu revealed. "But because of that, there is a certain issue that we need to resolve,"

"Let me guess. Master was asked by someone else to kill me and deliver an Elemental Bracelet to them. You didn't think too much of it and agreed, coming here with that purpose. Who would have thought that I would already be your student recruited by your daughter and your wife would take a liking to me, putting you in an awkward spot," Xuefeng recounted what they guessed. "Am I close?"

"More or less. If it was just you being my student, I wouldn't care less and simply kill you. It just happened that I didn't see my wife for a long time while preparing for a breakthrough so I can't reject the only thing she asked me to do," Sect Master Liu explained casually.

"Now tell me," he added with a pause. "What do I tell my own Master when he asks me if I brought him the Elemental Bracelet? If you can solve this problem then I can let you live."

Xuefeng nodded, already expected such an outcome. Even the strongest expert had to have a Master at some point. It was extremely hard to progress quickly without any kind of support. If he didn't have Ling, he would still be at the bottom of the food chain, training in his hometown.

'His Master is probably outside the Heaven Realm,' Ling pointed out. 'If he was here, wouldn't he come to fight us himself? Elemental Bracelet is too important to miss out on.'

'That's what I thought too. Him instructing Sect Master Liu on his stead means we have some time to prepare,' Xuefeng thought, already having a response ready.

"It's simple," Xuefeng replied as he extended his hand, spawning a small flame on his palm. "Master, how about you let me handle the problem for you?"

"Isn't that what I'm asking you to do?" Sect Master Liu asked back confused.

"No, Master doesn't understand. I will 'handle' him for you," Xuefeng repeated, emphasizing one word before smiling.


The flame on his palm burst out upwards, enlarging by hundreds of times. Sect Master Liu couldn't help but jump back as flames flew back to Xuefeng, drowning him in the crimson sea. They danced around him as if he was its father, listening to every command he gave out.

"So that's the power of the Elemental Bracelet," Sect Master Liu muttered, observing with interest.

The flames compressed, coiling around Xuefeng as if a living armor and he spoke confidently, "Master, you underestimate my potential. The more time I have, the stronger I become. With Elemental Bracelet, my strength multiplies with each Elemental Stone collected. Give me a year and I will fight that Master of yours by myself. He wants to get the Elemental Bracelet? I will give him the chance."

"Hah, do you even realize how big of the gap there is between you and him?" Sect Master Liu said with a chuckle. "He has two Elemental Stones just as you and is probably looking for the third one right now. Even without the Elemental Bracelet, the stones alone gives him a great boost in strength. If not me, someone else will come to get you before you can get to the point of contesting him."

'Perfect! If we kill him, it will save us a lot of time to gather the stones!' Xuefeng exclaimed excitedly.

The flames disappeared, sucked into his body as Xuefeng questioned excitedly, "Does it matter? With Master's protection, I will get enough time to overgrow him. As he has the Elemental Stones, I will need to fight him at some point anyway. It's just a matter of when."

"What makes you think I would do that? Do you want me to go against my Master's order?" Sect Master Liu asked amused.

"Master, I don't think you want to listen to your master any more. If you admired your master, you wouldn't hesitate and killed me already, even if that might upset your wife. You know she would understand it and accepted it, yet you still chose to fulfill her wish which shows you value your wife's wishes more than your Master's order," Xuefeng guessed.

He didn't stop there and added, "I'm sure you are already tired of performing tasks for your master and I will be doing you a favor by killing him. Just give me a year. I will be strong enough to handle this problem."

Sect Master Liu grinned, staring at him deep in thought.

"Fine. One year. I will protect you from experts for one year and then bring you to fight my master. I won't care if you are ready or not," Sect Master Liu declared.

Xuefeng's eyes lit up.

'Great! I bought us one year!'


All he heard back was silence, making him confused.

'Is anyone there?'

Sect Master Liu spoke before he got any reply.

