
Mistaken Actor

mtl of I was mistaken as a monstrous genius actor

MCaldweezy · セレブリティ
88 Chs

289 - History 4

I Was Mistaken as a Monstrous Genius Actor - Chapter 289


< History (4) >

Kang Woo-jin arrived at the 'Leech' comprehensive set in Jeonju. As soon as he appeared, the shouts of the staff spread through the radio to the scene where about 100 staff members were busy running around.

"Kang Woo-jin has arrived!!"

Meanwhile, Woojin sensed that the atmosphere on the set he often saw was unusual.

'Wow – isn't the air a bit heavy?'

It was worth it. If there are no problems, crank up the 'Leech' today. That means it will be the last day of filming. Everyone's spirit is extraordinary. It was a sight that Kang Woo-jin had become quite familiar with.

'The 'Unfamiliar' teams were also like this.'

Although it may be an 'unfamiliar parasite' in recent times, the atmosphere of all the works I have worked on so far has been consistent.

They usually don't do anything in moderation, but when they reach the end, their energy is double that of usual.

'Well, I understand. Yujong's beauty? Or because it feels like the last exam day.'

In particular, the goal of 'Leech' is not to be released domestically. Cannes is the world's largest international film festival. In order to observe the battlefield, everyone, including director Ang Bok, actors, and staff, worked hard to observe the battlefield.

There's no way this day doesn't have meaning for everyone.

Therefore, Woojin has a poker face.

'Phew – I'm strangely nervous, I think I'll have to work harder than usual.'

I declared to myself, trying hard to hide my heartbeat that was gradually increasing. Let's push it a little further. Whether it's acting or something else. Well, I've never done it in moderation before, but this kind of determination isn't a bad thing, right?

The more he did this, the harder Woojin's face became, but he did not stop controlling his mind.

The place where Kang Woo-jin arrived after harming many staff members was in front of a large tent used as the actors' waiting room. The entire cast had already arrived and were waiting. Great actors Shin Shim-ho, Oh Hee-ryeong, Jin Jae-jun, Han So-jin, etc. Of course, Kang Woo-jin was not late. It was only quick because they stayed at a lodging nearby here yesterday.


"Well, I'm here."

Standing in front of the actors, director Anga Bok, who had short white hair and more wrinkles, smiled slightly at Woojin. In his hand was a filming storyboard. It's probably today's and the last storyboard for 'Leech'.

Kang Woo-jin bowed his head to director Ahn Ga-bok and lowered his voice.

"Yes, director."

Woojin also greeted all the actors, including his seniors. Most people get it in moderation. The expressions of all actors were serious. It's no different from the atmosphere on site today. I am already concentrating. Woojin felt a little sad inside, but she soon went with the flow.

Director Angabok Angabok was giving his final words to the actors.

"You don't have to rush too hard just to crank it up. "Let's go the same way as usual, the same way."

Since director Ang Bok originally didn't do much directing, his advice on the final filming wasn't very long either.

"Okay then, let's do it. The starting group is Hanho and Woojin. "Standby in 30 minutes."

A few tens of minutes later.

Filming for 'Leech' has begun in earnest.

"Hey – action."

The first scene of the day started with Kang Woo-jin and Shim Shim-ho. Woojin, who brought out 'Park Ha-seong', and Shin Shim-ho, who showed 'Chairman Yoon Jeong-bae', had a quiet sparkle. Sensitive and tight. Not only the two actors, but the entire scene was like that. About a hundred staff members kept their mouths shut, director Ga-bok Ang looked at the monitor, and actors spent time watching the performance rather than the tent.

There it is.

'As expected – the atmosphere on set is hot, and my mouth is dry.'

'Have you always felt like this? 'Isn't it burdensome to take pictures?'

Reporters also observed the site today. Of course, the visit was for promotional purposes. Because I had to let the world know about cranking up. In addition, five or six making teams were also busy working.

like that.

"Cut, back to the back composition."

