
MINE Crush

Eli had a crush on a boy back in high school named Alan. Alan one day comes back to Eli's home town and the two start to hangout again. Eli's feelings for Alan become stronger as they spend time together, but Alan has a new girlfriend which makes Eli kids his feelings like back in high school. But Eli isn't the only one that is Love Sick and Heart Broken. ...

RGC0rp5e · 現実
6 Chs

Chapter 6

"The next morning."

"Ugh, why can't you just leave now?"


"What? I don't like such a gross fag around me or you."

I looked to the side and heard Alan stand up. 

"Don't call him that!"

"But it's true. He's a disgrace to God. He is a weird cunt that likes guys! Spoiler, boys can't like boys!"

I crossed my arms and dug my nails into my arms. 

"I don't like you hanging out with him, Alan.."

"Do I care? No... I like to hangout with my friends."

"But he's a creep that's just trying to get with my boyfriend!"

"What!? Heather, you're speaking nonsense..."

"It's true! I over-"

I clenched my teeth then looked at her.

"I don't know what the hell I did to you but can you fuck off! I've done nothing to be mean to you ever since I've met you but all you've done is be bitchy! I'm going to hangout with him as much as I want! I don't care if you're pregnant.. for all I know it's another man's child.. that's another thing! You talk so highly about how much you love Alan yet cheat on him. You don't deserve him, you don't deserve anyone but an insecure clown like yourself! I'm not as soft and sweet and kind as you think.. You got that, bitch!?"

Her eyes widened then it hit me and I looked at Alan. I covered my mouth. 

"You're.. What?.."

"I'm sorry..!"

I quickly left the room and went to the guest room. I closed the door then sat on the bed.

"Why do I ruin things..? This is my fault.."

I sat in the room for a bit then got up. I opened the door and walked down the hallway then stopped when I got to a room with the door partially opened, and Alan talking to someone.

"Sir, why can't I just finish the work now?"


"Sir, please I-"


"Huh, yes sir..."


"Yes sir..."




"Yes. I... I understand, sir..."

He put the phone down and turned around. I quickly hid behind the door and held my breath.

"Who's there?"

I walked into view and put my hands up.

"I-I'm sorry, I... Just wanted to see if you were okay... I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to eavesdrop... S-s-sorry..."

I covered my face embarrassed and heard him walk up to me, him grabbing my hands from in front of my face and pulled them to the side. 

"I'm not an eavesdropper, I-I swear! P-p-please don't hate me, I didn't hear anything bad."

I looked to the side and tightly closed my eyes.

"As if I could hate you. It's not a big deal and I'm not mad at you."

I looked at him and let my arms drop.


"Y...yes, hah"

My face got warm at him mocking my stuttering. He sighed and leaned back on his desk looking down at the ground.

"Are.. you okay?"

"I'm such an idiot... how long has she been saying stuff like that to you?"

"Only once or twice."

He wiped hair out of his face and looked to the side, I saw tears roll down his cheek before he whipped his eyes. I went up to him and hugged him, he hugged me tightly and I felt tears drip on my shoulder. I hugged him tighter and he squeezed my shirt. I heard him start to cry harder and I felt my heart break more.

"Eli, I'm sorry you have to see me like this."

"Alan, you don't need to be sorry."

He hugged me tighter.

"I do. I feel like I always need to be strong when I'm with you. Like I always need to impress you but here I am... crying in front of you."

"Alan, I-"

He let go of me and wiped his tears away. 

"I think you're still strong even if you cry."

He stared at me and smiled, hugging me again.

"I'm sorry you had to find out because I was mad.."

"I doubt that she would have told me anytime soon."

He hugged me tighter, pressing me against him and he bared his face in the groove of my neck. I stood there and burned up by his breath against my neck. He let go of me and looked at me. 

"You should go to bed. You had a long day and tomorrow is also going to be a long day."

I nodded then backed away. 

"Good night, Alan."

He softly smiled. 

"Good night, Eli."

I went back to the guest room and got ready for bed then went to bed. 

* *<3* *< p>

Fun fact: Alan used to play baseball, and basketball but then stopped because he didn't like them and his dad thought it was a waste of time

* *

It was pretty much the same as yesterday when I got ready other than it was Alan, Heather, and I going to my new apartment building and not the mall. We got to the Apartment and went in then up to the fiftieth floor then my room. The door was open and I walked in. The room was so much bigger than before and so much prettier and fancier. I looked over at Kit looking at her little sister with her hand on her hips. Joy was helping Mike build something while watching.