"Just to remind you, the fastest person to Cultivate from Spirit God Stage to the peak of Celestial Stage took around ten years. Naturally, he had a Nine-elemental Core as well. I am really curious as to how you are going to finish in just one year."

'Our husband is really ambitious, what can I say,' Ling commented.

'I like it. Xuefeng knows how to make it spicy, even outside of the bed,' Ming affirmed. 'I wanted to give him five years but didn't think he would be this confident. I'm proud.'

Five years… Five years… Five years…

Ming's words echoed in Xuefeng's mind.

Sect Master Liu seemed to enjoy Xuefeng's change of expression as he burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, just saying, this is final. Don't ask for more time. You wanted one year and one year you will get. I wouldn't mind giving you at least five before, but now if you ask for more I will look down on you. Be a man of your word."

Everyone once had that one moment when they already knew they fucked up, right after they did something.

'Don't worry love, you can always be the first to finish the challenge in a year, right?' Ling cheered up. 'If there is anyone who can do it, it is definitely you!'

Too bad, it didn't make the task easier.


Chapter 127 Bro Code

"Alright, let's go back to the rest," Sect Master Liu called out before Xuefeng could even think about how to handle the situation.

"Wait, so we are not going to train now?" Xuefeng asked confused. "I got a year to reach the peak of the Celestial Stage and Master doesn't plan to teach me anything?"

"The House of Dragons can help you with various resources, but when it comes to Arts, I think you already have someone better than us to direct you," Sect Master Liu replied casually. "You already seem to know more Forbidden Arts than me, so it is better if she teaches you."

"You are talking about me?"

A sudden female voice came out from Xuefeng's side and he saw Ming lean over to him, hugging his arm.

Sect Master Liu stopped walking when he saw her and bowed his head, "Yes Miss Ming. I'm sorry for being rude and not greeting you before. My daughter told me about you when we talked earlier.'

"I see," Ming nodded with a smile. "Don't worry, I don't care about you enough, so any formalities don't matter. All I care about is my Xuefeng. I want him to get the best possible treatment which is why I appeared."

Sect Master Liu raised his eyebrows. "Is Miss trying to overrule the deal I just made with Xuefeng?"

"I'm not trying to overrule anything. In one year, you won't be strong enough to force Xuefeng into following you anyway," Ming replied with a shrug, wearing a confident smirk on her face.

If it was Xuefeng, Sect Master Liu would already burst out laughing but when the words came out of Ming's mouth, he treated it completely different.

"Seeing Miss so confident actually makes me excited. Will I go into history as a Master of Xuefeng and not my own name?" Sect master Liu wondered.

"Anyway, we both know how hard it will be so I wish Xuefeng has access to the House of Dragon Treasury and the Arts Library. I will make good use of those," Ming demanded, finally bringing a smile from Sect Master Liu.

"Well, that will depend if he is worthy. To gain access one must be strong enough and pass the test. We will see when we get there."

"Fine, works for us," Ming agreed before turning to Xuefeng who just waited patiently as the two talked. She didn't care about Sect Master Liu and kissed him shamelessly.

"Don't worry, we will make it in time," Ming assured before sinking into his body in the middle of another kiss.

"You are really lucky to have attracted a Fate Spirit like this," Sect Master Liu reminded. "Don't waste her potential."

Saying that he walked away first, leaving Xuefeng to his own thoughts.

'I feel like I'm a sheep being led to the right path by all of you,' Xuefeng muttered helplessly and the girls didn't even deny it to cheer him up.

'You are our baby just as you are our man,' Ling commented to which she could only sigh. He wanted to be the one to take care of his wives, not the other way around.

'I fucked up first, so the least I can do is work hard and make it happen,' Xuefeng decided as he jumped, flying back to catch up with Sect Master Liu.

'And this is why we love you,' Ming added lovingly. 'If you don't put effort, I will be the one who beat you up first.'


Xuefeng swallowed, not even wanting to imagine how painful that would feel.

As soon as they got close, Golden Queen questioned curiously, "Did you reach an agreement?"

