
Mikaelson Family Across The Multiverse

MC dies and meets another version of himself who just happens to be an omnipotent being. With the second chance at life offered in such a strange way, MC gets reborn into the world of Vampire Diaries as Kol Mikaelson. But that's only the beginning. He becomes a king, and later discovers a way to travel between worlds. His kingdom grows so large that it spans over the Omniverse. You will love this series if you are into OP protagonists.

_EMI_ · テレビ
63 Chs

A King's Weapon

The Normans were an ethnic group that arose from contact between Norse Viking settlers of a region in France named Normandy after them, and indigenous Franks and Gallo-Romans.

The settlements in France suffered a series of raids on the French coast mainly from Denmark, and some from Norway and Sweden.

However, these settlements gained a political legitimacy when the Viking leader Rollo agreed to swear fealty to King Charles the third of West Francia following the Siege of Chartres in 911 AD.

The intermingling of the Norse settlers, the native Franks and the Gallo-Romans in Normandy produced an ethnic and cultural "Norman" identity in the first half of the 10th century, an identity which continued to evolve over time.

These Normans founded the duchy of Normandy and sent out expeditions of conquest and colonization to southern Italy, Sicily, England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.

Right now was the year, 1114 A.D. Italy.

For the last few years, the Mikaelson family had been following the Normans as they conquered the south.

Astrid joined their little disfunction family four years ago, in the year 1110 A.D.

Upon her arrival, she explained the situation to them, and informed them about the 'Brotherhood of The Five'.

Since then, their family had been looking for this group of highly skilled 'hunters' that threatened their existence, but were unable to find any trace of their existence.

Ofcourse, Astrid was not constantly with them all the time, as she would occasionally fly over to the Kingdom to meet Kol and Qetsiyah.

As time slowly passed, just when Niklaus was beginning to doubt Astrid, their supposed mortal enemy finally revealed themselves to them on their own accord, in the 12th Century, Italy.

Inside a village in Italy, a man stood atop a wooden platform, as villagers gathered quite a crowd around him.

He was dressed in light leather armour, with a sword at his waist on the left side.

"These Demons live among you. Passing as humans.", he shouted while pointing towards the several people that were tied to poles all around him on the same platform.

Someone experienced would easily recognise these 'people' to be vampires who failed to complete their transition.

In the middle of the wooden platform, just behind the man was an iron box that was just as tall as the man himself.

"So witness it with your own eyes.", he continued as he opened the iron box.

As the box opened, a man came out of it.

At first, he seemed confused, but after realising his situation, he stepped out of the box, and into the light.

But this was daytime, and this light was of the sun, so, "AAH! AAAHH!! AAH!", as soon as the man completely stepped out of the box, his body caught fire on its own.

He howled miserably in pain and died while screaming, right in front of the crowd.

On the other hand, the villagers were stunned. They were just simple people, so they were terrified by such a show of cruelty.

Many mothers had even forgotten to cover their children's eyes from such a gruesome scene. And men still had their mouths open wide in shock.

"He's putting on quite the show.", Elijah commented.

Currently, Elijah, Nicklaus and Astrid were watching this little show from behind the crowd. Far away from prying eyes, so as not to attract the man's attention to themselves.

After all, they were still oblivious of the true capabilities of these 'hunters'. And they were only able to observe one 'hunter' from this position. Which left four still unaccounted for.

"He is nothing. I could eat him for sport.", Nicklaus replied to Elijah's comment in a boastful manner.

"From the look of things, he most likely hunted down one vampire, then used that vampire's blood to create more vampires, only to kill them before they could complete their transition.", Astrid summarised the situation.

"He went through all that trouble just to put on this little show. It's as though he's without compassion for the innocents he killed. Quite a ruthless fellow.", she continued in a sarcastic tone.

"Their cruelty is of no relevance to their true capabilities. This great enemy that we're all suppose to be shivering over, is nothing more than a fraud.", Nicklaus replied to her comment with arrogance apparent in his undertone.

"Easy Niklaus. Remember. The weapon. DON'T BE IMPULSIVE. We must first find out more about this weapon that can supposedly put an end to vampire species." Astrid warned.

"You should heed the warning Niklaus.", Elijah interjected as he agreed with Astrid.

"You both are overly cautious. I believe we can simply ask him. Once we have him all tied up nicely, I'm sure our little friend will be more than happy to co-operate.", Niklaus replied back.

