
MINE Crush

Eli had a crush on a boy back in high school named Alan. Alan one day comes back to Eli's home town and the two start to hangout again. Eli's feelings for Alan become stronger as they spend time together, but Alan has a new girlfriend which makes Eli kids his feelings like back in high school. But Eli isn't the only one that is Love Sick and Heart Broken. ...

RGC0rp5e · Realistic
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

"You! Now my darling, I have a deal for you. You don't tell the police anything or get anyone too and Mason lives. Got it!?"

I nodded and he let me go. I put my hands on the car and stared down at them then looked back at Seth gone. I quickly went away from the car looking where Seth was then heard footsteps. 

"There you are!"

I looked at Alan and Joy.

"You scared me..."

I looked at Joy.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry."

I turned to her.

"Did you find him?"

She shook her head but then put up a phone.

"We found his phone though."

"I found his car."


I nodded and pointed to the car. She looked over at it then quickly went over. I looked at her and watched her look in his car, not wanting to go over there but also wanting to make sure she was okay.

"What's wrong? You seem freaked out."

I looked at Alan and shook my head.


He stared at me and I looked at Joy. She walked up to me and sighed. We all left the bush and went back to the car. Heather was leaning against the car, looking at her phone. She looked up from her phone and rolled her eyes.


She went and sat in her seat, sighing. Alan got in his car and I looked at Joy. 

"We'll find him, don't worry."

"I hope so... I hope he's not hurt or...."

"Don't think so dark.."

"Are you two getting in?"

I looked over at Heather poking her head out Alan's window, making an annoyed face. I nodded and we both got in. I tried to comfort Joy as she messaged Kit with a sad face. I rubbed her back and she laid her head on my shoulder.

"My poor baby's so sad.."

"Everything will be fine."

"Maybe we should call the police.."

My eyes widened and I shook my head.

"No, the police suck here. Heh... They would just get in the way.."

"I guess you're right.. Alan, do you know how to hack?"

"A bit."

"Do you think you can hack into Mason's phone? If not then it's fine, I can get Mike too."

"Yeah, I can,"

"Alright, thank you."

"No problem."

I moved my arm and looked out the window then put my hand to my neck, feeling what felt like a small cut. I looked at my hand. There was no blood but my neck started to hurt now, probably because I noticed it. I fixed my hair, trying to cover the cut then watched outside until we got back to Alan's. We all got out and Joy hugged me.

"I have to go."

She looked at me and grabbed my shoulders.

"Let me know if you guys find anything."

"I will."

She looked over at Alan and gave him the phone.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it.

"Of course. I'm not just going to not help, hah that would be rude if I did.

"You're the sweetest, Alan."

"Thank you?"

"It's a compliment, trust me on that."

Alan smiled but Heather just stared at me with a death glare. I looked at the ground and grabbed the bottom of my shirt, squeezing it.

"I guess I'll take your word for it, haha."

"Good, now byee! Love you, Eli!"

I quickly looked at Joy going to her car.

"Love you too."

She got in and Left and the rest of us went inside.

"You two have a cute friendship."

"Yeah, Joy's like my mom. Well, I think of her as my mom." 

"Aww, that's cute. You've never actually talked about your parents before."

He looked at me and smiled. 

"That's because I'm a foster kid."

His face changed. 

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Most people don't know. I don't really talk about it."

I shrugged. 

"So.. You don't have parents?"

I shook my head. 

"Nope, I never got adopted but I do have Joy and Kit so in a way I kinda do."

He softly smiled then went back to his office. I went with him and watched him sit down then open a cabinet, pulling out a wire then hooked up the phone to his computer. I looked back at Heather. 

"I'm going to take a bath."

"Okay, have fun."

She looked at me and rolled her eyes then left. I grabbed my arm and looked down, feeling a bit sad. I shook off the feeling and went behind Alan, trying to watch him. He looked back at me then turned his chair to me. 

"Want to sit on my lap? You'll be able to see better."

"Uhh w-well uhh no it's f-fin-"

He pulled me on his lap then turned to the computer. I burnt up and looked down at the ground, feeling my heart race a million miles a second. I looked up at the screen and watched what he was doing trying to focus on something other than I was sitting on his crotch. I watched him do his thing on the computer. He went to lean into the screen a bit to see and put his hand on my side, pressing against me as he looked. He leaned into the chair but his hand went down and rested on my thigh. I looked at his hand and teased up, squeezing my legs together. He poked my thigh then softly laughed. 