"Yes, we got a deal with each other. He has to reach the peak of the Celestial Stage within a year. After a year, I will take him to my Master so he can face him just as he wishes," Sect Master Liu explained, causing the Golden Queen to freeze.

"Wait, one year? Are you crazy?" Golden Queen asked with a frown, getting colder with each word. "Didn't we agree that you will let him be? We both know how strong is your Master. Xuefeng doesn't stand a chance after just one year! At least give him five!"

Her cry caused Nuwa and Tianshi to realize something was wrong.

"Xuefeng, what is going on?" Nuwa asked sternly, not even bothering to touch his mind. "What did you agree on?"

Xuefeng couldn't help but sweat as his wives pierced him with their gazes. Sect Master Liu seemed to be the same, rubbing the back of his head.

"Look… Xuefeng wanted one year, so I gave him one year. I only agreed because it works out perfectly. I can contact my Master and negotiate one year for Xuefeng. If I ask for more, my Master won't agree and will instead try to hunt him down by himself," Sect Master Liu explained.

Seeing that Golden Queen frown lessened, Sect Master Liu brightened and added, "This way, Xuefeng gets to train in peace without much disturbance and I then meet my Master after a year. He needs to fight him anyway to collect the Elemental Stones my Master already collected. This solution is the best, right Xuefeng?"

He glanced at Xuefeng, his gaze begging for assistance. He was like his brother in arms, fighting against the men's worst nemesis.

A wife.

Xuefeng smiled awkwardly and nodded, "That's right. It is exactly how we discussed. Even if it will be hard for me, this is the safest solution."

'Shameless!' Ming and Ling called out in his mind but Xuefeng ignored it, knowing very well he lied. He was doing it as a fellow brother at war.

At his confirmation, Golden Queen relaxed, rubbing her husband's cheek. "I see. That's good. I was scared my Husband forced you into such an awful deal. I would definitely beat him up if that was the case."

Sect Master Liu breathed a sigh of relief, trying to smile together with her but he seemed to know how close to a disaster he was.

Compared to the relaxed Golden Queen, Xinyu and the girls were still worried. It was indeed an awful deal.

"How confident are you?"

Chapter 128 Bragging

Contrary to Xuefeng's expectations, it was Xinyu who first questioned. Her expression seemed more angry than worried.

"Well, anything can be achieved if one puts their mind to it," Xuefeng replied as he put his hands in his pockets, trying to play it cool. "I started cultivating when I was sixteen and I'm not even twenty yet and I already reached this far. I think there is a big chance I can succeed."

Even though he himself believed the chance of him succeeding was less than one percent, he could at least pretend he is a winner. If he repeated something long enough, wouldn't that eventually become true?

His tactic worked as the news shocked not only Xinyu but also Sect Master Liu and his wife.

"Wait, you are cultivating for less than four years? Are the conditions in the Earth Realm so good?" Sect Master Liu questioned curiously.

"No. Compared to the Heaven Realm, it is utter garbage. The concentration of Spirit Qi inside my home country is like one-hundredth of here. Even the best Central Region has about one-tenth. It was really hard to cultivate down there," Xuefeng described honestly.

His confidence rose the more shocked they were so he continued, "Even with those conditions, I still managed to reach a Sage Stage within the first half a year. If I didn't stay behind to focus on all nine elements, I could technically Ascend in less than a year."

"Whoa… What about the Elemental Qi concentration? Was it the same?" Xinyu asked.

"Oh, don't even mention it," Xuefeng waved his hand. "There was basically no Elemental Qi within the whole Earth Realm. It was about one-thousandth of here. This was why it took me over three years to Master all nine Elements."

He didn't plan on mentioning that the last three years he spent inside a Hidden Realm where the concentration of Qi was comparable to the Heaven Realm.

Xuefeng smiled seeing all three had eyes widened in disbelief. He walked up to Nuwa and Tianshi who stayed silent, giving him the stage to brag, and embraced them both.