The filming speed for 'Leech' has increased. Kang Woo-jin and Shim Shim-ho's cut was completed in about an hour, and Oh Hee-ryeong was brought in right away. A solo cut of about 30 minutes. Next is Kang Woo-jin and Oh Hee-ryeong again. Next, Jin Jae-jun. Shin Shim-ho and Jin Jae-jun.

Numerous actors are replaced and the sets are also changed.

About 100 staff members moved in perfect order.

"Add a reflector here!!"


Even as time melts, the concentration remains thick. The filming started early in the morning, but quickly passed lunch and entered the afternoon. There were breaks along the way, but no one took a proper break.

The same was true for Kang Woo-jin.

'Oh, now that I think about it, did I enter subspace today?'

Woojin, who normally would have entered subspace several times to rest, did not enter subspace at all today. I ran, distracted by the momentum and flow of the scene. While waiting for his turn, Kang Woo-jin spread out his hands and looked down. Although he was slightly sticky from sweat, he also felt a strange thrill.

'It's not bad, this feeling.'

If it's a lot, it's a lot. If it's a little, it's a little experience. Nevertheless, a tingling sensation always enveloped my entire body.

'Something like walking on a tightrope?'

It was a single line with the highlands visible just ahead. It is shaky and dangerous, but the thrill is doubled if you cross this single rope.

It was already late lunch.

The sky is dark. However, the 'leech' scene camped out on the comprehensive set was sparkling with various lights.


It is so vibrant, as if life will continue endlessly. And about an hour later.

"Cut, next!"

Soon, director Ang Bok, who was sitting in front of the monitor, called the two actors. It was Kang Woo-jin and Jin Jae-jun in full suits. It was meant to be a simple rehearsal of the route prior to filming.

"······Please take care of me."

"Yes, director."

"All right."

In fact, it was veteran coach Anga Bok's own support. Because the scene to be filmed now was the last part of the filming storyboard for 'Leech'.

In other words, the final filming scene has arrived.

Meanwhile, L.A.

Spacious conference room. You can see tiny buildings outside the large window. The night view is gorgeous. That means that this conference room is high. The scenery outside had such a grand feeling that I thought it was indeed LA. Of course, this conference room itself was amazing.

The size was enormous, but the decoration was unusual.

The L-shaped desk in the center looked like it could comfortably seat 50 people, and the numerous movie posters on the walls were all representative hits of Hollywood. Above all, the furniture and other fixtures were of high quality, reminding me of a luxurious hotel room.

Many foreigners flocked to that conference room.

Bald, fat, thin, tall, bulky, etc. At first glance, foreigners have a variety of appearances. Close to at least 20 people. They were all figures of some sort in Hollywood.

among them.

'oh my god.'

ㅁNow, a foreign woman sitting in the middle of the desk caught my eye. It was Megan Stone, a famous Hollywood casting director, with short brown hair and a suit. She was slightly impressed by the people gathered in her conference room.

'······Pre-production hasn't even started in earnest, and you've already assembled a team like this?'

Even all of them were talented people with outstanding skills and reputation. Of course, Meghan also knew more than half of the people, so she had finished saying hello. Even now, everyone was busy chatting with each other with relaxed expressions.

'okay. Just by looking at it, you can tell that he is determined. Of all the teams I've seen recently, I think they're the strongest.'

Is this really 'Universal Movies', a large film company that is treated like a dinosaur even in Hollywood? Recently, Megan was also cast. Well, in the market called Hollywood, it is a common sight to see the team being put together as extravagantly as possible for each project, but this was the first time I had seen Megan grow so much even before hiring a director.

'Gathering this many characters in the beginning is a bit difficult with the power of 'Universal Movies' alone.'

At that moment, a famous producer flashed through Megan's mind. The man that 'Universal Movies' is putting a lot of effort into recruiting. Obviously, if the film company was large, it would be easy to gather talented people, but the key thing that was really needed was an executive producer who could exert the most power in film production.

In Hollywood, the influence of producers is several times stronger than that of directors.

at that time.