"You are noy going to dress like that, little miss."

"What!? But it's not even that bad.."

"No, I'm not letting you walk around half naked in an area I don't know.."

"Ughh, you're not my mom.."

"No but I'm your big sister and mom isn't here right now..if she was, she would be saying the same thing.."

"What if I go with one of you guys?"

Kit stared at her then sighed.

"Mike, can you make sure my sister doesn't get hurt or kidnapped?"

"Sure, sure."

He got up and the two left. I went and sat beside Joy, she hugged me then smiled at me. Alan sat where Mike was and helped Joy then looked at Kit.

"I didn't know you had a sister."

"Actually I have five, three older and two younger."

"Are your parents rabbits?"

"Haha... hah.. I'm starting to believe that myself..."

"Your parents are so nice though!"

"Yeah, yours aren't.."

"Joy's parents are scary..."

"Funny enough.. they were nicer to you then anyone, Mike."

"Why Mike?"

"Well, at a time my parents still had hope that I wasn't gay so they would be really nice to him hoping we would date."

"Pfft, you and Mike!?"

I started to laugh and Joy crossed her arms.

"I know... it's just weird to think about. I've always seen them as my sons, especially my lovely Eli! Parents are weird."

"They sound weird."

"Oh yeah, so your bedroom is done, so is the kitchen, and bathroom."

"Huh? How did you get all that done?"

"I didn't."

"Mike did. He stayed over here until one or two getting as much as he could."


They both nodded and I smiled to myself.

"So all that needs to be done is the main room, which means that you could move in tonight. Actually.. We should probably go grocery shopping."

Joy grabbed my hand and got up. 

"We'll be back."

"Okay, have fun,"

"We will."

We left and went to Joy's car, getting in it.

"While we're out might as well take a little trip and see what you have walking distant."

She turned and drove around. 

"You should take note of things that you might want to go to later."

"I'm taking mentally notes as we go."

"Mhm.. I'm sure."

"Heehee, I am though."

"Uhh, fine. You're too cute not to believe."

We got to the grocery store, went in and came out like an hour later with a lot of stuff then went back to the apartment, grabbing everything and went up on the elevator then brought it to my apartment and into the kitchen. I started putting stuff away then went back to the living room and kept helping with stuff. We then got pizza for dinner, ate, then finished up, pretty much just hanging out. 

"And then Mike ran into the glass door, hahahaha."

"Why do you always have to tell that story?"

Joy looked at Mike. 

"Because it's funny."

"Well, if we're telling funny stories then here's one. Eli, Joy, and I were all hanging out at her house and at the time her mom just bought her a new bed set."

"Mike.. No.."

"It was in fact a white bed set and little miss Joy was not a fan of it so she would complain about it. So this one time she grabbed a bottle of paint and was pretending to put it all over her bed. Long story short, I went up behind her, squeezed her waist and she emptied the whole bottle onto her white blankets, pillows, and sheets."

"You're suck a dick sometimes, Mike..."

"Hey, Eli found it funny back then."

"Yeah, well at least he tried to help me after. You just stood there laughing.."

"Because it was hilarious!"

Joy crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at Mike. I giggled to myself at them.

"If it makes you feel better you can tell any embarrassing story about me you want and I won't say a thing."

"Oh, you are going to regret that."

He looked at me and shrugged.

"Most definitely but whatever."

"Actually, kit and I should go. It's getting late but I'll pop in tomorrow to see how your first night went."

"Okay, thanks for the help."

"Of course, my boy."

Kit and Joy got up and said bye then left. I looked at Alan.

"I left my stuff at your house. Do you think we can go get it?"


He smiled then got up.

"Mike, you want to come?"

"Nah. I'm just gonna chill here until Eli's back."


I got up and so did Heather then we left and went to Alan's house, then I went in as well as Heather. Alan just said he'd wait in his car. I grabbed my stuff then turned, looking at Heather.

"You fuckin count! You weren't supposed to tell him!"

"If he's the dad then he should know.."

"I'm so glad you're leaving. I hope I never see you again and I hope you never get to see Alan again."

I sighed then walked passed her not saying and left the house, going into Alan's car. He drove out of the driveway and back to the apartment.

"So, I guess your visit is over. It was great having you over though. I hope you know you can come over whenever you want and text or call me whenever, okay?"

I looked at him and nodded.


"I hope you had an okay stay. I'm sorry about Heather... she's a lot."

"It's okay. I knew that there were going to be people like that when I found out I was gay. It sucks but everyone has an opinion at the end of the day. Whether or not they share it or not."

