

Chapter 131 Faithful Soldier *

Golden Queen's whisper was filled with desire. She kissed him gently as she reached down to his abs, caressing them greedily. Her eyes were almost cleared from Golden Lightning but she still didn't seem to recognize him, thinking he was her lover.

Is this how his life will end? In the mouth of an intoxicating beauty?

'So be it— No! I will not give up!' Xuefeng cried out in his mind. 'I will not fall this easily!'


Just as Golden Queen touched his base while leaning back to connect with him, he smacked her butt, pressing her back against his body.

"Mhmm!" Golden Queen exclaimed as her eyes widened in surprise.


His other hand landed straight on her second butt-cheek, sending a wave across her body. She was already weak from the first hit but the second made her body shiver all over.

Her legs lost power, dropping back on the ground but he held her firmly, his fingers sinking deep into her skin.

'How much longer?!' Xuefeng called out anxiously. He didn't want to lose all the progress Ling made nor did he want to hurt Golden Queen, so he didn't release her for even a second.

'Don't move and stay still. I'm almost done!' Ling repeated the same words.

'That's what you said a minute ago! She is all over me!' Xuefeng protested.

'Geez, it's not like that's something new for you. I just need a few more seconds.'

It was definitely nothing new for him, but the circumstances were far too crazy from normal.

Xuefeng felt Golden Queen's fingers tighten around his hair as she hanged on his neck. Her love gaze was locked on him when their lips separated.

"I liked it…" She whispered. "Spank me more…"

Xuefeng didn't know what made him do it, but the desire in Golden Queen's eyes was just too convincing.


He smacked her once again before rubbing on her skin as if to ease the pain.

"Ahh… I love you… You suddenly became so understanding and loving…" Golden Queen moaned, confessing while rubbing her nose against his own. "Let me give you a reward."

She smiled at him and began kissing her way down, from his lips to his neck.

"Let me suck it the way you like it. You can even go all day way…" Golden Queen suggested as she looked up alluringly and suddenly froze, her eyes opening up wide.

'Okay, I'm done!' Ling announced at the same time, choosing the worst possible moment to finish.

"X-Xuefeng…? Ho— What…?" Golden Queen asked quietly as if trying to comprehend what just happened.

She touched her lips, then looked at his own before scanning her naked body pressing against Xuefeng's chest.

'Goodbye world,' Xuefeng sent his last prayers when he heard the already predicted scream.


Xuefeng expected her to pull away or even blast him away when she did the complete opposite. She tightened the hug as if hiding herself from his gaze.

"Why is it you?! I thought you are my husband!" Golden Queen yelled in a panicked voice, her body shaking.

"Wait, I can explain!" Xuefeng called out immediately, seeing a chance for survival.

"Why are you even here?!" Golden Queen questioned, not even listening to him.

There was only one chance. Xuefeng couldn't fuck it up.

"Miss Golden wanted to help me so much, I felt touched. Seeing Miss in such a state, I couldn't just stand still and do nothing. I had to help you because I know exactly what is going on with you," Xuefeng explained but Golden Queen stabbed her nails into his back.

'Did I fail?!' Xuefeng wondered helplessly when Golden Queen moaned next to his ear, begging, "Ahh… Please don't move… Your thing is rubbing…"

"…" He couldn't help but get speechless.

How come she didn't blast him away like a normal woman would? Why was she still hugging him instead of pushing him away? What the heck was going on?

They were still glued to each other, their heartbeats mixing while his erection still raged between her legs, twitching every now and then.

"I don't know what to do now…" Golden Queen admitted after a moment of pause.

"Maybe let's start from letting go…?" Xuefeng proposed softly. "This is a big misunderstanding. I just wanted to help you but you jumped on me. I couldn't even escape, so I just continued to heal you."

"Then why are you so hard and squeezing my butt if you just wanted to help?" Golden Queen asked directly, but Xuefeng countered right back.

"Because you literally wanted to go all the way with me. That was the only way to stop you as you didn't hear me at all. I tried to stop you many times."

"Ugh…" Golden Queen grunted unhappily, scratching his back till the blood started dripping down. "Are you trying to say it's all my fault? Who asked you to come here? Do you know I can kill you right now for what you have done?"

She was shy and embarrassed just a moment ago before suddenly turning sharp like a blade. She ignored what position they were in as if it didn't matter to her.

A chance!

"This is exactly why I came in to help you. Don't you realize how your condition affects your behavior? You have frequent mood swings and turn mad for no reason. Go kill me if you dare, but you will only get worse and worse till your behavior will change permanently, turning you crazy. I'm the only one who can save you in time," Xuefeng bluffed, rolling his eyes like he didn't care.

'Huh…? It worked?'

Just as he said it, the pain in his back stopped as Golden Queen pulled her fingers away.

"You are lying. No matter what it is that affects me, I'm too strong to be affected permanently. You are just bluffing thinking I spare you," Golden Queen said sternly as she reached up to his neck, squeezing it from behind. "One of the things I hate the most are liars."

'Damn… She is good,' Xuefeng commented impressed, but that didn't discourage him.

When it came to bullshitting, he was the number one!

"Hahaha," Xuefeng suddenly started laughing. "Do you really think I suffered painfully from your Golden Lightning which almost killed me just so I can lie to you? Don't make me laugh. All I wanted was to help you. I know you are affected by a Curse that is feeding off your Soul and halting your growth. Unless you cleanse your Soul, you will always be like this and it will only get worse once the Curse evolves and becomes much stronger."

He didn't let her speak as he continued, "I came here through blood and pains with clean intentions. I didn't expect you would be naked and I did what I should have, not wanting to suffer for nothing. If you think that I'm bluffing, let me give you an example now that you are conscious."

He only had one life but he had to risk it!


Xuefeng lifted his hand and smacked her butt boldly while embracing her back with the other. Golden Queen almost jumped from the shot, clearly shocked he dared to do so.

He didn't even need to tell Ling what to do as his body shone with gold, their Regeneration Ability turned on to the maximum capacity. Golden Qi sunk into Golden Queen's body, bringing warmth and relaxation she probably never felt before.

Earlier Ling was only fixing her Soul but now she affected the whole body, giving her a completely different sensation.

"This is my power! Miss Golden, let me cleanse your Soul before you decide anything else! I want to help you! Afterward, you can punish me however you want, but for now, let me help you!"

Saying that Xuefeng released her abruptly and took a step back, immediately kneeling on one knee. He then placed his palm on his chest and looked down at her feet like a faithful soldier.

"Please! This is more important than my life!"

Chapter 132 Plan *


The awkward silence made Xuefeng's heart race.

'Fuck, I shouldn't have slapped her butt again…' Xuefeng cursed, not knowing what was he thinking at that time. In his mind, it was meant to be a distraction, focusing her anger on one thing instead of the whole affair.

He stared at Golden Queen's feet as if trying to figure out her thoughts when he heard Ling in his mind.

'Congratulations Xuefeng, you survived another day.'

'Huh? I did?' Xuefeng wondered when he realized Golden Queen was no longer barefoot. Her legs lost its nakedness as leather shoelaces gently wrapped around her calves.

Xuefeng's instinct told him to look higher but he didn't dare yet, waiting for Golden Queen's judgment. She eventually moved, walking up to him and lifted his chin with her slender fingers.

She once again wore a similar Golden dress, but what made Xuefeng worried was her poker face. He couldn't figure out what exactly would happen to him.