"Your thighs are so squishy."

He squeezed my thigh and I held my breath because I would have started hyperventilating due to how fast my heart was going. 


I sat there panicking basically and now all I could think of was how big his hands were as he squeezed and played with my thigh. My pants started to tighten and I tried to cover it with my thighs. My phone started to ring and I quickly grabbed it. 

"I-i uhh... have to get this!"

I hopped off him and left the room quickly, pulling my shirt down over my bulge as I went to the guest room. I went into the room and closed the door then sighed and answered. 


"Hey.. Why do you sound like your crush just embarrassed you?"

"I sat on Alan's lap.."


"I.. Sat.. On Alan's... . Lap.."

"You sat on... oh shit.. Really!? How the fuck did that happen!?"

"He was helping find Mason and I was watching, then he was like 'you can sit on my lap to see better' then pulled me onto his lap.. And that's not even it.. He started playing with my thigh and I got a.. B-boner.."

"Ohh boy."

"I'm dying over here.."

"Well, I actually came to tell you that you can move into your new apartment in like two days. Well, you could move in tomorrow but you need new clothes, food, apartment stuff. We can go together!"


"Though I have to tell you something."


"I'm moving in with Nova so I can be with her through her pregnancy since I want to be there for both of them."

"Oh! That's fine. You need to be there for your family."

"I know you would understand. But how about we go out, just me and you? Get some stuff for your new apartment. Then we'll get everything set up then you can stay there. I think getting everything together might take a day or two because, well everything that is in the apartment is new and unbuilt."


"Sweet, I'll get you tomorrow! Maybe Alan will be able to help build your furniture."


"Okay, okay I'm done bugging you. Bye, have a good night."

"Good night."

He hung up and I leaned against the door then looked down at my bulge. I sat down on the bed and looked down at my bulge. I grabbed one of the pillows and put it to my nose and mouth. The scent of Alan filled my nose and I closed my eyes, breathing in the scent. My hand let go of the pillow and slowly slid down to my pants, taking them and my boxers off. I then slid my hand down and pushed one of my fingers in. I bent my knees up and opened my legs, moving my finger in and out of me. I squeezed the pillow, moaning into it and started moving my finger faster. I felt precum drip down my shaft and down to my ass. I pushed a second finger in and I turned my head to the side, biting my lip a bit.

"Alan~ Ahha-mmh~"

I looked down at what I was doing then pressed my face into the pillow. My finger pace became quicker and rough as I started panting a bit.

"Ooh, fuck HAaah-ah Alan~ Alan~"

I couldn't help myself but think of him. He's so hot, his body's ripped, he's so nice, his hands were so big, his deep voice. I bit my lip and squeezed my eyes shut. I squirmed a bit as I got close then teased and moved my fingers as fast as I could while I came, stopping after and pulled my fingers out. I caught my breath and then looked down at the mess. I looked around then cleaned off myself with my boxers. I put them with my other dirty clothes then put on my clean ones and my pants. Then I fixed the bed and pillow and left the room, going to the bathroom to wash my hands then went to Alan's office. I felt a little embarrassed after what I did but I just went to go back anyway. 

"Who was on the phone?"

I stopped and looked at him.

"Mike, he uhh h-he was saying that tomorrow he and I are going to get me clothes, and stuff for my apartment then start building furniture. He said you could help if you want to."

"Sure, I'd love to help."


He looked down at my neck and I brushed my hair a bit, trying to cover the cut but he stood up and grabbed my hand, wiping my hair to the side. 

"Who did that to you?"

I looked to the side and held my mouth shut until he turned my head to him. 

"Eli, who cut your neck?"



"When we were out in the bush.. I was checking inside Mason's car then I stood up and he was behind me."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because.. He has Mason and I don't want him to kill him.."

"That's why you don't want the police to get involved."

I nodded and he let go of me. 

"He didn't do anything to you, right?"

"No. Just put a knife to my throat."

He looked sad. 

"Can we talk about something else?"

"Yeah, what do you want for dinner?"


"Sure. I haven't had seafood in a while."

He smiled and put his hand on my head, messing up my hair.

"Wanna come watch me cook?"


He left the room and I went with him to the kitchen and watched him pull out stuff then start to cook. He looked back at me and smiled.

"Wanna help?"

"Uh, sure."

I walked over to him and he handed me a knife.

"You don't mind cutting onions, right?"


He smiled and put down a cutting board, putting an onion on it. I started cutting the onions slowly and soon finished cutting them. 