"That would be high folly, even by your standards.", Astrid commented sarcastically.

She knew that Niklaus was just bragging and wouldn't actually go through with it.

"Stories about the original vampires are spreading, you have not been discreet Niklaus.", Elijah spoke in an accusing undertone.

"Oh I welcome such infamy. But if you are worried about discretion, perhaps you should wrangle our sister.", Niklaus replied as he pointed towards Rebekah.

Even as they were conversing here, Rebekah had somehow already found her way to that 'hunter'.

She offered her hand to the man to kiss, and he treated her with quite the courtesy, even showing devotion.

The two were talking while smiling happily. It seemed like two lovebirds, just meant to be with each other.

The man no longer appeared to be that same merciless fellow he revealed himself to be just moments ago, but seemed like a completely different person. Like it was all just an illusion before, or misconception of the people watching. - Or was it perhaps all an act??

"Well that's classic Rebekah. From the looks of it, she fell for him just as soon as he smiled in her direction. 'Love at first sight', is I believe as she would call it." Astrid spoke sarcastically, but with annoyance still apparent in her undertone.

"This is not going to bode well for anyone. This could very well be the plan of this 'hunter' all along.", Elijah clearly seemed wary as he commented.

But Niklaus was smiling like he seemed to have thought of a marvellous idea, "Actually, I believe our little sister might just be the answer to this little predicament of ours. We can use their imminent little tryst, in our favour.".

Hearing this, both Astrid and Elijah turned their heads to look at Niklaus.

Elijah seemed to have realised something as he spoke, "No, never! Niklaus we will not be putting our sister in harm's way.", in a tone of warning.

On the other hand, Astrid seemed to have finally understood what they were talking about as she interjected in a contemplative tone, "Actually, I think I like this idea.".

Then she explained, "Just think about it. Rebekah will suffer nothing more than a heartbreak. As we're all aware, she gives her heart too easily to just anyone. So this betrayal might only serve to refine her character to be more mature.".



"Aah!TING!!", "Aah!TING!!", "Aah!TING!!", "Aah!TING!!".

"Aah!TING!!", "Aah!TING!!", "Aah!TING!!", "Aah!TING!!".

In a room glowing in the light of multiple magic circles, Kol was repeated hitting a big hammer on a piece of metal that was now starting to take the shape of a sword.

This hammer wasn't just a "hammer" either. Strange magical patterns were glowing on the surface of this hammer.

The entire room was filled with a red energy, and even the hammer was engulfed in a searing red fire.

If some normal living organism accidentally wandered into this room at this time, then they would instantly burnt to ashes.

After Astrid went away, Kol felt lonely.

Even though he would go see Qetsiyah sometimes, Kol was still alone most of the time.

And he wasn't used to feeling this way.

So in his boredom, he thought about creating himself a weapon.

He didn't need a weapon anymore, but he did prefer to use a sword when he was human.

However, no matter what weapon forged with whatever metal, Kol could now probably bend it with his bare hands.

So he put together all his knowledge, and came up with an acceptable designed.

As for the exotic metals used to create it?

A simple alchemical Magic formation was all it took to transform other metals into metals like, Uru, Vibranium, Promethium, Adamantine, Adamantium, Amazonium, Kryptonite, and the tenth metal.

Thanks to the knowledge of Odin and that Kryptonian scientist, Kol knew about all these metals down to their subatomic particles.

This sword that he was creating was more of a magical artifact than a mere weapon.

When it was created, different metals and alloys would exist in different parts of the sword serving different purposes, and its whole body would be covered in archaic magic circles similar to Thor's hammer.

In his castle, Kol had created different Halls for different purposes, like this Hall Of Forging, to create weapons.

Not far from the Hall Of Forging, was the Omega Hall.

That Hall had a high circular skylight covered in complicated magic circles, but no other doors or windows. Even the walls, floor and rest of the ceiling had complicated magic matrices engraved into them.

It directly absorbed Omega effect from the atmosphere of the planet automatically, and acted like a storage battery to it. One that would never run out.

Omega effect had many uses, though it was mostly only used to keep Kol and Astrid fed, and sometimes Henrik.

Since Kol could decide how much Omega effect his personally converted day-walkers would receive, he only allowed the full effect for Astrid, and only gave Henrik a weaker version.

The Omega Effect was a cosmic energy field that was a strange force of entropy.

In DC universe, it was often believed to be a destructive side to the often creative nature of the Source.