"Get up. I will believe you for now," Golden Queen declared, before squeezing his chin as she directed his gaze at her own. "Just to be clear. I didn't forgive you for what you did to me today. You took advantage of me when I wasn't fully conscious. If you wanted to help me, you could wait till later."

Sharpening her gaze, she added, "I'm only letting you off today because I still haven't decided if I want to kill you or not. I will choose your punishment based on your performance. If I see you were honest, I will only choose something light or maybe even reward you, but if you dared to lie to me…"

She paused as she glanced down at his waist.

"I will make sure the punishment is filled with tortures."


He swallowed heavily, knowing very well she was capable of fulfilling her threat.

"Miss Golden, I promise. Everything I said is the truth. My intentions were pure," Xuefeng vowed sincerely.

"We will see about that," Golden Queen nodded, finally releasing him. "Now tell me, how are you going to cleanse this Curse you say I have?"

Finally free, Xuefeng couldn't help but sigh in relief, happy his persuasion skills were still top-notch. There was no situation he couldn't solve.

"It's not a problem. We have to—"

Xuefeng stood up and began explaining when Golden Queen stopped him, giving his body a look over.

"I don't mind watching your body, but maybe you should put something on first. Your erection is a bit distracting."

Her comment made him look down and realize he was still hard, displaying his body to her in full view. He was so used to being naked around his wives that he didn't even think about it.

"Right… That would be best," Xuefeng muttered awkwardly.

He quickly put on a full set of Leather Armor but even with that, it was hard to cover his massive erection.

"Ehem…" Xuefeng cleared his throat. "Miss Golden's beauty is making me react this hard. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I don't really mind. Me looking at it is the least problematic after what we have done already…" Golden Queen pointed out before sighing, "Ah, I should have known you are not my husband. Yours is much bigger than his. Why didn't I notice it?"

"I think Miss Golden was just caught in the moment…" Xuefeng replied innocently but received a glare from her.

"You know my husband will kill you if he learns about this?" Golden Queen questioned.

"Miss Golden can do that as well yet you didn't. It is best to keep it a secret from him for the both of us," Xuefeng suggested as he scratched his head. "We can't go back in time. We can only accept whatever happened and move on."

"Fine, but don't put all the blame on me or I beat you up," Golden Queen warned. "It would be unfair for me to pretend I'm innocent so we are equally guilty. After all, who was the one who smacked my butt as he pleases?"

"Alright. We are both equally guilty then," Xuefeng nodded in compromise.

Even though he considered himself the one being taken advantage of, he could take that one for the team.

"Tsk," Golden Queen snickered. "So you admit you enjoyed it? I knew it."

She laid that trap nicely but Xuefeng only shrugged.

"Miss Golden, find any man who wouldn't. Even though it was never my intention, it would be a lie if I said I was suffering," Xuefeng admitted. "My Master for sure lives in a dreamland with Miss Golden by his side."

He noticed a slight curve in Golden Queen's face when she ignored the reply, changing the subject.

"Okay, what's the plan then?"

"It has been a while already, so our lovers are probably worried. How about we meet tomorrow after the Tournament? I will cleanse your Curse at that time," Xuefeng proposed.

"How are you going to explain what happened? You don't think about telling your wives what we did?" Golden Queen questioned.

"I actually do," Xuefeng replied without hesitation, causing Golden Queen to frown.

"But there is a difference," He added right away. "My wives know me well and they trust me fully. With my Fate Spirits being my wives as well, they know I didn't mean bad. On the other hand, your husband will not believe anything we say and simply kill me."

The frown on Golden Queen's face lessened. She couldn't deny that fact.

"How do you plan to convince him nothing happened?"

It was clear Golden Queen still loved her husband, not wanting to ruin her marriage with a simple misunderstanding.

"Does he know you are naked during your episodes?" Xuefeng asked casually.

"No? I don't think so. I always wear clothes before leaving and if I can vent my anger elsewhere then I don't even need this barrier," Golden Queen muttered. "Why?"

Xuefeng smiled. "Don't worry then. I know what to do. Let's go meet him."

Golden Queen squinted her eyes but she seemed to trust him enough as she lifted her hand, ready to collect the Golden Lightning.


She began sucking it all inside her palm when she turned around and asked in wonder.

"Out of curiosity, what do you think of Xinyu?"

Chapter 133 Dual Cultivation

"Huh? What do I think of her?" Xuefeng repeated confused. "I haven't spent much time with her, but she seems nice from what I can tell in this short time period. Why?"

"I'm just casually asking," Golden Queen replied with a shrug. "What about her appearance? Do you find her pretty?"

Xuefeng definitely found the questions suspicious but he didn't mind asking.

"I find you attractive and your daughter definitely inherited your beauty. If I wasn't surrounded by beauties on daily basis then I'm sure I would be smitten at first sight," Xuefeng described honestly. "I hope you don't mind having a secret admirer."

Although Xuefeng didn't have any naughty thoughts about her, a little praising was always welcome. It didn't hurt to get on her good side.

"It's not really secret anymore," Golden Queen pointed out as she glanced at his crotch. "Based on your reaction before I can tell you find me pretty. Too bad, I'm already taken and loyal to my husband."

"That's indeed a pity," Xuefeng nodded and complimented, "You have everything a woman needs to make their man reach Heavens. Master definitely found a gem."

Golden Queen raised her eyebrows, noticing a certain detail.

"I see you already started to skip all formalities, addressing me so friendly? No more Miss Golden?"

"That's right, but it's only between us," Xuefeng corrected. "It would be strange if we still weren't at least friends after what just happened. Don't you think so?"

"Mhmm, sure. I don't mind," Golden Queen agreed and stopped paying attention to him, focusing on the Golden Lightning instead. "Get ready."


This time the Golden Lightning was sucked at a monstrous pace, cleaning it all within seconds. It made Xuefeng realize she slowed down on purpose to chat with him.

"My Queen!"

Sect Master Liu's shout reached them as soon as they regained clarity, seeing four people waiting just outside the barrier range. He appeared next to her within a blink and embraced her tightly.

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern, not even glancing at Xuefeng.

"I'm fine already. It was just the usual," Golden Queen replied with a cheerful smile.

He wasn't the only one as Nuwa and Tianshi also appeared next to him, inquiring about his heath.

"I'm fine too," Xuefeng assured the two before sending a sneaky message with their link, 'I will tell you all the details later. It's a bit complicated.'

'Alright,' they accepted without any questions, listening to Golden Queen's explanation instead.

"Thanks to Xuefeng, I was able to recover faster. He even identified what's wrong with me."

"He did?" Sect Master Liu questioned as his gaze finally fell on Xuefeng. "What is it?"

"Miss Golden's Soul is infected by a weak Curse that parasite on it. Although her life and Soul is not in danger, her mind is. The Curse is irritating her mind which causes such outbursts of anger," Xuefeng reported.

"Curse? How come we didn't notice?" Sect Master Liu frowned, touching his wife's forehead in worry. "Let me check."

"No, it's fine," Golden Queen rejected, catching his wrist. "I trust him. I also felt something was off before and his theory matches well. He also helped me right now, so I will believe him."

Sect Master Liu wasn't satisfied with such a reply but he let go of his wife as she wished, turning his attention to Xuefeng again.

"How did you know?" He asked seriously.

'Here we go…' Xuefeng muttered, already prepared for the questioning.

