

"Gardener Aporel: "Ah! my day is almost over

I have rheumatism in my knees and it's hard for me to run now. It's a blessing to have mud on your feet, a rash on your nose, and no pneumonia on your fingers. All my hair is dyed, my teeth are dyed,

I'm getting quite fat even though I'm very thin. Mushroom, my tongue is tangled.

Now all my carts and shovels came from somewhere. My water...'"

Larry laughed and roared and Pip tumed called Fatty in the Back. Bet on Daisy on the carpet. "Stop it." Bets said. "Stop it, you fat bastard!" how come! »

He's not breathing anymore. "Is enough?" he said "I just felt the tip of the shovel when I emptied the cistern..."

"Don't do it, you fat bastard!" Beth begged again and smiled desperately. - Oh, how are you?

The only remedy is silence, smile, no laughter. He sat on the edge of the chair. He was shocked. I swallowed something greasy. He couldn't see her. "Surprised, all of a sudden?" - Fat asked cheerfully. "Pome, what do you think of Em?" I'm sorry you didn't finish it. You could have read it instead of what I said."

M was even more surprised. Smile at Fatty. "What do you think it will be like when I finish this format?" in a surprised voice. "Well, that's your joke, isn't it?" - Fat said cheerfully. "I just went through it. I think you're working your hole too hard, Em. In other words, you want to throw them away. Similar -

"Princess Bongawi was so small and cute.

Princesses are beautiful from head to toe. Servant of She had ada Mbiname, a very powerful youth,

Who liked to protect him without being surprised..."

The main umbrella! Everyone shouted except Em. There were louder noises and laughter. He did not participate. He didn't understand how Fatty could be so smart. Fatty hit him. "Ern!" wake up! You stand there without smiling, you look crazy. How are you?"

"You're a genius, Fatty, it happens." Em said. "Other people don't know because they don't know how hard it is to write a message. But Ido. And you're sitting there - and . . ."

"Send." maily said. "It's easy, stuff like that. I'm famous, M. Anyone can do it if they put their mind to it.

- But that's it. Era said. "You don't even think about it. It's like adding yourself. It comes out. If I could do that, I'd think I'm smarter than the King of England."

- Then you are wrong. maily said. "Come on M. It will be pitiful that one day I won't be able to write fast enough to run out of charity."

Emm sighed as she looked at the dirty notebook. "I'm proud to have met you, Mai. If other people don't recognize genius when they see it, I do. I'm not that smart, but I know a good brain when I meet them. I'm a genius for you.

What a wonderful speech by Em. Others looked at him in amazement. Did Em have more to do than they suspected? The bets went through Mai's hand. — You are right, M. He said. "I think Fatty is a genius too. But it's not just poetry. Of everything!"

Mayly looked happy, but he was very angry. He waved Beth's hand. He coughed politely and then coughed again, trying to say something. But Larry said it first. "that

He took it, it was a coffin

they took him'

- He spoke in a solemn and sinister tone. Then the meeting exploded with laughter, shouts and vibrations. Ern was delighted. He had some really cool friends!