Darkseid's Omega beams were capable of vaporizing, erasing, as energy blasts or energy beams, or transmuting any form of matter, living or non-living. They could send or retrieve something from different places, times, dimensions, and even universes.

They were powerful enough to harm Kryptonians, destroy planets, and fast enough to catch speedsters.

However, even with all of that, according to Darkseid, his body could not contain the Omega Effect if it could not resist it.

In fact, no living being had ever withstood the full force of the Omega Effect, except for Doomsday and Superman.

And Kol had the potential to become stronger than both.

Which meant that Kol could withstand and contain the complete Omega effect.

But even then, Kol wasn't satisfied.

He didn't want his abilities to be originated from the Source. He planned to travelled across the multiverse after all.

And that was the real reason why Kol chose the Power Stone, and not any other infinity stone.

Singularity is a location in spacetime where the mass and gravitational field of a celestial body is predicted to become infinite by general relativity.

The quantities used to measure gravitational field strength are the scalar invariant curvatures of spacetime, which includes a measure of the density of matter.

And since such quantities become infinite at the singularity point, the laws of normal spacetime break down.

However, if objects such as INFINITY STONES did exist, along with a confirmation that singularity indeed existed during the Big Bang, then it would indicate that singularity was so much more than what it was believed to be.

It would mean that not only the quantities such as gravitational field become infinite at singularity, but all the qualities that could possibly exist in the universe become infinite at singularity while still somehow staying relative to each other.

It was like saying that singularity is a location in spacetime where all physical quantities follow the law of relativity AT INFINITY.

Which would declare singularity as the packet of creation itself.

Yet right now Kol was in a world where it was all true.

And Power Stone contained an aspect of singularity that contained all physical quantities related to Power and Energy.

Which meant that if Power Stone and Omega effect both existed in the same universe and the Power Stone could work there, then Power Stone represented and could generate Omega effect.

Which was the source of Kol's authority over the energy of Omega effect, not the Source from DC world. Just like he wanted it in the beginning when he made this wish.



Somewhere far away from the Kingdom, Kol was currently standing uphill in the middle of the night.

He was carrying his newly finished sword.

It's shape and size was exactly the same as Heimdall's sword from MCU.

"BOOM!CRACK!!", loud crack of thunder.

The storm was raging.

The dark clouds were occasionally lit with flashes of loud thunderclaps.

"SWFOOOO!!", loud sound of wind.

The wind was howling, as hail rained down from the sky.

It seemed like the world itself was crying in agony, wailing in despair.

When Kol used the immortality spell, he became something much more than a mere mortal.

He became a Demi-God, with some Vampire like traits.

Demi-Gods were a part of nature itself. They had some authority over a few concepts of Nature.

They were greater than witches.

While witches were the servants of nature, Demi-Gods had authority over a part of it.

And Kol had authority over Blood, and Power.

Currently, the world was despairing for what Kol was about to do.

Looking at his sword, "Huh! I suppose it's time.", he spoke slowly, without any emotion emanating from his tone.

He focuses his eyes, and used telekinesis.

The sword left his hand and floated in front of him.

This sword had two power cores.

One was the set of runes that connected it to the Omega Hall.

And the other was a small Arc reactor that used not plutonium or Stark's new element, but Kryptonite as the power source.

Besides being able to harm Kryptonians, Kryptonite was also a great energy source. In fact, it was used to power many Kryptonian ships. Though not warships, just normal space ships.

Anyway, as the sword floated in front of him with it's tip pointed at him, Kol took a deep breath.

"BOOM!CRACK!!", with an another loud crack of thunderclap, the sword accelerated and, "Hu!Ahgg!!", it pierced Kol in his heart as he choked on his own blood, took a step back, and fell to the ground.

This sword wasn't just any normal sword.

Kol designed it in such a way that it could kill anything. Even Gods.

And now it was just used to kill him.

One hundred years.

That was how long ago he evolved and felt a greate leap in strength.

Now after over a Century of getting stuck in his current stage of evolution, Kol finally decided to do the obvious.

The only way for him to grow stronger at this point was dying.

According to 'the spell of life and soul concept', every time he died, his soul would grow stronger.

And since he was more like Doomsday than Superman, his genetic makeup was set in such a way that every time he died, his body would grow stronger.

Death was a way of evolution for Kol. It was the gate for advancement in both his body and soul.


If you like this novel, then don't forget to Add it to your Library.

And do fuel it with some Power Stones.

2610 Words.

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