"My wife told me about it so I decided to help. It just happens that my Regeneration Ability can cleanse Souls as well, so it came in handy," Xuefeng explained simply and his palm lit up with Fate Qi.

He placed it on his forehead and added, "Just like this. I was able to calm Miss Golden's mind with it. My wife also told me it will only worsen with time so I didn't want to wait. It's the least I can do to return the favor."

Golden Queen bit on her lower lip as if to hold back her reaction. Both of them knew just a palm on her forehead wasn't enough.

"I see…" Sect Master Liu relaxed at the explanation. "Having a knowledgeable Fate Spirit is indeed great. Give her my thanks."

'How about we extort him as well?' Ling wondered, causing Xuefeng to smile.

He thought the exact same thing!

"I'm sorry, my wife told me to pass that she will gladly accept Master's favor in exchange. Don't mind her Master, I just genuinely want to help," Xuefeng expressed as he waved his hand.

Suddenly, the thought of helping innocently turned into a trade that seemed much less suspicious. Just as he expected, Sect Master Liu laughed, liking this idea better.

"Hah, Sure! If she can really cure my wife then I will definitely pay her back later," Sect Master Liu agreed happily.

Golden Queen on the other hand didn't seem to like that at all, glaring at both of them.

"Honey," She called out sternly as she grabbed his chin. "This is my problem so I should be the one settling with Xuefeng afterward."

He smiled even more and rubbed her hands.

"It's okay, it's okay, isn't it? It's just a favor. As long as you are healed, the rest doesn't matter. Don't worry too much," Sect Master Liu assured, getting back to Xuefeng. "What's the procedure?"

Xuefeng acted all innocent as if he didn't notice Golden Queen's glare and explained, "It's the same as earlier, but instead of targeting the mind, we are nourishing the Soul instead. It's also more time consuming, so we scheduled to meet tomorrow after the Tournament."

"Alright, perfect," Sect Master Liu snapped his fingers. "Spend the rest of the evening as you wish and prepare for the Finals. Tianshi, you should be training with my daughter, right?"

"That was indeed the plan," Tianshi nodded, glancing at Xinyu who has been quiet this whole time.

"Yes, we can start any time soon," Xinyu confirmed only to link eyesight with Xuefeng. "But before we separate, I have one more question to Xuefeng. I have been curious about your quick Cultivation progress. What is your secret?"

"Well, it's not really a secret but even if I tell you, I doubt you will believe me," Xuefeng replied while scratching the back of his head. "We mostly Cultivate using Dual Cultivation, if you know what I mean."

Not only Xinyu but also his Master and Golden Queen blinked at that news.

"No way! Is Dual Cultivation really that effective?" Xinyu asked in disbelief.

"I can only speak for myself. I don't even remember the last time I have been Cultivating normally. Dual Cultivation allows us to replace the boring task with something pleasant and also provides a huge boost in Cultivation Speed," Xuefeng exposed. "If it's not the perfect Cultivation method then I don't know what is."

"That indeed sounds great," Golden Queen affirmed as she walked up to Xinyu. She hugged her from behind and teased her while stealing a glance at Xuefeng.

"Xinyu, if it is that effective, how about you try it too?

Chapter 134 Good Lover

"Mom! What are you saying?!"

Although Xinyu was normally bold, when her gaze locked with Xuefeng's eyes, who knows what she was thinking to make her cheeks redden.

"What? Weren't you curious about it? You never had a man for yourself so you don't know what are you missing. You won't know till you try it out," Golden Queen replied confused, acting innocent. "Also, didn't Xuefeng say it is the perfect form of Cultivating? You can connect pleasure with a huge boost. If you want to break through, you need to put some effort into it."

"Mom! Shhh! This is not true for everyone!" Xinyu shouted, trying to shush her. "I'm sure Xuefeng has some special technique which lets him cultivate like this. You can't just randomly Dual Cultivate. If it worked like this then everyone would do it already."

"That's true," Xuefeng confirmed. "We are only able to cultivate this way because of my Forrest Elf Bloodline and the help of my Fate Spirits. Without them, I wouldn't be here today."

"I see, so you are the only one who can do it. Interesting," Golden Queen muttered with a curve on her lips. She didn't finish discussing the topic, only giving Xinyu a knowing glance as she walked back to her husband.

"Baby, I'm tired. Let's go rest," Golden Queen suggested as she embraced Sect Master Liu. "We should leave the young to themselves to enjoy."

It wasn't hard to guess what she meant.

"Ugh. We are leaving to train!" Xinyu announced immediately, flying away as if escaping from the scene. "Tianshi, come with me."

Seeing she sneakily glanced at him mid-flight, Xuefeng couldn't help but sigh internally. He could imagine what Golden Queen implied, pushing her daughter onto him, but unfortunately, it didn't work like that.

Sect Master Liu was delighted at such a turn of events, already eager to leave himself.

"Xuefeng, you all can stay in the Palace with us. We already talked with my brother about it. If you come now with us, we can lead you to your room," he proposed as he held his wife tightly, his hand sliding down onto her bottom.

He could show his affection easily in front of thousands of people, so this wasn't much to him.

"Sure, I will join you two later," Tianshi agreed in his stead as she gave him a goodbye kiss. "I'm also in the mood to train now so it's perfect."

"Alright then, work hard," Xuefeng nodded only to cough at Tianshi's next comment to Nuwa.

'Don't suck everything off him till I come back. I also want to relax after my training.'

'Gosh, am I just a piece of meat for you?' Xuefeng lamented but the girls only kissed him one by one to ease his pained heart.

With Tianshi flying away, Nuwa squeezed Xuefeng's arm to gather his attention and reminded, "Talking about Dual Cultivation and training, if you want to reach the peak of Celestial Stage in a year, we should start right away too. Let's go."

"Hehe, follow us then," Sect Master Liu invited as he flew up in the Palace's direction, carrying Golden Queen with him.

Xuefeng's Queen Nuwa wasn't any different, already wrapping her arms around his neck to enjoy the same kind of treatment. His Golden Wings appeared on his back and they followed, slightly behind Sect Master Liu for more privacy.

Nuwa took this moment to full advantage.

"I want you to fuck my brains out later…" Nuwa whispered to him lewdly as she sucked on his ear. "I was waiting so long for this day…"

"Were you a good girl while you were gone?" Xuefeng questioned, causing Nuwa to pause her neck kisses.

"Is that even a question? Was I ever a good girl?" Nuwa asked back with a shrug. "I do have something to admit later. I'm already wet imagining your punishment…"

"I think not giving you the punishment would be the best punishment…" Xuefeng pointed out but Nuwa only looked into his eyes and bit his lower lip till it reddened.

"You don't have a choice. I will be giving you my own punishment," Nuwa muttered as she rubbed his nose against her own. "Don't think you can get away for your sins... I know what you did."

With her like this, Xuefeng couldn't help but get in the mood as well.

"Oh, really? What did I do?" Xuefeng asked back while stealing kisses from her.

His lips which got used to Golden Queen's forceful attacks finally regained its favorite taste on them. Nuwa's spice was just something else.

"I won't tell you," Nuwa teased. "I will make you come clean yourself. Just you wait till we are alone…"

She gave him one more kiss before going down, sucking on his neck once again. He normally didn't get horny from those but Nuwa always found a way to make him want her more.

Tanging his fingers in her hair, Xuefeng pressed her closer. He knew she succeeded in making him desire a full night of exercises. Thankfully, they were already close to the Palace.


