
Missed Marriage : Loving Losing

Two days before the proposal ceremony, her future husband brought her a wedding invitation that made her taste the most terrible hell of love. "What do you mean?". Liana asked with tears starting to fill her eyes. "Sorry, because I will marry another woman". Danu Prayoga answered without guilt. At that moment, her world felt like it was collapsing, her heart was crushed, mixed with a great sense of shame. How should she explain everything to her extended family? ... After her illness was betrayed, Lia changed jobs. She accidentally met the nephew of one of the President Directors of a well-known hospital in the city center where her ex-husband worked. The man was very cold and domineering. However, he has a warm heart. His name is Marvin Alexander. Will Lia be able to heal her wounds? Find the story by reading each chapter in this novel!

Linayanti · 都市
163 Chs

Trust me.

Lia stopped, tears started to fall down her cheeks, she wiped her tears with her right hand. Lia feels very sad when she remembers the cause of her mother's death.

The grudge in her heart is not over yet, she is still looking for a way to avenge her hurt with Ratna and Danu.

From behind, a car horn sounded several times, but Lia didn't pay any attention to the noise. A jet black luxury car stopped right beside Lia, and a familiar man came out with his trademark hairstyle.

The man held out a handkerchief to Lia. "Wear this, your face looks really ugly when you cry". Lia was surprised to hear the man's voice, Lia saw a long, smooth white hand holding a bone white handkerchief.

Lia was surprised to see Akiko's presence. "You?". Why are you suddenly here? Are you following me on purpose? Lia asked confidently.

"Hahaha… What a strange girl! "Here, wipe your tears first." Akhiko held out the handkerchief.