"I can't forget about my dear wives though. They are equally amazing," Xuefeng prized after giving each of them a kiss on the cheek. "They worked equally hard and they are just as talented as me. All of us Ascended at the same time."

"Awww…" Both Nuwa and Tianshi softened when they heard his words, hugging him together. "We only went so far because of you."

"You all are so cute. I knew there was something special about you the moment I saw you," Golden Queen said happily. "If it is you, I'm sure you can pull that off and kill my husband's master. I always hated that geezer, so we can even help you finish him off."

"Babe…" Sect Master Liu stopped her right there. "Shouldn't that be Xuefeng's task? If we all help, how will he test his skills? Will anyone respect his strength if he uses other people to fight for him?"

"What are you talking about? What tests? What respect? Do you think he cares what others think of him? I'm sure all he cares about are his wives," Golden Queen argued, glancing at Xuefeng. "Is that right?"

"Yes, yes, that's right. That's exactly how I am. I don't mind the help. Thank you, Miss Golden," Xuefeng nodded in gratitude, hurriedly accepting before she changed her mind. "I don't think my wives will even let me fight alone, so it's not like I don't have help already. More power is always welcome."

"That's right. We are not leaving him alone," Nuwa confirmed. "Not a chance."

"See? They don't mind. Your Master has been such a pain for so long, stealing my husband's time away from me for some stupid favors. Last time you said it will be over and he did it again. Fuck him," Golden Queen called out aggressively. "He should be in the dirt a long time ago! The only reason he wants the Elemental Bracelet is to extend his pathetic life!"

The personality of a Dragon finally showed up, something Xuefeng found weird. How come Golden Queen was so calm and collected when all Dragons were clearly the opposite, hot-headed and brutal. It was their inner trait, becoming almost a hallmark for them.

Everyone thought Golden Queen was just venting and would calm down soon when a sudden electric current burst out between her hands.


Xinyu and Sect Master Liu changed their expressions. They seemed to know what was coming.

"Damn it!" Golden Queen continued to curse. "If you don't help I will do it myself! I will drown him in my thunder and let him burn alive!"

'Xuefeng, you should better getaway. She is losing control over her power,' Ming warned when Xinyu jumped back while shouting to her mother.

"Mom, calm down! We will naturally help them, right dad?!"

Sect Master Liu was already acting, rushing up to Golden Queen to stop her.

"My Queen! We will help them! Don't worry! I promise yo—"

His words were cut off as sudden lightning burst from Golden Queen's body, almost hitting him.


The fine grass exploded on his spot while he reappeared next to Xinyu, helpless look on his face.

"Do you think I'm weak?! I'm more than enough to fuck him up! I have more than enough Lightning to beat him up!" Golden Queen cried out as Golden Lightning filled her eyes, making her shine with gold.

"It's too late to stop her! Everyone get back!" Sect Master Liu called out, teleporting with Xinyu at least a hundred meters away.

Xuefeng already got a warning from Ming, so he didn't dilly-dallied, picking up both Tianshi and Nuwa. He jumped into the sky right when Golden Lightning shot in all directions, filling the air around the Golden Queen with nothing but bright explosions.

She was swallowed by her own Lightning, creating a round-shaped barrier around her. The Lightning was like a second sun, illuminating the whole garden with its light.

'Interesting. To think we would meet someone with a Curse on them. Her Soul is corrupted.'

Chapter 129 Curses

'Huh? Curse?' Xuefeng asked Ling in wonder.

'Yeah, Curses. They are called Forbidden Soul Arts. Instead of directly attacking someone's Soul, Curses are equivalent to poison for the body. Once cast, it will eat on your Soul till there is nothing left,' Ling explained. 'The one that Golden Queen has seems weak. Her Soul is too powerful to suffer any damage, but the Curse still affects her mind, causing her to get outbursts like this. We can heal her in exchange for a favor if you want.'

'Wow, I didn't think my Ling knows about Curses,' Ming muttered in amazement.