Coincidently, Xuefeng glanced at Sect Master Liu to keep following in the right direction and saw Golden Queen glancing at him. Just like Nuwa to him, she was kissing Sect Master Liu's neck. She looked away when she got spotted and hid behind the muscular body of her husband.

Xuefeng was impressed by how fast did she transition from their incident and didn't even feel bad about what happened. She seemed like she really wanted her husband right now.

'I guess she is trying to rewrite her memories of you by connecting with her husband,' Ling suddenly pointed out. 'Can she succeed though?'

'What do you mean?' Xuefeng wondered. 'I think she should be fine. She looks like she doesn't care much. It's not like we went all the way.'

'Once you taste Xuefeng's smack, you can never go back,' Ming entered the conversation with a rhyme.

'What that's supposed to mean?' Xuefeng asked speechlessly.

'Did you forget how wet she was and how good she felt? You have this magic that makes us women want to give you our all and most importantly, you respect us. You take into consideration all our feelings and emotions before making sure we enjoy ourselves fully. That's what makes you a good lover. She already tasted you and won't forget it easily,' Ming explained, causing Xuefeng to have a bad feeling about it.

'Let's hope she succeeds. I don't want to steal anyone's wife...'

Chapter 135 For The Queen!

"I can see the City! Whoa! It's so big!"

The moment the high walls of the city began enlarging on the horizon, Yiren couldn't help but exclaim. It was an evening with the sun already hidden but the City wall was brightly lit, working as a lighthouse for the tired travelers.

"To think one of the smaller cities in the Heaven Realm is comparable to Earth Realm Capital…" Lisa muttered in amazement. "I'm sure we can find a Teleportation Station in here."

"That's what the Village Elder told us. We can use it to get into the Blood Land Capital and then it will be smooth sailing," Yiren reminded, giving the sweet Mona a scratch behind her ear. "Are you excited to meet Xuefeng?"

The little white fox was sitting on her arm, already fully awake.

"Mhmm, I can't wait. The way you two are praising him this whole time, you already raised my expectations to the sky," Mona admitted, accepting the pats with a murmur.

"Hehe, that's cause he is our love," Yiren giggled, imagining herself in Xuefeng's embrace. A warm feeling immediately spread around her body.

"Let's go! We shouldn't waste any time!" Yiren announced, lunging forward with a swing of her wings. "The City is right ahead."

Mona didn't have trouble holding onto Yiren's shoulder, her paws acting like glue.

"What is this barrier surrounding the whole City?" Lisa wondered as she followed suit.

"It should be the Safe Zone surrounding the City. Once we reach it, no one can hurt us else they would be banned entry from all Cities in the Heaven Realm," Mona explained before warning, "Till then, we should be careful. The life outside the Safe Zone is very chaotic. People die every day."

Lisa and Yiren didn't ignore it, getting more attentive to their surroundings. It would be bad if they suddenly got ambushed.

"Let's hope no one is hiding in the forest ahead of us," Lisa muttered as she looked suspiciously at the bloody trees in the distance.

Who would have thought her words would pull the trigger.

"We have been discovered! Attack!"

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Tens of figures flew out from the forest ahead while another group chased from behind, closing their exit route.

"Give us your treasures or die!" the bandits called out, raising their weapons while grimacing in the most threatening way.

To their surprise, Lisa and Yiren didn't look scared at all. Yiren even smiled, reaching out to pat Mona on the head. How could they feel any fear at all with a powerful Celestial Beast by their side?

"Are you sure? Do you really want to rob us?" Yiren asked while playing with Mona, all smiley and giggly when she licked her palm.

Even though she turned into a human, she was still a Celestial Fox from birth. She still had her natural instincts.

"What? Two little girls in God Stage dare to laugh while being surrounded by Fifty shades of Doom?! Don't make me laugh!" the Bandit Leader called out sternly as he extended his palm, letting thousands of black bats fly out from his Beast Token.

"Give us your money before I order my babies to have fun with your pretty bodies. They are already eager to get the taste of young teens and suck their blood dry. They have been starving for a while."

All the Bandits grinned when they saw the bats but froze right after. Yiren wasn't even fazed by them! The terrifying swarm of Immortal Vampire Bats was not enough to bring them easy loot.

"Oh my! So cute!" Yiren exclaimed and extended her hand to the bats. "Come here! Let's play!"


Her act caused all the Bandits to laugh, the Bandit Leader included.

"Who do you think you are?! Do you think you can tame an already tamed Beasts just like that? Hahah! It has been a while since I laughed this much," the Bandit Leader called out amused as he grabbed one of the Bats and played with it on his palm. "See how Loyal it is?"

He pulled on the Bat's wing, letting it hang down and struggle for balance. Yiren never darkened with anger like that time.

"I think you fucked up," Lisa muttered while shaking her head. There was nothing that could save them anymore.

Yiren's eyes lit up with gold as she cried out an order, "Kill him!"

"Hahaha, you are delusiona— Au!"

The Bandit Leader's laugh got cut off by the Bat who bit him on the finger.

"You little bitch dare bite me?" The Bandit Leader questioned as he squeezed the bat in his fist. "Do you want to starve again?"

His question was the last stroke as the swarm of bats pounced on him.

"Fuck! Get away! I tell you to get awa— Arrrghh!!"

The next few seconds were filled with his curses and a desperate fight for survival that only ended with his dying screams. His body fell down right after, all pale with his blood sucked clean.

Yiren wasn't at all satisfied.

"Kill them all!"

The Bats didn't hesitate this time, rushing to the closest Bandit for their second meal.

"Fuck! The bats went crazy! Scatter!" the Bandits cried out upon realization but it was too late.

All they heard were screams of pain as the Vampire Bats split up, chasing every single bandit like an organized team.

"They have nice synergy," Lisa pointed out. "Do you think they can communicate with each other?"

"Of course. I can hear them talk, you don't?" Yiren asked.

"No? I'm not the Queen of Beasts," Lisa replied with a shrug causing Yiren to laugh.

"Hah, it's funny cause they all just scream one thing and yet all know what to do," Yiren revealed.

"What one thing?" Lisa wondered curiously.

"For the Queen!" Yiren said with a smile. "Do I look like a bat?"

"You don't, but you definitely deserve to be a Queen," Lisa assured as shifted her gaze at the few bats approaching them. "It seems they even present you with inauguration gifts."

From up close, they were much bigger than they thought, almost reaching the size of a small eagle. All of them carried a Storage Ring in their fingers which they dropped on Yiren's palm.

She naturally accepted the gifts, passing them on to the more responsible Lisa as she patted the bats instead.

"Don't worry, no one is going to hurt you anymore. You are free to go and live your life," Yiren proposed.


The Vampire Bats screamed in disagreement as they flocked around her. One of the biggest bats, having two massive fangs hanging from his mouth, hovered in front of her and threw a Beast Token at her.

"You want me to take you along?" Yiren asked surprised.


They all cried out with a nod, causing Yiren to smile helplessly. The token lit up, swallowing them one by one till the sky was once again clear.

Yiren kept the Token in her pocket and suddenly shuddered, her cheeks reddening.

"Is it 'that' again?" Lisa asked, noticing the change.

"Mhmm, but it's okay. I'm used to it already," Yiren assured, before resuming the flight. "Let's go. I can't wait to feel his hug again."