"Yeah but she shouldn't have tried to make you uncomfy.. I don't want her lies to get in your head because they're not true."

"I know."

I smiled and he looked at me then smiled. I looked out the window, zoning out then back in when we parked. I turned to Alan and unbuckled then grabbed my stuff.

"I'll talk to you soon."


"Have a good night."

"You two, Alan. thank you for everything."

"It's nothing. My house is your house too."

I smiled then waved bye and went in, and up to my apartment. I walked in and Mike looked at me laying down on the couch.

"Are you staying the night?"

"Yeppers! I thought it would be nice with someone for the first night."

"Well, I'm going to take a shower soo, fall asleep if you want."

"Sounds good to me."

I went to my room and looked at the king size bed then at the fancy room. I smiled, put my stuff down then went to my dresser and pulled out clean clothes, bringing them in the bathroom. I looked at the shower then down at the bath connected to it. I put the plug in the bath and filled it up with warm water, closing and locking the bathroom door once I grabbed a towel and hair elastic. I got undressed then turned off the water and sat in the water, putting my hair up as best as I could. I sighed, smiled and leaned into the water, sitting there relaxing. I took off my glasses and put them on the edge, closing my eyes. I sat there for a bit then started to clean myself and my hair, getting out and pulling the plug. I dried myself off and got dressed in clean clothes, walking out and back to my room. I looked at the empty bed and went to the living room, looking down at the gamer playing a game and watching tv. He looked at me and sat up, patting the spot beside him. I sat down and He looked back down at his phone and zoned out. I sat on my knees and watched him play his game. He got killed and leaned his head back, making an annoyed noise. 

"I can't beat this damn boss!"

I giggled and sat down, looking at him as he looked at me and put his phone in front of me.

"Wanna give it a try?"


I grabbed his phone and looked down at it, Mike looking at the screen. I pressed play and started off well then died. 

"Shit, that's a hard boss."

"Mhm. Hey, did you thank Alan?"

"Of course. I wouldn't be able to forget to tell him. I mean, he runs through my mind twenty four seven."

"That's true."

I pressed play again and tried again, this time beating the time I died at.

"His stomach is his weakness, go for that!"

I did as he said and held my breath as I defeated the boss, letting out a surprised sigh. 

"Holy shit, you actually beat him!" 

We both looked at each other and I smiled, high fiving him.

"Good job, dude."

I handed him his phone back and leaned back against the couch, looking at the tv. We stayed up for a couple of hours then Mike got tired, making me go to my room to let him sleep. I almost instantly flopping onto it. I sighed and spread out my arms, feeling overwhelmingly comfy.

"It's soo comfy!" 

I laid there for a couple of seconds then side then I got up and turned my light off then got undressed, heading to bed. I laid under my blankets and laid there staring up at the ceiling. I took off my glasses and put them on my nightstand with my plugged in phone. I laid on my side and closed my eyes, with some time passing then me falling asleep.

* *<3* *< p>

Fun Fact: Alan has a piercing on his tongue, due to losing a bet.

* *

"Eli.. Eli!"

I sat up quickly and looked at Mike.

"Are you okay? You were crying in your sleep.."

I put my hand to my cheek then wiped my eye.

"Yeah.. I think."

"Do you know what your dream was?"

I shook my head and grabbed my glasses, putting them on. Mike pulled his beeping phone out of his pocket and stood up.

"I have to go, Nova needs me."


"See ya."


He left the room and I heard the front door open then close. I got up and got dressed, going to the bathroom to wash up. I went to my kitchen and made myself food then sat on the couch with the food, turning the tv on. I ate my food then watched the tv closely, soon hearing a knock on the door. I looked over at it then got up and opened the door.

"Eli, my boy!"

Joy jumped on me and hugged me tightly. I looked at Kit with a shocked face, making Kit giggle. Joy let go of me and walked into my apartment, me watching her then I looked at Kit walking in and joined Joy on the couch. I closed the door and grabbed my empty plate, quickly bringing and putting it in the sink. I walked back into the living room and looked at Joy laying her head on Kit's lap, as she played with her hair.

"So, when are you going to confess your feelings for the tall, tan, dark eyed, and dark haired, Alan?"

"This again, joy...?"

"I want to know."

"I don't know.."

"Soo, tell him. Doesn't have to be now. Maybe, call him over, have a couple of drinks, go out for dinner, anything would be nice then tell him. After all the stalking and feelings going crazy for years."