I looked over at Alan then down at his red hand.

"Are you okay!?"

"Yeah, I just burnt myself. Not a big deal." 

I grabbed his hand and brought him to the sink, turning it to cool and put his hand in the water stream. 

"It should start feeling a little bit better soon."


"It's nothing."

I let go of his hand and finished the food up, as he cooled off his hand.

"Eli, you didn't need to finish the food up. It's just a little burn."

"It's fine, I don't mind."

I brought the food to the table and put it down gently. Alan walked over and sat down, as I got plates and utensils. I put them down on the table and sat down.

"Is Heather still here?"

"Mhm, yeah. I'll go get her."

"No need to, I'm right here."

We both looked at Heather sitting down next to Alan and I played with my hands under the table. We ate with little talking here and there then Heather finished and looked at Alan. 

"Heather, please move your hand."


"Not like that! I meant off me."

"Oh, come on... We can go upstairs and do it, it'll calm down your nerves and make you feel... really good~" 

"No, I'm good."

He rolled his eyes and continued to eat.

"Whatever, if you change your mind I'll be upstairs."

Heather got up and went upstairs. Alan leaned back into the chair and sighed.

"God, I'm sorry about that. That must make you very uncomfortable."

"It's fine."

I finished my food and waited for Alan to finish.

"Was the food good?"

"Of course." 

I got up, grabbing the empty plates.

"Eli, you don't need to put them in the sink."

I walked over and put them in the sink.

"I don't mind."

"How are you always so happy?"

I turned around and looked at him. I put my hands behind my back and looked at the ground.

"I'm not always happy, to be honest. I just like to see others happy and when you're happy it makes people happy."

"You're quite the kind person."

"I try to be. The orphanage lady told me it was good to be kind."

He smiled.

"Well, you do really good. I'm sure they would be proud."

I smiled and watched him leave the room. I went to the living room and sat on the couch then looked at Heather. She looked at me and rolled her eyes then looked at the tv.

"I overheard you.. How could you even for a second think that Alan would ever like you?"

My heart sank into my chest and she looked at me. 

"He's my boyfriend you fag and you'll never.. Ever be with my man! You think just because he let you stay here means you can think Alan is even close to being a gross, discussing, fag!"

"I-I.. I'm not into him.. I promise.."

"I overheard you on the phone with your Les.. Friend. So don't lie to me, you fucking bitch!! And stay the fuck away from my boyfriend. Because I don't know if you know how babies are made but he loves me enough to make a baby with me~"

She stood up and went in front of me then pinned her arms next to my head. She made eye contact with me but her face was pissed. 

"Stay away from my fuckin boyfriend and maybe think about going straight, maybe then you'll have a reason to live!"

She pushed off the couch then left and I heard her go upstairs. I sat there and looked down at the ground. 

"What are you watching?"

I looked at Alan then got up. 

"I was just going to bed, actually.. Heh.. Heh. Good night."

I went to the guest room and closed the door then got undressed and ready for bed. 

* *<3* *< p>

Fun fact: Mike's parents wouldn't allow him to play video games until the fourth grade where he found his love for them.

* *

I jumped up and looked at Mike, bursting into the room. 

"Morning, sunshine!!!"

"You scared me!"

"That was the point. Also, I have an outfit for you. He tossed a bag on the bed in front of me. 

I looked down at my old outfit I wore in grade nine then closed the door. 

"Put it on."

"No way.. I don't even think that would fit anymore."

"That's why we found out. Put it on."

He handed me the outfit then turned around. I sighed and got up then got dressed into the outfit. It was a bit of a tight fit to get the shorts on but got them on somehow. The dress shirt was a little tight and the pink hoodless sweater was still loose enough to almost cover my shorts. The sleeves were long enough to cover my hands and the socks still went up to my knee. 


Mike looked at me and smiled then started playing with my hair. He looked at me and pulled out his phone, took a picture of me then opened the door. He left and I followed him to the living room. Alan looked up from the couch. 

"Good.. Good morning!"


"Let's go!! Oh yeah, Joy's meeting us there. I told her it was a boy's trip.. But she got sassy with me.."

I followed him out and giggled. We left and got into his car then drove away to the mall. Once we got there we found Joy and went up to her. She looked at us then pulled a list out.

"I made a list."

"A list, really?"