Chapter 136 Prey and the Predator *


The doors to their room barely closed when Xuefeng's back slammed against them and his lips locked in gasping hold. Nuwa didn't waste any second, her fingers tangling with his own as she pinned him, taking full control from the start.

"Wait… I need to tell you something," Xuefeng reminded, pulling away for just a moment, but Nuwa bit him as punishment.

"You are not allowed to talk till I let you," Nuwa ordered, licking where she bit to ease his pain. "Don't worry, I will slowly reach to everything. Let me have my fun first. You will come clean with every detail once I'm done with you."

Xuefeng didn't have the slightest worry she would do any different. He already felt like a prey caught in the predator's mouth.

She imprisoned his tongue in his own castle, intoxicating them both without stop as if nothing could satisfy her inner desires. Nuwa gave him lots of time to incite his lust as she drowned him with her delicious smell, letting him inhale till his lungs were inflamed with just her.

It was her night. He was all hers.

Nuwa melted her lips into his cheek, jawline, and finally his ear, whispering with yearning and love he rarely heard from her.

"I missed you a lot… My body needs you… My mind wants you… Please don't leave me again…"

Xuefeng couldn't help but shudder, his body losing strength with the old guilt coming back.

"I'm sorry… If only I was strong—"

"No," Nuwa cut him off, nibbling on his neck. "Don't be sorry. I don't want that. I want you. I want Xuefeng that will fulfill his promise. You said you will never leave me and always care for me. What happened to that promise?"

"I failed it…" Xuefeng stated the obvious.

Even if he couldn't do anything about the Heavens targeting them, the bad feeling of not being enough to protect his wives, was still present. Nuwa's shiver made him weak.

"You failed it… I see… Are you going to do anything about it?" Nuwa asked when a sudden drop of liquid dripped onto his neck.

"Nuwa… Are you crying…?" Xuefeng asked in disbelief, but Nuwa ignored him, tightening her fingers around his own.

"Answer my question. Are you going to do anything about it?" Nuwa repeated.


Her tears now dripped more frequently, breaking his heart with each tap.

"I will. I won't let it happen again," Xuefeng expressed with the will to protect her stronger than ever. "Even at the cost of my life, I will not let this happen again."

"You said it once already. What if you fail again?" Nuwa questioned, pulling away and facing him directly.

Xuefeng knew he will never forget the look on her face. The dominance was gone completely, replaced with pure feelings of a woman that got hurt but hopes to see the light.

Even if she was strong-willed, she still had a bit of softness inside her that only true love could awaken. Her reddened eyes and cheeks were something she never showed before and probably never will again.

"Look into my eyes and promise me… Promise you will never leave me. Promise you will care for me and we will go through our lives together," Nuwa demanded, not even wiping her tears away, letting him watch her most vulnerable moment in full view.

"I promise. We will forever be together," Xuefeng vowed, leaning forward to kiss her like he never did.

Their lips gently touched, like a feather that fell on the ground. She held still, slowly smelting them both into one piece.

"Please don't cry…" he mouthed, wiping her cheek with his nose. "I hate to see you cry…"

"Don't worry… You will never see me cry again," Nuwa assured, sniffing for the last time. "I had been holding my tears back for long, so they just spilled."

"It's okay… I'm here for you… Now and in the future, it will always stay the same…" Xuefeng whispered back, pushing on her hands to make her release him. "I want to hold you."

"Mhmm," Nuwa nodded, finally letting his hands go.

He immediately reached out to hold her face and wiped her cheeks with care. She did the same, rubbing him with a loving gaze.

"I love you and I just don't want to lose you," Nuwa confessed, her worry still visible on her face.

"Why would you lose me? I'm not going anywhere," Xuefeng replied confused only to be hit with the recent headache.

"One year. You have one year to reach the peak of the Celestial Stage and even then, you can't be sure if we can defeat that old master. I'm worried..."

"So that's why you are like this…" Xuefeng finally realized and kissed her softly. "Don't worry, I will work hard to become strong. I promise. No more slacking."

"Really? Will you do it for me?" Nuwa muttered with hope in her eyes. "Promise me you will train every day."

��Of course I will. I will put everything into training," Xuefeng confirmed. "I promise you."

He already planned to give his all and Nuwa's tears only affirmed his decision.

"Can I help you with that?" Nuwa asked, smiling cheerfully.

"Mhmm, it would be my pleasure if you did," Xuefeng agreed again, but Nuwa's questions didn't end.

"Every day?"

Xuefeng raised his eyebrow, getting suspicious at her eagerness.

"Well, you are not going to leave my side anyway, so yes, every day," Xuefeng granted her wish, causing Nuwa to brighten.

"Perfect! Now that we have this behind us, we can move on to the main act," Nuwa said with a grin as she pulled away. "Let's start with the first day of your training. Do you want to strip yourself or do you need help?"

Xuefeng blinked a few times.

"Why do I feel like I was tricked?"

Nuwa only shrugged, stepping forward to help him undress.

"No, I was genuinely concerned. Do you really think I would cry on-demand to trick you?" Nuwa pointed out, throwing the chest armor on the floor. "Since I already got my promise, there is no point in worrying anymore. I might as well get the best deal for myself. I also need to Cultivate after all. Not sure about others but I plan to reach the peak of Celestial Stage within the same time as you."

Her fingers moved quickly, stripping him quickly till only his shirt was left on.

"I also can't slack so I'm looking forward to our daily workout," Nuwa expressed with a wink.


All the buttons got blasted away as Nuwa forcefully split his shirt open.

"You are really something else Nuwa," Xuefeng blurted as he pulled her close, seizing her body greedily. "Do you think I would leave you unsatisfied? I will make sure all my wives get their share of my love."

"Oh, even if you don't plan to, I will make sure to take what I deserve. Your word is just a backup," Nuwa clarified, reaching down to touch his bare abs and arms. "Gosh, I really missed this sexy body. You made this Queen addicted. Take responsibility now."

Xuefeng didn't need to be asked twice, his palms already squeezing the two cheeks he missed just as much.

"Do you want to strip yourself or do you need help?" Xuefeng quoted her, causing her to snicker and pull away.

She glanced at him flirtatiously as she untied the strings at the back and slid her dress to the floor. Her soft breasts were bare with only her sexy white panties still remaining. Xuefeng already imagined them falling down pretty soon as well.

"They also missed you…" Nuwa muttered softly as she squeezed her arms together. "How about you kiss them as a greeting?"

Xuefeng was already on the move, grabbing Nuwa's waist and sinking his lips into her ample chest.

"Ah…" Nuwa moaned in relief as he sucked and embraced his head, choking him against her chest.

Xuefeng didn't mind at all, having more than enough breath to suck till he was satisfied.

"Now, tell this Queen what you wanted to share before. What did you do with this lady Dragon?" Nuwa questioned happily, but he froze.

"Au, au!"

Nuwa noticed the change immediately and pulled him up by the ear like a mother who just caught her kid on a lie. Her smile didn't disappear, but that didn't mean it was better for Xuefeng.

It was the opposite.

"Hehe, I can sense something interesting happened. Share, share," Nuwa hurried with a giggle. "It's not like you did anything naughty with her inside that barrier, right?"

Xuefeng visually panicked.

"Nuwa, listen. I didn't mean to do anythin—"


Xuefeng's body smashed into the wall as Nuwa's Soul Power wrapped around his body.

"You didn't mean to do what…?"