"Look, call him when you're ready to but don't wait another seven years to."

"Joy, maybe we should talk about something else?"

"Yeah... Yeah... Okay. Are you planning on getting any pets?"

I looked at them and sat on a stool that was under the coffee table.


"Why not? It would be perfect."

"You do work at a pet store."

"That's true but... I don't even know what kind of animal I would get."

"Oh, a ferret! You would so fit being a ferret dad!"

"I don't..."

"A cat."

"Haha, you just like Pussys Kit."

"Of course."

"I have a question."

They both looked at me.

"What's up?"

Joy raised an eyebrow and rested her chin on her hand that she rested on her thigh.

"How do... hmm- How do l-lesbians have Uh... sex?"

"Ooh, I'll show you."

Joy pulled out her phone and did something on it then handed it to me. I grabbed it and looked down at the video of two girls going at it.


My eyes widened and my face warmed up.

"Fuck- AhAH HhaAh~"

"Ooh, god~ H-ah~"

"Uh.. Uh... UH haAHh~"

I quickly handed Joy her phone back and looked down at the ground extremely embarrassed. Kit started laughing and I covered my face, feeling it get hotter.

"Embarrassed a bit, huh?"

I nodded my head really fast.

"Damn, this is pretty fuckin hot. Kit, look at this."

"Shit, you're right."

I looked up and looked at them both watching it then Joy looked up at me and put her phone down. 

"Sorry, I got distracted."

"It's fine."

"Wait, Eli... You're gay right?"

"Uh, yeah."

"If you're going to ask him what I think you are then he's definitely a bottom."

Joy looked back at Kit and Kit looked at her.

"Have you seen Alan? Eli would soo be the one getting dicked down."

My face got even hotter to the point where I thought it might melt.

"You sure?"

"Yep, positive. Alan would fucking pound him. That's if they fucked."

"Yeah, I see it now."

Kit looked at me then pointed at me and Joy looked at me then smirked.

"Why are you so red?"

"I-um I..."

"Are you thinking about it? Are you thinking about him like that? Are you going... Oh Alan ahh~ Fuck Alaan~?"

I covered my ears and closed my eyes.

"Sh-Shut up! I'm not."

Both of them started laughing and I crossed my arms, looking to the side. I was so embarrassed that I thought dying right then and there won't be so bad. 

"Haha.... I'm sorry Eli, you're just so cute, embarrassed."

"At least she didn't say that in front of him with you."

"Tru tru, Kit. You're so smart."

Kit hugged Joy from the back and kissed the top of her head then rested her head on her shoulder, closing her eyes. Joy played with her hair and looked over at her.

"Hmm, you guys are so cute."

"Thanks, I'm sure You'll be like this with someone one day."


"Don't be silly now. You will, buut... first... You need to tell someone your feelings for them. That's the only way you'll be able to fall for someone else."

I sighed and crossed my arms.

"How about this we watch a movie then after that if you still don't know we go out for lunch?"



Joy grabbed the remote and went to the movie section, looking through them til they found one. Joy got up and got snacks and drinks then came back and turned off the lights, sitting down after. She started the movie and I grabbed my drink. I watched the movie, drinking my juice then put it down and covered my eyes at the jumpscares, screeching at them. I covered my ears and tightly closed my eyes, trying to block out the screams. The screams sent chills down my spine but I tried my best to keep watching it. Another jumpscare happened and I screeched, hiding my face again. I heard Joy giggle and looked over at her.

"I can turn it off."

"No. I'm f-fine."

"If you say so."

She looked at me and squinted my eyes at her.

"What is that face for?"

"I can handle the rest of the movie.."

"You sure?"


"Like I said, if you say so~"

"Watch me, bitch."

"Uhh, haha. Okay."

We continued to watch it and I closed my eyes anytime a Jumpscare would happen but when I opened my eyes Joy was next to me staring at me. 

"Awwh, are you closing your eyes so you don't get scared~"


I looked to the side feeling embarrassed.

"You sooo were~"

"Shhh.. I was just resting my eyes."

She hugged me and giggled. I looked at the movie then looked away quickly. I looked back at the movie and continued to watch. A jump scare and I jumped then turned and hugged Joy tightly, burying my face into her chest. 

"It's just a movie, you're okay."

"I know but it's scary."

"Do you want me to stop it?"

"No. I'm a man. I can watch a horror movie!"

I heard Kit burst out into laughter and looked at her.

"Sorry, sorry but that was fuckin hilarious."

"It's okay to be a scaredy cat, Eli."