A giant suddenly appeared in a rather bustling conference room. It was Joseph Felton, a giant who looked like he was huge even when looking at his chin, dressed in black on top and bottom. After leisurely entering with a few members of his team, he moved towards the head of the table while briefly saying hello to the talented people sitting at the M-shaped desk.

Meanwhile, Joseph even exchanged a brief eye contact with Meghan.

Whatever it is.



The dozen or so talented people in the conference room fell silent at the appearance of Joseph Felton. All I see is a giant standing at the head of the table. As expected, Joseph, a black man, had a unique force. He has a small smile, but the energy he exudes is not easy. He was so big that people looked down on him.



Joseph, who was spitting softly, looked at everyone and spat out English.

"Nice to meet you, this is Joseph Felton, the executive producer of this film. There are some people I haven't seen in a long time and some I saw a few days ago. haha."

His simple greeting eased the slightly stiff atmosphere. I saw a few foreigners waving to Joseph. At this time, Joseph received the tablet from his subordinate, and the quick-witted members of the conference room also manipulated the tablet in front of them. Then, Joseph opened his mouth again while making eye contact with Megan, who was sitting in the middle.

"First, let me tell you the progress. As you may have heard from me or the film company in advance, the synopsis has begun treatment. "I have judged that the synopsis has been passed on to five writers who can write this work well."

At that moment, caddy Megan recalled the synopsis shown to the film company when she was scouted.

'The motif is Jekyll and Hyde. It also includes dissociative personality disorder, so it definitely won't be easy to solve.'

Although the film production systems of Korea and Hollywood have similarities, they also show completely different aspects. First, the film company creates the basic concept or synopsis of the movie. After that, a producer is hired, and the hired producer hands over the completed synopsis to famous Hollywood screenwriters.

Of course, these screenwriters have not been confirmed.

It's closer to picking a completed scenario later. After that, he contacts a film director and builds a team. This was the basic base of Hollywood. Of course, famous directors in Hollywood also serve as producers, and this is only possible for top-tier directors in Hollywood.

Anyway, Joseph, who had been briefing for several dozen minutes, put down the tablet he was looking at and smiled.

"As you all know, this is the most sensitive and time-consuming section. However, since the investment part has already been resolved, the speed will pick up from the moment the scenario is released."

After finishing speaking, Joseph focused his attention on the caddy team. That is, it was Meghan.

"Since you have already seen the synopsis, the Caddy team, please make a list of worthy actors from now on. "Please contact me at any time if you need anything."

Megan, sweeping her brown hair, nodded.

"Yes, of course."

The meeting continued for about two hours. There was some simple chatting, but there were also serious talks about film production. When the meeting ended, the gathered talented people said their goodbyes and left the spacious conference room.

However, Joseph, the giant standing at the head of the table, remained.


Megan was attached to him. Joseph, who was talking to the team members, turned his head to see his popularity.

"Megan, please take care of us this time as well, following 'Last Kill 3'."

"me too."

Megan answered briefly and glanced at Joseph's team members. Joseph was a quick-witted man. He turned to the teams.

"There are people out there first."

Soon, only Joseph and Megan remained in the conference room. It was Meghan who opened the door first.

"You were the one who recommended me to this movie, right?"

"hmm? well."

"I don't have a very deep relationship with 'Universal Movies.'"

"What's important is ability. I think highly of your abilities, Megan."

Megan, who was quietly looking up at the smiling Joseph, cleared her throat slightly.

"Thank you very much."

"List of actors. Please, please collect it from now on. "Regardless of the role, first of all, in order of good form."

Megan, who paused for a moment, let out a small breath and said.

"Honestly, when I saw this synopsis, Kang Woo-jin came to mind. Especially in the area of ​​dissociative personality disorder. Kang Woo-jin freely expresses himself in his acting."

"i know."

Joseph cut off Megan and crossed his arms.

"You're not the only one he's greedy for. "He was looking for a piece that would fit well."

"······What do you mean?"

Joseph's answer to the question was simple.

"It means that the choice of this work was all intentional."

< History (4) > End