Chapter 137 Passionate Interrogation *


Xuefeng swallowed, already expecting this to happen. He didn't want to hide anything from his wives, so he had to face them either way. The only problem was Nuwa who was the most extreme case. It would be better if he came clean in Tianshi's presence who could lend him some support, but he wasn't that lucky.

"I went inside to help her. I didn't expect her Golden Thunder would be this violent. It not only ripped my skin and muscles apart but naturally cut my clothes as well. I was forced to proceed butt naked," Xuefeng explained when his belt suddenly popped open.

"I see, I can forgive you this part," Nuwa nodded with a kind-hearted smile, slowly walking up to him. "What happened next?"

"Well… I had to find her like this, but when I finally reached her, I saw she was in a similar state as I am…" Xuefeng revealed cautiously, but his pants launched down, stripping him till his boxers were the only piece of clothing on his body.

"Wow, this is getting spicy. You know how I like spicy stuff," Nuwa called out with an evil grin as she finally reached him, grazing on his lower abs with her nail. "What happened next? Don't mind me, I'm only exploring your body."

As she said so, her fingers traveled down, circling around his crotch. With just a single touch from her, Xuefeng could feel his blood get more active.

"To help her, I had to hug her close… So I did…" Xuefeng continued, bracing himself for the incoming impact.


He expected something painful but Nuwa only brought him pleasure, grasping his crotch instead. She rubbed him gently with both hands till he was all hard and stiff, threatening to break through his underwear with brute force.

"I have been starved for days and the first thing my husband did after our reunion was hugging another person's wife…" Nuwa muttered as she leaned over and left multiple kisses on the lengthy dragon. "And what I did? I'm rubbing and kissing him like nothing happened. Don't you think your Queen is too merciful?"

"Ehem, I think you are great the way you are," Xuefeng replied as he cleared his throat. "If only you can put me down, so we can talk it out calmly, it would be perfect. Don't you thinking talking while cuddling would be even better?"

Nuwa completely ignored him, suddenly sucking on him through the fabric while her fingers sank into his thighs, rubbing and gripping to her heart content.

He knew no matter what he said she would still follow her own plan.

The warmth and wetness sank through, her tongue pressing and wiggling but she didn't stop. Her hands played with his thigh hair, pulling and scratching before traveling upwards, sneaking right inside the two exits.

"Ah… This feels good…" Xuefeng approved her sensual approach.

One of her hands massaged his balls while the other found the head, stroking and twisting till his own wetness made her fingers slippery, sliding and squeezing.

"Does it? Can this Queen still make her husband feel good?" Nuwa wondered out loud.

"You can… You know that..." Xuefeng confirmed, his body reacting with flames that spread all across his body. He wanted to jerk away, embrace her, and swarm her with explosive kisses of love while claiming her body till she screams stop.

Even then, he wouldn't stop, tasting her till she couldn't scream anymore.

"I want you," Xuefeng whispered with desire.

"How much do you want me?" Nuwa asked as she pulled her hands back, grabbing the edges of his boxers. "Will you tell me everything? Every little detail?"

"I would kill through legions and armies to be with you…" Xuefeng expressed, his erection twitching with just a thought of connecting with her. "I am already telling everything. I never had secrets with you."

"Mhmm, good," Nuwa nodded and pulled his boxes down. "Whoa…"

His erection straightened right away, almost slapping her in the face but based on her expression, Xuefeng didn't think she would mind it at all.

"My precious…" Nuwa muttered in love, grabbing him firmly. "I waited to meet you for so long…"

She didn't hesitate and left a softie on his base, slowly kissing her way to the head which received special attention. Her tongue wiggled up and down, licking the head all-around before going down the shaft with a similar passion.

"What should I do with you…" Nuwa wondered, teasing and sucking on his balls while stroking with both hands. "No matter how I punish my husband, he does it again and again… Am I not enough for you?"

"Nuwa… You are more than enough…" Xuefeng admitted. "Everything happened without my will. I just wanted to help her."

"I know. You said it already and I'm willing to forgive you for that," Nuwa informed, pressing his erection in between her chest. "After all, I love you. I can forgive you anything."

She extended her tongue and let her saliva drip on her chest, letting him slide between her peaks with ease. Drowning him inside, Nuwa began to move while sucking on the tip, turning the punishment into the ultimate reward he would die for.

The softness of her skin and the warmth of her tongue was enough to make him forget everything. Unfortunately, he couldn't. He wished to forget what happened earlier, but if he didn't share everything now, who knew what would Nuwa do to him later.

"Nuwa, this is not all… Even though I didn't want any of it, we did more than a hug. She wasn't fully conscious and thought I'm her husband. I tried to stop her when she jumped on me, but she was too strong…" Xuefeng explained when his body dropped to the ground, letting him gaze at her directly.

He sighed in relief seeing she didn't seem mad.

Nuwa held his face while squeezing him with the other hand and left a deep kiss on his lips.

"I see… It seems my baby suffered a lot…" Nuwa murmured while rubbing his cheek. "Don't worry. As long as she didn't touch my possession, it will be fine. Accidents happen. I am a merciful Queen after all."

As she spoke the last line, all restrictions on his body disappeared and she jumped on him, wrapping her arms and legs around him. The memory of Golden Queen restricting him, in the same way, returned to his mind.

"But she did, right?" Nuwa asked as she stared into his eyes with a gentle smile.

She knew already!

Chapter 138 The Importance of Ears **

"Nuwa…" Xuefeng breathed her name while embracing her tightly but before he could continue, she shut his mouth with her finger.

"Shhh… It's okay…" Nuwa shushed him, playing with his lips. "Don't say anything. You can only nod as you answer my questions."

She pulled away her finger and instead replaced it with her own lips, patiently testing his texture. Her sweet taste and the flowery scent were rousing his senses awake, reminding him of his old addiction.

That's what she was, a drug. Once savored, he would always yearn for her again. Unfortunately, even though he wanted to enjoy their passionate kiss, there were lives on the line.

'Ling!' Xuefeng called for his acquaintance in crime. If not for her pushing him to help Golden Queen, nothing would happen and they could discuss the matter of a Curse once everything calmed down.

Too bad, it seemed like he was all alone this time.

'Ehem… I'm fine in here. Don't worry, there is no way she kills or hurts you, but you might suffer just a bit,' Ling replied hesitantly. 'Anyway, good luck!'

'I will be fine, but someone else might get hurt!' Xuefeng called her back. 'I don't want to see any fights. Both of them would definitely get hurt.'

'Well, if there is anyone who can stop her then it's you. I don't have such power,' Ling sighed helplessly. 'Establish your dominance and show her who is the King! I will cheer for you!'

Xuefeng wanted to bother her more but Nuwa suddenly pulled away, watching his face amused.

"I can sense your mind isn't fully focused on me. Are you calling for help?" Nuwa guessed, tightening her grasp around him. "Is there even a need? They won't come out. You are all mine now."

She smiled playfully and reached down caressing his abs. "Let me guess first… She started by kissing you while seizing your body. I can smell her scent on you…"

"Mhmm, she did," Xuefeng nodded, explaining, "But she wasn't aware it was me."

"Not knowing doesn't excuse you for breaking the rules. If you kill someone in the Safe Zone without knowing it's forbidden, are you guilty or not?" Nuwa questioned the obvious.

Xuefeng preferred not to reply but Nuwa waited for him, giving him no choice.

