

To the field

That afternoon, Fatty began to sincerely "investigate". She had studied the cards, but she hadn't learned much from them. Apparently the little prince joined in a field song the night he disappeared, then drank some chocolate and went to his tent with the other three boys he shared it with. These three guys were all able to help. They were tired and fell asleep immediately, they had fallen into sleeping bags. When they awoke, it was morning and the prince's sleeping bag was empty. That was all they could say. There's not much to do, Fatty thought. "I guess someone kidnapped the boy. I have to interview Emand Sid and Perce, although I don't expect either of them to know anything - and I have to poke around the camp a bit and keep my ears open too."

That afternoon he cycled to Pip's house and found Larry and Daisy there. "Anyone have any connections at the campground?" Dicke asked. "I don't have as many relatives as you. Larry – can't you show a cousin or something that might stay at camp?"

"No," Larry said. "And you, Pip?

"What are the schools up there?" said Pip. "Where is the diary? Isawalist of them today.

They perused the list carefully. "Ah, there are boys from

Lillington-Peterhouse, said Pip. "I know one of my cousins ​​who goes there. He may be at camp.

" What's his name ? asked Fatty. "Ronald Hilton," Pip said. "He's better than me."

"We could search the Lillington-Peterhouse property," Dicke said, "and ask about Ronald. When he's there, you can have a powwow and the rest of us will sniff around and keep our ears open.

"I don't really want to pau-wow with Ronald," Pip said. "He'll think it's a bad cheek. I'm telling you, he's older than me."

"Are you aware this might be a secret?" said Fatty sternly. "I know it doesn't sound like a mystery at all, and we kind of got off to a bad start - but it is a possible mystery, so it's your job to do what you can, Pip."

"Good," Pip said sheepishly. "So I'll do a powwow. But if I get a clip in my ear, come save me

Arouse a lot of interest in the kidnapping of a little foreign prince.

"Norcan I," Daisy admitted. "But you never know. I bet we don't get much out of Em or Sid or Perce, Fatty. They wouldn't know if it was under their noses!"

"Do you have your bikes, Larry and Daisy?" asked Fatty. "Come on, let's go then. We won't use the ferry, we'll go around the bridge and up to camp. It's not far by bike.

They left, with Buster in Fatty's basket as usual. He sat there, perky and proud, looking through the nose at every other dog he encountered. "If you get any bigger, I can't keep you in my basket any longer, Buster," Fatty gasped as he struggled up a hill. "Wow," Buster nodded politely. He turned around and tried to lick Fatty's nose, but Fatty dodged it. They finally arrived at the camp. It was in a very large field, sloping down to the river on one side. Here and there were clusters of trees. Tents were everywhere and smoke rose from where the food was cooking. The boys rushed in, screaming and laughing. The Find-Outers lean their bikes against a hedge. Grease said to a passing boy. "Tell me! Where's the Lillington-Peterhouse lot?"

The boy threw his head towards their river. "Last tents over there."

The five children went to the tents. Pip looked nervous. Here he did not like to turn to a cousin who was two years older than him, and much older. He hoped not to see it. But within seconds, he was slapped on the back and a happy-faced boy, two inches taller than Pip, yelled at him. "Philip! What are you doing? Don't say you came to see me!"

Pippo turned around. He smiled. "Hi Ronald!" He said. "Tes, I've come to see you. Terrible cheeks of me. I hope you do not mind."

It was fun to hear that Pip was given his correct name, Philip. Pip introduced his cousin to the others. Ronald stared at Fatty. "I say! Aren't you the one Philip always gasses, the one who works for the police or something?"

Fatty looked modest. "Well, sometimes I help the police," he admitted. "Do you have a job now?" Ronald asked enthusiastically. "Come and tell us!" "No, no, I can't," said Ciccio. "We only came here to see you - and out of interest because of the young prince's disappearance."

"Oh, that boy!" Ronald said and led them all to a very spacious tent. "Don't worry about him! Goodbye, I say! It was the most terrifying little beast you could imagine!

In the tent there was a wooden table on which were placed plates with jam sandwiches, meat sandwiches, rolls and slices of fruit cake. Pitchers of lemonade were spaced the length of the table. "You're doing great!" Larry said. "Help yourself," Ronald said. "I'm helping with the catering this week – chef and bottle washer, you know. It's a little early for tea but everything is ready and you might as well have what you want before the hungry hordes rush in.

They each received plates and piled them with food. It really hadn't been more than an hour since they'd finished their lunch, but that didn't matter. They could all eat hungry at any time of the day or night, including Buster, who was now sniffing under the table, picking up all sorts of tasty morsels. Ronald brought them back to the field, with plates of food, and took them to the river. "Come on, let's sit and eat here in peace," he said. "My word, Trotteville, I am happy to meet you. Philip has told countless stories about you from time to time - and I have told them to my friends.


Fatty told him a couple of times and had a lot of fun. Pip was bored. His cousin didn't notice him, he was so involved with Fatty. Foo

finished his work and got up. He motioned to Larry. "Come on, let's go," he said. "Maybe we can pick up something."

They wandered around the field. Nobody paid them much attention. Larry stopped a guy who had passed. "Where did Prince Bongawah's tent sleep?" he asked him. "Over there, if you're interested!" the boy said cheekily and hurriedly left. Pip and Larry went to the tent he indicated. Three boys were sitting outside eating sandwiches. They were all around Pip's age. "Good tent, yours," Larry told the boys. It was really a very nice tent, much better than any other tent around.