'I learned some stuff as well, okay? I have lived a few lifetimes already,' Ling replied humbly but it was clear she seemed proud of herself.

'My Ling is best!' Xuefeng called out happily, deciding immediately. 'Let's help her. Tell me what to do,'

How could he not want a Dragon for an ally? She already wanted to help him without the favor but now he could make another request.

'Just go inside the Lightning and grab her, I will do the rest. My regeneration is strong enough to heal weak Curses like hers. We can stop her outburst now as proof and then claim the favor later once we heal her completely,' Ling described the game plan. 'It always takes some time to heal something as complex as a Soul.'

'Alright! Let's do it!' Xuefeng agreed without hesitation and let go of his wives.

"Xuefeng?" Tianshi grabbed his arm back right after. "Why are you going there?"

For a second he forgot Tianshi could see his future. She would obviously be worried about seeing the future of him jumping into the Lightning.

"I don't have time to explain, but I will go to help her. Don't worry, I will be fine," Xuefeng assured as he gave her a quick kiss and pulled her hand away, rushing out.

They had to trust him this time.

"Take care!" Nuwa called out after him but he only waved back, being already halfway there.

'Can I even handle her Lightning?' Xuefeng wondered as his body coated with his own Lightning Qi, hoping it will provide him some protection but Ling crushed his thoughts.

'I doubt you can. It will hurt like hell, but you should be fine. I will heal you on the go.'

He didn't have time to think more about it as Golden Queen's Golden Lightning was right in front of him. As long as he didn't die, he was fine with anything.


Similar to Sect Master Liu's case, Golden Lightning burst out from the barrier in his direction but instead of teleporting away, Xuefeng teleported behind it, piercing straight into the gates of hell.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

Tens of bolts instantly struck him from all directions. This time he didn't have anywhere to run to. He had to endure!

"Aaaaargh!! Fuck!" Xuefeng cursed loudly.

His clothes turned into dust momentarily as his skin and muscles burned while healing at the same time, causing immense pain he couldn't even describe. He was like an immortal in the giant oven and his shield didn't do jack shit to stop that!

A flashback of memories past his mind, the time he challenged the Heavens, enduring and absorbing the Heavenly Tribulation. Who would have thought Golden Queen's Lightning would be even more powerful? Not only that, he couldn't even absorb it, forced to take all the attacks on himself.

'Don't stand still! Go to her! I can't do this forever!' Ling scolded.

'Ugh! Easy to say!' Xuefeng shouted back, venting his pain away, and moved forward, one step at a time.

Even though it was unbearable, he was still somewhat used to it after his countless life experiences. The pain was his everyday bread. He let the currents run through his body as he redirected them into the ground. If he kept them inside him, they would definitely wreck his body apart, too violent to handle.

"Miss Golden!" Xuefeng cried out, finally seeing a female figure in the middle of all the chaos.

She turned around to him but simply stayed still, staring at him.

'Her mind is too corrupted right now to comprehend anything right now. Just walk up to her,' Ling directed.

The closer Xuefeng approached, the clearer her figure was and the less Lightning surrounded the area. It seemed he experienced the worst at the beginning, making him sigh in relief.

"It is really the darkest under the lamp. So much better…"

He walked closer to her more confidently before he noticed something weird. He could see the curves of her body more clearly, but her clothes were nowhere to be seen.

'Wait, is she naked?!' Xuefeng exclaimed, finally confirming it. Her naked waist and perky chest were at the arm's reach away from him. Only her eyes were still filled with Golden Lightning.

He tried to look away but the temptation to look at the fine beauty like her was too strong to resist. He now understood why his Master was so in love with her.

'Can we still back off…?' Xuefeng wondered, having second thoughts. 'She will be okay even if we don't help her now…'

Imagining touching a naked wife of his Master who stood right outside made him anxious. It would be fine if he had clothes but he was also naked, making it even more awkward.