"They are guilty," Xuefeng nodded.

Nuwa smiled and pulled on his hair, exposing his neck clearer.

"Did she kissed you here?" Nuwa asked as she left a smooch on his neck.


"Did she lick and bite here?" Nuwa continued, pulling on his skin with her teeth only to lick the spot to ease the pain,


With each question, Nuwa grew more agitated and frustrated. Xuefeng noticed it even though she tried to hide it.

"Did she lower her body on you…?" Nuwa questioned softly, his erection poking on her entrance before sliding across her bottom, occupying the whole length.


With this confirmation, Nuwa's body shook, her legs falling to the ground while squeezing him between her thighs. He didn't know if it was her anger or disappointment, but none of those were good for him.

Xuefeng held her tightly, not letting her get away. His fingers tangled in her hair and he rubbed gently while making her look at him.

"Nuwa…" Xuefeng whispered, leaving random kisses on her face.

"I'm not done," Nuwa stopped him from talking any further, but this time her smile was gone, replaced with an indifferent expression.

"How about this…?" Nuwa added, sliding her panties to the side which made them touch skin to skin. "Was she moving like this?"

Nuwa's bottom moved rhythmically before he even said anything, already knowing the answer from his eyes. It was torture to his mind, but he deserved it. When she lifted one of her legs and stopped his erection right before her entrance, he already knew what she will ask.


Nuwa moaned as he finally took over the control, pushing it in without her permission. With a swift turn, he propped her against the wall and thrust again, breaking through the unusual tightness.

"We didn't," Xuefeng assured as he gripped her thigh, leaning it against his chest. "Once Ling was done, I immediately pulled away. I didn't want any of that."

"Mhmm!" Nuwa exclaimed with her lips locked by him, but he didn't stop. He could feel her body heating up with each push he made, reaching deeper and deeper.

'You are unfair!' Nuwa protested, using their bloodline connection to break into his mind. 'You know I can't be mad at you when we do it.'

'Life was never fair,' Xuefeng replied simply and reached to her ears, using the ultimate method to take her over her mind.


Her moan broke through his kiss as his thumb rubbed the inside of her ear. Her body spasmed uncontrollably, tightening inside as she came in the embrace of her lover.

Too bad, she still had some power left for a counter-attack, grabbing both of his Elvish ears. With both of her soft hands embracing the most sensitive tips, he couldn't hold back anymore.

He was already holding back for a long time, causing him to burst right inside her.

"So much… And we didn't even cultivate…" Nuwa pointed out, rubbing her belly as he still shot massive loads.

"Hu… You asked for it…" Xuefeng muttered as he breathed out heavily, kissing her with love. "I love you."

"I love you, but I hate you too," Nuwa confessed, pouting cutely at him.

"Hah, I am fine with that," Xuefeng giggled and lifted her, carrying Nuwa to the bed. "You want to Cultivate? Don't worry, I can Cultivate all night."

"Wait!" Nuwa pressed on his chest before he covered her with his weight. "I need to ask something."

"Sure," Xuefeng nodded, rubbing on her breasts that only waited to be feasted on. "I just hope you won't fight with her. It was really a big misunderstanding and it won't repeat again. She loves her husband."

"I don't want to ask about her, but you instead. It's very important," Nuwa said seriously as she held his ears.

"Tell me, did she touch or kiss your ears?"

Chapter 139 One Time Won"t Hurt **

Xuefeng's eyes widened at her question, not expecting she would ask about it.

"I don't have any feelings for her. I promise," Xuefeng vowed immediately but he regretted it right after, realizing how suspicious did it sound.

"That's not the point. I know you don't. You don't fall for random women this quickly," Nuwa explained, pulling him closer till their breaths mixed together. "All I want to know is one fact. Did you feel good when she touched your ears?"

"Yes," Xuefeng replied honestly. "Don't worry. It doesn't mean anything. As long as my mind is sober, I can hold myself back."

Too bad, Nuwa had another opinion, grunting helplessly, "Ugh, it's all over."

"Why?" Xuefeng asked as he lowered himself to kiss her neck while slowly resuming his thrusts.

"Because your body reacts to her. It means she doesn't need to do much for you to accept her," Nuwa explained, holding back her moans. "Ah, wait, don't move yet… I can't focus when you are inside me."

Naturally, Xuefeng ignored her plea, only increasing his pace as he gave a pause to their argument.

"Let's not talk about it for now and focus on enjoying ourselves instead. Trust me, I know how bad it looks, but I really have no intentions other than helping her. Shall we continue?"

He thought Nuwa would compromise this time, but she suddenly wrapped her legs around him and stopped his rhythm.

"How can I trust you in this matter? You said the same thing every time and how many wives you got now? Over ten?" Nuwa questioned as she held his face, her expression softening. "Listen, I'm not saying you shouldn't pursue someone if you really love them. We love you and will support you no matter what you decide but there are limits."

Nuwa kissed him deeply and added, "You have so many hungry wives who deserve your attention and until you satisfy them all, you are simply asking to be tied up."

"I know, and I'm telling you. I just want to help her and gain her favor. For the rest of the year I will only focus on reuniting with everyone and then cultivating with you all," Xuefeng explained. "When my wives desire satisfaction, I can only comply."

"Mhmm, good. Glad you understand," Nuwa approved. "On another note, it's not even a question if you should do anything with that lady Dragon. It's obvious you should be careful with her. We need your Master's help right now to scare his own master away. If he learns you are banging his wife then everything will be over. Do you understand how important it is?"

"Yes, I know," Xuefeng confirmed calmly. "I will not risk everyone's safety, don't worry."

Xuefeng already thought about it during the act itself. If Sect Master Liu learned about anything, he would either kill him by himself or let his master finish him off. The helping was already a borderline suicide mission but with how far the situation developed, it was too late to back off from the deal. Now even Sect Master Liu got involved making it a dead end.

"I am not saying all of this because I'm jealous…" Nuwa paused, avoiding his gaze. "Well, maybe just a little… You still didn't satisfy me and almost did it with another woman. Of course, I will be a little jealous. I literally want to go out now and strangle this bitc—"

Xuefeng stopped her right there with a kiss, letting her cool off.

"Better?" Xuefeng asked after a moment. "I will satisfy plenty now."

"Mhmm, I'm fine, don't worry. I know our priorities. I'm not stupid," Nuwa assured. "If we lose Sect Master Liu's support then we will have to face not only all the experts that came to hunt us but also his Master as well. Don't even think about one year. We won't survive a few weeks even with President Wu's help."

Xuefeng couldn't agree more, but the next sentence shocked him.

"I wouldn't even mind if you courted that Xinyu girl if that would buy us House of Dragons' protection, but that lady Dragon is out of the question."

"Wait, you would sell me to her like this?" Xuefeng asked speechless, not expecting for Xinyu to appear as well. She was naturally a beauty, but he didn't think of her in this way.

"Didn't you realize how much this lady Dragon pushed this Xinyu girl to you? Sometimes sacrifices are necessary, but let's hope it won't be needed. I don't want to share you with another woman when I'm not even satisfied myself," Nuwa expressed casually.

She didn't let him comment on that as she rolled on the bed, claiming the top.

"I heard someone said they want to Cultivate."

"You are not mad?" Xuefeng asked just in case and Nuwa smiled, laying down on his chest.