"Yep because I know that we would forget at least one thing if I didn't and at the current moment Eli doesn't need to get food until the day he is officially staying so that's the only thing we don't need to get. The other stuff we need to get this trip so a list makes sure we get everything we can without forgetting stuff."

"Okay, list it then."

Mike laughed a bit and Joy crossed her arms.

"Hush! Today isn't about you.."


"Let's go."

We followed Joy and I looked around.

"Where are we going?"

"Clothes shopping first, duhh."

"Oh boy, you're in for a treat."

I sighed and shrugged.

"At least she's good with fashion.."

"You know it, my boy!!"

We went to the clothes shop but not like a normal one but a fancy one. I looked around, still following her.

"Isn't this a little... fancy?"

"Only the best for my son!"

She started looking through the clothes and I looked at Mike. we looked, I tried on clothes, looked through more clothes, then Joy bought everything I liked. She gave Mike the four bags and we left the store.

"Am I a bag holder to you?"



"Uh! Really, wow... alright."



"When do you plan on telling Alan?"

"Tell Alan what?"

Mike looked at Joy and she smiled as I walked beside Mike dying on the inside.

"His feelings for him."

"What? Alan's straight. We all know that."

"Yeah, well we made a deal together. He doesn't date Mason, he has to confess. And guess what? He's not going to date Mason~"

"I feel like that is just kinda.. Mean to Eli though. And how bad do you think Alan would feel?"

"Look at Alan and tell me he doesn't have at least a slight rainbow bone in his body... for God sake, look at him with Eli."

Mike looked at Joy then me. 

"Yeah, okay."

"I don't even think I need to tell him.."


"Yes you don't."

"No I mean... Heather found out.. She overheard a call me and Joy had about me confessing. She probably already told him.. Because she just wants to see me suffer. It's the same reason she told me and not Alan that she's pregnant."

"She's what!?"

They both stopped and looked at me. I just grabbed my arm and looked at the ground. 

"Did you tell Alan?"

I shook my head. 

"I don't know what she would do to me if I did and.. I don't know how he would react."

"I feel like he should know. It's a big responsibility and some people can't handle it. Like Mike for example."

I stared at Joy then looked at Mike hushing me. Joy looked confused and looked at Mike. He quickly put his hand down and started looking around. 

"Let's keep going, how about that?"

Mike started to walk away and I followed him to the next store.

"Is there something you're keeping from me, Mike?"

"No, haha.. I don't know what you're talking about.."

"Buy you better tell me right now or i'm making you carry all the bags we get without a break."

"Fine, fine.. I'll tell you. I'm actually going to be a dad."

"With who? You know your right hand can't get pregnant."

"Ha-ha.. I know that and it's not my right hand."

"Then who?"

My phone started ringing and I grabbed it then stepped away from the two.

"Continue without me, I have to answer this."

"Alright, just meet up with us at the housing store."

Joy looked at me and smiled. I nodded then walked away, answering.

"What do you want from me?"

"Ohhh, nothing my darling. I just thought you might want to hear your boyfriend's voice again~ at least before I cut out his tongue."

"I did what you said... I didn't call anyone, you can't hurt him!!"

"I said I wouldn't kill him.. Not hurt him but that's still in play, in case you were wondering."

"You're a horrible person.." 

"Now, now. Don't need to be rude."

"Can't you just leave me and my friends alone?"

"Your friends sure but a boyfriend, no."

"Mason's not my boyfriend."

"Is that soo? Then why did he kiss you?"

"I don't know but it's not because we're together. Ughh, why am I telling you all of this... you don't deserve even an explanation."

"Aww, I'm so hurt... you're going to make me cry. Though, shouldn't you watch what you say at the mall, someone might overhear you~"

I looked around then went to the bathroom quickly, going into an empty stall. I went to lock it but it swung open.

"You make it so easy to find you~"

He got in and locked the stall door. I stepped back and dropped my phone on the tile floor. 

"Oh no, let's hope it didn't break~"

I just stared at him then cringed when he put his hand on my cheek. I slapped his hand away.

"Let go of Mason.."

"Only on one condition."

He leaned down and to my ear.

"You be my bride~ and stay with me until our hearts give out~"

He leaned down to my neck and put his hand on the side. He licked my neck and I pushed him away. He chuckled to himself.

"Let me out..!"

Seth shook his head and grinned at me.

"No, I don't think I will. You see, I've waited too long to have you, too long.. And well, hahaa! Now that I have.. Right.. Here~ in front of me. Why would I let you out? That doesn't make sense, Eli."