'Come on! We didn't waste so much Fate Qi for nothing. Go hug her before it's too late,' Ling ordered, not bothered at all. 'She will understand you just tried to help.'

'Oof! She might, but we might not live till tomorrow once Master finds out…' Xuefeng pointed out.

'Don't worry, unless she tells him herself, there is no way he finds out. She can still control the Lightning to close the space around us. They can't see us,' Ling assured. 'You are only hugging her anyway. It's not like I ask you to connect with her. Don't worry.'

'Alright…' Xuefeng agreed in the end, having no other choice but to proceed.

He took a deep breath before stepping forward, embracing Golden Queen as gently as he could. Her back was so soft to touch, reminding him of Nuwa. Both of their bodies were equally voluptuous, giving that sexy mature look.

'I will be done faster if you hug her properly… Don't just hold her with your fingers,' Ling said, giving him chills. He tried to avoid touching her sensitive areas as much as he could.


Cursing in his mind, he tightened his embrace, pressing her peaks into his chest. His mouth couldn't help but open when her nipples pierced into his skin, all hard and alluring. He quickly resisted his urge to feel up her bottom as a habit, gripping onto her side and the smooth back instead. It wasn't the time to test his limits.

'I'm so dead…' he thought.

'This is perfect. Just stand still. Don't let her go or I lose connection and might hurt her by accident,' Ling reminded.

Watching Golden Queen's face, Xuefeng called out for additional assurance.

"Miss Golden, I will help you! Hold on!"

She frowned at his shout but didn't move away, letting him hug her tightly. The first part of the plan went smoothly but soon a new problem appeared.

'Calm down… Calm down, don't get up…'

Chapter 130 I Want You *

"It has been two minutes already… What is he doing for so long?" Nuwa wondered impatiently as she stared at the ball of Golden Lightning ahead of her.

"Why did he jump inside again?" Sect Master Liu asked with a frown.

The two already joined with Sect Master Liu and Xinyu, waiting for the results together.

"He just said he can help her and didn't explain more. He is like that. He acts before he thinks," Nuwa replied bitterly, upset she didn't get her kiss.

"Can he even handle my wife's Golden Lightning?" Sect Master Liu questioned without much faith in his eyes.

Even he, the strongest expert in the Heaven Realm couldn't face his wife's outburst yet Xuefeng managed to do so. He wouldn't believe it normally, but he clearly saw Xuefeng jump inside successfully.

The girls glanced down at their rings and breathed out a sigh.

"He is fine so far. Still alive and breathing. Just his heartbeat is quickened but that is to be expected," Tianshi informed, rubbing her ring with her thumb as if to cheer for her love.

"How you know that?"

"Back in the Earth Realm, he made a ring for each of his wife. No matter where he is, we can feel his heartbeat so he can always be with us. We can also know if he is safe so we don't worry," Tianshi explained as she displayed her ring. "We also made a bracelet for him which works the same. It's our token of love."

Sect Master Liu only nodded in understanding while Xinyu's eyes brightened.

"Awwww… That's so cute… If my future husband is not like that, I don't want him," Xinyu muttered dreamily.

"What is it exactly? Why is she like this?" Nuwa asked suddenly, bringing everyone back to the topic. "How long it lasts?"

"Sigh, usually it last around ten minutes," Sect Master Liu replied helplessly. "When she gets angry, she becomes like a killing machine. If she has someone to vent to, she will be like the Goddess of war, fighting her enemies fiercely but when she is like now, within family and friends, she will close herself away from everyone, trying to calm down on her own. Even I can't get any close to her when she is like this. Xuefeng must be a fried toast inside. Maniac."

"He has been through worse and he wouldn't enter if he wasn't sure he would be fine. Don't underestimate our Xuefeng. He is stronger than you think," Nuwa reminded. "If he said he can help her, he can."

"Let's hope that's true."


'Oof… I guess my experience over the years came in handy this time…' Xuefeng sighed in relief, able to hold on for a few minutes already. 'This is nothing much. We are just hugging… We are just hugging…'

He already hugged so many beauties. It shouldn't be anything special for him, yet the anxiety was on another level this time. Thankfully the constant monologue was enough to distract his mind.