"If I was really mad, someone would already be dead and the Palace would be in ruins…" Nuwa whispered before kissing his ear, sending a shiver down his spine. Xuefeng didn't even know the extend of her power but he could imagine it would be just as she described.

"But…" Nuwa continued, her bottom slowly waving, pleasuring herself just the way she liked. "Just because I'm not mad, doesn't mean happy. Let's see how you will satisfy me tonight before deciding what to do."


Xuefeng slapped her butt in response.

"Are you ready then?"


"Ah! That was good!"

While Xuefeng and Nuwa were beginning their second round, a different couple a few rooms away just finished their own.

"It was indeed great. You are the best honey," Golden Queen praised her husband with a kiss before getting up from the bed.

"Where are you going?" Sect Master Liu wondered, his face still ecstatic.

"I will have a relaxing bath. You can sleep early. I will join you later," Golden Queen replied, causing Sect Master Liu to get up as well.

"Let me join yo—"

"No, I will bath alone," Golden Queen cut him off, stopping him. "I won't be able to relax with your naughty hands."

"Hehe, fine. Enjoy then," Sect Master Liu agreed with a giggle and went back to bed.

Golden Queen breathed out deeply as she closed herself in the bathroom, her thoughts not as calm as she showed on the outside.

'Why is it so different this time…?' Golden Queen asked herself, trying to figure out what just happened as she prepared the bath.

The connection with her husband was like usual, yet for some reason, it felt off.

'Why didn't I enjoy it as much…?' Golden Queen questioned when Xuefeng's face appeared in her mind. The scene from before visualized for her with all the details and her body suddenly heated up.


She reached down between her legs and found herself all wet.

'What is going on with me… One thought of him and I'm already like this…'

She entered the hot bath and closed her eyes to calm down. Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, her naughty thoughts kept coming back, clearly desiring more.

Her fingers moved on their own as Xuefeng's naked body embraced her, continuing the scene from where they left off.

'I guess one time won't hurt…'

Chapter 140 Like Mother, Like Daughter

"Are you sure you can handle it…?" Lisa asked worriedly as she held Yiren in her arms.

There were a lot of people waiting to enter the city, so it took them some time to reach the gates, but Yiren's condition only got worse. She was hot all over with her cheeks flushing and her legs shivering. After a while in the queue, Lisa began to pity her, not expecting she had to bear such pleasures each time.

"I'm okay… Don't worry about me…" Yiren assured with a forced smile, standing on her own. "It's just more than usual, but I am already getting used to it."

"Ugh," Lisa grunted unhappily. "To think you have to go through so much agony…"

"Well, it's not like it hurts me," Yiren corrected her while rubbing her lower belly. "I just feel really hot as pleasure fills my body."

As she said so, her mouth opened to let out a moan, but Lisa was quick enough to cover it with her hand. It would be weird if Yiren started moaning in the middle of the queue with who knows what kind of people around. The least they would get was stares, but there was still a big chance of sexual harassment.

"Thank you…" Yiren acknowledged the help, hugging Lisa tightly. "I don't know what I would do without you."

"It's okay… It will pass soon. After all, how long can Xuefeng do it?" Lisa asked but paused right after, remembering all the nights they had together. "Well… Let's hope you can hang on till morning."

There wasn't a night before which they didn't spend in full with Xuefeng, milking him dry till sunrise greeted them. If the usual continued and Xuefeng reunited with any of his wives, he would definitely be busy for a long time.

"I think he is Cultivating right now," Yiren guessed. "He has Finals tomorrow so maybe he wants to boost his strength just a bit more."

"Don't worry, I will stay by your side this whole time," Lisa promised as she rubbed Yiren on the back. "We also have Mona, so no one will dare to mess with us."

Mona was now sitting on Lisa's shoulder to lessen the burden on Yiren and also reached out with her tail.

"There, there. I don't really understand what is going on, but hope you get better," Mona cheered, patting Yiren on the head.

"Well, it's just that Yiren has a special connection with our husband, so she feels everything he does," Lisa explained simply.

"Oh!" Mona exclaimed in realization. "Isn't he a pervert then?"

Yiren and Lisa chuckled.

"Maybe a little, but it's us, his wives, that always want more," Lisa replied with a shrug. "We can't blame him. He is trying his best to satisfy us all."

"I see…"

Mona didn't question anymore, seemingly deep in thought. It was for the better as it was finally their turn to enter the city. Lisa helped Yiren stand straight as she grasped her hand, but thankfully, the City Guards didn't bother them much, letting them inside the city after explaining the basic rules of the Safe Zone.

Surprisingly, they didn't even question them about Mona, only reminding them they are responsible for any damage that the Beast causes.

"Sir, I have one question," Lisa inquired just as they sent them off. "Where is the Teleportation Station?"

"Oh, it's right across the Central Bank. You will see it as there is usually a long queue for it. Once you set up your Identification Card, you can legally use the Teleportation Station with the cost of one Upgrade Fragment," the City Guard explained casually as he gave them a second look. "If you plan to use it today then I'm afraid it's not possible. The access at night is reserved for special cases only. I suggest you stay the night at the inn and queue up tomorrow morning."

"Oh, thank you!" Lisa nodded happily and pulled Yiren with her, heading towards the open City Gate.


They already walked a few steps when they heard the Guard call after them. Lisa wasn't even surprised, rolling her eyes in secret.

"Are you two alone? I and my buddy will finish our shift soon. If you want, we help you skip your queue tomorrow. You can even stay at our place for the night to save some money and we can go with you to the Teleportation Station in the morning. What do you think?" the City Guard proposed as he smiled coolly.

He didn't seem to expect what happened right after.

"Cough, cough!" the City Guard cleared his throat repeatedly as his face grew pale. He clutched his throat as he gazed at the girls with fear.

"I-I'm sorry… Forgive me…" he pleaded, confusing Lisa who didn't feel anything at all.

"Mona, leave him alone. He was just trying to be nice."

Yiren's order finally made her realize, who was the culprit. She saw Mona stare sternly at the City Guard, but hearing Yiren, she calmed down, sitting back straight.

The City Guard breathed in right after, gasping for breath while taking a few steps back from them.

Yiren fought back her condition as she bowed to the guard and apologized, "We are sorry. Our Celestial Fox is quite protective of us. She didn't mean any harm."

"Celest—" the City Guard repeated in shock and quickly waved his hands. "No, no, please, don't apologize. It was my fault for approaching so directly. Please enjoy your stay."

Instead of getting angry, it was the City Guard who bowed, even deeper than Yiren.

"Mhmm, thank you," Yiren nodded in gratitude and pulled Lisa away, "Let's go…"

"Mona, what was that? You can't attack people in the City," Lisa scolded a little further away, but Mona didn't seem to care much.

"His intentions were impure."

Hu… Hu...

Lisa wanted to scold her more when Yiren almost stumbled, her breaths visually quickening.

"Are you okay…?" Lisa held her up in worry, seeing Yiren was even redder than before, and decided on the spot. "Let's find an inn to rest—"

"No," Yiren cut her off, suddenly standing up with new determination in her eyes. "I'm fine. Let's settle everything today. We don't have time. We need to reach Xuefeng before the Finals begin."

Lisa knew that determined gaze, already seeing it before.

'She is becoming more and more like her mother, huh…' Lisa realized and didn't hesitate, pulling her forward.

"Let's go then. The earlier we finish the sooner you can rest," Lisa announced.

Just like Nuwa, there was no way she could convince Yiren to give up now.