I looked at Joy then let her go and went into a ball.

"Maybe we should turn it off, babe."

"No! I can.. I can finish it!"

"Okay, okay."

Joy went back beside Kit and I kept watching, still getting scared by everything until it was done. Kit turned on the lights and looked at me with a worried face.


I nodded quickly then got up and left with them quickly. We went to a cafe and got food then sat down.

"Okay you know what, Eli."

I looked at Joy.

"Call Alan and confess right now."

I choked on my own breath and looked to the side coughing. I stopped and looked at Joy.

"Are you crazy!? No way!"

"Come on, come on! Either you do it or I do it for you."

She smiled and I sighed.



I pulled out my phone and went onto Alan's contacts then held my finger above the call button. I closed my eyes and pressed then put it to my ear and listened to the ringing. It stopped and my heart stopped.

"Hey, Eli!"


"Is something wrong?"

"Uhh well... I umm.. I-I li- I'm sorry!."

I pulled the phone away and hung up then looked up at Joy's and Kit's shocked faces. My phone started to ring and I turned it off then put it down on the table quickly.

"Okay.. uhh scratch that then."

"Good try, Eli."

I felt my face burn to the point where it felt like I had a fever.

"How about we go to the library to change your mind?"

"Yeah! That sounds fun right, Eli?"

I nodded and took a drink from my drink.

"Let's just finish eating then go."

I grabbed my food and ate it slowly, overthinking everything then we left and went to the library. We went in and I looked around then went to the romantic section, looking at all the names and reading some of the backs.

I went to the end of the aisle and bumped into someone, falling on the ground and a book hit my head then fell beside me. I rubbed my head.

"I'm so sorry, I should pay more attention to where I'm walking."

I looked up at a guy with his hand out and a worried face. I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. I dusted myself off and picked up the book, handing it back to him.

"It's alright, things happen."

I smiled and he grabbed the book, smiling back at me. 

"Thank you uhh..."

"Oh, um Eli."

"Cute name. My name's James."

"Thank you, you have a nice name as well."

"Well, nice to meet you, I need to sign this book out. 

"Ooh, yeah! It was nice to meet you too!"


He waved bye then started walking away, me turning to the other books when he left my sight. I went to different sections then left with like five books. I looked outside then watched us drive past my apartment. 

"Uhh, where are we going?"

"Laser tag!!"

We went to the laser tag place and got out. 

"Also, Babe."


"I'm paying."

"What, no."


Joy went to the front door and walked in. Kit looked at me and waited for me to start walking. She opened the door for me and let me in, then walked in after me. We got to Joy and she was with a group of probably around eleven. The worker came and gave all of us our vests, and explained the rules. The game was pretty simple, you had to try and hit as many players of the other team and get their flags down all while trying to not be hit, and if you are hit then you have three strikes then you're out of the game until a new round. After being told everything and we were in our teams of seven, we got in the game. Joy instantly went to a corner and I ended up losing Kit. I sat behind a wall and looked around for the other team. I could hear the firing of the laser. I noticed one of their flags and pointed my gun at it then shot it and got it down. I smiled and slowly left the spot I was in. The place had six different places in the map, so it was pretty easy to just sneak around and shoot the flags. I walked into the fourth room and passed a corner then my arm was grabbed. I got pulled into the corner and landed against the wall then looked at Kit. She pointed her gun out of the corner and fired three times. The sound of a person of the other being downed was sounded through Kit's gun and she looked at me.

"Careful, you almost got hit."


I looked up at her, then smiled.

"Thank you!"

"You're- Shh, someone's walking over here."

I looked at her and she looked a bit out from the corner then sighed. Joy ran from where Kit was and hid behind the same corner as us.

"So update. Our whole team is out."

"For real?"

"For real, for real but there's four of the other team left and none of their flags are left."

"So it's three on four huh?"


"Let's go kick their ass."

"Hell yah!"

Joy ran off and Kit looked at me.

"Coming with?"


She followed Kit and I followed behind both of them then stopped and turned around, hearing someone behind me. I pointed my gun at the person trying to hide then shot when they looked out from the corner. I hit them and went behind a different wall once again waiting and watching. The person looked around confused and I shot again missing then shot twice more and got the person out. I looked down at my gun shocked then smiled and went towards the other two. I got to them and watched them go against the other three players. They got them down then high-fived. After that we went for another three rounds then took a break to get food. 

"That was so much fun!!"

Joy smiled and swad side to side. Kit looked at her and chuckled.

"You're so cute."