'How long till you are done?' Xuefeng wondered, his hands more and more naughty. He had to remind himself the whole time not to do anything as his life was on the line.

'Actually, I'm almost done. She should slowly feel better,' Ling notified in response and Xuefeng finally saw a change.

The lightning in Golden Queen's eyes lessened while her arms which used to fell limply rose up, embracing Xuefeng in as well. Her fingers scratched his back as she drew close and pressed stronger against his chest. Xuefeng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when she stared closely at his face.

"Miss Golden, are you alright?" He asked happily and she smiled in response, leaning forward to sniff his neck.

"This smell… This muscular body… I could recognize it anywhere," Golden Queen muttered to herself and suddenly sucked on his neck. "My love, I can smell a dragon from your body… You came to save me, right? Only my love can taste so good."

"W-wait… I'm not your husband!" Xuefeng called out in panic, the situation escalating out of control too fast. "I'm Xuefeng! I came to heal your curse!"

For some reason, Golden Queen didn't react to his shout at all and jumped on him out of nowhere while wrapping her arms and legs around him. Even if he wanted to escape, she locked him in place using her superior physique.

"I have been waiting so long to punish you…" She whispered into his ear as she gently bit on the tip, munching and licking passionately.

"Ahh…" Xuefeng moaned uncontrollably, only to freeze with his mind going crazy.

'Why am I feeling good with her?! This is not good!' Xuefeng cried out as he reacted right away, his hand brushing through golden hair.

"Ah!" Golden Queen exclaimed as he pulled her away, forcing her to look at him.

"I'm Xuefeng! I'm not your husband! Stop everything before we both die!" Xuefeng shouted in disbelief, not thinking such development was possible in any future.

"I see… So that's what happening…" Golden Queen muttered, making him sigh in relief.

"Thank God you understoo— Mhmmm!!"

He was certain she understood him when she pulled on his head and pressed their lips together. Her lips mashed against his as she drowned her fingers in his hair, forcing him to take it all.

Xuefeng didn't even have time to think when his body reacted on its own, accepting her kiss like he normally did. His mind quickly regained clarity, but there was nothing he could do. He tried to pull her away but she drew in with the same intensity, leaving one hot kiss after another with no breaks in between.

"Ahh!" She suddenly drew away on her own while exclaiming in delight. "I knew you liked it rough! You could have told me earlier!"

"I—" Xuefeng tried to respond, stopping her but Golden Queen locked his lips again, forcing her tongue inside his mouth.

It was the first time Xuefeng has ever wanted to separate from a naked beauty, feeling violated by her heated and eager approach. His tongue fought with untamed beast wilding inside his mouth, trying to make him yield.

'Ling! Help me! I can't stop her!' Xuefeng reached for help but Ling was too busy with her task. 'I don't think she can hear you well yet. I will figure this out. Hold on! I'm almost done!'

"Did you like it…? I learned a new tongue twister for you," Golden Queen breathed out hurriedly as their tongues danced in the open, her tongue rotating around his own. "Your kissing improved so much… I'm feeling horny just from us kissing…"

'Fuck…' Xuefeng cursed at his mastery of the female body. With his experience, he knew how to make a woman feel good but that knowledge didn't bring him luck this time.

'Wait…' Xuefeng's mind suddenly exploded. 'No, no, no, no! Don't stand up!'

He was so busy handling Golden Queen's lips that he didn't notice a hard erection sneakily standing up on attention. It rose straight and hard before eventually hitting the soft entrance, right in the middle of her bottom.

'I'm so dead…'

"Hehe…" Golden Queen giggled. "I guess last night wasn't enough… We both want more."

She didn't hesitate and lower herself causing him to slide right in between her cheeks. He could feel her juices overflowing and dripping on him as she moved back and forth, grinding with a grin on her face.

"I want you…"