My phone started ringing again and I looked down at it then at Seth who was still just smiling at me.

"I think it's for you."

I bent down and grabbed my phone then answered it without moving my eyes from Seth.


"Eli! Are you okay? I had a bad feeling."

I stood up slowly and Seth put his finger to his lips, tilting his head and hushing me.


"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Totally fine."

"I'm sorry, Eli.. but I don't know if I can believe you. I think you're lying."

"Alan, I'm fine really.."

Seth's eyes widened and I felt a chill fill me.

"Okay, if you say so.."

"I have to go, bye."

I quickly hung up then Seth pushed me onto the toilet, grabbing my legs and making me sit then he went in between them, pinning his hand down beside my waist. I looked up at him.

"So... you still talk to the bitch that caused all of this?..."

"He didn't do or cause anything,!"

"Yes he did, if he didn't come into the picture maybe then you wouldn't have broken my heart."

"I'm sorr-"

He covered my mouth with his hand and narrowed his eyes down at me.

"Shut the fuck up... I'm going to make sure that fuck boy knows you belong to me."

I quickly shook my head and felt tears fill my eyes.

"Don't worry, it's not bad just a mark of ownership~"

He went back to my neck and started to suck on it. I tried to push him away from me but failed. I could feel him making a mark on my neck then he looked at me in the eyes, lifting his head up. He moved his head then quickly pressed our lips together. I sat there then finally pushed him away from me, unlocked the stall and ran out and to the housing store. I looked back then around and kept going till I found Mike and Joy. Joy looked at me and smiled then held up two bed sets. 

"Pink strawberries or fluffy black?"

I looked at them then pointed to the pink one. Joy smiled and put the other one back and the pink one in the cart. 

"Go pick out small pillows for your bed, a bedroom rug, lamps, plushies. That one is very important. Let's see, what else?"

"It says here, books, pillows, and other things."

"Alright then let's get to it, boys."

Joy walked away and I went to the pillow section, looking at them. I looked to see if Mike and joy were around then pulled out my phone and checked my neck when I saw they weren't there. There was definitely a mark but it was far back enough on the side of my neck that where my hair fell covered it. I sighed in relief then finished finding everything. Joy bought everything once again after telling her not to, then Mike went to put everything in his car and Joy and I went to the food court, waiting for Mike to come back. Joy looked at me and I knew almost exactly what she was going to say.

"Joy, I really don't know if I can confess to Alan... I don't want to lose our friendship."

"Well, if what you said was true then he's probably going to get told by Heather so might as well beat her to it."

"But even if she tells him, who knows if he's going to believe her."

"There's one thing I've learned about the Hunters and that's that you can't lie to them. They might say they believe you but they know you're lying so if she did tell him that would most definitely lead to him asking you and from there you're just fucked."

"I.. guess."

"And now... do you want him to find out from you?.. Or his bitchy girlfriend?"

"By me..."

"Exactly. So, do it."

I sighed then looked over at Mike.


I got up and nodded.

"Just get me whatever."

I looked at Joy, chilling on her phone.


Mike and I went to one of the food stands.

"How did telling Joy about you and Nova go?"

I looked at me and he sighed.

"I got interrogated.."

I giggled and we went up to the cashier. We got all of our food, went back and ate, then left the mall. We went back to Alan's and I unbuckled. 

"I'll text Alan the address of the apartment buildings and I'll drop this stuff off tonight."

"Alright! Thank you."

"No problem."

"See you tomorrow."

I got and nodded then waved bye and went in. I looked around then went over to Alan's office. He was in the chair then turned to me and smiled. 

"You're back!"

"You can track numbers, right?"

"Uh, yeah. I can."

"Do you think you can track.."

I grabbed my phone and went to Seth's number then handed Alan my phone. He grabbed it and looked at it. 

"This number? Is this.. Your ex?"

Alan looked up at me and I nodded. He sighed then turned to his computer. 

"Yeah. I can."

He did what he did with Mason's number but this time it was different. 

"Huh.. Seems like he was a couple of steps ahead of us. He disconnected the number."


Alan turned to me and handed me my phone. 


"It's not your fault."

"Babe, have you seen-"

Heather walked in and looked at me then made an angry face at me. 

"Oh, hi... Eli.. Did you have fun today?"

I could feel the anger coming off her and towards me. 

"When are you leaving again?"

"Heather, don't be mean to him."

"It's just a question."

"In a day."

"So, tomorrow?"

I shook my head.