
Chspter 62 Corbes List

"Michael although I think I have already worked out the reason but tell me the real reason why you did not want the shares I offered you last night?" Sarah decided to asked first. 

 "I told you last night it's because both you and Gracie gave me a kiss on each cheek." Michael replied. 

 "Michael we both know that while that may be part of it, that's not the real reason." Sarah challenged before continuing. 

"I believe it's because you're afraid that if you get wealthy, it will change and corrupt you, which is also why you said to me before that 'wealth corrupts and absolute wealth corrupts absolutely." 

 Michael looked at Sarah for a few moments before sighing. 

"I guess Grandma Alexia taught you well Sarah." Michael said with a defeated look. 

"Thank you Mike I take that as a compliment." Sarah smiled victoriously before she became serious again. 

"Mike, you need to understand that while money can and does corrupt lots of people not everyone is weak willed to succumb to temptation." 

"Look at the four of us Mike, do you think we have been corrupted by wealth and power?" 

 "When we first met, I did not know or care, however now that I have got to know you all and care for you all I honestly don't think you have been." Michael replied. 

 "Then can you even fathom how rich the four of us are individually let alone combined as 'The Four Queens'?" Sarah asked again. 

 "I can tell very rich, but I honestly have no idea how rich." Michael answered. 

 "Then have you heard of the Corbes billionaires list that they release every year?" Alexia asked. 

 "I have…. wait are you serious?" Michael replied before going stiff causing all the girls to become uncomfortable and stop leaning on him because he was now too stiff to comfortably lean against. 

 "She is being very serious, as of the most recent Corbes billionaires list that was released recently the number one position is held by the recognized most beautiful women in the world, the most popular celebrity in the world, one of 'The Four Queens' and co-owner of 'The Emerald Corporation'." Jane introduced before continuing when she saw that Michael's eyes were slowly moving towards the women in front of him. 

"The woman that was leaning on your chest until just now Alexandria Alexia Demonte." Jane finished 

 Michael was staring at Alexia in utter shock now, he knew she was wealthy, crazy wealthy even, but he did not realize how much he had underestimated her wealth. 

 Alexia was looking back at Michael with a beautiful smile before she began to chuckle. 

She then kissed him on the cheek before resting her head on his chest and closing her eyes again as if it was nothing special. 

 Michael after feeling Alexia's kiss and her resting on his chest again calmed down and relaxed eliciting a small purr from Alexia. 

 "Your chest must be very comfy Mike let me rest there in the future, ok?" Sarah said with a giggle as she leaned against his shoulder again. 

 "So, you're telling me that Alexia is officially the wealthiest person in the world." Michael asked with a dry tone. 

 "That's correct but she is not only one present here who is on Corbes list." Jane answered before leaning back against Michael's other should again.

 "You can't be serious?" Michael asked still in his dry tone. 

"How many off you?" 

 All the girls gave beautiful smirks from enjoying Michael's reaction. 

 "Before I answer that let me say that Alexia's recognized net worth is 269 billion dollars." Jane said as Michael's jaw hung open. 

 "In third place of the Corbes billionaires list is Gracie Helen Silver with a net worth of 228 billion dollars." Jane said 

 "In fourth place of the Corbes billionaires list is Sarah Jane Michael's with a net worth of 219 billion dollars." Jane said. 

 "In seventh place of the Corbes billionaires list is Jane Elizebeth Ventor with a net worth of 179 billion dollars." Gracie said before Jane could introduce her own value. 

 "It should also be noted the reason Jane is so much lower than the rest of us is because she focuses more on Alexia's management than her businesses." Gracie added. 

 "I have tried to tell her she does not need to focus on me so much and can focus more on her businesses, but she won't listen." Alexia said with a sigh. 

 "I find being your manager and helping you become more popular far more enjoyable than business stuff Alexia you know that." Jane said with a pout. 

 Alexia opened her eyes and looked at Jane to see her pouting, so she moved over and kissed Jane on the lips before saying "I know love and it's one of the things I love most about you." Causing Jane to smile. 

 Alexia was about to return to Michael's chest when she looked at him and saw his face. 

 "Mike err Mike are you ok?" She said concerned while the other girls looked over and saw Michael's condition making them slightly concerned. 

 Alexia started to wave her hand in front of Michael's face while Sarah and Jane gently shook him by his shoulders. 

 "I guess he really did underestimate our net worth, he may take a bit of time to come out of this one." Gracie said. 

"After all he just found out that together we have a net worth of 895 billion dollars." 

 "I guess we should not mention the fact that Corbes does not seem to have been able to find out about our entire portfolio." 

 At this point Michael's eyes rolled up in his head and he passed out. 

 "Wow Gracie nice, you just had to push him over the edge didn't you." Alexia admonished and all she got was Gracie giggling with a victorious smile. 

 "Maybe next time he should let me lean against him as well then instead of leaving me out humph." Gracie humphed as if to prove a point, then her victorious smile and giggle returned before she moved Michael's head to her lap. 


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